walkers walk… but runners fly

In Other News…

Have I mentioned that I have a race coming up on Saturday?  Hahahahahaha… I’m pretty sure just about everyone is aware of that.  Obviously the weather stalking, list making, planning, and worrying are in full swing, but there have been a few other things going on!  Like… let’s talk about the Super Bowl.

What a great game!  It was close, exciting, and the correct team won (although some might contest that.)  But more importantly, I made a REALLY yummy Super Bowl dinner.  Instead of doing anything football-related, I just decided to make a fun dinner that I wouldn’t normally make.  I chose the Vegan Buffalo Mac and Cheese from Nora Cooks.

My daughter didn’t want the soy curls in hers so there’s a clear dividing line!

GAH!  This was so good.  You make a cheesy cashew-based sauce that has hot sauce and plant-based ranch mixed in.  Nora’s version is prettier, because she garnishes it with extra sauce, but it didn’t need it.  As a last minute nod to “health” I threw a couple stalks of celery on my plate.

And then we had leftovers the next night.

Roasted broccoli goes with everything.

Next topic!  I’ve invented a new thing called “reading in bed.”  Ha, well, MAYBE I didn’t invent it, but I haven’t read in bed at night in years… like, probably since my kids were born.  My husband usually goes to bed before me, and I normally read at night on the couch in the living room.

Last week I decided to shake things up, and in an effort to get more sleep, I started getting in bed early- between 8:30-9:00 with my book.  I love it!  It really relaxes me, and somehow it’s soothing to hear my husband out puttering around the house.  The only danger is, sometimes it’s hard to put my book down and go to sleep.  But I’ve been pretty good about turning the light off by 9:30 or 10:00 at the latest.  I get a gold start sticker in my planner (thank you, Elisabeth for that idea!) if I turn the light off by 9:30, so that gives me extra motivation.

Stickers are fun.

And what am I reading?  In addition to My Brilliant Friend (Cool Bloggers Book Club book) I’m reading this book:

Lindsay mentioned that she loves Ann Cleeves, so I decided to check her out.  So far I’m loving this book- but it’s a mystery, so I’m going to give my final verdict after I finish it.  Nothing worse than a great mystery with a disappointing ending.  I trust you, Lindsay, but I’ve been burned before.

And that’s it!  I’ll be back soon with some final pre-race thoughts.

Did you watch the Super Bowl?  Did you make any fun food?

What are you reading?

Header photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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Weekly Rundown

It was a great week!  That is, if you like heat, humidity, and hurricanes.  (If you don’t like those things, don’t come to Florida in September!)  Here in South Florida we’re sending love to those in the panhandle who got pummeled- while being grateful that we were spared this time.  As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) for this Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how it all went down… Sunday 6 miles on the trail!  The first mile was walking, then 5 miles running.  It was hot, sticky, parts of the trail were overgrown and there were biting flies.  But I loved it. Monday Leg day at the gym!  Here’s how I found the squat racks: BOTH racks had heavy weights left on the bars.  Why do people do this???  I didn’t feel like dealing with it, so I went over to use an older squat rack in the corner.  Once again I avoided deadlifts because of my cranky low back, but did squats, some single leg balance exercises, and abs. Tuesday I continued my cautious every-other-day running schedule.  Today I walked half a mile and ran 2.5. I followed this with a MadFit standing core workout. Wednesday It was a strength day at home- upper body, Caroline Girvan deadbugs, and hip stability exercises. At 5 pm we got a call that school was canceled the next day because of the hurricane.  Wait, what?  This was the first I heard of Hurricane Helene (I really should start watching the news more.) In my defense, it wasn’t on track to hit us, but we still had a tropical storm warning. Thursday The good news was, since there was no school, I was able to sleep in a little and run in the daylight.  The bad news was, we had pockets of horrendous weather, and one of them happened during my run.  Wind, driving rain, and thunder and lightning in the distance.  I did 3 miles and then hightailed it back home- and as soon as I got there it started to clear up. I followed this with the MadFit standing core workout- except I didn’t realize it was a different one.  Apparently MadFit has at least two standing core workouts.  I like them both! Friday I was very proud of myself for getting to the gym twice this week for leg day.  This time I did squats and deadlifts.  My low back is still achy, but I just decided to carry on. Saturday 5 miles!  Well, the first half mile was walking, and then I ran 4.5.  I’m getting there… slowly but surely. Sunday On tap for the day- sleeping in and waffles!  I’ve decided to shift my “long” runs to Wednesdays (a day off from work.) Obviously there will be football as well, although the Dolphins play Monday night.  I’ll find a game or two to watch. How was your week?  Any “interesting” weather?  

