Why, yes! I did blatantly steal this idea from Elisabeth. I always love her Friday posts, and I think we could all use some happy things. Here are a few of mine:
THIS LITTLE SNUGGLE BUNNY! She’s so, so sweet. Every time I sit on the couch she comes and sits by my feet. Cats always make me happy.
On my day off, I went to Starbucks. I usually get a plain Earl Grey tea, but when I want to treat myself I get a “London Fog,” which is Earl Grey, milk, (I get oat milk) and vanilla. I always order a Grande, but the barista accidentally made me a Venti at no extra charge. I’ll take it!
Gretchen Rubin has a quiz to discover your most neglected sense. I haven’t taken it yet, but I know my sense of smell is definitely NOT neglected. I’m loving all the holiday scents. These are the three soaps I bought at Bath and Body Works last week. Every time I wash my hands, I take an extra moment to smell the soap. Speaking of scents…

I went to Target this week, and their candles are buy one, get one 50% off. Might as well get started on my Christmas-y candle collection! I haven’t actually lit these yet- I’m still enjoying my fall candles for now. I light one every day.
One more very happy thing… I’m loving NaBloPoMo so much!!! Everyone is doing such a great job! I love having so many blogs to read every single day. I’ve tried, but I know there are posts I’ve missed. I still have 15 more days to get to everyone’s. Once again- a huge thanks to San for organizing the whole thing.
What’s making you happy this Friday?
Top photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash
37 Responses
I also am loving NaBloPoMo, but for some reason today my comments are disappearing on about half of the blogs, which is frustrating.
I’m going to Target tomorrow, maybe I will check out their candles…
I love your kitty, so sweet. I would love to have a cat come and cuddle next to me while I read or blog or watch TV. My husband is REALLY allergic though, so no deal. Sigh.
Oh no, how tragic! But- my husband was allergic to cats when we met, so we didn’t have any for years. Then we started feeding an outdoor cat, who gradually insinuated himself into our house, and we realized… my husband wasn’t allergic anymore! I guess he outgrew it??? So maybe there’s hope.
Steal away, Jenny. I love it!
Like J’s husband, I am very allergic to cats so we don’t/won’t have any. But my husband ADORES cats (he had them growing up) and I know he would have one in an instant if I wasn’t allergic.
NaBloPoMo has been great. I’ll admit I haven’t read every single post (or commented on every single post), but it has felt…a lot more manageable this year.
I still have never had anything – ever – from Starbucks, but I feel like I really must do that in 2025.
Well… as I said to Julie, my husband used to be allergic but magically outgrew it! I think you like your pet-free status though.
Elisabeth, I can imagine you FINALLY having a Starbucks drink and thinking “THIS is what people are raving about?” But you definitely should try it, at some point.
I’d love to smell those soaps, just to know if they were for me. I’m very particular about smells – I either love it or hate it, and my favourite for candles is vanilla!
Also loving NaBloPoMo and getting to know you all, and having a influx of comments is such a mood boost, right?
Hanna, I’m also particular. I think I sampled every soap in the store that day (they actually have a sink where you can sample them, and wash them off.) There are some I absolutely hate! These three were my favorites.
Bath and Body Works’ holiday soaps are the best! Twisted Peppermint and Fresh Balsam are my go-to Christmas scents.
I’m happy that it’s almost the weekend again! It was a short week for me because I had off Monday but sometimes short weeks feel longer so I’m glad there’s only one workday left. I have a full week of work next week and then a half week before a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving so I’m very much looking forward to that, even though it feels wild that it’s already almost Thanksgiving!
My daughter’s FAVORITE is Twisted Peppermint- I also got her the Twisted Peppermint body spray, which she uses every single day. Hmm, I wonder if I’ll get sick of it before the container runs out?
Such a fun list. I’m still in denial that the Christmas stuff is out in stores already. I’m not ready for Thanksgiving, let alone Christmas!
Today hugging my kids is making me happy. I’ve only been home one night this week, so in the morning when I see the kids, I give them big big hugs.
I’m loving all the new blogs I’m discovering this month too. I haven’t been able to publish every day, but I’ve posted more days than I’ve skipped, so I’m calling that a win.
Diane, I’m not ready for Thanksgiving either! All these people already wrapping their Christmas gifts are stressing me out.
I’m loving NaBloPo as well. It’s so fun to get daily posts.
Yay for the bonus venti London Fog! I don’t remember if I told you, but I had the pumpkin cold brew on my way home from one of my intense hiking days a few weeks ago. The only reason I had it is that you posted a picture of it and for some reason I got obsessed. It was soooooooo good. In fact it was sooooooo good that I am going to have to limit myself to 1-2 a year because otherwise it might become a habit.
Oh, yay! I have heard that the pumpkin cold brew is really good- less sickeningly sweet than the PSL. Glad you enjoyed it!
I have the twisted peppermint soap in my bathroom! It’s the gel soap though.
