walkers walk… but runners fly

Friday Coffee Date- I Voted!

Oh, hi there!  Thanks for joining me.  I’m hoping you’re reading this with a delicious hot beverage in your holiday mug.  If we were having coffee (tea) together I would tell you that…

I voted!  I went on Wednesday, my day off, and it was quick and easy.  After all the drama around this election, it was a relief to go and mark my ballot.  Although- am I the only one who does this?- I’m always paranoid that I’m going to vote for the wrong person.  It’s completely ridiculous- I’m not going to accidentally vote for Trump!  But I kept checking my ballot over and over again.  (Of course, I do live in Florida!  But the ballots are different than they were in the 2000 debacle.  No more hanging chads.)

Finally done after checking my ballot 100 times.

The other excitement of the day is- I fixed my blog!  Well.  I fixed the current glaring issue.  The sidebar no longer shows recent posts in their entirety.  And I created a “Favorites” category, so in case you’re new here and are thinking “What’s all this about a sprained ankle and DNFing a race?” you can find that race recap there.

Unfortunately “Favorites” only shows up on the home page.  I want it to be on the individual blog post page, and I’m baffled as to why it’s NOT there.  Part of me wants to keep working on it, and get my blog all spiffy in time for NaBloPoMo!  The other part of me thinks I should quit while I’m ahead, and not take the risk of deleting the entire thing right before November 1st.  We’ll see.

So- NaBloPoMo!  It’s one week away!  Every year, San does an incredible job of organizing our part of it.  Her page describes what it is, but simply, NaBloPoMo is “National Blog Posting Month”- participants post 30 posts for each day of the month.

It’s SO FUN!  I encourage everyone to give it a try.  I first met San through a fitness blogging community, but through NaBloPoMo I met all the other incredible bloggers who are now my BBFs (Best Blogging Friends.) In case you need inspiration, Engie has posted a list of NaBloPoMo Blog Post Ideas.  If you want to participate, San has a sign up page.  Of course you don’t have to officially sign up, but this way you’ll be on the list of participants, so others can find you (and you can find them!)

Speaking of BBF’s, the Cool Bloggers Postcard Club is going strong!

Elisabeth sent me a postcard from Portugal!  Angie and Anne sent me a postcard on their day of crafting, and Lindsay sent the “darn it” postcard to cheer me up last week, when I mentioned I was feeling down.  My husband is baffled- “You got ANOTHER postcard???” but I’m loving it.  So fun.

When are you going to vote? Do you have the weird paranoia that you’ll vote for the wrong person?

Who’s planning to do NaBloPoMo?




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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

30 Responses

  1. Yay for voting and yay for NaBloPo. I’m looking forward to it – as a spectator.

    Of course I always get the cringy feeling that I’ve filled in the wrong circle on the ballot. I’m confident that I’ll get the right slot for president, but after that I struggle with concentration.

    1. There was a lot on this ballot- I brought along a “cheat sheet” so I didn’t have to think too hard while I was actually filling out the ballot.

  2. Congrats on getting your vote in; I’m nervous as well! It is a bit confusing and not a form one sees every day?

    Your postcards are FUN!

    While I usually blog every day, I know I’m likely to feel resistive/defiant if it becomes an expectation set by someone else, so I won’t be NaBloPoMo-ing… but I look forward to reading *you* daily in Nov :).

    1. That’s funny because you do usually blog every day! But… I can see how you wouldn’t want the pressure of making it “official.”

  3. Yay for postcards! My fall focus is all about little bits of joy.

    I’m so torn on NaBloPoMo – part of me wants to be a super commenter and support everyone and part of me just wants to go for it. I’m going to see how I feel next week – I’ve been saving all my post ideas just in case, haha!

  4. I checked my ballot status and it has been accepted so I’m officially done for this election! I wish once you voted you could opt out of getting all the junk mail and texts trying to get you to vote for certain candidates, ugh.

    Yay for NaBloPoMo! I’m excited to have more posts to read, even though I’m not participating myself, but I am working on getting a blog started up again…

    1. That’s funny because for some weird reason I was thinking of you this morning, and wondering if you’re going to start your blog again! You will definitely have readers.
      Yes, we won’t be done with the junk mail, texts, and TERRIBLE COMMERCIALS till November 6th. I’m looking forward to that.

