Lately I’ve been feeling burned out at work. So many clients… so many massages… when I go to take in the next client I find myself thinking “Oh, I suppose YOU want something too!” Er, yes- of course they do. That’s why they’re HERE. That’s why they’re PAYING me. I realized I needed a serious attitude adjustment, so I challenged myself to find at least five good things on this Monday. It was pretty easy!
1. Waking up in the daylight
Ah…. for ten glorious weeks, I don’t have to get up in the dark. It makes such a difference to get up when it’s already light out! An immediate mood boost first thing in the morning.
2. I get to run
I’m not injured and I’m not sick. Nothing hurts, and it’s not TOO hot this early in the morning.
3. A leisurely breakfast
My favorite breakfast of rice and chia porridge, Stash double bergamot earl grey tea, and my bone supplements.
On workdays, my husband eats his breakfast quickly standing up, or in the car while driving to work. I would HATE that! I would much rather get up 30-40 minutes early so I can enjoy my breakfast- it’s also my blog reading time.
4. My new favorite client
Today I had a new client. She’s 88 years old, and when I asked what she wanted me to focus on, she said “Oh, I don’t really have any problems.” Seriously? I hope I can say that when I’m 88 (for that matter, I hope I can say that when I’m 58.) She told me she walks and does yoga every day, and also keeps her mind sharp by doing volunteer work, and described herself as an avid reader.
I asked her for her favorite book she’s read recently, and she said it’s Most Wanted by Lisa Scottoline. As soon as I got home I put a library hold on it. Here’s the description: “When a woman and her husband, desperate for a baby, find themselves unable to conceive, they decide to take further steps. Since it is the husband who is infertile, the heroine decides to use a donor. And all seems to be well. Three months pass and she is happily pregnant. But a shocking revelation occurs when she discovers that a man arrested for a series of brutal murders is her donor – the biological father of the child she is carrying. Delving deeper to uncover the truth, the heroine must face her worst fears, and confront a terrifying truth.”
I’ve never read anything by Lisa Scottoline but I’m willing to try it! It sounds good, and I’ll have something to discuss with my new friend.
5. My son made dinner!
Because he’s a college student, one of my son’s “specialties” is pasta. When I was in college, if I cooked at all, I made pasta and opened up a jar of sauce. But my son makes a very gourmet pasta with a spicy vegan cream sauce.

He cooks the pasta perfectly al dente, and it’s so delicious! I was happy all day, knowing that I didn’t have to cook.
Honestly, I could have come up with more than five things; but those were the highlights of my day.
Have you read Most Wanted, or anything else by Lisa Scottoline?
What’s your favorite breakfast? Do you like to eat a leisurely breakfast in the morning?
39 Responses
You had a good Monday! Any day that someone else cooks for me is a good one.
Ugh on work burnout. I don’t have a solution but yes I know the problem all too well.
Very true- any day that someone else cooks is a good day. Can’t complain about that!
Happy Monday (well Tuesday now!) and I love that you turned lemons into lemonade. I hate that feeling of burnout where you just feel like a negative Nelly for no good reason! I am having a bit of that lately myself. Really things are not that bad, but I am just not into it! I usually find a good long run will knock that attitude right out but some days it is harder than others!
I have read one book by Lisa S, What Happened To the Bennetts, and it was good. I like thrillers and so her writing is right up my alley, but I was not WOWED by the book. I will be interested to hear what you think of the one you read. For breakfast I usually have either eggs or oatmeal or some days I will just skip it and go right to lunch; it really depends on the day and whether or not I am at home or in the office. I do like to have a little something before a long run though, and will usually go to the tried and true oatmeal as it sets well and doesn’t bug me later on a run.
I used to think I “couldn’t” eat anything before runs, but then I tried it and realized that oatmeal is the perfect pre-long run breakfast.
Maybe that’s why I’m feeling burned out… I didn’t do a long run last week!
That book premise sounds FASCINATING. I’m looking forward to your review once it comes in at the library.
I love posts like this; that 88-year-old = #LifeGoals! And the pasta dish looks incredible. It is such a thrill to eat food that you had no hand in preparing; I always (always) think it tastes better than things I make for myself, too.
Hope today is wonderful and gold stars for looking for bright spots in the middle of an intense working period.
Oatmeal is probably my favourite breakfast, but I love it all. Breakfast (and breakfast foods) are my favourite meal. Eggs, toast, smoothies, waffles/pancakes. I honestly could eat a breakfast food at every meal of the day and be content. I tend to eat my food leisurely in the morning. Sometimes I skip breakfast, though, so on those days it’s moot.
Yes, I love oatmeal too- and most breakfast foods. Maybe soon Abby will start cooking and you’ll get to eat someone else’s food!
I’ll definitely let you know how that book is.
Apparently, I read Lady Killer by Scottoline in 2010. I wrote on my blog “It was fine. It was entertaining and fluffy and fine.” So do with that information what you will!
We are definitely leisurely morning people here. I wake up and we deal with pet chores for 30-45 minutes (walking the dog, feeding them, etc.). Then it’s at least half an hour for breakfast before showering and actually getting ready for the day. I’m always amazed at how some people can wake up and be out the door in ten minutes. I could never do that!
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the book isn’t going to rival Tolstoy, but maybe something fluffier will be fun for my “week of reading.”
I definitely need a nice “buffer” between waking up and starting the hard part of my day!
Those “Rigatoni” look delicious. Your son is a good cook!
My favorite food is pizza and my usual breakfast is typically Italian: cappuccino (milk and coffee) and cornetto (cake).
Well, take advantage of all these favorable conditions and ….. run strong!
