walkers walk… but runners fly

It’s That Time…

SIGH.  Starbucks is back to their plain old cups.  No more holiday!  Sob.

But- I did get The Last Gift of Christmas.  Every year we do a Secret Santa gift exchange at work, and every year it gets messed up in some way.  This year we didn’t draw names until the 23rd (???) and as a result, I FINALLY got my gift yesterday…


I’m SO EXCITED!  We’re already planning a fancy charcuterie board for next week, after our trip to Tampa.

Let’s talk about that trip!  Yesterday our pet sitter (a friend of my daughter’s) came over to get the key, and go over the care of all the critters.  This is a big job!  In addition to the two cats, we have two guinea pigs, and- look away, rodent-haters- three rats, and a mouse.  The mouse is new.

Hi Penny!

The house has become a pit of despair- I just haven’t had time to clean, the Christmas things are half- put away, and the animal cages were getting, ahem, fragrant (I put off cleaning them because I want to do it right before we go.)  I felt the need to apologize to our pet sitter, and she said “Oh, it doesn’t bother me!  I used to work in a barn.”

Ahem.  I’m glad she’s not bothered by the state of our house, but I really don’t think I want to compare our house- even favorably- to a barn.

Tonight I had a private massage client scheduled, which meant a two-hour commitment (I go to her house) but she canceled, HALLELUJAH.  I can use that unexpected time to clean up- and I might just achieve my lifelong goal- still unrealized- of leaving for a vacation with a perfectly clean house.

Back to the trip!  We’ll be in Tampa for several days.  My daughter will be rehearsing and then playing a concert on Saturday night; my husband will be attending music education seminars and clinics; my son will be doing his own thing.  I have a fun blogger meetup planned (ooooh!  who could it be…?) and we’ll also be seeing some friends on Saturday afternoon.  Other than that, I plan to have a nice chunk of downtime to do my own thing.  I want to read my book, and also work on a list of 2025 goals.

Everyone has been posting their “25 for 25” lists, or goals for the New Year, and I’m having FOMO.  I want to make my own list, but I just can’t seem to focus on it.  Saying I need to “get more sleep” or “strength train more consistently” isn’t going to cut it.  I need to be more specific, otherwise nothing is going to change.  I also want to have a list of fun things, or mini-adventures for the year.  My own “25 for 25” list will be coming soon!

Did you make a list of goals (or fun things) for the new year?

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29 Responses

  1. Haha, Jenny, I hope you manage to get your house to at least a semi-clean state! 😅
    I recently saw a blogger share a fun “threes” list for 2025: 3 places she wants to visit, 3 things she wants to do, 3 things she wants to buy, and 3 people she wants to see. I thought it was a brilliant idea – and easier to do than a list of 25!
    Enjoy Tampa, and safe travels!

  2. Aw yiss Tampa trip!!! Good times ahead!

    I have a list of goals in my head, but like you I haven’t had the head space to think things through. I think that everything hinges on leaving my job – if I don’t do that I’m stuck with the same old same old.

    1. I guess it’s really hard to make a list of things to do in 2025 if there’s one big component undecided. And if you make a list assuming you’ll quit your job and then you don’t… that would be kind of depressing. I see the issue!

  3. Growing up, we had hamsters as pets so I’m used to rodents and think they’re cute, but I’m curious how you make it work with having rodents in the same house as cats!

    I hope you enjoy your Tampa trip, and a blogger meetup sounds fun!

    1. So far we have had no problems! The cats are curious about the rodents, but not aggressive. and of course the little critters are in VERY secure cages.

  4. I didn’t think I’d say such a thing… but your mouse is so cute!
    I hope all of you have the best time in Tampa, and I can’t wait to hear about your blogger meetup.
    (Tangent: Jenny, When your client cancels at the last minute, they still owe you for the session, right? I mean, You’d already scheduled that time for them.)

    1. Penny is SO cute with those huge ears! Even a mouse-hater couldn’t object (right???)
      Sigh. It’s complicated with clients- this was a brand-new one, the mother of another client… I just let it slide this time.

  5. “I used to work in a barn” is NOT what you want to hear! Hopefully you achieved your life long dream, Jenny!
    I hope you have the best trip (is it Stephany you’re meeting with?). Oh wait! I feel like there are some other bloggers going south – could it be Lisa and Birchy? God now I’m having FOMO. WHY NOT ME????
    If it makes you feel better I don’t have a 25 for 25 list either. But then, I never really do. In fact, the entire idea fills me with dread. What 25 things could I do? I DON’T KNOW JENNY I DON’T KNOW!
    I have had a lot of coffee and it’s only 4:52! This might explain this unhinged comment.

    1. Ha ha, your comment is perfectly logical! I do have another blogger meetup in February, but this one is with Stephany!

  6. Because of a certain four-legged creature in our house who is sick, it’s all we can do to keep up with the smells of the pets right now. And the dog wash place is only open until 7 right now instead of 9, so it has been impossible to get the dog in for a bath and she smells like a stinky dog and I am with you in solidarity with a house that I would be slightly embarrassed for people to see and smell. *sigh* I love my girls, but they are stressful and smelly!

  7. Oooh a blogger meet up!! How fun. Love the present and actually? A SS after xmas seems perfect for you since you love to extend the season. We came home to a messy house and tons of trash and laundry after our trip. NOT IDEAL, but it was also not preventable in the moment. **sigh**

    1. We will be coming home to a semi-clean house and lots of laundry. Oh well! Luckily we’ll have a one-day buffer between the trip and starting work/school again.

  8. I am hung up on how you have three rodents and two cats? (And also, do guinea pigs count as rodents?) The cats don’t try to eat their rodent roommates?

