walkers walk… but runners fly

Five Fun Friday Things

Yay!  Even though I work on Saturdays, I can’t help feeling festive on Fridays.  I love “Friday Favorites” type posts, so here are a few of my favorite things lately.

Olipop!  Olipop is a “healthy” soda, sweetened with cassava syrup, fruit juice, and stevia.  It has 2-5 grams of sugar (depending on the flavor). prebiotics, and 9 grams of fiber.  It’s advertised as tasting “just like soda” and to that I say- no.  I was disappointed in the Cola, although someone left a review saying that if you put it in a glass with one ice cube, it tastes just like Diet Pepsi (I love these detailed reviews!) Well, I never drank Diet Pepsi- I was a real Coke person.  The root beer flavor was better, but the true winner is grape, with orange coming in second.

I’ve been having one or two a week, and when I have one I love to say “I’m having a pop.”  Growing up, that’s what we called soda.  It seems so weird now- “pop?”  I’ve called it soda for years and years- ever since I moved away from Chicago.  But calling it “pop” is strangely satisfying- I guess I’m getting back to my midwestern roots.

My son and I have been watching the first two films in the Fantastic Beast series on HBO Max.  The films are written by J.K. Rowling and could be considered a prequel to Harry Potter.  The main character is Newt Scamander, future author of one of Harry’s textbooks.  There are no books to go along with these films, other than the screenplays.  My son read the screenplays and has already watched the movies, so he filled me in on a few things because these films are complicated.  The third one is coming out in April, and I can’t wait!  Secrets of Dumbledore will be revealed.  It feels good to be immersed in the Wizarding World once again.

Okay, I guess a memoir about Auschwitz can’t really be considered “fun.”  Nicole recommended this book and it truly is incredible.  Considering what happened to her- barely surviving the horrific events of the Holocaust- Edith Eger could have written a book along the lines of “Boy, did I get the short end of the stick, and you’re all going to hear about it,” but instead she wrote this inspiring book with the intention of helping other people to free themselves from pain and suffering.  One word of warning- on the first day I read about thirty pages, and that night I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t stop thinking about it.  So, safe to say there are some haunting scenes.  I’m about halfway through it and it’s hard to put down.

You can see my color-changing Harry Potter mug in the background- I already drank half my tea so the marauder’s map is disappearing!

A “favorites” post wouldn’t be complete without waffles.  Elisabeth has talked about her favorite oat waffles recipe, and I remembered that I used to make something similar, but without the eggs.  I found my old recipe- it’s basically two cups of oats, two cups of milk (any kind), a banana, and any flavorings you want to add in- I used cinnamon and a little salt, and also added some hemp and chia seeds for added nutrition.  You blend it all up, pour it in the waffle maker and voila!  Quick, easy and delicious waffles.  I love waffles.

Lastly, a podcast!  This episode of Trail Runner Nation with Hillary Allen, where she describes her trail running accident.  She fell 150 feet off the side of a cliff, and broke bones in her back, wrists, ribs, and tore the ligaments in her ankles.  Of course her doctor told her she wouldn’t be able to run again (why do doctors love to say that?) but she got through her recovery by telling herself “my best athletic days are ahead of me.”  She was right- she recovered from that accident and went on to win several big ultramarathons.  Definitely worth a listen if you’re struggling with injuries- or any kind of setback right now.

That’s what I’ve been watching, listening to, reading, eating and drinking lately!  I’m linking up with Michelle, Darlene, Jenn, Zenaida and Renee for this post. And now a very important question:

Soda, or pop?  Does anyone still call it pop?


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28 Responses

  1. Soda all the way! I do think pop is a midwestern thing. I’m also a Coke/Diet Coke girl, although I kicked that habit after law school. I love waffles is someone else is cooking!

  2. HA ha ha, I grew up call it it “pop,” too, but now that sounds really small-town, LOL Soda definitely has a more sophisticated ring to it 😉 That said, I seldom ever drink soda these days, but I’m a Pepsi or Cherry Coke gal when I do indulge. I miss the Harry Potter world!!!!!

    1. Oh yes… I liked Cherry Coke too. So it must be “pop” all over the midwest! I guess back in the old, old days it was “soda pop”. Funny how different parts of the country picked one word or the other.

  3. We call it soda. I need to find that. I am loving IZZE sparkling juices.
    Currently also loving on HBO Max the Guilded Age. It was filmed near where I love (not NYC).
    I gave away my waffle maker so I buy frozen ones. Not sure if they are healthy but they taste good.

    1. I knew you would say “soda”- it’s definitely regional. The Izzes are good, although they have too much sugar for me- my kids like them.

  4. I am Midwestern bred and I say pop. I am not ashamed and I find it absolutely baffling when people think it sounds “small town” or whatever – it’s literally used in all size settings in the Midwest!

    I cut out caffeine from my diet and once I did that, I almost entirely stopped using the world altogether, though. I LOVE Diet Coke, but, alas, it’s a no go. Sometimes people say that if you stop drinking/eating something, after six months you won’t want it anymore. Those people are liars because it’s been more than two years since I had Diet Coke and my mouth still waters when I go by a McDonald’s. Do you find that you crave sugar or anything?