Runfessions and Fallfessions!

Well, it’s the last Friday of the month and you know what that means- I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions!  But first- let’s talk, once again, about pumpkins. I said I wasn’t going to talk about pumpkins in every post, but yesterday Nicole sent me this: I love it!  And I love how when people see tons of pumpkins, they immediately think of me.  I am officially the Crazy Pumpkin Lady!  But did you know it wasn’t always this way? When I lived up north, I actually- gasp- HATED fall!  I know- the irony!  I grew up in Illinois (the pumpkin capital) where I could do all the fall things- go apple picking, see fall colors, wear sweaters… and I hated it.  What I really hated, of course, was winter, but fall meant winter was coming. In my 20s I was still living up north (why? WHY?) and one day I went for a walk with a friend.  He pointed out the beautiful colors of the leaves, and I told him I couldn’t see the beauty- all I could see was that winter was coming.  He said “Can’t you just appreciate this now and enjoy yourself, without worrying about what’s coming next?”  My response was, “If you knew you were going to prison next month, would you be able to put that out of your mind and enjoy yourself today?” Yes, that sounds dramatic, but it’s truly how I felt.  Every winter the entire world turned gray.  It felt like someone threw a thick blanket over me, and I had to struggle through every day with that encumbrance.  This was right around the beginning of SAD lamps, but they weren’t widespread.  It wasn’t like you could just order one on Amazon.  I’m not sure there was a SAD lamp big enough and strong enough to fix my SAD, anyway. Now you know why I live in Florida!  But- the irony continues- after living here for about ten years, I started to notice how frickin hot it is in September… and October… and November.  I started to “miss” fall- or rather, the romanticized notion I had of it.  A crisp fall day would feel amazing right about now.  So… Pumpkin Palooza was born. I mention all this because for those of you who are dreading the winter (Hi Engie!  Hi Kim!) I want you to know I truly empathize.  It IS awful, and if you’re not enjoying fall, I don’t blame you one bit.  (Side note- Florida is a lovely place to visit in January- just saying.) Now wait just a minute! (you might be thinking.) How is this “runfessions?” Well, it’s hard to have a lot of runfessions when you’re not running very much.  I’m plugging along, a little frustrated that this is where I’m at (when I thought I was going to run a 12 hour race in November) but at the same time grateful that I can run at all. Recently I heard someone on a podcast describe training like this: every time you run, or do your strength work, or mobility, or whatever you’re doing to train, you’re placing one brick on top of another.  It doesn’t look like anything at first, but if you’re consistent, eventually you’ll have built an entire wall.  Every once in a while someone comes along with a sledgehammer and smashes your wall to pieces; and then you begin all over again. I’ll just be over here laying down my bricks.  And- stay away from me with that sledgehammer!  I’ve had enough for the time being. How’s your fall going- are you enjoying it? Is your “running wall” big and strong, or are you building it back up from the rubble like I am?  

Reading and Eating (and a Pumpkin House!)