    The trip sounds action packed! Glad you will get time with friends!

    1. The cats and rodents peacefully coexist! Now, I wouldn’t trust the cats for one second if any of the rodents were running across the floor- but we don’t let that happen. And yes- guinea pigs are rodents!

  9. The mouse is so cute. There’s a sentence I never thought I’d type. As soon as I read, I used to work in a barn, I thought – OH NO, DID SHE JUST COMPARE YUR HOUSE TO A BARN? Hooray for the extra time to get the time to clean the house before you leave.

    Once, and I do mean ONCE – I refused to get into the car to go on our long trip to Yellowstone until the house was in perfect order. I’d decided that doing this, like my mother ALWAYS did, was a true sign of being an adult, and if I couldn’t I was a silly, childish failure. The kids were young. Curly was 2.5 years old, so the floors needed to be washed, etc. Well, let me tell you – when we returned from Yellowstone, the kids walked in and they were like, WOW? WHAT HAPPENED? It was that unexpected. So funny. We also had our kitchen table refinished while we were gone, so that ‘new’ looking table stood out. I rarely have accomplished that level of clean house before I leave state, but I still try.

    I do not make a list of goals to meet and things to accomplish, and I don’t feel bad about it. I make lists on the daily and I focusing on the day to day seems like enough for me. I guess I have a few things I’d like to focus on this year, but nothing I feel like I need to write down or publish. I don’t think the added pressure would benefit me at all.

    1. WELL, the house did not get cleaned to your “pre-Yellowstone” standard. But it’s not too bad. Definitely not barn-ish anymore.

  10. Aww, look at that mouse (says a person who is irrationally terrified of mice). I have actually thought of you this Christmas season as so many of our Christmas books have mice as main character. Last night in particular I thought about you when I read The Gingerbread Mouse because she moved into a gingerbread house in a people house when her home in the woods gets destroyed by a falling tree. Then Santa bring her a doll house to live in. Will loves the book. We also love if you give a mouse a cookie books so my view on mice is softening, is what I’m saying!

    You know I already posted my 25 in 25 list. I put it up early as I need some positive vibes. I just made my bingo card using a printable from Gretchen Ruben’s website. I’m anxious to cross something off.

    Have fun in Tampa! Sounds like a great little getaway for all of you! Hug S for me!!

    1. Yes, cartoon mice are a great way to soften your attitude (they’re so cute!!!) And, you’re one of the people who gave me FOMO over the “25 for 25” lists, ha.

  11. Okay, Penny is CUTE, even though mice in the wild make me scream and basically live up to the stereotypical woman clutching her pearls and hopping on a chair.
    We have a fish and that is perfect (even a hamster was too much for us). I am so in awe of people that have a menagerie. It feels like so much to manage? I can barely keep up with two kids.

    Isn’t it the BEST feeling when something you’re dreading and/or want to open up (like the 2-hour massage commitment) happen. It is such a magical release of pent up tension and feels like an unexpected bonus. And that unexpected time always seems sweeter to me vs. me planning to have that time set aside. It’s like literally gaining more hours in my day/life (even though…literally…it isn’t.)

    I have fun ideas (and only 20) and no goals and last year I had zero goals. No one with a list of 25 goals is going to have a better or more productive year than you. The goals are helpful for some and a guide, but there is no moral hierarchy of people who make goals lists and those who don’t. Jenny, you run ultramarathons. I think you’ve just slashed through a lifetime of goal lists right there <3

    1. Ha, well thank you Elisabeth!!! But… there are definitely areas that could use some tweaking, let’s just say. And I know what you mean- it’s almost like I got 26 hours in that day when that massage canceled!

  12. I saw on Gretchen Rubin’s newsletter that she made a 2025 Bingo Card, and I kind of loved the visual of that idea. And I started tossing ideas of what would go on my 2025 Bingo Card and I can’t decide if it should be tasks/fun projects/aspirations? Like a year long habit wouldn’t be something I could check off my bingo card til December and I might run out of steam for the idea by then.
    I love coming home to a clean house. I feel super bougie saying this, but our vacations often overlap with our scheduled cleaners coming, so we usually come to a house that has been cleaned and it feels so nice.
    I hope you have a nice trip to Tampa!

    1. Ah, that’s what I need to do! Have SOMEONE ELSE come and clean the house while I’m gone. That’s obviously the only way I’ll ever return to a clean house.
      I see that Lisa (above) is doing Gretchen’s bingo card- so maybe we’ll get to hear more about that on her blog.

  13. Okay, wait, that charcuterie board is AWESOME. Sometimes Secret Santa gifts aren’t the best but that’s such a great find! I’m excited to see how you utilize it. 🙂

    I told myself I wasn’t going to do a 25 in 25 list and then I did. I hope you do whatever feels best for you! (Ooh, the bingo card idea from Diane is a fun one!)

    FRIIIIIIDAYYYYY. Cats and coffee and books and JENNY. All of my favorite things!

  14. I can so relate to the dream of leaving for a trip with a clean and tidy house, but it rarely actually happening! Wow you have quite a menagerie! My friends have Guinea pigs, and I was surprised how much work they are. More high maintenance than cats, that’s for sure. Have a great time in Tampa, love a trip like that. A chance to have the headspace to set goals is so important. Ooh a blog friend meetup, can’t wait to hear updates.

    1. Guinea pigs are so cute, but we’ve decided they aren’t super rewarding pets- like they don’t like to be picked up. So it’s just give, give, give with nothing in return (ha ha.) I think when these too go (sigh) we’ll phase out of our guinea pig era.

  15. 25 is a lot. I came up with 5 goals. LOL
    I’ve only been to Tampa for the airport and to run a race. Running along the water was very pretty… any running plans while you’re there?

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