  5. I voted too! I also have that am-I-going-to-mess-it-up feeling, but I get the absentee ballot and fill it out at home, VERY carefully, then drop it at early voting. And I got the email that it has been received! Like Ashley, I wish that would stop the flood of postcards/texts/emails, but at least I amuse myself by laughing at them as I delete: too late! Too late!

    I love that Darn It postcard. I should send postcards to friends sometimes, what an easy way to send cheer or comfort.

    I’m going to be on the sidelines for NaBloPoMo this year; I’m looking forward to reading new blogs and learning more about people.

    1. I like that you get an email when your ballot is received- if I voted by mail I would be paranoid that my ballot never got there. Obviously i have a lot of paranoia around voting!

  6. I am doing NaBloPoMo but taking Sunday off of posting and commenting. I feel like it will help me power through (it really can be exhausting by the end!) AND it’s in keeping with my Year of Shmita (what am I going to do when I no longer have that as an excuse; maybe I need to consider a second year?).

    I’m so glad that my postcard made it from Porto. It makes me laugh that your husband is always so quizzical <3

  7. Yay! I’m glad you’re doing NaBloPoMo. I agree it can get exhausting- it’s not the posting, but the reading and commenting that gets overwhelming!

  8. I’m voting on Election Day before I head back to NYC for work.
    Glad you finally got your blog fixed.
    I enjoy blogging and meeting other bloggers but I know I couldn’t post everyday… I don’t have the time or frankly enough to say.
    I never get postcards. Sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll surprise you and send you one.

    1. Well, I think your lifestyle (all the traveling for work) would make it hard for you to post every day. I think if you tried you could come up with something to say every day, but I can see why you just don’t want to!

  9. Ah, I was wondering if you’ll do NaBloPoMo again this year. Great! I’m looking forward to reading your daily posts.
    Great job on fixing the blog issue!

  10. I’m always impressed that people can come up with enough to write about everyday for a month. November is so busy for me! Look forward to reading some of them. Also voted early 🙂

  11. I am going to vote on Election Day because it’s my favorite holiday. Woot woot!

    I love that the Cool Bloggers have a great postcard game going on. I have gotten quite a few in my mailbox, too, and my husband is also perplexed. Oh, well. I put them up on my corkboard at work and talk about how I have all these cool friends who travel abroad and how they should consider study abroad. Always link it to opportunities!

    1. I remember that it’s your favorite holiday! I used to vote on election day and I loved it. But that was when Tuesday was a day off for me- now I don’t want to have the stress of voting on a work day (although- I’m sure it would be fine.)

  12. I might vote early today JUST TO BE SURE I CAN VOTE. I can’t imagine why I wouldn’t be able to vote on 11/5, but I figure it’s best to do it while I can. Plus I am downtown today in my office so I can walk through the skyways to get to the early voting place. I do have that same paranoia about voting for the wrong candidate. I triple check my ballot!

    How fun that you’ve received so many post cards! I bought postcards in DC but then did not get stamps while I was there, so they will be mailed from Minnesota. Ha. whoops.

    1. Yes, stamps are always a stumbling block! I’m sure no one would mind getting a DC postcard from MN.
      I guess that’s my other thought- what if I end up being deathly ill, or in the hospital on election day? Once again- I think I’m being pretty paranoid.

  13. I think I need more addresses, because it would be fun to get/send more postcards!

    We voted last week via mail. SO GLAD to have that over with, now we’ll see if my fingernails can survive through this election. Also, will I crack a tooth by grinding them in my sleep? Maybe I need to get my mouth guard out…

    I’m in for NaBloPoMo! Keeping my posts on the short side, since everyone will be busy. But looking forward to it just the same.

    1. Yes, get that mouth guard out! Your teeth will now be able to withstand the stress of the following couple weeks.

  14. I voted after doing my training to be an election official on Nov 5 — checking people in to vote, if there’s anyone left who hasn’t voted by then. It is so easy to do in-person early voting around here.

    Here I can’t even get my ish together for Runfessions and I’m tempted to join the blogging challenge — maybe it would cut down on my doomscrolling time ….

  15. I voted, too! I dropped off my mail-in ballot this morning and felt very accomplished. I always get worried I’m going to forget to vote for something so I obsessively check my ballot to make sure everything has been voted for. We did it!!

  16. I am still catching up on blog posts. I am all over the place but wanted to let you know that I appreciate your shoutout (I am so thrilled that you’re participating in NaBloPoMo again – isn’t our community amazing? <3) and I also love that you voted. I voted (early) too this week. Let's just hope people get out and make the right choice!!

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