walkers walk… but runners fly

Dunes 50K Race Recap, Part 2

Before I start, I want to say that I had tears in my eyes while reading the comments from yesterday’s post.  This race was incredibly important to me, and I really felt like everyone appreciated that, and was truly happy for my successful outcome.  You guys are the best.

Now for part 2!  Yesterday’s post told the general story of my day; today I’m going to talk about my gear and fueling, with some closing thoughts about the race.

There were seven aid stations along the race course, stocked with water, electrolyte drink, soda, fruit, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pretzels, potato chips, pickles, and salt tablets.  I elected to carry most of my own fuel- I thought I would supplement what I had with the aid station offerings, but it turned out the only thing I took from the aid stations was water, Coke, and lots and lots of ice.  I even carried my own salt tablets, because I wanted to take one every hour and I didn’t want to rely on the aid stations for those.

Everyone had to carry a water bottle, which would be refilled at every aid station.  I used my Orange Mud single bottle hydration vest.

I also have a double bottle vest, but it isn’t as comfortable as this one.  During the two longest stretches between aid stations I did run out of water, but I still think this single bottle vest was the right choice.  If the aid stations were any further apart, I would have needed the double bottle vest.

This was a “cupless” event.  In order to avoid plastic cups, we were all given a little cup in our race packets.  They can be squashed down to fit into a pocket, or clipped onto a vest.  If we wanted a drink at an aid station other than water in our water bottle, we were supposed to use these.  I used this cup for my Coke, and now I’ll always think of it as my Coke cup.

I also used this Nathan waist belt.

It has two roomy pockets- I put my phone in the back one, and my salt tablets and some gels in the front.  That way I could easily reach in and grab a salt tablet when I needed it.  I also have a zippered side pocket in my shorts, where I stored more fuel.  I didn’t feel it during the race, but afterwards I realized the things in that pocket rubbed against my thigh and caused some chafing- but it wasn’t a big deal.

On that subject, I used Squirrel’s Nut Butter in all the usual chafing spots, plus all over my shoulders to prevent chafing from my hydration vest.  And maybe this is TMI, but I used Desitin between my legs- it’s so thick and greasy, one application was all it took and I was chafe-free for the day.

On the way to the race I ate oatmeal, and when I got there I slowly sipped (and finished) 24 ounces of water mixed with LMNT.  I felt like I started the race with the right amount of calories, hydration, and electrolytes.

For fuel during the race, I ate a lot of gels!  All gels work well for me, so I used Gu because that’s what they sell at the sporting goods store near where I work.  I had several caffeinated ones and several un-caffeinated.  I also used the Trader Joe’s Frooze Balls, which are mostly made of dates.  And I ate a package of Clif bloks, which are basically like gels but in a more solid, chewy form.  I actually thought I would be eating more regular food from the aid stations, but I was so sweaty and sandy, somehow eating a sandwich just seemed too daunting.  Gels are easy.

I was aiming for around 200 calories an hour, but by the end my math was getting hazy.  I drank a cup of Coke at each of the last three aid stations, and how many calories is that?  100 per cup?  I have no idea.  I just kept eating whenever I felt a little hungry, and it was in the last four miles that I ate that packet of Clif Bloks.  So my nutrition could have been a little more precise, but luckily what I did worked.  I think I got in the right amount of calories and caffeine.  And water, and salt- one salt tablet every hour, I made sure of that.

So, what do I wish I had done differently?  Possibly, worn trail shoes.  I ran in my regular New Balance 880s.  I didn’t think trail shoes were necessary for Florida trails, but now I’m re-thinking that!  Both my ankles were sore the next day (especially my right one, which I twisted pretty hard) and probably trail shoes would have given me more stability.  And, since this was such a sandy race, some people wore gaiters to keep the sand out of their shoes.  I did have a lot of sand in my shoes towards the end.  It wasn’t causing me any blisters, I just would have been more comfortable without the sand.  But I didn’t want to take my shoes off and have to put them back on again, because I had them laced perfectly (not too loose or too tight) and I didn’t want to mess that up, given my recent foot issues.

I have to give a HUGE shoutout to race directors, Andre and Ludi of Down to Run. I heard them interviewed on the Florida Trail Runners podcast last year (which is how I heard about the race) and you can tell this race is their pride and joy.  They’re passionate about Florida, trail running, and Jonathan Dickinson State Park, where the race is held.  They truly want every runner to be safe and have an amazing experience.  To make sure no one got lost, they put out 1000 trail markings.  ONE THOUSAND.

