walkers walk… but runners fly

Friday Coffee Date

Uh oh… the dumpster fire mug is back.  Nothing has gone horribly wrong, but this week was a series of mini-emergencies, and when it came time to choose a mug my hand naturally reached for this one.

Our TV stopped working (during football playoffs???) My son’s luggage was lost on his flight back to school (but was luckily found.) His contacts didn’t arrive in time- supposedly because of the weather situation- so we had to mail them to him at school, and he got them the day he used his last pair.  We forgot to order the music for my daughter’s flute solo in a timely manner (she was playing off a copy, and you need the original for contest) and it arrived one day before she needed it.

The biggest freakout was, my son’s college told us we owed them $24,000.  GAAAAAAH.  It turned out one of his teachers hadn’t registered him for class this semester, so he wasn’t considered a full-time student, and one of his scholarships didn’t come through.  Luckily that was fixed as well, one day before classes started.

Everything worked out, but obviously this isn’t a fun way to live.  When my husband got up this morning he saw me looking at my phone and said “What’s the emergency du jour?”  Not everything was our fault, but some of it was- we really need to pull it together. 

Let’s move on.  Another thing I would tell you over coffee is that I got my copy of The Blue Castle for Engie’s book club.  I like to think I was the deciding vote, because I voted for this book on the last day, and Engie said it won by one vote (so if anyone doesn’t like it, you can blame me.)

Of course, AFTER I voted I discovered that my library doesn’t carry this book.  Oops.  I ordered it from Amazon, and I had a nice choice of covers!  I chose this one:

The last thing I would talk about over coffee is our weather.  Brrr…

Okay, hear me out.  I know this isn’t cold compared to the rest of the country!  But this is very unusual for us.  Cold, drizzly and gloomy just isn’t normal South Florida weather.  And look at Saturday!  I hope we’ll finally see the sun.

I definitely shouldn’t complain though- northern Florida got a ton of SNOW (nine inches in some areas!) I’m sure those cities were completely paralyzed.  Southern cities can’t function with even a couple inches of snow, let alone nine.  So I’m not complaining about our weather… I just feel bad for anyone coming down for a beach vacation.  This is definitely not what you expect from Florida!

Are you joining the Cool Blogger’s BOok Club?  Have you gotten your copy of the book yet?

How was your week?  Any mini-emergencies?

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45 Responses

  1. Your husband’s comment reminded of a meme from the summer of 2020…a news station looking graphic that says
    Oh What the Fuck Now?

    Some weeks are just like that. I’m glad that mostly things turned out OK, did you have to get a new TV? We had to get one a few months ago, and I love it. I never wanted a bigger TV, I thought, but this one is bigger and it’s great. Also better picture.

    I’m doing CBBC, and ordered my book, but it doesn’t come until Monday. I like the idea of having all of my CBBC books together on a shelf, so I didn’t even check with the library. I like your cover. If I get the cover that I ordered, it’s yellow.

    1. Oh yes, we got a new TV! Just set it up yesterday so we’re all set for the games today.
      Haha… that meme. Yep, that was us last week.
      I started the book last night and it seems like something I’ll love- I’m excited!

  2. That sounds like a VERY stressful week. I was stressful just reading about it!
    And as a San Franciscan, those temps look cold. When our lows are in the upper 30s and our highs are in the mid-50s we thing it’s VERY cold.
    I hope you have a nice weekend, and get some sun.
    PS, I really liked your “Besr Days Ahead” post and plan to write a response post myself soon. Really got me thinking.

    1. Ooh, I’ll be looking for your post. And- I would imagine our weather was similar to San Fransisco “cold” last week- cool, cloudy and damp. Of course I’ve never been to San Fransisco so I could be wrong about that.

  3. Oh boy, that really sounds like you had quite a week. Nothing much here but I do get the “pulling together” part. I am currently struggling a bit with the whole political situation and need to figure out how much news I can stomach.
    I have to check out the CBBC – I have been a bit out of the loop. Most days I am glad when I get to bed before 11pm and mostly everything is done that needed doing.

    1. I’m coping be avoiding all news. I figure if things are so bad that I have to grab my belongings and flee, someone will tell me. Otherwise I don’t need to know.
      I think you should do the book club! The Blue Castle would be a good distraction for you.

  4. I’m happy to say no emergencies this week.

    Just cold. -13 when I was driving to the gym the other day.

    Maybe you’re all done for the year.