    1. Interesting that you say that. I don’t crave sugar normally (I did at first but not now) but the one thing I do long for sometimes is a Coke. Not diet- just a regular Coke… I think that’s why I was so disappointed in the Cola Olipop. I thought maybe it would really taste like coke, but of course it didn’t.
      Pop all the way! I miss that word.

  5. I have not heard soda called pop in ages! I live on sparkling water and stay away from drinks with added sugar. I am sure a few week won’t hurt! Now I want waffles tomorrow for breakfast. Have a great weekend

    1. I normally drink sparkling water these days, and only recently added the Olipops! I actually do love lime flavored sparkling water though. I hope you enjoy some waffles this weekend!

  6. Pop! Only ever pop. I think all Canadians call it pop? We also (or at least the Canadians I know) say couch instead of sofa. I basically never drink pop, but my Mom always has Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke and so I indulge when visiting my parents. I get sick of it quickly, but a cup a day when I’m at their house feels like such a luxury.
    You know how I feel about waffles and there’s your answer to why people buy all those bananas – they use them to make waffles 🙂

    Have a great Friday. Friday night is my favourite time of the whole week.

    1. Ah! I was waiting for a Canadian to weigh in on the soda/pop debate. I was guessing you say pop!
      Ha ha, yes- everyone’s buying bananas to make oat waffles.

  7. Definitely #teamsoday.

    As a Jewish girl Holocaust education was a big part of my growing up. We saw some pretty intense films about it as teenagers in Wednesday night school (which was Sunday school for the older kids, obviously on Wednesday nights). Throw in an uncle who helped to liberate Dachau (not that he talked about it, he died on my birthday when I was 14) and all of my maternal grandmother’s family simply disappearing — although ultimate I’m sure we know what their fate was. Anyway, yeah, a big part of my upbringing.

    You are nothing if not eclectic, Jenny! I read a book a while back titled “If I Live Til Morning”, all about this woman who almost died in a horrific backcountry skiing accident and her long journey back from that. Not running, but it was an interesting read.

    1. A new thing at our middle school (changed since my son was there) is that in eighth grade they can choose which history class they want to take- Holocaust History, Black History, or World History. Holocaust and Black history are new classes, which I found interesting. Not sure which my daughter will take yet- it probably depends on what her friends are doing (sigh.)
      I guess i love stories about people overcoming horrible situations- it gives me ideas for my own life (and makes me appreciate how great my life actually is!)

  8. I call it both soda and pop. Not sure why. I like waffles too but don’t like to make them. Well, I once had a waffle maker and they didn’t come out right. Not sure what I was doing wrong but now want to try again. I usually make pancakes on Sunday for my mother but now want to change it up a bit. 🙂

    1. Yes! Get a new waffle maker and it should be fine! Just make sure you spray it so the waffles don’t stick. I actually think waffles are easier than pancakes.
      I’m not sure where you’re from originally, but “pop” is a Chicago thing so that’s probably why you use “soda” and “pop.”

  9. I am very interested in the soda vs pop debate. It was soda when I grew up in Champaign so I’m fascinated to hear that it is pop in Chicago. Where I live now it’s pop and people will tease you if you call it soda.

    1. Oh that’s funny! I’m really surprised it was “soda” in Champaign and “pop” in Chicago- you’d think it would be the other way around.

  10. The Choice is so good! I am glad you like it. It’s just so inspirational but YES. I also had a nightmare about some of the scenes, and sometimes I would just be going about my day and an image would pop into my head.

    We always said “pop” up here, it’s a very Canadian thing to say! I never think of “soda,” to me, soda is soda water.

    1. I’m not sure where you live in Canada, but I’m wondering if it’s “pop” everywhere, or if it’s regional, like in the US.
      Seriously, I’m thinking about The Choice constantly now. When I get in bed at night I’m so aware of how comfortable and safe I feel. When I’m eating i’m thinking about what it must have been like to be that hungry. Unbelievable what these people went through.

  11. I grew up in MA so it was soda. I haven’t had one in decades but I used to drink Coke, never Diet Pepsi. I’m strictly sparkling water these days.

    1. Yes, I mostly drink sparkling water- never sugar-y soda. I’m like the Olipop, but nothing really compares to a Coke (sigh!)

  12. I grew up in Southwest Virginia calling it pop. Once I went off to college and everyone there called it soda, I gradually changed to calling it soda. When we got married and moved to Utah, everyone there called all sodas Cokes.

    I just got a new waffle maker after dropping my old one and breaking it while taking it and everything else out of the cabinets before they got painted.

  13. Team pop for sure! But I don’t drink pop, so there’s that 😉 I don’t like the carbonation. I like water!
    I am looking forward to the new Dumbledore movie too I prefer Harry Potter, but they are ok movies.

    1. That reminds me of my childhood friend who didn’t like soda (pop.) I just couldn’t understand that- I love the carbonation! I wish I didn’t- i’m sure plain water is much healthier.
      I think you would like the Fantastic Beast movies better if you watched them with my son. He’s watched all sorts of videos ABOUT the movies, so he clarifies certain things as we go along- I think the movies alone are a little confusing.

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