walkers walk… but runners fly

Five Things to Look Forward to- July Coffee Date

There’s an old Peanuts cartoon where Linus explains the secret to happiness: having “five things to look forward to and nothing to dread.”  Sounds good to me!  Grab a coffee/tea/beverage of choice and I’ll tell you five things I’m looking forward to right now.  Thanks as always to Coco and Deborah for hosting our monthly coffee date!

1. My next race

On Monday I’m running a 5K!  For the first time in a long time, I’ve actually been doing some speed work.  I’m definitely not going to be setting any PRs, but I’m slowly emerging from the molasses I’ve been running through for the past couple of years.  I’m not looking forward to that last mile- 5Ks hurt- but overall I’m looking forward to the race.  Races are fun!

2. Having a real holiday

Where I work, we’re closed four days a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and July 4th.  Other than those days, if a holiday falls on a day we’re scheduled to work, we’re expected to be there.  Since I work Mondays, I always work on Labor Day, Memorial Day, President’s Day, Juneteenth… all the bank holidays some people have off.  So it’s an extra-special treat to have July 4th fall on a Monday and have a real holiday!


3. My trip to Chicago

At the end of July I’m flying up to Chicago for a few days to see my sister!  I haven’t seen her in over two years.  She actually lives in a suburb of Chicago, and I’m not sure if we’ll make it into the city or not.  That doesn’t matter to me- I’ll be happy to relax at my sister’s the whole time.

4. Another road trip

In the middle of August, my son and I will be driving to Texas again.  Last summer we made the same trip prior to his freshman year at Baylor.  That trip was bittersweet for me- we had fun, but all the way there it was in the back of my mind that I would be leaving him at school and returning alone.  Many tears were shed on my solo drive back!

Now that I’ve adjusted to the whole college thing (more or less) I think I’ll be able to enjoy this trip more, AND since the purpose of the trip is to get his car there, I will be flying back this time!  I think it goes without saying that flying is better than driving twenty hours by myself.

Baylor bound in August of 2021! Ha ha… we’re even dorkily both wearing Baylor shirts… that was my idea.

5. The Ink Black Heart

On August 30, the sixth book in Robert Galbraith’s (aka J.K. Rowling) Cormoran Strike mystery series comes out.  I’m SO EXCITED.  I’ve come to the conclusion that J.K. Rowling is my favorite author of all time.  After reading the Harry Potter books twice (now just waiting another ten years so I can read them again), Casual Vacancy, and the first five Cormoran Strike novels, I know that I’ll love everything she writes.  I originally put a library hold on this book, but it’s 1000 pages long (yay!  The longer, the better.). I don’t want to rush through it in order to return it to the library on time, so I pre-ordered it from Amazon instead.  Seriously- I’m counting down the days.

So that’s it!  Five things to look forward to, and nothing to dread.  Linus was right- I do feel happy!

How about you- can you think of five things you’re looking forward to?

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35 Responses

  1. I love this and I really need this today — it’s been a rough week at work, but I will focus on what I am looking forward to. #1 is visiting my daughter at the end of the month.

    What better way to celebrate your holiday than running a 5K! I hope you have fun. I used to do a really low-key July 4th race that had watermelon at the finish — it was perfect!

    1. Ooh, I wish this one would have watermelon! It would be perfect after a hot race.
      Sorry you’ve had a rough work week- I hope you have a three-day weekend now!

  2. Good luck on Monday. I have a race too. 4 miler. I have not been doing speed work. But it is only a fun race since it will be crowded and probably warm.

    Enjoy Chicago and time with your sister.

    I’m looking forward to mondays off and lots of good weather for boating and hiking with friends.

    1. Well, I think you could be faster if you did speed work- BUT, I also think all the races you do act as a sort of speed work as well. Your times are pretty good! But yes- both our races will be crowded and warm (or, hot.) We’ll have fun though.

  3. You’ve got an epic summer on tap! I’ll be kicking my 4th off with a race as well. I know what you mean about just being happy to hang out with your sister, but I hope you get some time to take in the CHI sights as well. I can’t wait to go back there.

    And eek yes flying is way better than driving 20 hours alone.

    1. Ha, well I’m not sure if “epic” is quite the word- I know people who are in Iceland right now. That’s a little more epic than visiting a suburb of Chicago and driving to Texas- but I’m looking forward to my semi-epic time.

  4. I will be in Chicago this month too to help my daughter move. It’s a fun city. Enjoy your time with your sister. The 4th of July 5K’s are fun. Speed in the summer is tough! Our running group is doing our annual run into DC on the 4th.