  5. Ah, that does sound rather stressful! Thankfully most everything sounds like it all worked out!! Most of it was out of your control, too, which makes it harder.

    We were in Orlando one March when there was a pretty significant cold snap (not like, snow, but definitely very chilly with temps in like the 40s/low 50s especially in the morning). I remember being very annoyed, because here we were escaping WI’s crappy spring for a spring Disney/Universal trip, and I was COLD! Ha. Fortunately it was only a couple days of our trip. But it would be really sad if you were planning a beach trip! I hope you’re maybe enjoying running in the cooler temps, though?? Here it has been just bitterly cold and I am OVER IT. I am okay with winter temps, but when it’s below zero range, or even really single digits, I really can’t walk Charlie safely. It’s just too cold for the little guy! (and, um, me!)

    1. Oh, poor Charlie- he’s too little to be out in bitter cold. I am enjoying the cooler temps, although honestly they’re even a bit TOO cold. I would rather have that than too hot though.

  6. Ooof–nothing actually went wrong, but all those near misses! That’s a lot of stress and rising cortisol levels…
    I hope it’s a restful weekend and you get some good runs, good food, and good reads in!

    1. Thanks Maya! I can’t say yesterday was restful, but today definitely is. But it’s more like good sleep, good food and good football watching. I’ll also be starting the book club book.

  7. OMG, I’m dying a bit about Julie‘s meme above. That is kind of how this week feels. Kyria texted Birchie and said she can tell something happened in the US based on the French news she’s watching, but she doesn’t know what happened and I was like God I don’t even know where to start.

    But wow! You had a lot of stress in your house on top of a stressful week in the news. Overall, I would say our week has been fine? It’s been horribly cold so Paul had an extra day off of school this week on top of having Monday off for MLK day and today off for a teacher grading day. But I just let him be on an iPad and watch movies all day long while I worked. It didn’t seem to have rotted his brain lol. It was crazy to see snow in places like Destin and New Orleans! I hope the weather warms up for you soon! Those are some abnormally cool temps for you guys too.

    1. I’m not even watching any news. Just our own family drama is enough for me- the actual news of what’s going on in the country would make me lose my mind.
      Paul will be perfectly fine with a day of screen time here and there! If you think about it, there were days in our childhood where the weather was terrible or we were sick and we watched TV all day, and we turned out just fine.

  8. That sounds like a very stressful week, even though things worked out.

    I think this whole country could use that mug, but that’s my post. 😉

  9. I’m sorry about the very stressful week, hopefully things are more calm now! Your weather looks like ours, except our low temps are even colder, in the upper 30s to low 40s. I also don’t want to complain because most of the country has it worse, but if it’s gonna be this cold I would like it to rain because we haven’t had any since August!

    1. It’s funny because I’m the opposite- if it’s going to be this cold, could it at least NOT rain??? The damp really didn’t help.

  10. Ahhhhh what a frustrating week! Well, I guess everything got fixed but talk about fighting fires all the time.
    I still have my childhood copy of The Blue Castle! I’m excited to reread it, it’s been about 40 years.
    Ugh for people coming for a Florida vacation! It’s not cold here (well, it would be by your standards, but not by mine). It’s around zero or a little below every day, that’s a pretty manageable temperature for January.

  11. I literally just said yesterday, “Putting aside my natural selfishness, I feel really bad for the tourists.” This is not the weather they come for! For myself, I am so tired of wearing all these layers. I am happiest in a sleeveless top and capris, not in multiple long-sleeve, long-pants layers. Brr.

    I am excited for Engie’s book club too! I should put a picture of my copy on my blog, thanks for the idea.

    1. The way I feel is, we put up with a lot of other crap living in Florida (the excessive heat, the politics) so we at least deserve a few beautiful months! But I’m really not complaining that much- the cold weather will make us appreciate the warmth more.

  12. The one time I was in Florida it was literally freezing. I was very disappointed. It was warmer back in Canada! So much for my beach vacation.
    It is cold here, too. Thankfully, not too much snow. And the sun has been shining.

    What an anxiety-filled week for you. So many things going nearly wrong. Hopefully next week is much smoother.

    I am excited to do this CBBC. I have never read this book and so I’m extra excited since I do love the Anne series.

    1. I usually say if you want a GUARANTEED warm beach vacation, you have to come to South Florida, not central or north. But not this week! No one got a nice beach vacation. Oh well- next week will warm up.
      I think we’re all going to love this book! I’m excited to read it.

