walkers walk… but runners fly

Friday Coffee Date

Oh, very well.  Time to finally put away the holiday mugs- but at least I have my new one from Birchie!  It actually lifts my spirits to drink from it.  I’ve been feeling a little down lately, and the mug reminds me that it will all work out!  Or, as John Lennon said, “Everything will be okay in the end.  If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

I haven’t blogged in a couple days because I’ve been on a mini-reading retreat.  I decided to buckle down and finish this book before my son leaves, because he really wanted to discuss it:

Wow.  Every time I read really great science fiction, I’m struck by the mind-blowing possibilities.  With any regular fiction, even if it’s a mystery, you know all the ways it could end.  They’ll either live, or die.  Laugh or cry, stay or go… in sci fi, things happen that you never could have dreamed of in a million years.  Barack Obama was right- this book is “Wildly imaginative.”  Next up- third book in the trilogy!

So I keep mentioning that I’m in a weird mental slump, and it even pertains to running (gasp!  Who am I???) To be clear, I’ve been doing all my runs, but I just can’t get excited about them.  Yesterday I did a long run on the trail:

It’s pretty, right?  But the ENTIRE THING looks like that, for miles and miles.  No wonder I’m not excited.

I need to find a new place to run… or, i just need January to end.  Let’s just skip right over to February!  Blah.

Are you embracing the January vibes?  Or are you ready for this month to end?


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36 Responses

  1. That trail looks pretty monotonous! Do you listen to podcasts or books while you run? I found that helped me a lot when I had long straight stretches of running or biking. Or if it was really bad, I would put on some Metallica! Lars to the rescue! Anyway, I am glad you are running and hope that your day/week gets better! I am doing good, but can’t help but think about what I would be doing if I were home. MLK weekend is always a something weekend; last year I went to Santa Barbara with my parents, the year before that I went to Austin with a friend, etc… The holiday weeksweekends always remind me that I miss my routines and friends and family!

    1. That’s interesting, Kyria- you’re on this incredible long-term adventure, but there are things you miss. i guess there’s no “perfect” life- there’s always something to give up.
      I do listen to podcasts, but lately I’ve even been in a podcast rut. i’m thinking of trying an audiobook for the next long run!

  2. January is…not my fave. I know people love the New Year Energy, but I think I prefer September. It feels like a fresh start, I’m so excited to get back to routine (where in January I’m bummed Christmas is over) and, for me at least, January is the start of a few months of cold, dark weather. I also think I’m just generally not a high energy person, and so I feel extra “less than” when everyone else is making big resolutions? That said, I’m embracing a return to routine which is only happening now since Christmas felt extra long this year since we had company for almost 4 weeks straight. It was lovely and I wouldn’t change a thing, but it also made the first half of January just feel like an extension of December.

    On the plus side, we’ve had small amounts of snow off and on, so it hasn’t cancelled school but it does make the world look bright and glistening. Now all I need is sunshine. It has felt like literal weeks since we’ve seen the sun!

    1. Oof, that’s hard- I need lots of sunlight. And I agree with you- I think I feel more “fresh start” energy in September. September feels like the beginning of lots of things, while January is the end of things, for me.

  3. Yes please to fast forwarding through January and getting to February. Shhh don’t tell anyone but I have something very fun on the calendar for Feb, and then winter will be getting out of here so that I can do stuff again. We’ve had a ton of snow which is pretty, but the roads are so slippery that it’s hard to walk the dog.

    I have a ton of great running routes from my front door, but I used to get burned out on them. It’s a real thing. I don’t have the answer except I think that when the January blues pass the running route monotony will pass.

    1. I think you’re right- my “running blues” are just a reflection of my ‘life blues” and they’ll probably pass together. February will be fun : )

    1. Ha ha, well I don’t mean to be even more of a Debbie Downer but I find Valentine’s Day to be kind of depressing! Sheesh, I’m really a lot of fun these days, aren’t I?

  4. I might be OK with January if the weather outside looked like that! I’m not a huge fan of January, but that’s mostly because of the weather. I am usually in the dumps when I have to get back to the daycare thing and say good-bye to college kids. This year I found myself sort of ready for the return of the schedule. Who even am I? For instance, on Fridays I get the day off and now that school is back in session – I get the house to myself. Ahhh. So nice.

    1. I know- I REALLY shouldn’t be complaining. Our weather in January is really nice, and most of the country can’t say that. And- hooray for Fridays off. There are good things to getting back into a routine.

