walkers walk… but runners fly

I Blinked

At my son’s high school graduation yesterday, the principal gave a speech and said “Remember the day you dropped them off at kindergarten, and someone warned you not to blink?”  Well… I blinked, and now it’s over.

I’m actually a completely normal height- the men in my family are very tall!

I was prepared for the ceremony…

…and afterwards we went out for an amazing vegan dinner.

The food was incredible.

Pizza! Sushi! Burger! Noodles!


Life doesn’t get much better than this!

I enjoyed the giant cookie vicariously, since I don’t eat sugar.  Then we went for a walk around beautiful downtown West Palm Beach.

It was a night to remember- just what you would want to mark a big occasion.

At graduation, the valedictorian spoke about everything the class of 2021 has been through.   The tragedy our friends at Marjory Stoneman Douglas endured, in the town next to us.  Nine of the kids who were killed there on February 14, 2018 should have graduated last night.

He spoke about the pandemic, of course, and how painful it’s been to log into a google meet every day instead of going to school with their friends.  I’ve been so sad all year about everything these kids have missed- the football games, concerts, band trips, prom… everything that makes school fun, and all the milestones of senior year.

The graduation ceremony itself was modified due to Covid.  For purposes of social distancing, the graduates were in a separate hall from the spectators.  They did process in to our hall, briefly, so we could see them before processing out to their location.  We watched most of the ceremony on a large screen.

Moving their tassels from right to left! This picture makes it look like everyone was packed together, but the chairs were arranged in groups of two, with space in between.

Although I’m still sad at how this year played out, I realized yesterday that all the years counted- not just this one.  The class of 2021 who entered school together worked hard for twelve years to get to this moment.  Last year there was no graduation at all, so I’m grateful for what we had.

Before I know it, we’ll be sitting at his college graduation… and then his wedding… I’m afraid to blink again.

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17 Responses

  1. Isn’t it crazy just how fast it goes (in retrospect)? I have so many memories that are crystal clear… from the time each of my kids were born. Now, my oldest is embarking on marriage (she’s been out of college FIVE years already), the middle one (graduated college Dec. 2019) has his own condo & is quite independent. The youngest has about another 18 months of school & then she’ll have her degree. Yikes! I don’t feel “old” enough be be the parent of these “old” kids LOL Congrats go your son!!

    1. Thank you Kim! I agree, you don’t seem old enough! That’s just our perspective though- I’m sure we seem plenty old to them.

    1. I first heard that quote “the days are long but the years are short” when my son was a baby and it’s SO TRUE. Crazy how the time goes by.

  2. Oh wow, I would have been crying a river at those speeches!! I cry a lot when they had the senior video with clips of the kids as toddlers, etc. Heck I’m tearing up just thinking about it again! That does suck about all of the things they missed, but I agree, it’s the culmination of all of those years that matter. Looks like your son has grown into a great young man. Congrats to him, and to you and your husband for guiding him to this point!!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I know you have a graduate this year as well. I cry easily too- I keep tearing up today when remembering parts of the ceremony. Let’s not even get into taking them to college in the fall (nooooooo!)

    1. Yes, you’re still at the beginning. It’s funny because the toddler years seem to go by so slowly… when you’re in them. It’s tempting to wish them away, but in retrospect, every stage is great.

  3. Congrats to your son! It sure feels like 5 minutes since we had a house full of little boys and now both of my stepsons are taller than me. I don’t know if it’s the stepmom thing, but part of me is DYING to see what the boys will do when they grow up and the other part of me wants them to stay exactly as they are now.

    1. Thank you Birchie! I wonder if being a stepmom allows you to be a little more objective… but it sounds like you’ve all been together for a long time, so I’m sure graduation will be a tearjerker for you as well!

  4. Oh, wow, Jenny! I’m sure you needed ALL the tissues you brought along with you! Such a momentous event!
    You can be very proud of your (very tall!) son, it must have been such a hard time for him and his colleagues.

    That cookie!! I admire you for staying strong. I would have definitely gobbled it all up!

    1. Thank you Catrina! I am proud of all the kids who graduated this year!
      About the cookie… yes, if I had had a tiny taste I would have gobbled it all up, and probably ordered another one! Much easier not to taste it at all, for me.

  5. Awwe congratulations to your son on his graduation! I know last year and this year haven’t been the easiest on these kids so kudos to him for all of his hard work!

    That vegan meals looks delicious!

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