Hooray! It’s Friday! This Friday is especially festive because the kids don’t have school, which means I can sleep a little later. Before we head into the weekend I have a few topics to discuss… starting with a controversy in our house.
Does anyone else think the Cologuard box is really cute? You know, the Cologuard commercials where the little box is walking around and doing cute things like putting cucumber circles over his eyes and sitting in the movie theater with a box of popcorn?
Every time those commercials come on, I have to stop everything I’m doing and watch. I’ll exclaim, “Look! Now he’s riding on the bus! Now he’s wearing goggles!” I want to do the Cologuard test, just so I can have that little box show up on my doorstep.
My husband thinks I’m completely insane. He claims no one else in the world loves the Cologuard box like I do, but I don’t believe it. Thoughts?

Let’s move on. Speaking of insanity, we’ve had a situation here. We discovered that our new pet rats found a way to get out of their cage, and into the guinea pig cage. We would find them literally snuggled up with the guinea pigs.
Now, this sounds really cute, but I think the rats enjoyed this more than the guinea pigs. The rats were eating the guinea pig food, AND let’s examine the fact that the rats could get out of their cage. They weren’t actually GOING anywhere, other than to visit the guinea pigs, but strangely, I was not on board with the whole situation. We have two cats and it was only a matter of time before something really bad happened.
I spent hours yesterday reinforcing the entire rat cage with chicken wire. The rats now seem secure- if a little sad that they can’t get out to visit their friends- and the guinea pigs are much happier.

Lastly… let’s talk about the weather. At 5:45 this morning when I went out for my run, it was 80 degrees. But did it feel like 80? Oh, no, no, no. Because of the 90% humidity, it felt like 87 degrees. Not okay, universe… not okay.
Instead of cooing down, I feel like it’s getting hotter and hotter. But let’s look ahead a little…
What is that I see on Tuesday morning??? It starts with a “5”!!! And highs in the 70s- could it really be true? I’ve had my hopes dashed too many times by a cool front that never materialized, but I’m allowing myself the teensiest bit of hope that cooler weather is coming our way.
26 Responses
Ok when you said the rats got out, all I could think of were dead ones. My cats would not let them live after they tortured them…
Happy to hear that your temps may be cooling down.
I’m thrilled that I may get in a dry 20 mile run tomorrow and a dry hike on Monday.
I did sign up for Ft Lauderdale AGAIN… I have a hotel room the night before… Hint, Hint.
Otherwise I’m Boca for a week so I hope we do meet up for a sunrise run (and I don’t break my foot)
Ha ha, yes let’s try this again! But I think Ft. Lauderdale is the exact same weekend as my race- mine is the 17th and yours is the 18th or something like that. My husband is planning to do it though!
i hope you get that dry 20 miler in tomorrow! At this point I’d take rain over intense heat… but I can see why you wouldn’t want it.
A1A? It’s 2/18! I am debating doing it. It was so hot last year and crowded but maybe we could get luckier this year?
Fun fact: the two years I ran Miami half it was FREEZING COLD! 2015 and 2016. Like 40s temps.
please do it. I don’t know anyone…
I ran it 2 years and it was soooo hot!
Well we may have to meet for coffee or tea before or after your race. Hope your hubby doesn’t get COVID again.
Is that what happened? I can’t even remember all the disasters at this point. I know you and my husband both ran it several years ago when it was super hot. But look at SHU’s comment- it could be 40s, although that’s hard to believe right now.
I definitely won’t be running it but we’ll meet up at some point that week.
I’m with Darlene above! The cats! Aieeee!
I have never even heard of Cologuard, it must be an American thing I guess.
Glad your temps are cooling down! It’s very fresh and fall-like here, cool in the mornings and warm in the afternoons. Perfect!
Oh, if the cats got the rats I wouldn’t have titled the post “Friday Fun!”
I was thinking Cologuard might be an American thing…it’s like an at-home test you can do for colon cancer. Well, part of it is at home and then you send off the sample. I’m actually not a candidate because I have a family history of colon cancer, so I have to do the real thing (darn!)
Rats just freak me out, so I’ll avoid that topic.
I’d never heard of Cologuard – could be an American thing OR the fact that we don’t have cable or any form of television (just Netflix and Disney+). I feel very out of the loop in terms of commercials.
Sorry your weather is so humid. We’ve had some gorgeous days, but this weekend is supposed to be rainy. But I’m okay with that – aside from the fact I want to get a picture of the kids for our Christmas card before my daughter gets BRACES NEXT WEEK. Phew. It feels like a big step, she’s super nervous, and I also know she likely will like to have a Christmas picture that doesn’t showcase new braces? So I’d love an hour of clearly so we can just take a few nice pictures outside, and then it can rain the rest of the time and I just feel like cuddling up with a hot drink and watching movies with the kids.
