walkers walk… but runners fly

FIG-y Friday!

Oof.  I had some fig-full days this week, but some days I had to dig deep.  Then there were some ANTI-FIGS, like when I spilled a can of seltzer into my purse.  But let’s not dwell on that- here are my FIGs for last week!

(In case anyone is wondering what in the world I’m talking about, check out Elisabeth’s post.)


I got a postcard!  Actually, it was a postcard from the fig queen herself, Elisabeth!

Ha ha… for some reason this made her think of me!


I have a new gym!  More importantly, my daughter and I now go to the same gym.  She went to work out today with a friend, and I picked them up.  The fact that she’s working out makes me very happy.


Obviously- dinner and a walk with Birchie!


Muffin!  I have the snuggliest cat in the world.


Another gym-related fig.  I was at the gym at the same time as my daughter and her friend, and they VOLUNTARILY CAME UP TO ME to say hello.  Then I helped them figure out how to use some of the machines.  Yes- my daughter actually was seen in public with me!  I was shocked.


Very exciting day- a Whole Foods opened right near us.  I went to the Grand Opening, and was able to use a coupon for $20 off.  If only I could get $20 off every time I shopped there, it would actually be affordable.


Rough day- and it was my own stupid fault.  I stayed up way too late reading Wednesday night, and felt like complete crap.  It’s hard to look for figs when you have a headache all day.  I finally settled on… our weather.  It’s hard to appreciate it sometimes, but reading everyone’s posts from up north about the snow and cold reminds me of how much I hate, hate, HATE winter!  I hate being cold and I hate the gray skies.  Give me warmth and sunshine any day, even if I do complain about being TOO warm sometimes.


Are you participating in Elisabeth’s FIG Collective?

Top photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash


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34 Responses

  1. Your cat is beautiful! I had a calico, also a beauty, but too independent to snuggle. She would greet new people happily – very nosy she was- but no lap sitting or cuddling. Cats are FIG- worthy most days!

    1. I think calicos are generally outgoing and confident- ours will also greet people at the door. Luckily she also likes to snuggle- but only on her terms. She HATES being picked up!

  2. I love your figs! I love how excited you are about your daughter talking to you in public! I had a friend and her 10 and 14 year old meet up with me when I was in Canada and everything was a drag for the 14 year old. To be fair, she is a very happy and loving kid, but I guess got tired of the hiking and was a bit grumpy! So now any time she is happy, or er “happy” to hike, I am happy. So I guess she has done a good job of managing my expectations!

    1. Yes- teenagers will manage your expectations for you! And that sounds about right for a 14 year old- everything is a drag. I’m sure I was like that when I was a teenager, so I try not to make too much of it.

  3. That’s right – I was in FL up until Monday! It feels so far away now. It is FREEZING up here with a storm and more cold on the way.

    On the FIG front, every minute of FL was a delight, and now I have puppy snuggles and a cozy weekend on tap.

  4. Your Saturday note made me chuckle. But seriously, your teen must be so proud of you, Jenny!
    I read it as saying: my mom knows all things fitness, let me show her off.

  5. The new Whole Foods is very exciting! I live within 10 minutes of two locations but don’t go very often because of how expensive it is — but they do have some things I can’t find at Sprouts or Trader Joe’s so I consider it a little treat when I get to go there.

    Your daughter going to the gym AND being ok with being seen with you there is a big deal!

    1. Yes, there are a few things I can only get at Whole Foods- but it’s too expensive to do all my shopping there. Now all we need is a Trader Joe’s close by, and I’ll be all set.

  6. Lol, “my daughter was seen in public with me” – that cracks me up. Oh, teen girls and their mothers!
    By the way your hair looks amazing in that photo with Birchie!
    I had the best Galentines yesterday, but I got home VERY late (10:30!!! AT NIGHT! Did you know there’s a 10:30 AT NIGHT?) and of course I naturally woke up at my normal time, so I’m feeling a little zzzz this morning. But it’s Valentines Day and I’ve been saving a really nice bottle of wine that I received as a gift at our holiday party, so we are going to enjoy that today. And I have a sugaring appointment and a pedicure booked today, I feel like I am living the dream!!!

    1. THANK YOU! I don’t get a lot of compliments on my hair (for good reason, ha.) I appreciate it.
      I do know there’s a 10:30 at night, because I’m frequently still awake, although I shouldn’t be. I’m pretty sure I know your zzz feeling today. Glad you are living the dream though!

  7. Where do I even start!

    You gotta admit that postcard is perfect for you, right? It gave me all the warm fuzzies when I saw it.

    YOU ARE IN A TANK TOP. Jenny, you would not believe how icy and cold it is where I live right now. I almost feel like I could cry over the weather. It is so depressing and, yes, school is cancelled AGAIN.

    Also, with a teen daughter I know that having her willing to be seen with you in public – with a friend in tow, no less – is like catching a sighting of one of those rare cats in the wild where they have a motion sensor camera set up for 2 years between sightings. That is a huge FIG. And I love that she’s going to the gym with you. What a great way to connect. And I’m sure you’re more keen to go if there is someone to join you – even if she goes off to do her own thing.

    Happy Friday and thanks for sharing such great FIGs.

