walkers walk… but runners fly

Early “Runfessions”

Here we are at Day 19 of NaBloPoMo! I know, I know- it’s too early for runfessions.  But I have a few, and I’m not sure I’ll be doing a runfession post next Friday.  Maybe I’ll be doing a post about my Turkey Trot, where I recap how I set a PR and won my age group while wearing an incredible homemade tofu costume.  Ahem… which brings me to my first runfession.

I felt pretty good on my run this morning.  I started thinking… Hmmm!  I’m in a new age group now…. maybe I can run a little faster than I thought… you never know… why don’t I throw in a few strides… I could even sneak in a speed workout this week…


I knew this would happen.  I’ve never been a fan of running races just for the fun of it.  If I’m going to pay the money, I want to train, have a goal, and run as fast as I can.  Otherwise I might as well stay home and run my usual route.

I have to wrap my head around the concept of just running, not racing, this race.  The truth is, a Turkey Trot isn’t a great place to have a time goal, because it’s so crowded (with people having FUN). If I try to run fast and hurt my foot again, I’ll be in RUNNING JAIL.  No one wants that.

My next runfession goes back to a previous post, where I questioned how people could go for a run and then go about their day in their sweaty running clothes.  Well, today I became one of those people.  I finished my run and didn’t have time to shower before taking my daughter to school.  THEN, I had to stop at the post office to mail a package.  I was so uncomfortable- my clothes were all wet, and the AC in the post office made me cold.

I may be smiling, but what I’m really thinking is “Please get me home so I can shower!”

The last runfession is really a strength-fession (what? Is there such a thing?).  My daughter’s school band had a cheesecake fundraiser, which was one of my least favorite things ever.  I don’t even eat them, and yet I was harassing my coworkers to buy cheesecakes.  Somehow we managed to sell thirteen, and yesterday I went to the school to pick them up.

Did you know frozen cheesecakes are heavy?  They had my thirteen cheesecakes packed in a large box, and when I picked it up I exclaimed “Oof!”  They told me that someone could come with a cart to help me, but I’m’ used to carrying my own things so I declined and headed out the door.

That box weighed a ton!  No wonder cheesecake is so fattening!  Halfway to the parking lot I had to put the box down and rest, and a woman offered to help me.  She was not a body builder- she just looked like a regular person.  She picked up the box, exclaimed “Oh, this isn’t so heavy!” and proceeded to carry it to my car for me.

Well… all joking aside, that did not feel good.  Maybe I’ve been slacking on my upper body work a little too much!  On the other hand, carrying that box halfway to my car, and then from my car into the house, gave me a rush of endorphins.  Time to check out some upper body strength classes.

Don’t be fooled! This weighs 100 pounds.

Well, that’s it for now!

Do you have any early runfessions?

Do you like cheesecake?  Ever had to sell it for a school fundraiser?


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27 Responses

  1. Omg too funny about the cheesecakes! The universe has ways of speaking to us! Haha! Thanks for runfessing. I just realized the other day that the linkup falls on a tough day.

  2. Ha Ha.

    I can identify with all.

    I am always struggling with just racing for the fun of it. It never happens right away. I have to remind myself before and after every race. This is not my job. just finishing is a gift.

    I work from home. I squeeze in runs at lunch often and then continue in my clothes. Even when I am sweaty or chilled. No time. I’ve even gone out of the house shopping in those same clothes lol.

    Nope on the cheese cake. Now give me an apple pie or creme brulee…YES!

  3. I am pretty weak, too, yet stubborn. Thankfully I don’t have to lift heavy things very often, but I’ll be helping my 72-year-old father portage a canoe or something of that like and have to admit I just can’t help out…and then he steps up with his arthritic back and can do it alone. I haven’t done any strength training since university…so it’s been a while. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about it really helping with weight loss and toning too…but I just haven’t mustered up the energy to add this into my routine yet.

    I second you on the sweaty clothes. I HATE sweating and the only thing I hate more than the sweating is staying in sweaty clothes. Weirdly enough my husband LOVES to sweat. Hot summer days when the sweat just pours off during a workout are a favourite for him; I despise it! Thankfully I tend to be a pretty “light” sweater – or maybe I’m just not working hard enough? Ha!

    1. Ha ha… I don’t mind sweating if I’m working out, but then I want to shower and change immediately afterwards.
      I really struggle with the strength training. I LOVE running (obviously) and do strength training reluctantly. Lately I’ve been counting power yoga as my strength, but after the cheesecake incident I’m questioning this strategy.

