walkers walk… but runners fly

It’s Festivus!

Yes, I have a Festivus mug.  Doesn’t everyone?

Our family celebrates Festivus, but we do it in our own special way.  We don’t have an aluminum pole or air our grievances (we used to air grievances, but one year it got out of control and we decided it wasn’t a very nice way to spend the day before Christmas Eve.) We always go out for bagels, because in the Festivus episode Kramer works at H&S Bagels, and then the kids and I go shopping- my husband splits off to do his own shopping- and then we go home to wrap presents.

At night we watch The Polar Express.  It’s a far cry from the Costanza’s original Festivus, but it’s what’s evolved for our family over the years; basically a way for us to spend time together during these busy days.   I usually request the day off from work (although I don’t tell them WHY I need the day off, ha ha) but today I’m working a half day.  That’s okay!  I’ll be home just as everyone else is getting started for the day, and we can head out for our bagels.

Yesterday I did a long trail run while listening to the Christmas Countdown podcast.  I listened to their “Top 5 Stocking Stuffers” episode, and was pleased to note that of their ten (each host had five items) four of them are already going in my kids’ stockings- protein bars, Pokemon cards, scratch-off lottery tickets, and of course, candy.

Another topic they randomly touched on was: glitter, or no glitter?  On wrapping paper, that is.  They agreed that they like glitter if it’s embedded in the wrapping paper, but not if it comes loose and gets all over the house.  WELL…

Every year I wrap the “Santa” presents in special wrapping paper, which I buy secretly and is only used for those presents.  I have very high standards for this paper- it can’t have words, or trucks (I don’t know why so many Christmas wrapping papers have pickup trucks with Christmas trees in the back) and it must be shiny and/or glittery.  This year, I have a red paper which is shiny, a red and green striped which has embedded glitter, and… a very pretty cream-colored paper with silver, glittery Christmas trees… which dropped glitter EVERYWHERE.

I wrapped presents in the bedroom, and there’s glitter in our bed, on the floor, on my face… once glitter is out there, you can never get rid of it.  I can’t wait for the kids to open presents on Christmas, so the glitter can get all over the rest of the house.  Well, at least it’s pretty.

So Many Cookies, So Little Time.

So far I’ve baked:

Nicole’s ginger cookies, orange chocolate biscotti, orange cranberry icebox cookies, and “Santa’s trash” cookies, which are basically chocolate chip cookies with potato chips, pretzels, and sprinkles.  I’ve run out of time for more baking before Christmas (I also made sugar cookies to be decorated on Christmas Eve) but I consider the week between Christmas and New Years to be a continuation of cookie baking season… so peanut butter balls will definitely be happening.

We’re almost there!  Christmas Eve is a day of entertaining guests for us, and then the big day…. where I collapse in a heap from exhaustion.  I hope everyone is having a nice week, and if you’re celebrating, I hope you’re all ready for a wonderful Christmas.  Happy Festivus!

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26 Responses

  1. Happy Festivus Jenny!!!

    It’s 0 degrees F and snowing here. The hubs and I both took the day off work and our plans include baking and not leaving the house. As soon as the boys leave for their mom’s we’ll wrap presents.

  2. Hi there! Lurker here trying to be a better commenter 😉 I love that you do Festivus! I have a friend that ran into a similar issue with the airing of grievances; they tried to switch it to mild disappointments, but it became an awkward strugglefest so they also dropped it and went all in on feats of strength (mental and physical) and Festivus miracles, which is so much more fun (and less mean, haha)! Best wishes for the holiday weekend!

    1. Thank you Lindsay and thanks for commenting! Yes, airing grievances doesn’t work so well in real life. I’m going to check out your blog!

  3. I have never ever ever thought of putting potato chips and pretzels into cookies AND NOW I AM GOING TO TRY THAT. Omg, that sounds delicious.

    Happy Festivus! I think we discussed this already, but I had bought the board game, and it was absolutely terrible. I told the boys I was going to donate it and they said not to, because it would be bad karma for whoever got it. Like the monkey’s paw, I guess?

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family! See you on the other side!

    1. Just google “Santa’s trash cookies” and you’ll find lots of recipes!
      I think my sister also had a Festivus game and said it was terrible. But then one year I got her a book all about Festivus and she said that’s pretty good. It goes into all sots of details about the episode. Maybe I need to get one for myself.

  4. I thought for sure I’d make all sorts of cookies the last couple of days, but the lure of the couch and the cat has been strong. I plan on making buckeyes and spiced chocolate chip cookies and my husband’s pick out of molasses/sugar/regular chocolate chip cookies, but that’s starting to seem like a pipe dream. Oh, well. More Zelda cuddles!

    Happy Festivus to you!

    1. Well, just remember that the week between Christmas and New Year’s is till cookie baking season! I’m making a couple more this week.

