walkers walk… but runners fly

How Omicron Stole Christmas

What a week!  Let’s see… I got my new orthotics, my son and I both got Covid, and we celebrated Christmas.  WAIT!  What was that middle part???  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah, but it won’t be a traditional weekly rundown.  More like a brief check-in!  Let’s get started…

The first part of the week was uneventful.  I had some stomach issues and my workouts were lackluster.  A couple Peloton yoga classes and some short runs.  I got my orthotics on Tuesday, started getting used to them and was able to get out for a short run on Thursday with them.

The weather even cooled down for a lovely Festivus run!

But then… Thursday night my son and I both started to feel sick.  I woke up on Friday with a HORRIBLE sore throat.  My son didn’t have a sore throat, but he was tired and achy.  I also had a cough and congestion, but the main thing was the throat. I remember having a terrible sore throat once in seventh grade, so let’s say it’s the worst sore throat I’ve had in 42 years.  It was hard to even drink water.  Advil helped slightly.

Christmas Day dawned, and my son and I both took our Advil.  We all opened presents, listened to Christmas music, and tried to enjoy the day.  My son had a fever though and was super uncomfortable.  We did our best!  I was able to taste the delicious food we had- but it was just so hard to swallow.

Today, I went to urgent care and got a positive Covid test.  When they gave me my results they said “Everyone has Covid.”  Honestly, I’m relieved.  If I’m going to be this sick, I want it to be omicron and get it over with.  My son and I are both feeling slightly better today, so we’re on the mend.

So, did this ruin Christmas?  Well… “ruin” is a strong word.  We didn’t end up in the hospital and the house didn’t burn down.  We still had our presents, our family, and some delicious meals (although some of us were able to enjoy those more than others.) It was just like when the Grinch stole all the presents, food, and decorations- Christmas came, just the same.  Thanks to a crap-ton of Advil.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s weeks of workouts and celebrations.  Happy Boxing Day!

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40 Responses

  1. Ugh – I’m so sorry to heard that both you and your son have Covid. Unfortunately it’s true that so many people have gotten Covid over the past few weeks. My aunt and two cousins had it 2 weeks ago and now my grandmother has it. Needless to say it hasn’t been the best Christmas but all we can do is stay positive and mask up!

  2. I’m sorry to hear you got sick, but I have to say it could have been a lot worse than a sore throat if you weren’t vaccinated! It sounds like it was relatively mild in the whole scheme of things. And now you have super immunity!

    Feel better, give yourself grace and time to get back to 100%. Running will be there!

    1. Thank you Jessie! Yes, it really wasn’t bad considering everything. Really just a bad cold, but that sore throat was what made me think it was something more. I wonder what it would have been like had I not been vaccinated- we’ll never know.

  3. It does seem as though it’s everywhere, another friend had a close call (but is ok) — I’m still sorry you were sick! I was so sick just the one day from the booster! I can’t eat when I have a fever. As I felt better last Sunday, I had a banana, some crackers, a couple of pieces of toast & bone broth (not all at once!). That was it for the day.

    I’m glad it wasn’t a total loss. Hugs, Jenny, be well!

    1. Thank you Judy! Be careful- it really is everywhere and they’re saying cloth masks aren’t effective. You’re probably okay since you’ve been vaxxed ad boosted, but you don’t want to risk giving it to your mom.

  4. We had to cut back on our celebration due to Omicron. My nephew had it and my oldest’s roommate has it–Tom had 3 negative Covid tests, so he came. My 89 year old father-in-law opted to stay home. Omicron is EVERYWHERE here and I won’t be surprised if we get it too. I don’t want it. I’m just so tired of the whole thing. I’m glad you weren’t terrible sick, but I am sorry the Omicron was the Grinch that stole your Christmas this year.

    1. I hate to say it but I think we’re all going to get it. The vaccine doesn’t seem to protect against it and they’re saying cloth masks aren’t effective either. The good news is it doesn’t seem to be as serious as the other variants, but I don’t know about the elderly- I’m glad your FIL decided to stay home.

  5. OH no so sorry you both got sick on Christmas. I really hope you start to feel better soon. You always have a way of finding the bright side of things! I really like that about you 🙂

    1. Thank you Deborah! We’re both starting to feel better. So it was really only bad for Christmas Even and Christmas Day- terrible timing, but what can you do.

  6. Sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you’re wrong and we are not going to get it. Everyone I know has both vaccines and boosted over 2 weeks ago. Fingers crossed.

    Glad you’re feeling better and Christmas wasn’t a total loss.

    1. Well, I definitely hope you don’t get it. But… just know that if you do, you’ll be okay. You’ve been vaxxed and boosted and it won’t make you seriously ill. The only people having serious problems from omicron are unvaccinated. Knowing that it’s so contagious will help you- I wasn’t being as careful as I should have been. Learn from my mistakes!

  7. I’m so sorry, Jenny! Glad you’re on the mend and that you did get to spend time together as a family, even if it didn’t pan out quite the way you had hoped.

    Since having kids, we’ve had something crazy like 6 out of 7 years having someone in our immediate family sick on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, including 3 out of 4 Christmas Eve’s spent in the emergency room for urgent care!!!

    Last year was incredible – no one was sick at all!

