walkers walk… but runners fly

Friday Coffee Date

Sigh!  This is a melancholy Friday for me because I had to say goodbye to my sister and brother in law.  Remember how I didn’t know what to do with them while they were here?  It turns out that was not a problem.  Grab your coffee (tea) and I’ll tell you all about it!

First of all, we had the best weather you could possibly hope for in June.  Of course it was hot, but our actual temperature was lower than the temperature in Chicago (where they live.) It hardly rained while they were here, and it was pleasantly breezy.

We went for a walk in the park, went to the local art museum, ate dinner out one night, drove along the beach in the evening, and oh yes- I kind of forgot WE HAVE A POOL.  On two of the afternoons we just lounged by the pool, eating chips and salsa, drinking iced tea (and/or beers) and listening to a “Yacht Rock” playlist.

It was like a trip down memory lane, because my sister and I reminisced about spending summer afternoons at the pool when we were kids.  So many of those 70s songs, we knew from hearing them played over and over again at the pool-“Rikki Don’t Lose That Number,” “Sundown,” “Summer Breeze”… we re-named the playlist “Gen X Pool Party” (much to the consternation and embarrassment of my kids.)

What I learned from all this is, there’s plenty to do where I live, even in the summer.  I’m so busy complaining about the heat, I don’t take advantage of all the great things around me, including my own pool.

This is a short coffee date because I am TIRED!  It was a fun and busy three days… time to get back to normal life again.

Do you have any songs you specifically remember from childhood?

Top photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

30 Responses

  1. We’ve had Florida weather. I’d die for a pool. Lucky you.

    When I play mah jongg we play oldies music and reminisce on our youth.

    Is your sister a runner?

    1. No, she’s not a runner! She likes to walk though.
      I know- I’m very lucky to have a pool. We grumble about the upkeep, and we can’t use it in the winter. But when it’s hot out, it’s great.

    I’m so jealous!!! Chips and salsa, a yacht rock playlist, YOUR OWN POOL YES PLEASE. Add some margaritas and I would call that a perfect afternoon. That sounds divine. I have a crazy good memory for songs and song lyrics, and if you named literally any song from 1960 through to the early 2000s, I would very likely know at least 75% of the lyrics, and if it’s a 70s-80s song, 100% of the lyrics. Imagine what I could do with all that brain power were it not taken up by yacht rock and disco.
    Can I come swim in your pool? I’ve always wanted one but my older son has been working the last two months replacing pool liners and servicing pools, and wow, it’s hard work and a lot of work to maintain! But I imagine you can have your pool filled year-round, which is obviously not the case here.

    1. I know- we are lucky! It seriously is hard to maintain though. You are welcome to come for a swim- you’re in charge of making the margaritas.

  3. so many songs from my childhood! mom and dad were huge music fans so I grew up listening to *everything*.

    I would probably give my left arm and leg in exchange for my own pool. but, that ain’t going to happen here in my tiny backyard in the netherlands.

    1. Renee, it really is a Florida thing. It’s not like we live in a fancy neighborhood, but about half the houses have pools. And, not to complain, but I would urge anyone who wants a pool to think twice about the cost and effort it takes to maintain it.

  4. I’m glad your weather was nicer for their visit! I’m really not sure what people do without a pool in FL and AZ in the summer…I guess just stay inside in the air conditioning?

    Growing up in the early 00s, it’s a lot of boy band music that reminds me of my childhood. And now it seems that that music is considered oldies which makes me feel old haha!

  5. Oh, just hanging by the pool and chatting sound WONDERFUL! Sometimes, we get in our heads that we have to do ALL THE THINGS when really the whole point is to just chill with our people, right? Whitney Houston, Cyndi Lauper, and The Culture Club all remind me of summers back in the day – I just added a few songs from that era to our current playlist 😉 Hope you can catch some rest after what seems like a great week!

  6. I’m so glad you had a nice visit. Goodbyes are always hard! And I think they signal a good time together so it’s almost worth the “down” feeling after. I know you and I see eye-to-eye on the post Christmas blues, so I 100% get this when people you love have to go home.

    I remember you running in your pool a lot when you had your foot issues, but forgot you had one. Hooray! Seems like a perfect place to hang out with family in the hot Florida weather. I could use a pool this week. Phew. It is a scorcher where we live in Canada (though might seem cool to you!)…

    1. Having them here was worth the “down” feeling, but it was hard to go back to work today- their visit coincided with a work vacation for me.
      In recent years I’ve used to pool more for pool running than anything else! We made a lot more use of the pool for recreation when the kids were little. I have to get back to that.

  7. Yep, if there is one thing that I never have to worry about with the fam it’s how to fill the time. Someone in our family needs to get a pool!

    When the Hubs and I watch TV we’ll often take Youtube breaks to watch ridiculous 80s music videos. If I had a dime for every time that I’ve said “I haven’t seen this since 1987″…hey I’d have a few dollars!