  13. So it’s been very cold here and we’re supposed to have a high of 41 on Monday and that’s going to feel like a heatwave. BUT. If it were 41 in October, I would complaining hardcore about how cold it is. You really do have to build up a tolerance for super cold or super hot weather!

    I’m excited to see so much excitement for the CBBC book in the comments. I need to get my own book situation figured out for that!

    1. So your high on Monday is very close to our low on Saturday! You’re right- you have to build up a tolerance for these things. 41 will feel warm to you.
      I think this is going to be a good book club!

  14. My library doesn’t have a copy of Blue Castle either! I was going to order one, but got so overwhelmed by all the options that I didn’t do it. I should get on that. I don’t buy a lot of books, but this seems like a good reason to buy a book.
    It sounds like everything worked itself out, but man is it stressful when you’re in that 11th hour and you don’t quite know yet if
    things will be fine or not. I mean everything will be some form of fine, but … GAH.

    1. Yes- everything will be some form of fine. I have to remind myself of that!
      I don’t know if you do amazon, but the book is not expensive if you order it there. Totally worth it.

  15. I need to take a sip out of the dumpster fire mug after hearing about your week! Yes everything ended up OK but DANG that was a lot of stuff hitting the fan all at once.

    What I decided after reading Stephany’s post this morning that if you’re complaining about your weather then I’m probably complaining about my weather. So if it was warmer than 60 degrees for you it would be warmer than 20 for me. We need a rising tide to lift these boats!

    I’m in for CBBC and the kindle version was 39 cents so it wasn’t much of a decision to buy it.

    The week was fine since we ended up with two snow days so no school meant no due dates so no kid drama. I just have to make it through the last hour of my work day and then I can switch back to normal life.

    1. Well, we’re getting warmer this week so you should too! It really takes extreme cold up north for us to get into the 40s.

  16. Uff. That sounds like a very stressful week (and you didn’t even mention the political situation). I’ve been pretty stressed out.

    1. Haha… if I also followed the political situation I would have lost my mind. i don’t watch or listen to any news these days… but of course I hear snippets here and there. Sigh.

  17. What a stressful week- glad everything worked out but only just hey! I often leave things to the last minute and also put myself in these kinds of situations- I left it late to buy my daughters name stickers for her stationary, and they only arrived 2 days before she goes back to school. I began to stress they wouldn’t arrive in time and think – why didn’t I just order in December? But it was OK! Lesson learnt for next year.
    I’m thinking of you guys in the US lately with what’s happening both with the weather (fires AND freezing cold is a bit much in the same month!), and now with your government. Hang in there.

    1. Things are insane. All I can cope with are my own emergencies, although you obviously can’t ignore the fact that so many people lost their homes in LA. It’s a super stressful time.
      And yes- note to self: order things super early in the future.

  18. I feel like we are in that SAME boat. Always mini emergencies. Last week it was Tank’s laptop was left home when he went back to school.

    And I got the book after waiting for it to come from another library and I started it last night. 3 chapters in, but I like it so far.

    1. Ugh. That’s a perfect example of a mini emergency. I mean no one’s life is in danger, but he needs that laptop. Oof.

  19. Lol – your cat looks severely displeased with the book club selection. Please let her weigh in.

    Also: OMG JENNY. All those close calls! I am so glad that everything turned out, but WHY???? It sounds so stressful.

    I am also super curious about the (stupid, it is stupid) rule about needing original music for a contest???? What? Why is that necessary? I object.

    1. I think copying music is technically a copyright infringement. Everyone does it, but for contest they have to be more strict.
      Muffin does look displeased, doesn’t she. I think she’s worried there won’t be anything about cats in this book.

  20. What a week for you! I am glad everything worked out, but that is still very stressful. I did laugh when you talked about the weather. I wish we had that temperature now in Chicago. Luckily, it will warm up a bit here.

  21. Sheesh. What a week! So many close calls and bad news that turned out okay. But I can’t imagine the stress of finding out you might owe $24K to your son’s college. UMMM NOOOO.

    I’ve decided I’m going to listen to the audiobook this time around for the CBBC.

    It was so cold this week! On Wednesday, our “feels like” temps were in the mid-20s ALL DAY. Usually we get a warm-up in the afternoon at least, but it was cold, cold, cold!

    1. GAAH! What? 20s? Brrrrrr. And it was cold when we were there a couple weeks ago. Well- maybe we won’t complain about the summer heat as much after this winter?

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