walkers walk… but runners fly

December Fun

I know December is always crazy busy, but I’m trying to make sure there’s also plenty of fun- because that’s what holidays are all about, right?  To begin with, what could be more fun than receiving a MYSTERIOUS PACKAGE in the mail???

As soon as I saw that it was from Zenaida, I realized that she was my Secret Santa- AND, I had a pretty good idea what the mug was…

I was right!  Zenaida shared it on her blog about a month ago, saying that she saw this beautiful mug and regretted not buying it.  At the time I thought, “I hope I’m Zenaida’s Secret Santa, so I can get her that mug.”  How funny is it that she ended up sending it to ME?

This is my second year participating in San’s Secret Santa mug swap, and both times my husband has been jealous of the amazing mugs I’ve received.  But, good news!  Zenaida also sent me a box of “tea drops,” which has an assortment of flavors, so I can share with my husband.  And the final gift in this package is this ornament. which has a prominent place on our tree:

THANK YOU ZENAIDA!  And thank you once again to San for organizing this event.  #SecretSantaMugSwap2022

Next order of business- I’m very proud (and relieved) to say that I got the outdoor lights up on Sunday!  This is a job I do entirely by myself.  My husband just doesn’t care about outdoor decorations that much, and if it were up to him we probably wouldn’t have any.  So, if I want lights it’s up to me.

I’m not going to complain about the heat because I’m pretty sure it’s getting annoying.  I’ll just mention that it was 82 and humid on Sunday afternoon, and I had done a hot 12 mile trail run in the morning.  The last thing I felt like doing was getting back outside and putting up lights… BUT I DID IT!

I like to call my decorating style “old school.”  I don’t have anything that moves, inflates, or projects images.  Lights around the top of the house, in the bushes, and on the palm trees is the extent of my abilities.  But now that they’re up, they look festive and cheerful!  I’m glad I got it done.

Next!  The other day I was shopping and saw THIS SHIRT:

I’ve decided we should all identify our “Christmas character soulmates.”  It’s not that I WANT the Heat Miser to be my soulmate, but I think he is.  Let’s take a look…

“I’m Mister Heat Miser, I’m Mister Sun…. I’m Mister heat blister, I’m Mister hundred and one…”

Yep- bright red face, the hair… there’s a distinct resemblance.  I did buy the shirt, but haven’t worn it yet.  I will soon though.  (Wait- you DO know the Heat Miser, right?  If not, you must watch The Year Without a Santa Clause immediately!)

Well, that’s enough fun for now.

Do you like Secret Santa gift exchanges? – I love them!

Who’s your Christmas character soulmate?


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Oh, very well.  Time to finally put away the holiday mugs- but at least I have my new one from Birchie!

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17 Responses

  1. We are even more old school than you when it come to outside decorations – I insist on ONLY white lights. So you’re fancier than we are! Your light display looks great!

    What great Secret Santa gifts you got! I like to do Secret Santa, but I’ve never done the mug swap because I don’t like mismatched mugs. LOL. I’m really terrible. However, I have been extremely jealous of some of these gift packages, so maybe I’ll reconsider for next year.

    1. You should totally reconsider next year! I think there was a “no mug” option this year.
      I really love all-white lights. If (when) our lights stop working I would consider going white!

  2. I do not know who heat miser is nor have I heard of that movie! But my husband will tell you that most pop culture references that are movie related go over my head because I have seen so few movies!!

    So you know by now probably that I do not like gifts. So I generally don’t participate in secret santa exchanges! I like seeing what other people get, though! I guess that would make the Grinch my soulmate? Ha! But I love the season, I just don’t like the gift aspect and could completely do without that part. We do of course buy gifts for our kids but we don’t buy all that much actually. I’m think about doing a post about our gift budget/how much we spend. Because I have no idea where we fall, or if we are typical? The nugget was a big gift – $270. Besides that we will give them some stocking stuffers. So we aren’t total cheapskates, but we are definitely kind of minimalists!