Okay seriously, I’m not going to talk about pumpkins in every single post.  But after my post yesterday about the imaginary 100 pumpkins in my front yard, Kae sent me this: This is a house IN HER TOWN.  She said they decorate it this way every year.  Life goals right here! Let’s talk about reading.  I almost had a reading emergency this week.  I had TWO BOOKS from my hold list come available on the same day: I’ve been on the list for the Liz Moore for weeks and weeks, and I didn’t expect it right now.  I also didn’t expect the Liane Moriarty, because I just put the hold on it last week.  When these holds came in, I was 300 pages into a 1000 page book (Ken Follett’s Edge of Eternity) and I didn’t see how I was going to finish that and read both of these in two weeks. Then I remembered our library recently extended the loan period of new books to three weeks- PHEW!  I can get them all read by October 9th.  I was so excited to read The God of the Woods until I read Birchie’s post from Monday- she didn’t like it, WHAT???  I thought everyone has been liking that one!  Well, I’ll have to read it and see what the controversy is all about. Eating-wise, I continue to limp along.  My plan of doing meal prep on Sunday has not been working out (what a surprise!) Instead I’ve been making something on Sunday that can be eaten for two meals- Sunday and Monday- and then cobble things together for the rest of the week.  We always have takeout on Friday, so it’s only three dinners to get through. On Sunday I wanted to make pumpkin pasta but my daughter had a sore throat (everyone has been getting sick around here!) so I decided to make soup instead.  I made the Coconut Curry Lentil Soup from Nora Cooks.  I chose it because I was pretty sure my daughter would like it, and I was right! It was a good soup- nothing amazing about it, but it was tasty, and like most soups it was better the second day. Next up- I need to make some kind of pumpkin dessert!  In the same post where Birchie stomped all over my reading dreams, she linked to a very delicious-looking pumpkin cookie. That may have to happen this weekend. Have you read The God of the Woods?  Did you like it? Has anyone read the Liane Moriarty? Do you have a favorite fall soup? Top photo by Frames For Your Heart on Unsplash  

100 Pumpkins

Hello there!  Let’s kick off the final 100 days of the year with some fall fun.  First up…. The Cool Bloggers Postcard Club is officially underway.  This arrived from Birchie and Kyria. from their meetup in Buffalo! Soooo fun.  I need to start sending out some postcards of my own. As we all know, Sunday was the first official day of fall.  I wanted to kick my fall celebrating up a notch, but couldn’t think what to do.  I already have all my fall decor out, including orange lights strung across my bookshelves; I light a fall candle every day, drink my tea from a fall mug each morning, and have made pumpkin pasta, oatmeal, waffles and pancakes.  Hmm. My sister agreed that it was hard to top all that, and suggested that I get 100 pumpkins and put them in my front yard.  Ha ha, that’s a GREAT idea!  My husband would just love that, especially when they all start to rot in the hot sun.  Obviously she was joking, but I can’t get the idea out of my mind.  I texted my sister yesterday: Every time I drive up to my house, I imagine 100 pumpkins in my front yard.  I can just picture how it would look, and what the neighbors would be saying.  I wonder if our HSA has regulations against such a thing?  Well, it’s s nice fantasy. As much as I love pumpkin season, I’m starting to get excited about Halloween!  I follow a strict decorating schedule: September 1st- fall decor comes out.  October 1st- most of the fall decor is replaced by Halloween decs.  November 1st- Halloween things are sadly put away, and fall decor comes back with the addition of some specific Thanksgiving items. I LOVE looking at the Halloween decorations in the stores, but I also have a rule for that: I’m only allowed to CONSIDER buying something if it has a black cat on it.  I definitely don’t need any more Halloween stuff, but I do have a black cat theme going on, so if I see something with a black cat, I’m allowed to- possibly- buy it. However, Suzanne recently had a super fun post all about ghost decorations she’s considering.  They’re so cute!  Maybe I need some ghosts for my front yard?  I think I do!  (Maybe I need 100 of them- just kidding.) Wednesday is my day off, and I’m planning a trip to Hobby Lobby and Michael’s.  Hobby Lobby isn’t a store I shop at often, but I usually go at this time of year, because they REALLY know how to do fall and Christmas.  Unfortunately they don’t carry any Halloween items, so I’ll head to Michaels for that.  I’m looking forward to a fun “browsing spree”- I’ll probably buy a couple things, but will mostly just enjoy looking at everything. Do you enjoy browsing in stores?  – I love it!  That was probably the thing I missed most during Covid. Do you put up Halloween decorations? Any specific plans for the last 100 days of the year?