  4. So much brrr…today was the first day since last spring where I had to start work right after I finished my run. I’m still chilly 3 hours later even after a hot shower and wrapped up in a blanket. I can see the Cheesecake Workout becoming the next big thing in fitness.

    Make your race mantra “stay out of jail” and you’ll be fine;-) I’m sure we’ll “talk” again before your race, but I hope you enjoy it. I’m looking forward to mine.

    1. Oh, that’s funny. “Stay out of jail!” It’s definitely unique- should do the trick. And yes- there should be some sort of rule that if you’re going to eat cheesecake, you have to carry a bunch of them first.

  5. In the past I only entered the races when I was ready and well trained, now I race for the simple pleasure to run and being part of a running event.
    I am forbidden to lift weight and work on the upper body strength: only light exercises of stretching.

  6. That’s pretty funny about the cheesecakes!

    I have learned to embrace just running a race for fun – sometimes I just want the atmosphere without the pressure to try to crush every race.

    1. Yes, I’m definitely coming around to that point of view, Michelle! It’s good I’m giving myself a little time to get used to the idea.

  7. I can totally relate to the part where you get competitive when running a race. I used to play volleyball semi professional for many years. With weekends in the gym through the season and not much else going on. When I started work and coudn’t train anymore I decided to quit so I don’t slow down the team. I am still sad about it. But when people then said at the beach or in gym class or what not if we would play volleyball it always enjoyed me majorly that they goofed around so much. I never really played much after that because I am so competitive that no one wants to talk to me afterwards (ok that is a bit exaggerated but you know what I mean.) Maybe you manage to enjoy the trot and not put too much pressure on yourself. Maybe you need to shift your mindset to other goals. Like finding the best costume. That surely slows you down and saves your foot. Maybe. What ever you do. Enjoy.

    1. You played volleyball semi-professionally? That’s interesting! I guess we need to shift our perspectives from “competitive” to “fun.” It’s hard to do though.

  8. so not a cheesecake person at all. I do love cheese though. Ha isn’t that weird. I bet those were heavy! I always treat the turkey trot races as a more casual fun race. I am doing one this weekend too! Have fun

    1. I think cheesecake and cheese are pretty different. Cheesecake is like a sweet, gooey cheese… kind of strange when you think about it.

  9. I adore cheesecake. As a matter of fact, I don’t care much for regular cake and we served cheesecake at our wedding. And the leftovers weighed a ton, so I absolutely feel you on that!

    I am very uncompetitive and do not understand the drive to have PRs and the like, but when I try to imagine what that’s like (ha!), it must very hard to turn off that voice in your head. You know what you have to do to stay healthy and I hope you can quiet that little devil when you’re running on Thanksgiving!

  10. I like cheesecake but rarely eat it — however, I could definitely imagine 13 of them being heavy! I bring my own bags for shopping, and lately cashiers are always asking me if I want everything in the bag. Like I wouldn’t be able to carry it. Just because I have gray hair doesn’t mean I’m a weakling! I guess I better get used to that sort of thing.

    I have other friends who feel the same way as you do about races. I rarely ran a race “just for fun” but sometimes did. Or if I had a bigger goal, yes, I (usually) wouldn’t race so hard.

    Good luck reigning yourself in. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Judy! Yes, as we get older people will probably assume that we’re frail. Well, we can have fun surprising them! After I get my upper body back in shape, that is.

  11. I know, I feel the same way about races… if I pay the money and if I am officially timed, I want to run a PR! LOL Well, I signed up for the virtual turkey trot for that reason to not be stuck in crowds and not attempt to race this “run for a good cause”.

    Haha, that was funny about the cheesecake. Now I’d like a piece though – looks delicious!

    1. I’m sure the cheesecake is delicious- I hope everyone is enjoying their two-ton cakes.
      My run today was so slow and difficult that I definitely adjusted my expectations- it was like a reminder from the universe that I’m not in racing shape!

  12. No running jail for you, ma’am!

    I am super picky about cheesecake. I like plain, NY cheesecake, with sour cream on top. I don’t want fruit, or chocolate, or to have it made with ricotta, or anything bougie. I can’t really get it here, so no problems for me!

    1. So you’re a cheesecake purist. You definitely wouldn’t like the ones we sold- a lot of people ordered the pumpkin cheesecake!

  13. LOL on the cheesecake!

    As for the post-run errands, I don’t live in Florida. This time of year I can run a few miles and not feel sweaty at all. 😉

    1. Yes, I guess it would be very different in cool weather. I’ll have to test that out when our weather cools down again!

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