Thank you! And your breakfast sounds delicious : )
How inspiring to work with an 88 yo client that had no complaints! That’s life goals right there! I have not read any Lisa Scottoline. I don’t read many mystery or thriller type of books, though!
My breakfasts are not leisurely but I do eat them sitting down. I have piece of toast with pb and a sliced banana and a hard boiled egg. I try to eat my breakfast before Will gets up because he insists on sitting on my lap to eat breakfast (sits in a high chair/booster type of seat for every other meal). If I eat when he’s on my lap, he wants to eat what I am eating! And I’m selfish. Plus the kid can eat glutenous bread so no need to eat some of my GF bread which is more expensive and not as good as regular bread.
Yes, I think that’s why I treasure having a leisurely breakfast now- I can think back to the years with kids where my breakfasts were NOT very pleasant!
Yep, life goals- to be a healthy 88 year old- of course that’s young for your family!
Those are all great things! I have read a few books of essays by LS and her mother, and they were very fun and humourous. Just nice light reading! I haven’t read that one in particular though.
Love the older client! I adore working with older people. They are so great and inspiring!
After being in pain, it’s such a glorious blessing to be able to move without pain! Yay for you!
Well I’ll let you know how that book is. It sounds like it’ll be a quick read.
Yes, I love older clients. All the ones I’ve worked with who are in their upper 80s have such a great attitude- I guess when you get to that age you don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. Ot maybe their attitude is what got them to that age!
I have read that book!! I remember liking it. It was a while ago but I think it was a fairly typical thriller type book. I don’t read a ton of that sort but they are good on vacation, etc!
Yes, I’m thinking it’ll be a good book for my “week of reading” coming up.
I liked that book! That pasta looks delish, and this is such a good exercise to start the week on a good note.
I liked that book! That pasta looks delish, and this is such a good exercise to start the week on a good note.
Oh good! I’m looking forward to reading it.
That was exactly my thought this morning! I had a mid-week long run (85 minutes) to do. It was cool, rainy and I didn’t feel like it.
Then I thought about for how many months I had missed out on running and how happy I should be that I CAN run.
Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves! Thank you for this post, Jenny!
That’s probably the only good thing about having an injury- it really makes you appreciate running when you’re able to get back to it.
I am probably one of those demanding massage clients that has signed up for a 90 m deep tissue massage 🙂 It is always helpful to stop to take time to appreciate the little things that make us happy
Ha, yes and you’re probably not easy to work on because you have muscles!
I love a leisurely morning. But I also love waking up in the daylight, which made my 2 early wake-ups this week (hello 4:30!) not as painful as you might think. HOWEVER… I am looking forward to not waking up early tomorrow and having that leisurely breakfast!
OUCH- 4:30??? Is that to get to the gym? I have to say I’m very glad not to be waking up at that hour (for now- not sure what will happen when school starts again.)
I am so sorry that work is feeling yucky right now. That’s always such a slog. But I LOVE your approach to beating back the burnout — and your five positives really lifted my mood! I hope your week has been going well so far!
Thank you Suzanne! I’m feeling better now (a day off on Wednesday helped a lot too.)
yes… I get up early just so I don’t have to rush with breakfast – oatmeal and coffee.
I love this idea… I need to list 5 things every day.
That book sounds intriguing.. I’m reading Kara’s book and I just finished Des’.
I wish someone would cook for me. Lucky you!!
I read Des’s book but I haven’t read Kara’s yet. You’ll have to tell me what you think of it.
I should list 5 things every day too!
How inspiring your 88 year old client is!
Sometimes on the weekends I get to have a leisurely breakfast, but during the week, I haven’t been great about sitting down to have breakfast since I’m trying to pack lunches and getting dinner prepped and then get the kids ready for school. Some days I get to work and realize that I didn’t get breakfast at all. Which makes me sad because I do love breakfast. In the summer I like yogurt with fruit and nuts and maple syrup, with my book or my journal eaten on the back patio. That would be the ideal.
I like your ideal summer breakfast! My mornings were definitely more busy when my kids were younger- I think that’s why I appreciate being able to eat breakfast in peace so much now.
rice with chia? I’ve never heard of that combo. can you share the recipe? and I’m like you, I don’t like to be rushed for my breakfast.
what do you do? how come you have 88 years old as client? she seems so wise and health, and still reading books, amazing!
Coco, I’m a massage therapist. So I see all sorts of people! Not that many 88 year olds, but every once in a while I’ll get someone like that.
The rice-chia porridge doesn’t have a recipe, exactly. It’s one cup cooked brown rice, one cup milk (I use soy or oat.) Then I add some salt, cinnamon and vanilla, and when it comes to a boil I add about 1/6 cup chia seeds and let it sit for a few minutes. I sweeten it with stevia, but you could use whatever you wanted (maple syrup would be delicious.). And I top it with some toasted nuts.
I can relate to the waking up when it’s light sentiment – it’s just so much easier in the summer to get up early!
And I have to reiterate: I love that you son cooks when he’s home! 🙂
Yes, I am loving it as well! We seem to eat pasta more than usual, but that’s okay. ; )
I hate that feeling of just being grumpy and not “into” life at the moment. It’s just not a fun feeling! I hope things have improved since this post. <3
I love a leisurely breakfast, which I get to enjoy working from home. When I was in an office, it was always something quick I could eat at my desk.
Things did improve, but now it’s Monday again and I found myself getting grumpy again, ha ha. Maybe it’s just Mondays.
Oooh, pasta. Yum.
I don’t eat it enough. That looks really good, though!
I should do this more often – finding the good in every day. Most days, though, I feel like I slide into the end of the day feeling like Eeyore. Sigh. I need to learn from your example on this, too!
Ha ha… my husband is an Eeyore. I’ve been trying to do this every day, think of all the good things- sometimes it works better than others.