33 Responses

    1. Yes, I’m loving it. Much better than reading on the couch at night! And yes… epic is the perfect word for that dinner.

  1. That mac n’cheese look so good! you seem to really like Nora’s recipes. Gotta try them.
    I read in bed most of nights, usually 20 min and I’m so sleepy. I read until the urge of sleep cannot be waited. Best feeling ever!

  2. I always read before bed, either in the bath or in my bed. I have a red-tinged book light that I use so I don’t keep my husband awake. Apart from My Brilliant Friend, I’m reading A Secret History and King (the Martin Lither King biography)

  3. That macaroni cheese looks excellent. In fact I have a version of that today as it’s a Tuesday – packet pasta and cheese sauce mix but with a million added vegetables. Yum! Happy prep week – exciting!

    1. A million added vegetables sounds great. This probably wasn’t the healthiest recipe in the world, but that’s why I figured it was good for a special occasion.

  4. Just in case I miss a post before Saturday: ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR RACE, JENNY!!
    You are physically and mentally well prepared. You will rock it!
    I’m so looking forward to the recap and I want to know ALL the details.

    Reading in bed is the best!

  5. I forgot to mention that I’m nearly finished with Sally McRae’s book. Oh wow… but I’m very glad I read it. I’ll be interested to read her next book.

  6. The mac & cheese looks SO good! I was visiting my parents this weekend and we only watched the Super Bowl commercials but my mom made us sheet pan nachos which were a hit.

    I can’t wait to hear about your race prep and then the recap!

    1. You know, we almost made nachos. And now I’m craving them. Maybe I’ll make them next week after my race, to celebrate (hopefully… or, console myself… no, that won’t happen…)

  7. That Mac n’ Cheese looks delicious.

    GOLD STARS?! YOU HAVE GOLD STAR STICKERS? Where do I even start, Jenny? I am so happy I want to sing. I love stickers and I love gold stars (and I love sleep). Yay to all of this.

    I cheated and read ahead/finished My Brilliant Friend. I was really struggling to stay engaged and even though I was tired, I finished reading it in bed last night before I turned out the light. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything!

    1. Ha, yes it’s a combination of all the best things- sleep, stickers, and gold stars.
      I know what you’re saying about MBF, but I also find it to be a fairly quick read. I can see how you went ahead and finished it!

  8. That’s funny, because when I was little I used to read in bad with a flashlight when I was supposed to be sleeping! I agree- reading in bed is the best. I’m glad I’ve re-discovered it!

  9. Your in-bed reading schedule is exactly like mine! I also read in bed from 8:30-9:30. I try to be pretty strict about the 9:30 but the reading time can creep later if I really love the book I am reading but I don’t read any later than 9:50ish generally. Phil comes up around 9:45-10 so that is my cue to put the book down if I’m still up.

    I made chili for dinner on Sunday but was the only one eating it since Paul won’t eat chili and Phil was at his mom’s with Taco. But now we have lots of leftovers to enjoy this week which is nice! I watched the 2nd and 3rd quarter (was giving Paul a bath during the 1st) and I felt pretty ambivalent about the game over all. Someone at my company puts on a squares competition where you win money if the score ends in your numbers. So one of my number sets was chiefs score ending in 7, SF’s ending in 0. So I was REALLY CHEERING for KC to score a touchdown at the end of the half as I would have won $500! But ugh, they scored a field goal instead. I went to bed at the end of the 3rd quarter to read because I was more excited about reading my book than watching the game. I’m reading “The Whispers” by Ashley Audrain. It’s her 2nd novel and both have been about complicated feelings as a mother. In this book, the main character is hosting a bbq for the neighborhood and then everyone overhears her SCREAMING at her son in his bedroom because his window is open. Then 9 months later, that 10 year old boy falls from his bedroom window so the book is exploring what happened from various points of view. It’s really a page turner and I would have finished it days ago if I wasn’t so disciplined about sticking to my bedtime!

    1. Whoa- that book does sound good. I want to read it! I agree- it’s really hard to put down a real page-turner and go to sleep. Good thing Phil comes in at the right time to keep you on track.
      Ha, bummer that you didn’t win $500!!! I can see why you lost interest in the game after that.