    1. Ha ha… I want to say the Grinch is your soulmate, but I guess it’s not entirely accurate. I would love to read a post about your Christmas budget- I’m always interested in things like that.

  3. That’s some nice swag from Z!

    You’re allowed to complain about it being 82 since that’s translating to no snow and ice up north right now. Once our fortunes switch, I’ll take over the complaining.

    Hubs is the dedicated holiday decorator in our house. His gift to me for our first Christmas was a small tree which is my only Xmas decoration. I just don’t have the holiday decorating gene, though I certainly enjoy seeing my husband’s handiwork and all of the lights in our neighborhood.

    1. I’m not really sure I have the holiday decorating gene either- it doesn’t exactly come easy to me. I’m just determined so I get it done, somehow.

  4. I love your Christmas lights! Something about Christmas lights on palm trees always makes me smile.
    I have *not* see The Year Without Santa Clause, but I have heard of it… I have to admit I haven’t seen a lot of those stop action animation Christmas movies. I think when I was growing up in the 80s/90s, they weren’t vintage enough to be cool. But maybe they would make for good family friendly viewing now.
    I used to arrange a Secret Santa Book Exchange with my mom’s group – I actually liked that one a lot. But I think I liked seeing what other people got more than opening my own present. In general, I do not like participating in Secret Santa gift exchanges because I hate surprises and I have a terrible poker face so I’m awful at acting like an item was *exactly* what I wanted. And those White Elephant gift swaps – forget that, the suspense and not knowing and potentially having your gift stolen, and all that. Can’t handle it. I’m probably just a poor gift receiver – my Husband has actually told me that before.

    1. Ha ha… I don’t like those “gift swaps” where someone can steal your gift, either.
      I was a kid in the 70s so I grew up with all those stop action Christmas specials, so that’s what “Christmas movie” means to me! One of the many great things about being a kid in the 70s! I can see how people would reject them in the 80s and 90s though. They’re pretty dorky.

  5. I love your holiday lights – we don’t decorate outside and I really would love to…but not enough to buy the materials and decorate. Haha.

    What a great Secret Santa Mug Swap. You know Nicole and I exchanged this year and it was so much fun. I do not exchange many gifts outside my immediate family (and just my kids/parents, not siblings/nieces/nephews etc). I love the mug exchange comes with no strings attached (i.e. I made a choice to do it this year, but don’t have to next year). It’s SO much fun.

    I love your mug and tea drops are intriguing; what a PERFECT ornament for you, too.

    It is cold and windy here, but still no snow and I’m just so thankful for that!

    1. Good job on the outdoor lights! I have to say the traditional look is still my favorite. I also don’t know the heat miser so I guess it’s a movie to put on my list.
      That mug looks so pretty! I do love a Secret Santa gift exchange, I love getting gifts in general. My husband always makes fun of me because I turn into a child when it comes to gifts – it’s so exciting 😉

    2. Yes, it probably wasn’t much of a mystery that you and Nicole were going to exchange- you were probably the only two Canadians. I loved the mugs you got each other!

  6. Not sure how I missed this post!
    I loved the Secret Santa. I had a feeling I was going to get Elisabeth, so I had some ideas in the back of my head.
    The outdoor lights look so nice! Love the palm trees!

    1. Yes, it was fun that you and Elisabeth were paired up (although not surprising.) I say, if you have palm trees in your yard, they NEED Christmas lights in December!

  7. Aww that is so cool that Zenaida gifted you the mug that she was contemplating buying herself. I actually love it… I might have to see if Starbucks still has it 🙂 Thanks so much for participating this year.

  8. Oh, that cat ornament is perfect! I love it. Zenaida was MY mug swap partner (as in, I bought gifts for her) so that’s so fun that she was also yours!

    I think it’s AWESOME that you put up the lights yourself. You are woman, hear you roar! They look amazing. Christmas lights on palm trees is my favorite thing, honestly.

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