    1. Haha… good idea, if I’m slow on Monday I’ll blame it on the heat.
      Yes, Chicago is amazing. Hopefully it won’t be too hot while we’re there!

  5. Yes! I’m so happy you have these things on your calendar. I’m taking the entire week off work next, will be visiting my mom, will be going to grad party in mid-July, and have taken another entire week off in August when a friend will be visiting me. I’m so excited about all these things and it’s nice to have something on the calendar!! It feels almost like a pre-COVID summer, except for the I’m still freaking out about being indoors with people. Ha!

    1. See how having all those things to look forward to makes you happy? Linus was definitely on to something. Your events sound fun- you should be okay, Covid-wise. You’ve had your shots so even if you get it, it won’t be too bad.

  6. Have a great “time” on Monday! And with your sister. My SIL lived in Chicago (in the city) for a short amount of time, til she had kids, and then spent several years in the suburbs before moving to WA. I wasn’t a runner then at all, so never got to run in Chicago (insert sad face here).

    I hope your flight goes smoothly — flying seems such a mess right now. But I don’t like to drive, so I wouldn’t be likely to drive back from TX!

    1. Yes, I’m relying on the airlines to get it together! Fingers crossed. I doubt I’ll actually get to run in Chicago- more likely on the streets around my sister’s house.

  7. Okay, the Harry Potter dork that I am, was clueless there we’re that many other books that JK Rowling had written. And these are part of a series (excuse me while I double-face palm myself). But, I’m also doing a July 4th 5K 🙂 That made it into radar, LOL

    1. Yes, she wrote a stand-alone novel called Casual Vacancy, and then a series of mysteries under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. I’m not sure why she continues to use that pseudonym since everyone knows it’s her!
      Good luck on your race!

  8. I am glad to see so many fun things to look forward to. I am also a Harry Potter fan but have not checked out any of those books. More to add to my list! 🙂

  9. Lots of great things to look forward to! Have so much fun at your race! That will be some quality car time with your son and hooray for a visit with your sis! I wonder if she lives anywhere near me??

    1. We grew up in Highland Park but now my sister lives in Steger, south of Chicago. I’m looking forward to the visit- I love going back to the midwest.

  10. I’m running a 5k on Sunday–if my knee cooperates. Stay tuned for that one., lol

    I’m excited for your trips–I will be in and out of town at the end of the month! I’d love to meet you. I don’t live far from Highland Park. But I understand that you may not have enough time…

    1. Your knee??? I hope it’s okay!
      My sister actually lives in a south suburb now (although we grew up in H.P.). My time will be limited but it would be fun to meet up. I’ll check in with you on the dates just in case.

  11. I love this list. Fun things to look forward to, and I love that you pre-ordered the book. I haven’t read any of her non-HP books, but you’re making me think I really need to!

    1. Only if you like mysteries- and some of these are a little gory. I usually don’t like that, but in these books I don’t mind for some reason.

  12. Have fun with your 5K — that’s great that you get to do something you like for the holiday! :]

    I hope you have fun in Chicago and also on your trip to Texas with your son! (Definitely agreed though on flying > 20hr drive!)

  13. You have so many fun things on your calendar! I’m glad you get to fly back home after dropping your son off at school – a 20-hour solo drive sounds BRUTAL!

    And yay for going to visit with your sister! That will be such a fun trip even if you don’t make it into the city.

    1. Oh yes, that 20 hour drive home last year was quite something. Flying this time will be luxurious!

    1. Thank you Nicole! I’m trying to focus on the good things about our country… there are definitely plenty of them in spite of all our problems.

  14. Having things to look forward to is so essential to happiness! Laura Vanderkam talks about the anticipating self and the experiencing self – I think she’s the one who talks about this? And the anticipating self is very important! I hope the drive to Baylor goes well for you two. That would be so emotional! I imagine this year will be much better since you kind of know what to expect and have adjusted to having him away at school? I can’t even imagine what that is like since I am on the other end of the spectrum of parenting. I was the 4th child to go to college so my parents were so blase about me going to school. I am sure they missed me, but my mom said the first and last were the hardest. And I was soooo ready to leave my tiny home town and experience college.

    I have lots to look forward to. Life is feeling similar to pre-covid times and with most of us just having it, I really don’t think about covid and don’t feel guilt when I take my kids places and don’t make the 4yo mask (he’s awful at it…). I’m most excited about a dinner out with college friends and TWO concerts later this month – Alanis Morisette (who I was obsessed with in HS) and Brandi Carlile, who is my all-time favorite artist.

    1. i like that- the anticipating self. Yes, it is important!
      Oh, just wait till your Paul goes away to college- I know you can’t even imagine it yet. It’s… intense.

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