walkers walk… but runners fly

Holiday Wish List

As always, December is speeding by way too fast.  I still have cookies to make… gifts to purchase… and lots of wrapping to do.  The #1 item on my own wish list is a new left foot.  I’m only partially kidding- today my doctor did the scans which will be used to make my orthotics.  I’ll be seeing him in a month for another shockwave treatment, and the orthotics should be ready by then.  It’s going to cost $450 and, naturally, insurance doesn’t cover it.  So I really shouldn’t be asking for any additional gifts, but… I did take the liberty of making a little list.  Why not?  Here are a few things I have my eye on:

I know, I know…

Anyone who read my blog in November knows that I do NOT need any more mugs.  But I love this mug I saw on The Time For Change. I’ve been searching Harry Potter mugs and can’t find any as good as this one.  But I’m trying!  A lot of them have the names of the houses on them, which is a bit of a sore spot with me.  Years ago I took a quiz and was sorted into… Hufflepuff.  SERIOUSLY?  I mean, give me Ravenclaw!  Or Gryffindor, of course.  But Hufflepuff???  Hrumph.  There will be no Hufflepuff mugs in my kitchen.

Let’s move along.  Last year I got a foot massager for Christmas, and this is what it looks like now:


Okay, I used it a lot.  But still!  It would have been nice if it lasted at least a year before falling apart. I have my eye on a new one though:

New and improved!

In addition to the foot massager, it has an air compression calf massage function.  There are probably better massagers out there, but this one is reasonably priced.  I just can’t spend a lot of money on another massager- I’ve spent so much money on this foot already.  On the other hand, do I want another econo-massager that will fall apart in nine months? Hmmm……

Okay, next one.  As you may know, I’ve been loving my Denis Morton yoga classes on the Peloton app.  But I’m also intrigued by this:

Julie Piatt is Rich Roll’s wife, so I know of her through his podcast.  When I first heard her talk, I thought it was going to be a bunch of “spiritual” BS.   But then I realized what she’s saying is genuinely profound.  Every time she’s a guest on the podcast, she’s fascinating.  It’s not that I want to leave my Peloton classes with Denis… I just want to try this as well.  iFit is only a little more expensive than Peloton, but they seem to offer a free trial month.  Maybe it will be a gift to myself in January.

Here’s one more thing I’m looking at:

A friend of mine just recommended this book. She said it explains, in a very clear way, the importance of sleeping, eating, and exercise, but more importantly WHEN these activities should take place.  After reading it, she completely transformed her health and her life.  Granted, she had been on an insane schedule where she was sleeping from 4 am- 11 am (I know- who can do that???) So she seriously needed an intervention. But the information sounds helpful to everyone.  I know my sleep schedule needs some serious tweaking.

That’s my list!   The truth is, I just love presents.  I can always get the book out of the library, continue to use my old foot massager, and get a free trial month of iFit.  My family can surprise me with whatever they want (as long as it’s not a Hufflepuff mug) and I’ll be happy.

Do you have a wish list this month?

Have you ever tried iFit?

Anyone read The Circadian Code?



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Oh, very well.  Time to finally put away the holiday mugs- but at least I have my new one from Birchie!

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28 Responses

  1. That was a well-used present, Jenny! Whoever gave you that foot massage gadget was a genius!

    I always hold my foot out to my husband and try to convince him to massage it. He doesn’t do a very good job and he grumbles about it, but it’s better than nothing. 🙂
    So here’s an idea: Couldn’t you – as a professional massage therapist – teach your husband how to do a good foot massage? Who knows, maybe he’d be delighted to do it…

    1. Ha ha. Noooo… my husband was the one who gave me that massager! My husband’s foot massage sounds similar to yours, and if I offered to teach him he would probably suggest we order a new massager, ha ha. I think the main problem is his massages last about 30 seconds, then his hands are tired, sigh!

  2. I haven’t read the Circadian Code, but my Yoga teacher recommended Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life. I have not yet read it.

