walkers walk… but runners fly

FIG-y Friday and Bloggerpalooza!!!

Well, thank goodness for Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG) collective.  2025 so far has not been a high energy year for me- I feel like I’m moving in slow motion.  I use all my energy to get through the day, and by evening all I want to do is get in bed with my book.  The good news is, I’m sleeping more.  The bad news is, I still feel blah and lethargic.  What’s up with that?

After my post earlier this week, several people commented that they felt the same and also were having trouble setting goals for 2025.  Maybe we need a goal-less support group!  And- this week was especially challenging, because I didn’t run for three days.  More on that coming up in the Weekly Rundown (I think everything is fine now, phew.)

Let’s just say I needed to look for little joys this week- but they’re always there, right?  Here’s my daily list:

Saturday, February 1st!

I had a LOVELY couch nap after work.  Couch naps are the best!  I was sitting there reading, and my cat came and snuggled on my lap.  I got sleepier and sleepier, and finally laid my head back- I love the moment where you just give up and let yourself drift off.


I took myself out to Starbucks, where I got a treat- instead of my usual plain Earl Grey, I got a London Fog- Earl Grey, oatmilk, and half a pump of vanilla.  I sat there for about an hour and read my book.


Another book-related FIG.  My book is so good, I absolutely can’t wait to see what happens next.  I love it when a book is that engrossing!  This is the third book in a trilogy- the first book was good, the second was great, and this one is so fascinating I can’t put it down.  It’s hard to find a book like this!


I grumpily took myself out for a walk instead of running… but at the very end I saw the sunrise.  I don’t think it’s possible to see a sunrise without feeling at least a little joy, and nowadays it reminds me of Barack Obama’s quote (the day after Trump was elected in 2016) “The sun will rise again tomorrow.”



So, what are the odds of this: Lisa and Birchie were both in Ft, Lauderdale for work, and Sarah and I both live in the area (we actually live about 40 minutes from each other but had never met in real life.)


Every time I meet a blogger in real life for the first time, I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity, ha ha.  We had a lovely lunch, talked and talked and talked (you can imagine) and then Lisa had to leave for the airport.  Sarah had to get back to her writing (she’ll be submitting her final book draft soon!!!) but Birchie and I had more time, so we continued our meetup at a nearby park.

So many things to love about this day.  The weather was beautiful (we arranged it especially for the out-of-towners!) The restaurant was right on the water.  The conversation was amazing- lots of talk about non-blog-able topics (oooh! Fun…)  The time flew by.  We will meet again, ladies!


My son came home!  Only for two days, for some grad school auditions.  But it’s wonderful to have him here.

Okay… I guess it was a pretty good week.  I’ll report on another week of FIGS next Friday!

Are you participating in Elisabeth’s project?

Top photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash


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38 Responses

  1. I love this post, especially the part that you said meeting bloggers feels like meeting celebrity, I so agree with you.
    I’m very lost into sleepless nights and millions things to do while I am not hallucinating during the day, yet, I see beauty and feel grateful things around me, just didn’t get to write them down.

    1. Not sleeping well makes everything SO HARD! I’m glad you were able to still see the beauty around you- it must be challenging right now.

  2. Haha, yes! Finally meeting a blogger in real life does feel a bit like meeting a celebrity! 😂
    You really did have a wonderful week, Jenny—so much to be figgy about!
    Funny enough, I had that feeling on my run today—just this overwhelming gratitude for everything: the sun, the water, the peacefulness, the weekend ahead… It’s all so perfect that I almost feel anxious, like things are too good right now.
    Enjoy your time with your son!

    1. Hahahaha, I need to move where you are. I feel anxious but it’s NOT because things are too perfect! But yes- there’s still things to be grateful for, always.

  3. Seeing you ladies was definitely the highlight of my week! It was so amazing to meet you while in person. It was like seeing a good friend you’ve known for a very long time. But it is kind of like meeting a celebrity in a way!!

    I will be posting my FIG observations this weekend! It’s been good for me to look for the positive in every day.

    1. Looking for FIGs is really helpful- knowing that I’m going to report on them makes me super aware of the good things going on.

  4. That is some serious figgy pudding! I’ve been surprised by how effective it is to write the FIGs down. Obviously Wednesday was a very easy day for Project FIG;-) And on top of that your son came home!!!

  5. What a great sunshiny picture! It looks like summer out there, and all those beautiful smiles–just lovely in every way!
    And you got to see your son too? So much to be grateful for.
    (And I hope you’ll return to feeling more like yourself in your body soon. Hugs.)

    1. Thank you Maya- and it is like summer here. I beautiful summer day up north, that is. Actual summers in Florida are not this pleasant!

  6. I am so excited about your blogger meetup, eeeee!
    I think there are just seasons, you know, and some seasons are lower in energy than others. That said, I saw that Hit Play Not Pause had an episode this week that made me go JENNYYYYYYYYYYY. It’s all about running through menopause, all the challenges, etc., and I thought THIS is a podcast episode for Jenny! The guest has a lot of experience with various injuries and setbacks and talks about how she worked through them. Anyway, give it a listen if you have time!
    Remember! There will be a time after this. There will be a time when you’re feeling more “yourself,” there is just so much shit going on that of COURSE you aren’t feeling like yourself. Stressors are everywhere all the time, and it really does affect your body as well as your mind. Sending you a big hug. If I wasn’t boycotting travel to the States I’d want to insert myself in that photo of the four of you. Wait, maybe I should send you a “Flat Nicole” so I CAN be inserted! Lol!