  10. Yes to reading in bed! I start the day with 15-30 minutes IN BED under my SAD lamp and end the day with 5-30 minutes of reading IN BED. It’s definitely a good sign of my priorities – reading and sleeping. LOL

    I was in bed reading by 8pm on Sunday, so I didn’t watch a single second of the game. I heard it was a good game, though, so that probably means the right teams were there.

    1. I was pretty sure you weren’t watching the game, given your feelings about the NFL.
      Starting the day reading would be awesome- instead, I start the day by getting my daughter up. I would have to get up earlier than 5:30 in order to read first, and I’m not willing to do that!

  11. I have read in bed every single night of my life for as long as I can remember. In my case it’s probably not the best, because I often stay up too late reading, and with my sleep issues it’s probably not good sleep hygiene, but I can only be who I am.
    I am reading an amazing horror novel with heart, The Chill by Scott Carson, and The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, which is delicious.
    We watched the game half-heartedly, my husband just being home after three weeks away and me not caring overly about football or Usher. My son was not impressed by who won.

    1. I know, you’re not supposed to do other activities in bed. But so far it’s working for me. It definitely is tempting to stay up too late reading, but it’s somehow better if I’m in bed, rather than out in the living room.

  12. I made the blog AND with a book I just read a few months ago! Thanks, Jenny! I also very much enjoy the Jimmy Perez series Ann Cleeves does. I am such a sucker for a British mystery. Reading in bed is my favorite. I even got one of those neck lights so I can read when the Mr (or sometimes Lil Momma) are sleeping. It doesn’t help me NOT get caught up in books, but it does make me remember how it felt to sneak read in my bed with a flashlight when I was a kid. WOOHOO FOR RACE WEEK! You’ve totally got this!!

    1. Thank you Lindsay! I definitely need to get a light for reading in bed. Although, it might encourage me to stay up too late- right now I feel like I have to turn the overhead light off when my husband comes to bed.

  13. Yay for getting more sleep! I’m reading The Indifferent Stars Above, which Engie mentioned and I wouldn’t have picked up had she not. It’s so good! What a fascinating (and, frankly, horrifying) book. It’s written in such an interesting and exciting way, who knew cannibalism could be so intriguing.

  14. I always end my day with reading in bed. I don’t read much that way, I always get too sleepy after just a few pages.

    We were sad about the Super Bowl, and words were said about the change in OT rules, but I suspect they would not have been said if the rules had benefited our team instead of the other. My favorite veggie with mac and cheese is peas, I like to mix them in. Celery is a perfect nod to buffalo wings, though.

  15. I watched the tail end of the game on Sunday. I made 7 layer taco dip and pumpkin bread, because Reg had friends over in the basement. We had leftover chili upstairs and leftover wraps from Costco for the kids in the basement.

    I recently – within the last year or so discovered reading in bed. I KNEW it was a thing, but Coach never liked me to have a light on when he was trying to sleep. I use a tiny reading light. I don’t usually read for long, because like J I fall asleep after a page or two. I rarely make time to read otherwise, so this has been the best way for me to get through books for book club. I just finished The Measure. I didn’t care for the premise. At all. It was well written and an easy read though.

  16. I left to drive home just after the 4th quarter starred… so the 49-ers were leading. About halfway home, I asked Siri, and she told me it was tied at 19… in OT. I had to stop & get milk when I got back to town…Siri assured me SF had a 3-pt lead with one minute remaining. It wasn’t until after I’d been home for awhile that I “double-checked” on the outcome…and learned KC had pulled off the win. Wow. Apparently I chose the wrong time to drive home LOL!

  17. BLAH THE SUPER BOWL BLAHHHHH. I was really hoping the Niners would pull out the win! But at least my nephew was happy! Ha. I made my famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies AND my fave deviled eggs. Yum, yum!

    I love reading before bed! Sometimes I get sucked into my phone but I’m trying to be better about that. Right now, I’m reading The Art of Scandal by Regina Black and it is sooo good. (Romance, so probably not your speed!)

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