  5. Between you and Nicole, I am now watching the Festival episode of Seinfeld. Such a gem! (I forgot it was also the good/bad naked episode and the neck hole episode and the toilet seat protector episode. Such a good one.)

    Your cookies look amazing! Perhaps I will get to Nicole’s ginger cookies next week — they sound so delicious and everyone is making them and they look amazing!

    Today I made a second (half) batch of the cranberry bars I love. They went too fast!

    1. Well, turns out I was watching the wrong episode. But it was a good one, and NOW I am watching the correct one! Happy Festivus!

  6. Ha – I am anti-glitter all the way…in my house. I love glitter, but once it gets onto surfaces, IT NEVER LEAVES.
    My kids have never believed in Santa (a bit sad, I know), so we don’t do anything related to Santa gifts. Hilariously, I happen to love wrapping paper with trucks and trees. I think it’s adorable. Someone dropped off a gift the other day with that style of wrapping paper and I think it’s so cute.

    I haven’t baked very much this year. Peanut butter balls, one (smallish) batch of ginger cookies, and saltine toffee. I think I’ll make a second batch of the toffee – it’s a huge hit. And I will be making Unbaked Cherry Cheesecake tomorrow, but that’s it!

    1. Ha ha, while we were opening presents this morning my son suddenly exclaimed, “Hey, why is there glitter all over my phone?” It was everywhere. I’ll probably be seeing it for months no matter how many times I vacuum. That’s funny you like the truck paper- well, people obviously like it or there wouldn’t be so much of it!
      I’m making peanut butter balls this week, and I think I’m going to do it your way, instead of dipping them.

  7. This was a fun post and while we don’t celebrate Festivus we do acknowledge it. I had my annual review and it certainly felt as if my boss was acknowledging Festivus. ugh. I had some wrapping paper with glitter on it and besides the mess it made, the tape didn’t stick to it very well! My dad has one of those old trucks that are featured on so many Christmas items and he and my mom posed with it for their Christmas card one year. It was cute!

    1. Yes, that’s the other issue with wrapping paper- sometimes you need a SPECIAL TAPE. Luckily none of mine were like that this year.
      I hope when your dad and mom took the picture of their truck, there was a Christmas tree in the back of it!

  8. Yes, WHAT is with the pickup trucks?? They’re not just on wrapping paper, they’re on all kinds of Christmas decor. My husband and I were at the store, seeing them on Christmas towels and Christmas flags, etc., and saying “what is the deal with the truck?”. Glad we weren’t the only confused ones!

    1. Ha ha, after I posted that my sister sent a picture of her new Christmas pajamas and they have pickup trucks on them! WHY?

  9. Oh man I HATE glitter! Paul’s Chris dad project is an ornament that is absolutely covered with glitter. Phil and I groaned when we saw it (out of Paul’s view, of course). Glitter is the gift that keeps on giving! Ha. But it is pretty!

    I love that you have a tradition around Festivus. It’s very in line with Gretchen’s Ruben’s reminder to celebrate ‘minor holidays’. And hey, once day it/when your kids are married, you’ll likely never have to argue over who the kids will spend Festivus with. You probably have a good shot of having it all to yourself! Ha! Festivus isn’t really celebrated by us but my husband loves the holiday and jokes about what sort of feats of strength we will compete at!

    1. Ha ha, that’s a great point! The kids and their families will be spending Festivus with us… unless of course their spouses refuse on the grounds that it’s too ridiculous… always a possibility.

  10. I love the festival idea. When we are in the US our Christmas is pretty chill but I think if we would live close to family having a special day before all the hustle starts sounds pretty perfect. I hope you had a lovely Christams!
    Those cookies look delicious.
    I can’t decide if I love or hate glitter. Part of me loves it because it reminds me of the good times had but then there is the clean up… Packing tape is my friend there 😉 It works well for cleaning up sewing scraps, too.

    1. Yes, that’s a good glitter-cleaning tip. We’re still seeing glitter all around!
      You had some nice-looking cookies as well on your blog! Your gingerbreads came out better than ours.

  11. How brave you are to choose wrapping paper with glitter! I don’t think I could do it. It just gets EVERYWHERE.

    I love how much you love Festivus! I had never heard of the holiday until you mentioned it – I know, I know. I need to watch Seinfeld!

  12. I love that you have your own Festivus traditions now 🙂 and I love the Polar Express. I used to NOT be a fan of these “animated” movies, but some of them have grown on me – like the Polar Express. I try to watch it every year (and I did this holiday season!). My favorite part is when the parents pick up the bell and say “it’s broken” at the end… LOL

    1. San, I actually get tears in my eyes at the end when he says that as the years went on, his friends couldn’t hear the bell anymore. I’m definitely one of those adults who can still hear it.

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