walkers walk… but runners fly


I know you’re probably excited that I’m finally moving on from posts about my calamity, ER, I mean my race.  Yep, I’m ready to talk about other important things again (although there will be a reference to the race in this post, I couldn’t help it!) Usually I pair “reading and eating” but in order to keep this post on the shorter side, I’m splitting them up.  Eating today, reading tomorrow.

A couple weeks ago, Lisa mentioned two delicious recipes in this post. The first was Asian Noodle Bowls. To be honest, I changed so many things (subbed tofu for the shrimp, left out the eggs, cut down on the sugar) that I can’t really review the recipe.  I will say I used it as a loose guide, and my noodle bowl was delicious.

The second thing she mentioned was this recipe for Curry Chickpea Salad from Nora Cooks.  The recipe has been going around the blog world- I think Birchwood Pie was the first to mention it.  Then Elisabeth raved about it, so I finally had to make it.  I tried Elisabeth’s trick of using red pepper jelly instead of the chutney, because that’s what I had.

I made this right before leaving for my race, brought some along, and left some for my husband.  Then, after I dropped from the race and was sitting at the aid station with a mangled ankle, warming up in a stranger’s truck, I was texting back and forth with my husband.

Yes, that’s how good that salad was- he felt the need to talk about it at that moment.  Hours later, when I had finally been driven back to my car and was on my way back to the hotel, I knew I needed to stop for gas.  Leading up to the race I had been so careful about what I ate, but now I was in a “what the hell” mood so I figured if I was stopping anyway, I might as well get a Coke Zero.  And a bag of Fritos.

I can only imagine what I looked like- still in my running clothes, muddy, and limping into the gas station.  I was beyond caring.  The cashier stared at me, and as I limped out with my treats, he called after me “Be careful!” Obviously, he was thinking, this woman is very accident-prone.

I wish I had a picture of my post-race “feast.”  Just imagine me reclining on the hotel bed, my foot up with an ice pack on my ankle, with my Coke Zero, Fritos, and chickpea salad.  It was DELICIOUS.

The next day I returned home, and my husband made lasagna for dinner, which was once again a recipe from Nora Cooks. It was so good- the “ricotta” is made from cashews, and the sauce is made with red lentils.  Best of all, it provided dinner for three nights.

Lastly, one more recipe from Nora.  Honestly, she’s the queen of vegan cooking.  Every recipe I’ve made from her is amazing.  This time, I made her Best Ever Vegan Brownies.  Now, I didn’t try these- my “what the hell” attitude didn’t extend to brownies.  But my husband and daughter loved them.  They were easy to make, and came out perfectly.

Coming up tomorrow- what I’ve been reading, and a book dilemma!

Have you made the famous chickpea salad yet?  If not, what are you waiting for?

Header photo by Karyna Panchenko on Unsplash

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27 Responses

  1. I fully get the Coke Zero and Fritos thing. You truly deserved a bit of junk food after that ordeal!
    Your husband’s lasagna looks amazing! How often does he cook?

  2. I’m not creative but it does look good. My hubby is a meat and potatoes eater. Very boring. Those brownies look delicious.

    I drank a lot of red wine during my recovery. lol.

  3. The noodle bowl looks so good!

    Post-race cravings can be so random, I totally understand why you wanted a Coke Zero and Fritos! After my last 50K, there was a lot of food I wanted but I was so tired that I just ended up making oatmeal haha. It’s weird because I’m so hungry after long races but sometimes nothing really sounds good until the next day so I just eat what I can.

    1. I’m pretty sure this was an emotional craving rather than a physical one! Who knows what I would have felt like if I’d completed the 50 miles- probably too tired to stop, and I would have just eaten the chickpea salad.

  4. Your noodle bowls are a great example of EXACTLY how I follow recipes – I take the concept and then do what I want, checking back in with the recipe here and there for ideas. That’s how cooking is supposed to be!

    I feel like someone could cook their way through Nora’s website and never get bored and never have a bad meal.

    I wouldn’t have had a picture of the post race coke and fritos because I would have snarfed them down in two seconds.

    I can’t wait for the books post – gasp a book dilemma!!!!! Drama!!!!! I am here for it!