  5. I am a fan of fresh start September, too. January is set up to be a bummer to me – down energy from the holidays, gross weather up here, and just days and days of meh. But, I love how you’re diving into that book and staying with your runs. Sending you good vibes and hopefully the blahs pass soon!

    1. Thank you Lindsay! I know January is a VERY difficult month up north, so I feel guilty complaining. But that doesn’t stop me, ha ha.

  6. I have to admit, I’d probably find a trail like that challenging, especially during a long, solitary run. But it’s also a great chance to try something new – maybe listen to a podcast or audiobook (I never do, but on that trail, I might!).
    Even better, how about finding a running buddy? Is there a local running club you could join? That could make those runs a lot more enjoyable!

    1. I do listen to podcasts, but I’m thinking of trying an audiobook. A running buddy is an idea I actually haven’t thought of… i usually like running alone but I do need to mix things up. I’m sure there are local running clubs, but I’ve never looked into it.

  7. I normally don’t love January but this year I had (have? since it’s not until tomorrow!) my race to look forward to so that’s been helping. I’m hoping next month we’ll get some much needed rain — we usually get rain in December and February, but we’ve gotten none since August and I’m worried about wildfires this spring.

    I don’t blame you for being bored with that trail! I think I could tolerate it for a couple miles but I need some variety in scenery & elevation. I think it could be fun if you find a new trail to run on, just to mix things up!

    1. Ashley, I’m very envious of the trails you have to run on! And… good luck with the race. I want to hear all about it!

  8. Clouds, ice, snow, wind, frigid temps… I’m hating the run. LOL

    I can’t wait until Florida… not the race but the weather. and seeing friends, of course.

  9. It has been SO COLD. But I’m trying to tell myself that it’s all better from here. The days are getting longer, right?

    Up next you should read The Expanse books by James. S.A. Corey. They’re so good!!

  10. I love that mug! Good reminder not to be too anxious about things. January is my summer so often involves some holidays, new year and back to school energy, which is good. What is less appreciated is my daughter has school holidays for the whole month, which is a long time, and it’s hot and humid and often rains (subtropics). So I like January, but I don’t LOVE it.

    1. It’s so odd to hear you describe January in Australia. Month-long school holiday? Tropical weather? Even here in Florida we’re on a regular school schedule, and it’s our “winter” which means it’s less humid and not much rain.

  11. Jenny–I’m so sorry you’re feeling a bit of a slump, friend… I hope it passes soon. You’re certainly doing all the helpful things like running, treating yourself, reading, etc.

    I know what you mean about great Sci-fi! The last time I had that feeling was with Ted Chiang’s short story collection “Exhalation.”

  12. I hear you on feeling like you’re in a slump. The first part of January was good then that came to a screeching halt when I had my surgery I think feeling down in blue is pretty normal after a surgery but the cold dark weather is not helping. Our high on Sunday is literally -1°!!! Sob. Good thing I have a trip to Florida around the corner!

    1. Lisa, you have all the right reasons for being in a slump!!! I’m VERY glad you have the trip to Florida to look forward to.

  13. sorry to hear you are not feeling Jan vibe yet. My year started very rough due to hectic work trip and jet lag, but I do feel renewed sense of beginning. Just arrived brasilia last night, very excited to explore the new place we will spend few years. Hope you feel better soon and get excited about running.

  14. I love how you and your son do little min-book clubs and discuss!!! I can see how that nice trail view could get, um, a little boring after a while! Hmm, not sure what to say about how to get your running mojo back. I do feel like when we’ve driven through Florida on trips, I have noticed that the landscape away from the coast is not really overly diverse. Maybe you can find somewhere though that’s a little more interesting? What about a fun new playlist??

  15. I’m sorry that January has been such a slog. I don’t mind January – it’s one of my favorite weather months here in FL and I do enjoy the new year energy. But it definitely falls short in the “fun” department following the holiday season. I wonder if there are ways to make January better for you going forward. That’s something to consider since you know this month hits you hard. 🙁

    That running path looks desolate! There has to be a way to make that interesting, right?! Gah. Or maybe there’s a more interesting place to run near you that you just haven’t found yet. I wish you lived near me. We have SO MANY cool running trails!

  16. I hate the heat and dry, and I love rain, so generally I’m a fan of January. This January has been bone dry though, which I am NOT thrilled about in the least. February had better rain, is all I have to say!

    I’m sorry you’re in a slump. I suspect your son going back to school is part of it. I would dislike that as well! Hang in there. <3

  17. I. Am. OVER. January. Over it! I hate it. When is it done?
    I actually think I’m depressed, and I hate that, too. I prefer to live in the sunshine and it’s just not happening.

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