    1. It’s funny what a difference a decade makes- I can’t stand a lot of the 80s music even though I was a teenager in the 80s. Just give me all the 70s music and I’m happy.

  8. I’m glad you had such a good visit with your sister and BIL. When you have guests, often times they are mostly there to see you/catch up with you, so I try to keep that in mind when sketching out plans. Granted you do want to show them around/find fun things to do, but you usually don’t need to plan all that much. I am glad the weather cooperated! We’ve had a horrible week of weather here – rain, rain, and more rain. It’s about to rain now, it’s going to rain tomorrow. I’m so so so so so so over the rain!!

    I remember a lot of songs from when I was young. I listened to a lot of country when I was a teen but I also really liked the band Chicago so I had several of their albums. My high school boyfriend turned me onto that band. He could play piano by ear so there were a lot of songs he would play for me. He was quite the talented musician. Then there is the college era of music – what stands out the most is the song “Summertime Girls” by LFO. It was super popular when I was starting college as a freshman!

    1. That was our weather the week before this one- it poured every day. We were SO LUCKY my sister came this week and not last week. So you’re going to have ANOTHER rainy weekend??? I’m sure you’re not too happy about that.

  9. The weather was much better than usual this week especially mid day/afternoon (I didn’t notice the mornings being that great, though 76 today was a bit better than usual).

    We dont have a pool! I sort of miss having one but we have a community pool that is less than a mile away and big and nice, so at least there’s that!

    1. Honestly… I think I would rather have a community pool. Have a pool, but leave the upkeep to someone else. Although, I do use our pool for pool running when I’m injured, and I would look like an idiot doing that in a community pool. So I guess it’s good we have our own.

  10. How did you not mention you had a pool? That sounds like the perfect way to spend time with your sister… sounds like good times were had and they went by too fast (as always). How often do you get to see each other? Are you close?

    1. My sister and I are definitely close, but we don’t see each other as often as we should. We keep in touch by texting, usually. So it was amazing to see them in person!

  11. This post makes me smile, knowing that sisters still hang out as adults. Sometimes I wonder if my two girls will become friends for life when I’m gone.
    Sounds like a lovely visit. Do you two get together often? Are your kids friends with each other?

  12. It’s been a while since I check in and then I come here and you tell me about a wonderful time with family. And you have a pool. That is so cool. The title of your playlist made me laugh. Way to go.

  13. Ahh sounds like a great few days, how wonderful! Yay for hanging out at your pool! We don’t have a pool but my best friend does who lives close so we spent a lot of time at her pool last summer! Also, my parents are going to put one into their new house they’ve bought 10 mins drive from us, so we will have lots of pool options with zero upkeep 🙂
    I’m a kid of the 80s/90s so my childhood summer playlist has a lot of Whitney Houston, Jon Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams and Madonna.

  14. Sounds like such a wonderful visit with your sister.

    Love that you were able to chill around your pool and share the memories. That had to be so special!

  15. Sounds like you had a nice visit!
    Songs from childhood… 1980s Russia (USSr, rather)… I had a huge crash on a boy band whose members were four boys from a Russian orphanage, Orenburg, Russia. It was called “Tender May” (like a month of May.) This boy ban went on to be THE band for 80s and 90s Russia and the surrounding countries. Many people, like me, grew up with their songs that were all about uncontested love and yearnings.

  16. You forgot you had a pool. LOLOLOLOL. Honestly, if I were in Florida, all I’d want is the pool and/or beach.

    I was at a lecture once about Vietnam-era protest songs and as I was listening, it took my back to my childhood. CCR, Dylan, Edwin Starr. It was crazy. I could picture myself riding in my dad’s truck listening to those songs.

  17. Not only do you *have* a pool, it looks like a gorgeous one, Jenny! I’m glad you had such a lovely time with your sister… Coming down after a good visit is always a bit melancholy. I hope getting back on texting with your sis will help. Mom, sis, and I are on a group chat and if I don’t hear from them every day, I’ll “pebble” the chat with something to get things going. XOXO

  18. I am so jealous of your pool! It’s been hot this week and I would love to lounge by the pool eating chips and salsa. A beer too! You are right. I also complain about the heat but should take advantage of the great things around me. I am grateful for the balcony where my mom and I go outside. She listens to music and I read my book.

  19. Glad you have a great visit with your sister! It’s always fun to play “tourist” in your own town and having your pool is a nice bonus.

  20. LOL I FORGOT YOU HAD A POOL, TOO. Yes, of course! Use the pool!

    I was very unhappy with Chicago’s weather when I was there this weekend. Come on, now. I was hoping for a break in the heat/humidity! (Although it was in the 70s in Milwaukee on Friday and that was INSANE to me. I forgot what it was like to walk around outside and not break into an immediate sweat.)

    I’m glad you had such a fun time with your sister and BIL!

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