Any time there was a choice of which direction to go, the incorrect route was marked with a clear “WRONG WAY” sign.  The correct route was marked with blue flags for the 50k and green for the half marathon.  There were also pink flags dotted along the route, so if you ever started to wonder if you were going the right way (as I did in the Dunes of Hell) you just had to wait a couple minutes until you saw another pink flag, and know that you were still on course.

The day after the race, they sent out an email asking everyone to please be patient, that they would have the official results posted ASAP, but they were busy removing all 1000 markers from the trails and leaving everything “better than how we found it.”  The amount of work that went into making this race happen is mind boggling.  The volunteers were all amazing as well- they really took care of us at every aid station and made sure everyone was fed, hydrated, and cooled off.  I felt like everyone really wanted me to finish the race and have an incredible day.

This event included a half marathon, and Andre and Ludi also put on a 10 mile night race in November.  I highly recommend that runners in the South Florida area check them out.  Or, if you feel like traveling down here next April you can do this race with me- I’ll be there.

If anyone has any specific questions about this race, or anything in my recaps, please let me know!

One last thing… the medal.  It’s a cup!  I originally said I was going to drink out of it every day for the rest of my life, but so far it’s been proudly displayed on the shelf in my living room.


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39 Responses

  1. 1000 signs – what an incredible feat for the race organizers, and confirmation of how much it means to them. It sounds like an excellent race and clearly leaves you with memories to last a lifetime!

    I smiled when you said you’ll be there next year; a sure sign of a great experience <3

    1. Yes, that’s true- you can tell the race directors did a great job if people want to do it over and over again!

  2. What a cool medal! These race organizers thought of everything!
    I love that they put up “wrong way” signs, too. I did a 76k trail race in South Africa two years ago and I would have appreciated that! Instead, I was looking for footprints on the ground to see if any previous runners passed on the route that I picked…
    Will you be doing this race again? Or do you have another ultra in mind for next year?

    1. If they hadn’t put those “wrong way” signs up, there would have been a lot of lost runners- there were too many confusing intersections. And not only do I want to do this race next year, I have some other ideas as well! Definitely hooked.

  3. Congrats again! You just were so well trained and prepared for this race–I am not surprised it went so well! I agree with you about trail shoes and gaters but I don’t know if that would have helped with the soreness. My feet are still really sore from this past weekend’s race. Trail running is definitely a different beast!

    You make me want to do this one, but only the half. I’m going to keep it on my radar for next spring.

    1. Wendy, I’m eagerly awaiting your race recap! And it would be so fun if you came down to run next year. It would be a completely different experience than your trails.

  4. Wow! 1000 signs! Imagine the planning for putting those up and taking them down! It seems like a monumental undertaking.

    I’m fascinated that you grabbed Coke at the aid station. How did have real sugar make you feel after all this time? Do you think this was a one-off thing or that you’ll occasionally dip your toe back into the sugar pond?

    Congrats again on finishing this race! You’re amazing and should feel super proud.

    1. Great question about the Coke. I think if I weren’t in the middle of a 50k, drinking a Coke would have made me jittery. But at that moment, it was perfect.

  5. I love the cup as a medal! It’s practical and personal! And, how impressive are those race directors? Getting lost during a race is one of my big fears (I have no sense of direction) and they covered all the bases – and then cleaned everything up, too!

  6. It is just so fun to read this. You set and goal and executed every step that you needed to get there on your own terms.

    You know I love food and I used to love running but eating while running is a tall order! I’m still craving a nice icy coke after reading yesterday’s post.

    1. Yes, I’m still getting used to eating while running. I’m better than I used to be, but I could definitely be better still. It’s a work in progress!

  7. Wow, what an incredible event with fabulous volunteers. It sounds like it ran so well and the volunteers were so great! 1000 signs!!
    I think a cup is the best medal ever because you will use it so much. How special is that! You can have your tea or coffee and always think about this amazing accomplishment.

    1. Yes, I love the cup. I don’t display any of my medals- they’re all just sitting in a bag. But this cup I can look at every day.

  8. You’re all set to do it again? Good for you! That’s great they had all of the markers and flags. Nothing worse than a sinking feeling that you are off course, and maybe lost and alone!! Especially cool that the race directors put so much effort and time into this race – and it shows! Well done on your research and intake of calories and fluids too. It’s so important, but also hard to get those calories when the weather is hot and we’re tired.

