walkers walk… but runners fly

Friday Free-For-All

I’m writing this on Thursday, but if you’re reading it Friday, I’m leaving this afternoon (TODAY!!!) for my race!  I’ll be staying overnight in Titusville, FL- but that’s not where the race is.  The race begins near a town called Christmas, Florida (I know! A town called Christmas!) but there are no hotels there.  And, the closest city to easily track the weather has been Orlando.  Confusing, isn’t it?

Speaking of the weather… the weather app has sure taken me on a roller coaster ride these past two weeks!  At first, the forecast for February 17th showed a low of 47 and a high of 66.  YES.  Then, every day it got warmer and warmer, until it finally showed a LOW of 60 and a high of 78 (NOOOOOOOO!!!). Now, we’ve gone back down and added a fun twist- low of 58, high of 66, and rain.  I’LL TAKE IT.  But how much rain?  A sprinkle?  Drizzle?  Downpour?  It will be an interesting surprise, I guess.


Let’s move on.  I got this amazing postcard from Engie:

I love it so, so much.  She wrote a truly inspirational message on the back, too.  And as if that’s not enough, she ALSO sent me a Valentine!

She knows I don’t love Valentine’s Day, and was trying to convince that it actually can be fun.  Well, this definitely helped!  But you know what I realized?  If someone really, really wanted me to LOVE Valentine’s Day, they could get me an ACTUAL KITTEN on February 14th!  Wouldn’t that be awesome?  (Orange tabby, preferably.) This would be a perfect idea for my husband, but unfortunately he has the strange idea that two cats is “enough.” (What?  I’m not comprehending that perculiar combination of words…?  Enough?  Cats? Hmm.) Anyway, Engie’s card was the perfect substitute for a real kitten.

Since I’m still not entirely sure of the weather for Saturday, I’m bringing a little bit of everything.

Preliminary packing pile…

Luckily I’m driving and can throw as much as I want in the car!  I’ll check in on Sunday with the Weekly Rundown- but it probably won’t be much more than “I did it!”  (er- hopefully.)  I’ll have a full race recap up next week!  See you then.

Have a great weekend!

Header photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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28 Responses

    1. Ha! Maybe my husband will get me a kitten as a reward for finishing the race (no. that won’t happen.) Thanks for the encouragement!

  1. You are amazing Jenny, and I’ll be thinking of you Saturday! Hope your race goes well and I can’t wait to read all about it!

  2. Aw Jenny, I’m so excited for you tomorrow! I’ll be cheering you on virtually. Hopefully the rain will hold off until it gets warm, and then it will be a delightful cooling mist.

    In small world news, our friend that we meet up with when we go to St Augustine lives in Titusville.

    Speaking from the personal experience of my childhood, a ratio of 1 cat per person works well for a three person house. A sweet orange tabby kitten would be an excellent present for someone who’s just run a 50 mile race. I’m not trying to tell you husband what to do, I’m just sayin’…

    1. Ha ha… I’ll try to make sure my husband reads this.
      That’s funny, you know someone in Titusville! Maybe they’re running my race (no… probably not.)
      I like your weather “prediction.” I should stop tracking and just go with that.

  3. I’m so excited!! The time is finally here! I hope the trip down goes smoothly, the weather is amazing, and you have the RACE OF YOUR LIFE. Enjoying the great parts and knowing that the harder parts will make for great stories.

    Sending so much love. Proud to know you, as my mother loves to say <3

  4. I cannot wait to hear about your race! So excited for you!! Know that the hard parts will make it so much more worth it (after you are done) 🙂 And enjoy the great parts as much as you can!

  5. I’m so excited for you!

    You’ve got this!

    OMG, if I were driving to a destination race i think I’d just bring all my gear — I hate deciding in advance.

  6. OK, it’s Saturday evening and for some reason I thought you were going to post TODAY to say you did it, and wanted to pop by and see it. Now I see I have to wait until tomorrow. I hope it went great!

  7. I had a really busy Friday so am just getting around to commenting on this post! I am anxiously awaiting an ‘I did it!’ post from you! 50 miles! It blows the mind!! I hope the weather turned out ok for you. Weather roller coasters are awful when you have a race! But hopefully it wasn’t too hot and didn’t downpour? A little sprinkle can be fine (but can cause more chafing…).

  8. Oh, I know the outcome of the race because I’m behind in reading blogs, but I’m glad you got the postcard and Valentine’s Day card. I hope they sparked joy for you.

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