    This Christmas Eve our little guy ended up with sniffles and feeling nauseous and came in at 4 am on Christmas morning. Ugh. No fever and he seems mostly fine now. They’re asking us to conserve rapid tests where we live and it’s taking a WEEK to get a PCR test (our numbers are going through the roof), so I have no idea what he has. The schools and community are full of people testing negative on rapid tests, so colds/flus are definitely also coming back with a vengeance. For now, we’re just limiting contact and keeping him home. Christmas Day wasn’t a complete wash, but since my parents are visiting (just boosted), I did feel horrifically guilty when he got sick 2 days after they arrived.

    I talked to someone yesterday who had been speaking with a paramedic saying the same thing – everyone is basically going to get Omicron, but the only serious cases they’re seeing are among unvaccinated.

    I’m still not eligible for a booster – only open to 50+ at this point where I live…

    1. What? That’s so crazy, your history with illnesses on Christmas. Being in the ER on Christmas Eve must be extra-special. That’s a really unfortunate situation with your son, but you shouldn’t feel guilty- it’s not your fault at all. You all did everything right (your parents are boosted) and some things are just out of your control. Fingers crossed that everyone is okay- I hope you were able to enjoy Christmas!

  8. Oh Jenny, I am so sorry you and your son got sick – and just before Christmas. I feel like you can be so careful and still end up catching it 🙁 but I guess it could be much worse if you weren’t vaccinated. I still hope you recover quickly – a sore throat is awful.

    1. San, a sore throat is my least favorite thing ever- this has truly been a curse! My throat is about 50% better, which makes my happy. I can’t wait till I can actually swallow again without wincing.

  9. Oh, gosh. I’m sorry you and your son got sick, but glad you are getting better already. I hope your daughter stays well. And I really hope your husband doesn’t get it, since he had it before!

    1. Ah, we figure this will answer the question, can you get covid twice? We will soon find out! My husband gets tested three times a week at work, so we’ll know for sure. So far my daughter is fine.

  10. UGH!!!! That’s a bummer, but kudos to you and your attitude 😉 Yes, Christmas came, just the same (just like Dr. Seuss said, LOL). Our Christmas was a bit off due to all the pre-trip stuff and the youngest not feeling well (not Covid, but she chose to wait until Christmas Day to join us…and wore a mask and kept her distance from everyone). Despite all the weirdness this year (in my household, at least), it still was a joyous celebration 😉

    1. I agree Kim- no matter what, there’s always something joyful about Christmas. Glad you were able to enjoy it as well!

  11. Ugh I’m so sorry, especially about the timing of it’s arrival to your household. Glad to hear you’re on the upswing at any rate and that you did enjoy your Christmas in spite of it. My mom did not come to any of the Christmas eve or day festivities. It sucked but it was the right call.

    1. Yes, I agree. Better safe than sorry! Although they’re saying omicron isn’t dangerous if you’ve been vaccinated… but why take that chance.

  12. Oh dear – glad you were able to get tested and know what was what. There’s a lot of it about and I know several people who had quieter than normal Christmasses as a result (my Brother-in-Law had symptoms but got a negative PCR test back really quickly. We saw him and extended family yesterday so will be taking a couple of lateral flows ourselves over the next few days just in case …). Hope you’re both fully recovered soon, take care!

    1. Yes, it seems to have affected a lot of people’s Christmas. Thanks for the good wishes- we’re both feeling better!

  13. I am so sorry for this bad news but I am glad to read that you and your son and slightly feel better.
    Get well soon and don’t give up: you have to run a lot of miles again!!!

    1. Yes, at least after this we can go out into the world and not have to worry about omicron. I think it’s going to go through he population quickly and then be done. We’re definitely feeling better!

  14. Oh Jenny I’m so sorry both you and your son got sick 🙁 I hope your daughter and husband stay well. It really does feel like it is everywhere! Hope you’re feeling better soon!!

    1. Thanks Michelle! My daughter and husband are both completely fine. my husband had Covid over the summer so it looks like he’s immune. My daughter is healthy so far!

  15. Oh, no! I’m so sorry you got sick. It doesn’t sound too bad, but it really reiterates to me why I keep popsicles in our freezer, even though there’s snow on the ground here. It really feels like that omicron variant is everywhere and we’re all going to get it at some point – it’s crappy that you were feeling the worst on Christmas Day, but at least it wasn’t a day when you had a bunch of work engagements. (<–This is me trying to look at the bright side, which is not my natural state. Did it work?)

    1. Ha ha, I suppose it could have been worse… although if I could go back and get sick on any other day, I would. Maybe not Thanksgiving. Have to think about that. Anyway, we’re definitely feeling much better now!

  16. I’m so sorry to hear that you and your son were sick during Christmas, but happy that you’re on the mend. I feel like Covid is here to stay and we’re all going to get it at some point just like we all get the common cold. I just hope the milder Omicron variant is the direction the virus is headed.

  17. Oh my goodness, I am SO SORRY you and your son got Covid. And over Christmas, no less! A sore throat is my least-favorite symptom – I never realize how much I swallow until it feels like cutting glass every time I do. Ugh. Take care of yourself, friend. I really feel like we’re all going to get this dang virus at this point.

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