I am drinking coffee out of my Buddy the Elf mug right now, which feels like a happy thing. Also Rex got groomed yesterday – he’s always filthy, but especially after three weeks at the doggy resort! I am enjoying his cleanliness because it won’t last. We are going for a walk in a couple of hours and I’m sure his paws will be grubby.
Hee hee… I like the thought of Rex with grubby paws.
My daughter is VERY particular about her soaps, and she only likes the foaming style. And twisted peppermint is her very favorite scent, ever.
If you’re stealing this then so am I. I must remember to do it next Friday as today’s post is already up. And cats make me happy too, they are natural relaxation therapy. And those soaps? I’m writing out a post it note to check them out at the mall tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
Ooh! I hope you enjoy your soap sniffing. I love going to that store and smelling all the candles. I would be interested to hear what you get.
Happy Friday! I love kitties but have not had many of my own since I moved out of my parents, since I travel so much! Also my roommate and good friend was allergic. However, now I am pet sitting and it is the best of both worlds! I can pet kitties and then go back to traveling with no guilt! However, I do think the hair makes me a little itchy, but it is not so bad that I can’t handle it.
Ooh! Pet sitting sounds perfect. And- it’s true that when you have pets it does make travel more of a hassle.
That cat pic is the cutest. My son also loves smelling soaps and I think it’s the most adorable thing (pst, don’t tell him I said he is doing something adorable).
Ha ha. It is cute. My daughter is a peppermint fanatic.
That cat pic is so cute! I hope we can have a cat again some day. Oscar is definitely my MIL’s cat now since she’s not a fan of kids. We didn’t have kids when we got here so that wasn’t part of our decision calculus… it will be for our next cat!
I love candles but Phil doesn’t so we do not burn them in our house. It’s one of those compromises of marriage!
I thought of you when I enjoyed Starbucks this week. The holiday cups are such a pick-me-up!
Actually, my husband is a little wary of candles. We only have certain places candles are allowed to go (like on a high-up shelf.) But he does like the smell.
Kitty cuddles are the best. I let Zelda snooze on my lap for 45 minutes last night and I have no regrets!
We don’t burn candles very often in our house because of Zelda the Cat. She has no control over her tail and I’m so worried she’ll catch on fire. And heaven knows the dog will just knock it over with the power of her clumsy little self. Anyway, maybe we should be better about burning candles upstairs where the fuzzy creatures don’t go, but we just don’t! Maybe this should be a sign to me to burn candles when I’m doing yoga upstairs.
Yes! You need a lovely candle for your yoga! I just put it in the response above, but we only burn candles in certain places, ie. high shelves where no tails will be swishing.
I did it! I did bedtime yoga on Saturday night and I burned a candle while I did it.
Oh, I love scented soaps. I never buy those for myself. A mom I sat for for 5 years always gifted me with a scented candle and a scented soap. Those are such fun treats. I should probably buy a few for myself. My problem – how do you choose? So many awesome ones to select from.
I, too, am really enjoying NaBloPoMo. It’s fun to meet new bloggers and readers.
Ernie, I’m sensing s Secret SANta present for you if you’re participating this year…
You’re doing fantastic, Jenny, posting every single day… I’ve been loving NaBloPoMo again, too (although I am behind and in catching up mode!). Thanks for being a part of it!!
Oh, do you actually order a “London Fog” at Starbucks and they know what it means? Sounds delicious and something I should order next time!
Yes, the Starbucks baristas were the ones who told me about it!
Oh I am heading over to take that quiz, what fun! I love her. Looks like you’re nose is getting in the festive spirit!
My nose is definitely festive, ha ha.
I love the happy things for you–each one a perfect sensory delight! A real reminder to slow down and experience the moment….
Ooh, those B&BW hand soaps are so festive. Love them! I need to make a trip there soon – I need a new car fragrance holder for Ruby! I still have PLENTY of holiday candles left over from last year so hopefully I can abstain from buying more (probably not, but it’s a cute thought isn’t it?!)
There is NOTHING like sitting down on the couch and a cat coming up to you, is there? It’s the sweetest form of love!
Starbucks pumpkin cream iced chai – yum
A beer with a friend after work. so needed after a tough day.
what made me happy on friday was the home massage and going to bed 7:30pm as my body and mind felt so relaxed after the massage.
Starbucks! my colleagues are all allergic to it, whenever we go for a coffee, they always insist not to go to Starbucks! Those coffee snobs, I really don’t mind and I like their holiday cup.
That balloon photo is so happy. I instantly smiled opening your post.
I have never heard of Londin Fog but want one right this second. I need to try that. Maybe even make it later at home I think Ive got everything here. Cheers to scoring. Venti one.
I am running low on candles. Hardly able to believe but with the moves I reeled I had so many candles that I tried using them all up. I guess I did a pretty good job and get some new ones now. I have a hard time with scented candles aas they can trigger my migraines. I realized the Kneipp candles with real aromas (no artificially ones) work for me – but of course they are much more expensive.
I’m not a cat person, but that photo is very, very cute. You are amazing with all your seasonal things. I don’t really do any of that. Soap stays the same in our house all year round