Hello! Today I’m sharing the incredible podcast I listened to with Alexi Pappas. Rich Roll podcasts are always loooong, and this one was two hours and forty minutes. If you listen to your podcasts on double speed to save time, I would urge you NOT to do that with this one. Alexi is so well-spoken, listening to her talk is like listening to someone recite poetry. I enjoyed this so much, not just for the content but for the beautiful way Alexi expresses herself.
Alexi is thirty years old, and her accomplishments include competing in the 2016 Olympics in the Women’s 10k; writing, directing, and starring in two films, Tracktown and Olympic Dreams; and recently publishing her book, Bravey: Chasing Dreams, Befriending Pain, and Other Big Ideas. Rich marveled that a person could have accomplished all this, all within a relatively short period of time, and asked if it was all part of a five-year plan or something. Alexi’s answer was that one thing naturally evolved from another, and “Had I planned five years in the future, I would have counted myself short.”
Sometimes it’s good to have a five-year plan. Like if you want to qualify for the Boston Marathon but you need to shave forty-five minutes off your current time, a five-year plan would be perfect. But in the larger scheme of things, I love the idea that the future is vast. Making a five-year plan now would limit us to our current level of knowledge and experience. If we leave ourselves open to whatever comes our way as we move through life, who knows where we could be in five years?
This podcast was so enjoyable- I hope people will give it a listen. I haven’t read Bravey yet, but it went immediately onto my TBR list after hearing Alexi speak.
In other news, I made this recipe for Banana Bread Oatmeal this morning. YUM. Mine doesn’t look as pretty as hers does (as usual) but I garnished it with toasted almonds and well, in my world banana bread has chocolate chips, so why not?

And, we had some rain today! I know… everyone else is dealing with polar vortexes and blizzards. We had a drizzle.

Who’s read Alexi’s book? After hearing her speak I imagine that it’s beautifully written! Anyone seen either of Alexi’s movies? I especially want to see Olympic Dreams now.
Please check in on Friday because I will be writing all about the Somatic Movement exercises I’ve been doing, and delving deeper into the book The Pain Relief Secret. I can’t wait to share it!
16 Responses
I really need to get Bravey – you are the third person to recommend it!
I love reading inspiring stories, thank you for summarizing the podcast.
I have to admit that I am a big fan of planning. When we got married at 25, we had a very precise idea of where we want to be when we’re 50. A lot of things could have gone wrong during those 25 years, but we were fortunate that we could realize our plans.
Having said that, there is a danger that you short-change yourself – it’s tricky to keep a balance!
I knew there would be plenty of people who say having a plan worked out great for them. I guess it is a balance- you can’t just float direction-less through life because you want to keep all options open!
Bravery does sound like a must-read! I don’t listen to podcasts, like ever (yes, my bad). With this one being so long, did you have to listen to it in increments? I suppose, like a book, it’s easy to pick up from you left off when you resume? Our temps, in Iowa, are finally in the positives ( single digits, but above ZERO)! I might layer up and risk a few miles–outside–after work.
There have been times when I saved a Rich Roll podcast and listened to the entire thing on a long run. For this one, I broke it up into sections. I hope you get to run outside today!
I loved Bravey. I’m not a podcast listener, but I may need to check it out. And who knew about speeding it up, lol!
No! no! Don’t speed this one up! But yes, with other podcasts you can do that.
Yes yes yes you need to read Bravey. I’d never heard of Alexis before but picked it up after Wendy recommended it. I haven’t seen her movies but plan to soon. I got the audiobook and loved hearing her voice.
Ooooh! She reads the audiobook? I never thought of that- I’m sure it was amazing.
I’ve watched a movie she was in. Bravey is on hold at my library. I’ve also heard her on a podcast. She is amazing.
Cold here and snow on the way. But not complaining after 4 wonderful days in the Florida sunshine.
I just got a notice that my library hold of Bravey is available! Yay!
I love Alexi Pappas and her story is so inspiring! I love how she talks so openly about overcoming mental health struggles. I’ll have to read her book!
Yes, she does a really good job with the mental health topic. Very open about her own struggles and also her mother. I’m excited for the book.
I think this hit the nail on the head!! Sure broad long term goals are great but life is ever changing and evolving!!
Alexi has all sorts of interesting nuggets like this- she’s an incredible person.
Thank you for sharing this podcast – I will definitely give it a listen!
Yes, do! You’ll enjoy it.