    You know that I love my mugs. 🙂

    My husband actually got me a Hannukah gift that came today. It’s a heated wrap/massager that you sort of put your legs into & zip up. I will probably try it tonight. It does look kinda cool — I had never seen it either! Of course in florida maybe you don’t need that . . .

    1. Oh, I could use that massager as long as the AC is cranked up! It sounds nice.
      I would imagine the two books are similar in a lot of ways. It would be interesting to read both of them and see.

  3. That book sounds interesting. I know when I worked night shift it took a toll on my body . Like Deborah I would be interested in your take on the book if you read it.

  4. Gifts were never a big thing in my family growing up – lots of small, practical items at Christmas (think toothbrushes and socks), but there was never much extra money for “fun” items. I never felt deprived in any way because my parents just made Christmas…so wonderfully festive. The focus just wasn’t on the presents. I think I’ve brought some of that forward into my adult life. My husband is always asking me for idea, but I genuinely have such low expectations (which he always surpasses).
    This year I’ve asked for a 5-year journal (where you do one sentence a day), a new small-mesh cooling rack, 1 package of Twizzlers (oddly enough, I only eat Twizzlers a few times a year – Christmas and my birthday – but I binge an entire package in 24 hours. Once it’s gone, I’m set for another 6 months), and 1 package of Brooksides.

    1. Wow, your parents really did a great job. We always got toys for Christmas- absolutely no socks or toothbrushes! But you obviously loved your Christmases. I like your wish list- especially the Twizzlers. Funny that’s a Christmas candy for you!

    1. The theragun is probably more effective, but the foot massager just feels good. And I don’t have to do anything- I just sit there reading with my feet on it. Oh, and it’s heated!

  5. You’ve just given me the best idea for my daughter! She lives, eats, sleeps Harry Potter! At nine, she has read all the books and watched all the movies. But she doesn’t actually have any Harry Potter accessories. So I think that’s what I’m going to go for!

    1. Oh, your daughter and I could definitely be friends! You should be able to find all sorts of Harry Potter accessories for her.

  6. You have a big list.

    I love mugs but I am trying to be more a minimalist in my new kitchen.

    Nothing on my list but we keep buying things we need and say it’s a Christmas present. So a new Washing machine and new mattress. I fiend some great sales and buy a new coat and two cashmere sweaters that I don’t need. Lol.

  7. That foot massager! LOL! I’d say you deserve the fancy one with the compression boots.

    That book sounds interesting. My son sleeps from 4 am to 11 am or longer. But he is working nights right now. I’ve done that in the past and it really messes up everything in your life!

    1. I would say your son is young enough to get away with just about anything. If he did that for the rest of his life, it would probably catch up to him- but I don’t think he’ll do that.

  8. U kive writing a wish list every year… it’s fun to browse and pick out fun gifts (even if there’s no chance of getting any of it – LOL). Useful gifts (like a foot massager) are always great, but I love that you also put a mug on your wish list – even if you don’t need any more mugs (welcome to the club! ;)).

  9. I still have to make cookies and shop, too. It’s a weird year for gifts this time around. And I have no idea what kind of cookies to make.

    1. Oh, well if you check out Sally’s Baking Addiction you’ll get plenty of yummy ideas! She just finished her “Cookie Palooza” where she publishes ten new cookie recipes.

  10. That foot massager looks so cool! My calves always get really tight after my walks and I have high arches so my arches can cramp up, too, so that massager would be amazing to use. Too late to add it to this Christmas wish list, but I think I’ll add it to next year’s, haha.

    That Circadian Code book sounds really interesting! I’d love a review if you get around to reading it. 🙂

    I’m also a Hufflepuff, but it was just so apparent to me that that is what my House is. I didn’t even get mad, haha. I am a Hufflepuff through and through! We’re very loyal and hard-working – those are great things to be!

    1. Well, okay, that makes me feel better. Encouraging words from a fellow Hufflepuff.
      I also have high arches which is PART of what makes my foot so “difficult.” You would like the massager- you’ll have to add it to your next list!

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