walkers walk… but runners fly

It’s Been a Week…

Oof.  It’s been a busy, busy week.  All good things… like:

The kitchen backsplash is done!  I love it!  But this meant having a stranger in the house, almost the entire day of my day off.  Don’t get me wrong- I’m incredibly grateful to him.  He did a great job- but still.  It was stressful.

Then, for two nights in a row I had to be at my daughter’s school.  One for the “open house” where we meet their teachers, and the next night for a band parent meeting.  I love all my daughter’s teachers!  And the band meeting was about the upcoming trip to Rome.  Yes, you read that right- my daughter is going to ROME in January.  The band has a big trip once every four years, and it happens to fall on her freshman year.

I know what you’re thinking.  “Jenny, what exactly are you complaining about?  That you got a new kitchen?  That your daughter has incredible teachers?  That she’s going on an amazing trip to Rome?”  These are all great things!  But I’m really scattered.  At the risk of sounding incredibly neurotic, I don’t like being out at night.  Once I’m home from work and dinner is done, I want to on the couch doing this:

So, I’m ready for some serious quiet time… except that tomorrow night is the first home football game, GAAAAAH!  Now, I don’t HAVE to go.  A lot of parents don’t, but I know if I miss it, I’ll regret it.  For various reasons I missed all but one of the football games my son’s junior year (he was in the marching band, like my daughter is now.) I vowed I would go to every game his senior year- and then everything was canceled because of Covid.  I learned my lesson!  I’ll be at the game tomorrow night.

Wish me luck!  And by the way, the kitchen saga is not over yet.  We now have the issue of What To Do About The Floor.  You’ll hear all about that next week!

Do you consider yourself a homebody?  – Ha, I do!  I always have to gear myself up to go out, especially at night.

Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash



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32 Responses

  1. Even good stress is still stress, so while a lot of what is going on is good, it’s still a lot. The backsplash is beautiful, Enjoy these busy times, but yeah, take time for yourself when it is available. Enjoy the book and quiet once it’s available.

  2. I am such a homebody. I love getting into my “comfies” and staying inside after supper.

    The backsplash looks amazing, Jenny. Your whole kitchen is just beautiful. I’m so glad that stressful experience is behind you (you know that I am NOT a fan of having contractors in my house)…

    And YAY about Rome. Goodness it’s such an incredible city. I was really surprised with home much I loved it; definitely a spot I hope to revisit again.

    1. I really hope my daughter is able to appreciate it- you know how teenagers are. I can picture her having a fight with someone or getting upset about her hair, and not really seeing the coliseum, or other sights. Still, I’m sure it will be a great experience!
      Yes… I like to put on my pajamas after dinner, or even when I get home from work (of course, I have daytime pajamas and nighttime pajamas, but no need to get into all that!)

  3. Back before I started working from home, I could NOT go home after work and then go out again. Did not happen. Now that I’m home all day, it isn’t quite so bad, but I know what you mean about just wanting to not, sometimes.

    1. Yes! I think if I worked at home I would be totally willing to go out at night. But if I’m out all day, that’s more than enough for me.

  4. I am absolutely a homebody. If I have commitments in the evening more than one night a week, I get a little squirrely and nervous, so I 100% feel you. The day is over for me after dinner. LOL.

    Your kitchen looks lovely! Can’t wait to hear what you decide to do about the floors.

  5. not a home body since I started working from home. I feel caged and can’t wait to get outside and walk, hike, run.

    I do love to get into bed and read… unfortunately if the book is good, I stay up too late!!

    1. Ha, that’s exactly why I don’t get enough sleep- I always want to stay up and read! And yes- if I worked from home it would be different. But since I’m out all day interacting with people, I’m exhausted by the time dinner is over.

  6. Love the kitchen so far!! Looking good!! Getting new floors will really finish off that space beautifully!

    And HOW FUN about Rome! My son goes to Washington D.C. and Philadelphia next month (his school goes every year in 8th grade- E went last year and now it’s A’s turn). What a cool opportunity. Rome is extra amazing and extravagant!

    Also, I have that same exact pumpkin throw. Target from a year or two ago??