  5. WHAT AM I WAITING FOR, JENNY?! You and Elisabeth both posted about this salad today and I am itching to make it!

    Those brownies look so delicious. I love a gooey brownie with melted chips.

    1. Yes, it’s funny that we BOTH posted about this recipe today. Well, now you have to make it. After all this buildup I could picture you saying “meh- it’s okay.”

  6. Yay! I’m so glad you tried the chickpea recipe, used my hot pepper jelly trick and LOVED IT. Also, that text exchange with your husband is so sweet. I love these little inside glimpses into conversations. How funny we both posted about the chickpea recipe today. A HUGE THANKS TO BIRCHIE for tipping the bloggy world into the glory of curried chickpea salad.

    Your post-race/ankle injury supper sounds delish…and those brownies. Yum! I’m not vegan, but should try that recipe ASAP.

    1. It would be a good recipe to try if you have a craving for brownies and realize you’ve run out of eggs. You do need flax seed though- but I always have groud flax in my freezer for recipes like this.
      Yes, the hot pepper jelly is awesome- although it might be fun someday to try it with chutney, the way the recipe is written!

  7. That chickpea recipe is all over the place. I keep thinking it looks good and then I read raisins and cilantro and my lip starts to curl up and I make A FACE. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll sub real mayo for vegan and add craisins instead of raisins. Flat leaf parsley instead of cilantro. And now it’s not even the same recipe. LOL.

    I am truly pumped for a book dilemma, too, although I’m nervous, based on some of the feedback that I’m getting about My Brilliant Friend, that your dilemma is all about whether or not to finish the book.

    1. No, no! I’m liking MBF and I will definitely finish it this week. Also… I left the raisins and cilantro out of my version of the salad! Maybe I should have mentioned that. I didn’t like the sound of raisins, and I didn’t have any cilantro. And it was still delicious.

  8. Your bowl looks great. Although I cook with tofu some, I don’t often. We love making bowls and experimenting with different combinations of food. Now I want one!

  9. I love curry and I love chick peas, so… that seems like something I would adore.

    I think Coke Zero and Fritos sound perfect, although I would have preferred a Diet Dr Pepper and Cheetohs LOL.

    We aren’t vegan, but that lasagna looks pretty good.

  10. I have yet to make the famous chickpea salad. I guess part of the reason is I’m wondering how to have it, as sandwich, as topping to salad? plain? I have oatmeal for breakfast, and lunch is at the office with my colleagues, and dinner at home with family, usually hot meal, so not sure when to have it.
    I made lasagna last weekend and my elder one loves it and has been having it everyday since then. I love how much leftover we have for one time cooking.

  11. I just ate some of that chickpea salad for lunch! I don’t include cilantro and used golden raisins increased the celery for more crunch but left out the chutney since I don’t have any and didn’t want to buy it for one recipe. I should buy some now that I am making this recipe regularly, though!

    I’m glad you liked the noodle bowl, too. When I posted about it, I forgot to mention that the recipe calls for WAY TOO MUCH tamari. I think it calls for 1/2 cup which is insane.

  12. Haha, the famous chickpea salad recipe is bookmarked but I haven’t made it yet… but even your husband was raving about it right when you were texting about your injury, so it must be really good.

    I think you really deserved the Coke Zero and Fritos!

  13. I made the chickpea salad, but I must have done something wrong, it tasted kind of bland to me. Perhaps a lot of the flavor comes from the chutney/jam? I used apricot jam because that’s what I had. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it fine, but didn’t rave about it. I like having it with crackers for lunch. I think maybe I’ll get some pepper jelly and try it with that. Also, I need some celery for another recipe, so maybe I’ll include that next time. I didn’t have any, so I left it out.

    Coke Zero and chips is more my thing, sadly.

    That lasagna looks really good.

  14. Oh, good – glad you ditched the raisins and cilantro in that salad. However, I am simply dumbfounded at how many people have a) jelly, or b) chutney just… sitting around? is this A Thing and I’m completely out of the loop? I dislike all jams/marmalades/jellies. There’s something about the, um, jiggliness? It’s kind of like Jell-o. Just a no-go, thanks. 🙂

    And of COURSE you needed a Coke Zero and Fritos. (Not Doritos? Seriously?) Recovery foods of champions. 😉

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