    1. Yes, this race was so well put together. I think I would have cried if I had gone off course (especially in the Dunes of Hell part) but there was no danger of that.

  9. You certainly were well-prepared for this endeavor, no wonder the day played out so well! I forgot to mention in the first recap, they had Coke at the two ultras I did, too. Actually, it was the same event, just two different years (in 2015 I did the 6-hour; in 2016 I did the 12-hour). I don’t drink a lot of soda, but I do LOVE it after a long, hot race! I actually prefer that over chocolate milk or Gatorade. Gotta love the wrong way signs! Nothing wrong with adding a little humor for good measure 😉 Congrats, again, Jenny…I’m SO happy for you 😉

  10. I have a friend in Hobe Sound… I have been to that park!!!

    You did everything right!!!

    That contributed to your success.

    If I ever do a trail race, I’ll read this again.

    I am over the moon for your success!!!

    So you are this this race again??? or another trail ultra?

  11. I had the same question about Coke as NG— your answer makes complete sense. Congrats again— this is all so fun to read about.

  12. I love that they had so many trail markers. I don’t have a good sense of direction and I get paranoid I’m getting lost lol

    Sounds like you were well prepared!

    I like the collapsible cup usage. And that they went with a non traditional medal. I’ve gotten a couple of pints glasses and beer mugs which as non hot beverage drinker I prefer.

    1. I want a beer mug one of these times! I would definitely use that. And, you wouldn’t have gotten lost at this race- they marked it impeccably.

  13. Congratulations again! I am so very happy for you. I love how smartly you trained and executed everything. Sounds like a really well organized and very tough race. Huge kudos to you friend nicely done

    1. Thank you so much, Deborah! The race directors did an amazing job, and made it a great experience for the runners.

  14. I love that you got a cup instead of a medal. I actually throw race medals away because I don’t care to display them and they just feel like clutter. I kept them for awhile and had displayed them on a medal rack years ago but then I had more medals than space on the rack and just decided to ditch them. But I would keep and use a cup!!

    I am so glad you had such a great race experience. The aid station and volunteers sounded so amazing!! And now you know to get trail shoes for your next 50k!! I LOVE trail shoes. I mostly use them for hiking since I’m not a big trail runner. I need to get a new pair as my old pair was totally worn out so I had to throw them away.

    1. Oh, interesting! I’ve never worn trail shoes, but I will now. And yes- my medals just sit in a bag in my closet. I love a functional “medal” instead.

  15. How lovely that they put wrong way signs up as well! I tried Clif Bloks once and couldn’t manage to get them down, I like a gel though, Gu or Torq. I did eat a lot of watermelon on my ultra, as it was there. And hot cross buns, my long-distance fuel of choice!

    1. The first time I tried Clif Bloks I didn’t like them- it seemed like a gel but much harder to eat. But now I like them for a little change. I’ve never heard of Torq! Oh, and I would have eaten watermelon at this race if they had it- but they didn’t.

  16. I love a cup instead of a medal (self-proclaimed mug lover here!)

    This race sounds like it was really well organized. I appreciate that a lot when organizer seemingly think of *everything*. It makes the race experience that much smoother!

  17. This sounds AMAZING, Jenny! I’m so thrilled for you -and for the race organizers. Their passion is obvious even from photos. I’m so glad it went so well, and can’t wait to see what you do next!

    1. Thank you Anne! It really was an amazing experience. I can’t wait to see what I do next- I’m looking at other races but haven’t decided on anything yet.

  18. These race organizers really seem to have it all together, and to put up so many signs and keep you directed to where you need to be! That’s pretty amazing and the sign of a well-organized race. I am so happy to hear that you’re planning on doing this 50k again! I can’t wait to keep following along on your ultramarathoning ways!

    1. Yes, they did an amazing job. It would have been so easy to get lost (which would have sucked) but they really made sure that wouldn’t happen. I can’t even imagine how long it took them to mark the course like that.

  19. Congrats, Jenny! I’m so happy for you and would really like to read your part 1 of the recap, but it’s not linked and I don’t see it on your homepage. Could you email a link to me? TIA

    It sounds like the race directors are very good at attention to detail to make the best possible experience for their racers. Well done to them as well!

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