    1. Ha ha… i’m sure someone can photoshop you in.
      I will definitely listen to that episode! I haven’t listened to that podcast in a while I’m i need to revisit it.

  7. Love Blogger meet-ups. There’s another coming up soon. LOL.
    Sometimes when I get a lot sleep I feel awful. What’s with that?

    I’m doing FIG. Thanks!

    1. Yes, another blogger meetup (AND RACE) coming right up! And I know- sometimes getting more sleep makes me feel groggy. Obviously I’m doing something wrong.

  8. Lots of joy for you this week, and the blogger meetup sounds especially fun! It’s cool how we can really connect to people we meet online IRL!

    We had an amazing sunrise on Tuesday here too, a lot of pinks and oranges in the clouds. I actually changed my plans of where to run because of it — I was going to drive west but that trailhead is right up against the mountains and they kind of block the sky so I went east instead towards the sunrise and it was a good choice!

  9. Isn’t falling asleep THE BEST. I’ve stayed up too late reading really good books this week, but I’ve fallen asleep quickly and sometimes I guess it is worth it to miss some sleep for a book. It’s a nice escape from reality. I’m okay with that these days.

    I feel like so many of those “everyday” moments – falling asleep, a great hot beverage, a good book, a sunrise – are so easy to gloss over or even literally miss. Our brains are velcro for the negative (lots of that!) and teflon for the good (harder to find). I cannot tell you how happy it makes my heart to read this post and hear how you noticed so many great things.

    On the other hand, my heart is also BURNING WITH JEALOUSY. You got to meet THREE bloggers. In one day???? It’s not faiirrrr. I need to go reset my attitude by writing down some FIGs – haha.

    1. Weeeelll, i did hear something about a blogger meetup in Nova Scotia next fall, and I’m ALREADY JEALOUS about that! And, you’re right- we’re hardwired to notice the negative. So we have to work a little harder to flip that switch and see all the good things.

    1. Yep! He wants to get a masters in trumpet performance now. Even having him home for two days is amazing (and… depending on how things work out, he may be closer to home for the next two years… fingers crossed…)

  10. Yay for blogger meetups! I am so glad that the stars all aligned and you were able to all be in the same place at the same time. That is like 5 figs in one day! I hope that your visit with your son is good and that (I see from the comment above) he is closer to you next year!

  11. I feel you on the low energy, Jenny. But I’m also glad you found so many wonderful things this week! And the blogger meetup!!!! Every time I read a post and see the photo of you four it makes me happier.

    1. Yes, you’ll probably be seeing that photo many times! Well… Birchie probably won’t post it because she’s not into “people” photos (luckily we get plenty of pictures of Doggo to make up for it.)

  12. I’m green with envy over here. So many fun people in one place! Who took the photo?

    I’m considering reading these books because you love them so much. Who doesn’t want to read a book that’s so propulsive it gets multiple FIGs?

    1. Our server took the photo! She was very into it, asked how we all knew each other and was intrigued when we told her this was our first IRL meeting!

  13. I am so FIG-ful today! I love your list, Jenny! This year has started off on the strugglebus for me, but I’ve really had my spirits lifted by my own FIGs and reading everyone else who’s been dropping them. Love that you had blogger-friend time this week and found all these bright moments to share!

  14. Oh, YAY on the meetup! I knew it was happening but love seeing the picture and I know you all had a fabulous time! And YAY to having your son home. I’m sorry that running hasn’t been going great this week, but you’ve been there before, and know that you’ll get back to running again soon. And regarding Elisabeth’s FIGS, yes, the practice of writing them down has been helping me to be mindful, which I really like. <3

  15. Yes!! Death’s End! I need to re-read The Dark Forest and Death’s End. I love that trilogy so much! I’m so glad you like it too. And yay for some thankful things. Especially the blogger meet up! I’m jelly! What a super fun coincidence that two bloggers were near you and SHU! Amazing! Thanks for sharing the photo.

    1. It was an amazing coincidence that Birchie and Lisa were here at the same time! And it was just a matter of time before I met SHU- I knew she lives pretty close to me.
      YES. These books are so good. My son has also watched the TV series and he loves that as well.

  16. Your blog meet up sounds like so much fun. And that sunrise photo looks like it could be on a postcard. I occasionally nap on the couch when the babies are napping, and I always love the feeling of waking up after a little snooze.

    I am participating in Elisabeth’s FIG thing, but maybe not in an organized/dedicated post. I have found that just knowing that I should be thinking of grateful moments has helped me to recognize the little things, and enjoy them.

    1. Yes, I agree- just knowing that I have to look for FIGS makes me more aware of all the good things.
      All sunrises are beautiful! And so different- it’s a mood boost every single time.

  17. Hooray for a blogger meet-up! I’m so glad you all could make that work. Just wish we could have smooshed our cities together so there could have been FIVE of us!

    Doing FIGs has been so good for my mental health, even on the days when it feels really hard.

  18. Oh, yay, the blogger meet up! It sounds amazing and like a much-needed moment of connection in a topsy-turvy moment in the world.
    (I am also exceptionally jealous of the warmth….sigh…)

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