walkers walk… but runners fly

Food for Thought

Or, more specifically some thoughts and some food!  There’s a couple things that are getting a little old around here… This:

I know I look like I’m happy, but…

And this:

Don’t get me wrong… the PT is helping me tremendously.  And pool running is… great… in its own way.  Let’s just say that I would prefer it if my life doesn’t go on this way indefinitely. Know what I mean?

In other news, the Dinner Dilemma continues.  Tonight was Taco Tuesday once again, and I tried something new.

The “meaty” looking stuff is tofu, which I tossed with a seasoned sauce and then baked- it came out chewy, crispy and delicious!  The recipe was from this website.  Molly Patrick of “Clean Food, Dirty Girl” gives weekly menus, a shopping list, and step-by-step meal prep for the week, and the meals sound DELICIOUS.

I feel a little bad admitting that I made this tofu because this is a pay service, and I didn’t pay for it.  One of my co-workers has been doing this for months now, and comes in raving every day about the delicious dinners she’s been eating.  She gave me the recipe for the tofu in the hopes that it would convince me to subscribe to the service myself. I’m seriously considering it!  If I were making her whole meal it would have included jerk black beans and a fancier mango salsa (not the simple one I threw together.). You prep everything on Sunday, and then have all the components you need to make a delicious dinner every night.

Crispy tofu taco!

To be honest, I probably won’t start this over the summer.  There’s too much else going on.  But in the fall, when my son is off to college (which means one less person to feed and one less set of opinions to take into consideration, food-wise) I’m thinking it could be just what I need.

Anyone tried doing a weekly meal prep?  How did that work out?

What’s your favorite easy dinner? – Mine is chickpea pasta, broccoli and marinara sauce from a jar!


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13 Responses

  1. Meal prep gets old fast esp in the summer.

    I just throw things together. I try also to prepare ahead a few meals on Sunday (unless we away boating all day.)

    Ha ha. My hubby and I love flavored chicken sausage (already cooked), frozen colored peppers, marinara sauce (in a bottle) – throw it in a frying pan and then serve over pasta.

  2. Gotta say I’m not a tofu fan, but the way you prepared it sounds rather tasty. Are you able to power walk, or does that aggravate the hip like running does? That could (possibly?) be an alternative for cardio & a change of scene…or not?

    1. Funny you should mention it! I power walked today and it was fine. I’m definitely going to start walking more and more until I can run again (hopefully soon.)

  3. The tofu looks fantastic! I dabble in meal prep, but I struggle with finding things that my whole family will eat and there are so many times when “Thursday me” doesn’t want to eat what “Sunday me” prepped. And well, I’ve been working so much that basically everything has come unglued. But once I start my new job I should be able to get things back on track.

    My all time favorite family dinner is grilled cheese and tomato soup. If it’s just me, try to keep a steady supply of tofu & refried bean burritos in the fridge for quick meals.

  4. I go through phases of meal prepping more or less. In the sumertime we do a lot of grilling so it’s easy to just throw my veggies on the grill. I also do a lot of tofu recipes and lately have been cooking them in my airfryer.

    1. Yes, you seem like an organized cook to me! I don’t have an air fryer- maybe I should get one? My family would be happy!

  5. Meal prepping is such a cool idea!
    However, I must be the laziest kitchen person on the planet. It’s a good thing that my husband loves cooking and has become quite an expert.
    I just checked Molly’s website, it looks very good! I like that you can jump straight to the recipe. Let us know if you sign up in autumn!

    1. Yes, I’ll let you know all about it. And you have the greatest thing in the entire world- a husband who loves to cook!

  6. I’m not good with meal prep – I get bored and want something else even if I love what I’ve made. I keep trying though because I know all the benefits

    1. I can see how that would be a problem! If you do meal prep for the week, you’re pretty much stuck with what you’ve made.

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