    1. Ha, yes that’s exactly where (and when) I got that throw. I love it!
      Going to Washington DC in 8th grade sounds good- our kids go in 5th grade and I don’t think they get as much out of it.

    1. Yes! Three nights out, plus a stranger in my house on my day off. There’s actually a band picnic today and guess who’s not going- me. My daughter doesn’t want me to go anyway, so it all works out!

  7. The kitchen looks beautiful, Jenny! I love that backsplash.
    I get tired going out on weekday evenings but I love going out on weekends. And I have so much going on in the next two weeks, it’s going to be so busy! But fun busy.
    One thing Covid did was make me never take things like that for granted again – because there might not be a “next time” to do something! Enjoy the game!

    1. Thank you Nicole! Yes, I learned that lesson the hard way during Covid. And just as I suspected, I did enjoy the game once I got there.

  8. I am also NOT about going out on weeknights! I can motivate myself to do my strength training workouts or sometimes a second short run after work but going back out to socialize is not my jam. I try to be in bed by 8:30 pm at the latest on weeknights to wake up for my morning runs so post-work social events rarely happen for me. I like going out on weekends but for dinner and maybe a drink after, not staying out all night!

    So fun that your daughter is going to Rome! That will be such a cool experience for the band!

  9. I am definitely a homebody, although I do enjoy being out and about too… I just have to force myself to do that at night (like you). After dinner, I’d rather retire to the couch 🙂 (but it’s amazing that your daughter is going to Rome! Yay!

  10. First off – your kitchen is GORGEOUS!! I love the backsplash!!

    I completely understand how you feel. Even when you are busy with good and exciting things, it’s still stressful and exhausting. I used to really over schedule myself before I had kids. Then I set a limit of 2 events per week during the week. Now it’s more like 1 event during the week if that. I am more of a home body but I also love seeing friends. So it’s kind of complicated! But if I have plans, I want to be home by 8:30 ideally so I can have my wind down ritual.

  11. Thank you Lisa! Yes, being home by 8:30 is good. And limiting it to one event per week is also good- it gets hard when the kids have activities though.

  12. I get you about 1) having someone in the house, 2) going out! I really do! I find though that once I do it, I have a lot of fun and don’t regret going. Just wish it didn’t come with the anxiety beforehand!

  13. YOUR KITCHEN LOOKS AMAZING, JENNY! What a relief to have it (mostly) finished and able to use again. Yay!

    I really hate doing things on weeknights, lol. I try to force myself to go out at least once during the week since otherwise I don’t see anyone IRL, but I get so annoyed with myself for making those plans. And then I always have fun when I go out! But the anxiety beforehand sucks.

    1. I think if I worked from home, I would never leave the house and it would be a BAD THING. But I have the same thing. Anxiety beforehand, annoyed with myself for agreeing to go, then have a good time. Why can’t I just skip over those first two steps?

  14. I am the homebodiest homebody to ever homebody. I. Love. My. Couch. But I am out and about a lot. I hate the football games, but I volunteer for dinner and in concessions and it passes quickly. Plus, I have friends at the games, so we just chat band stuff and it’s more fun.

    OMG ROME THAT IS SO FREAKING AMAZING! We are going to… Troy, Alabama. I mean, it’s practically the same thing LOL.

    Love your kitchen. I know it’s a long process but it looks gorgeous.

    1. Really? I didn’t realize you hated the football games! I actually kind of like it if I can sit by myself, watch the game and listen to the band. Last game I did run into friends and ended up talking through most of it.
      As I said, they only do a big trip once every four years. The other years it’s something more like Orlando.

  15. I think my parents (big-time band parents, with 2 kids in consecutive years in marching band) tended to leave after our halftime show. There, a new strategy (which, shoot, only works if you are not actually driving the kid to/from the games…).
    And wow, Rome? We went to southern CA from PA and that was our big trip – my brother’s (he went his freshman year, I went my senior year) was Orlando. I liked mine better, for sure. 😉 Rome is awesome, though – my niece had a fabulous semester abroad there in the spring!

    1. Yes, the problem is I have to pick my daughter up after the game! My current strategy is to show up right BEFORE halftime, then stay through the end of the game.

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