    1. Elisabeth- honestly I was wearing a short sleeve shirt that day but changed into a tank because I was too hot. Come down to Florida- we’ll supply all the warm weather you could ever want.
      I love the postcard- it is living in a place of honor on my living room shelf.
      Happy Friday!

  8. Wow, that’s awesome about your daughter working out! Maybe I’m making assumptions, but you’ve never described her as being super into that sort of thing (again, I could be way off!). But knowing how important physical fitness is to you, I am sure it makes your heart swell to see her voluntarily exercising! That’s how I feel right now since Ivan has gotten back into the gym. He always has loved to play soccer but 1x/week is not enough! He used to go to the gym daily years ago but has been out of the habit for years now. I encouraged/pushed a little and challenged him to hit at least 100 gym sessions this year, and despite being a “rebel” personality, he finally bit and has been doing it! I’ve even heard him say “I need to get to the gym tonight” and things like that. I made him a little tracker, which surprisingly, he is playing along with! LOL!

    1. You are correct- my daughter has never been into fitness until now. It does make me very happy! And good for Ivan for getting out of his “weekend warrior” lifestyle.

  9. I just wanted to say I have spilled a can of seltzer in my pocketbook before and I feel your pain! Yay for the new gym and these FIGs you found! I need to go to a Whole Foods sometime – they are just far enough away from my house that I just don’t think of making the trip (but are so fun to just wander in – even if I don’t splurge!).

    1. That’s how it was for me- Whole Foods was just far enough away that it really had to be a special trip. Now there’s one RIGHT HERE. Again- I can’t do all my shopping there, but there are some things I can’t get at the regular store, or Sprouts.

  10. Look at that blissed out kitty! And your daughter talked to you in public! Nice work, dependents! 🙂

    This week as rough all around. But I have a long weekend of ahead of us with the right amount of things going on to keep the boys entertained. And Taco has school on Monday so it will be a true day off for us. Phil is taking Paul to his mom’s so I will have the house to myself which is an introverts dream!!

    Several of my FIGs were sleep related. While you were up late on Wed, I went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 7!! I am fighting a sinus infection so needed so much sleep this week!

    1. Ugh on the sinus infection- yay for the sleep (lots of sleep always helps) and YAY for your day off on Monday! I hope you can truly relax and enjoy it.

  11. Great news about your daughter. Maybe she now realizes she has a cool mom.

    I’m loving the warm and sunshine.

    But running. Impossible.

    1. I think “cool” is not quite the word she would use, ha ha. “Tolerable” might be the one.
      I’m not happy with how early I have to wake up tomorrow- but I AM happy the race starts so early. That should save us from the heat (at least a little.)

  12. Oh, you’re weather. So so so wonderful. I’m jealous. I hate winter too, but I can’t leave if my people all settle here. I won’t even consider doing a snowbird thing. (*she says now before the winter really wears on her as she ages).

    I’m with you on Whole Foods. Too pricey for me. I grab a few things there from time to time. There’s one that backs up to Coach’s work. About 50 steps away.

    My heart is so happy that your daughter is warming, hopefully? Maybe workout stuff will be the bridge here.

    1. Yes, working out could be the bridge! And- I have the opposite problem. As much as I’m enjoying the winters, I’m not sure I want to live in South Florida for the rest of my life. But I have to figure out where my kids are going to be before I make any decisions.

  13. Oh how I want a warm cuddly cat to snuggle up to! And I wouldn’t mind your sunshine, although I do love our snow!

    The seltzer in the purse though! I don’t know how you managed it, but it sounds awful. I hope nothing important got ruined.

  14. I remember the days of our daughter not wanting to be seen with us. I just posted a comment on Suzanne’s blog about how when she was that age, she would refuse to go to movies or restaurants in our downtown area, because someone she knew might see her with us and know she had parents. Sigh. Thankfully she grew out of it! Hang in there!

    I love the picture of you and Birchie! Oh, and Whole Foods can be less expensive for SOME things, so you just have to figure out what they are. Like for us, our fancy eggs are $2 to $3 less a dozen at WF than the other grocery stores. Crazy, right?

    1. When we went to see the Barbie movie (it was me and another mom, and our daughters) we had to go to a theater IN A DIFFERENT TOWN so the girls wouldn’t see anyone they knew. But then my daughter saw someone anyway (hee hee.)
      i’m sure there are some things cheaper at Whole Foods- their 365 brand is pretty good.

  15. Kitteh!!!!!!!!! How cute he is, love his pink nose. Great figs this week!!
    One fig for me is probably New York city musical on Thursday, so moving.

  16. I buy almost everything at WF. Groceries are so expensive right now everywhere, and some things are actually cheaper there. THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS, OK???

  17. Hooray for joining a gym with your daughter! I think I have mentioned this before, but I used to be so embarrassed to be seen with my mom and now I am basically obsessed with her so things can turn around! I hope this is just a phase for her and someday you’ll get to enjoy a sweet friendship. <3

    We have a Whole Foods here and I don't think I've ever gone into it, lol. I just can't stomach the prices!

  18. Whole Foods is literally 2 blocks from me and I so rarely go in there. I use it for Amazon returns, mostly. And yes, I still buy from Amazon. I can’t get everything I need locally and… well, ease of use. Sigh. Anyway! My mother would tell you STORIES about me as a teen and how I “hated them”. I now, of course, treasure every moment with them. I hope that this new connection with your daughter starts to extend to the rest of your life. <3

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