Oh boy… good luck with the photos, AND the braces! Soft food for a few days! By the way they’ll give her a long list of foods she’s not supposed to eat- my daughter ignored that and ate all the wrong things (sigh) but everything was fine. So don’t worry too much.
I honestly assumed at the start of the story that the cats got the rats and I was prepared for way worse than snuggles with the guinea pigs! That just sounds adorable!!
I have never seen this Cologuard thing. I think it looks cute, though. I think I’m easily manipulated by advertising, so maybe don’t listen to me!!
It is chilly (low 50s) and rainy here, so it really feels like fall. Fingers crossed that you get some of this cooler weather, too.
Well, it can’t cool down here till it cools down up there, so at least there’s hope now.
Oh, if you saw these commercials you would probably by rushing out to get a cologuard test. I can tell you don’t watch much TV because I seem to see the commercials all the time!
oh my GOD the weather today. mine said 82, “feels like” 91 at 5:30 AM. IS IT AUGUST OR OCTOBER? aghghghghghgh! I was out there too running verrrry slowly and repeating to myself: “this is good training. this is good training. this is good training.” LOL.
Yes, the humidity is what’s killing me. I do think today was hotter than yesterday. When will it end???
Temps in the 70s sound heavenly! It’s gonna be 100 degrees here on Monday…in mid-October, not ok! We don’t have the humidity here but still, I’m ready for 70s and 80s so it’ll actually feel like fall.
I do think the Cologuard box is kinda cute, and it sounds way better than doing a traditional colonoscopy, which fortunately I shouldn’t have to worry about for 14 more years!
HA, well I’ve done the traditional colonoscopy… it’s not as bad as people make it out to be.
100, seriously? Ouch.
There are some weird-a** medical commercials out there, to be honest, but the cologuard commercial is kinda cute. Haha.
Eek, when you said that rats got out of their cage, I was thinking the worst…. but I think you said that they’re in a separate room that the cats can’t get to, right? But why would they want to visit the guinea pigs? Do they think those are relatives? LOL I am glad everybody involved was ok (the rats AND the guinea pigs!).
Yes, that’s why we keep that door closed! But all it takes is one person forgetting one time…
Yes, at least the cologuard commercial isn’t too graphic- that would be gross.
So my secret confession is that I have a Cologuard kit sitting around the house, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to, uh, collect the sample. The recommended age for screening was recently moved to 45, and my doc gave me the option of doing Cologuard instead. Honestly, I’m going to stick to the old guideline of 50 and just do the colonoscopy in 2 years.
The smaller the pet the more options it has for places to go…hopefully the chicken wire will slow them down.
Oh, that’s funny! I take it your box isn’t walking around doing cute things.
I got really SMALL chicken wire- there’s no way they can get through this (ha ha… famous last words.)
Yikes! Glad the rats didn’t go check out the cats! That could have gone badly!! I am glad that you got to sleep in for a change! I got to sleep until 6:40 this morning and it was glorious!! I hope the weather forecast holds and it cools off a bit! We are hoping for warmer temps here. It’s been really chilly. Yesterday it was raining and in the 40s. Burr. I missed most of it since I was in Ky/Tn. It was gorgeous there!! In the 70s.
70s is the ideal weather! Well… I’ll take 50s in the morning and 70s in the afternoon. If only we could somehow even out our temps- give you a little of our warmth and vice versa. Then we’d all be happy!
I hope all is settled with the rats! We had a hamster once who used to run around in her little ball and terrorize the cats, so they were intimidated by her. She got out somehow, and I found her sitting in the cat food dish eating their food, and they left her alone because they were still scared of her. Funny, right?
I’m sending hopes for cooler weather your way. It’s going to be hot again this coming week here, low 90s. But it’s dry, so not a big deal in my book. But I really do want to be done with the a/c.
Oh, that IS funny!!! I can picture my cats being scared of a hamster in a ball. And somehow hamsters always escape!!! I’m laughing at the thought of yours sitting in the cat food bowl.
The Cologuard guy *is* very cute, but I just cannot imagine just sending away my poop in the mail. I, too, have to go the colonoscopy route because of family history.
I love that the rats just wanted to meet their guinea siblings!! That’s actually very adorable.
It was really cute. My sister suggested somehow building a walkway between the cages, but that’s way beyond my ability.