walkers walk… but runners fly

January Coffee Date- Moving On

Guess what- I got ANOTHER NEW MUG!  It wasn’t my fault- my Secret Santa at work gave me this awesome Harry Potter mug.  It’s heat sensitive, so when it’s cold it says “I solemnly swear I am up to no good” and when it gets hot, it turns into the Marauder’s Map.

I love it!

It’s the perfect mug for my post-Christmas Earl Grey tea!  Thanks as always to Coco and Deborah for hosting this monthly coffee date.  If we were having coffee (tea) together, I would tell you…

We took down Christmas, or as we like to say, we “Grinched” the house.  This might come as a shocking surprise, but when you go all out with your decorating, it takes a REALLY LONG TIME to take it down again.  Everything from the bathroom had to be washed- shower curtains, rugs, towels, plus some of our beds had Christmas sheets on them… it was a big project, which took two days.

You would think that would deter me from over-decorating next year, but on the contrary, my son and I have decided that next year will be the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!  We got a little gypped this year, since we were sick on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so we’re going to make up for it.  The theme for next Christmas is “Bigger and Better,” and I already have some ideas about that.

I know… you’re thinking, “Jenny- is this your idea of moving on?  Planning next Christmas on January 7th?”  Well… yes.  Yes, it is.  It makes me feel better to remember that Christmas will come again, and I’m enjoying making a list of ideas for next year.

If we were having coffee together, I would ask if there are any new Covid protocols where you are.  We found out that soon we’ll start wearing N-95 masks at work, and my first thought was, “I’m quitting.”  I know there are people who have been wearing them all along, but I really can’t imagine wearing one all day.  Especially since some of the massages I do are very physical- even wearing a regular mask is uncomfortable.

It’s even more annoying because I JUST HAD COVID, so I’m pretty sure I’m immune (for now.) Obviously they can’t make an exception for those of us who already had Covid- that would get too complicated.  But I’m really unhappy about this.  I’m not really going to quit (not yet, at least) but I’m hoping that the shipment of masks gets delayed.  Everything else seems to be unavailable or delayed, so… fingers crossed.

On a completely different subject, is anyone else semi-confused by the fact that the Winter Olympics starts in less than a month?  I’m having a little trouble wrapping my mind around it, but I guess it’s something to look forward to.  Obviously it’s not as much fun as the summer Olympics (there’s no running!) but it will still be something to watch.  Especially the figure skating- everyone loves figure skating.

Well, that’s it for this month.  Do you wear a mask all day at work?  What kind of mask?  Can I survive in an N-95?  Did you take down your Christmas decorations yet?  And, how do you feel about the Winter Olympics?

Hope you’re enjoying a delicious hot beverage (in a nice mug!)

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

36 Responses

  1. I am sure that setting up and taking down all those decorations are a lot of work. However, it makes you happy so why not do what makes you happy!? I would also find it hard to wear a mask all day long and I really appreciate those who do it for us. I do go to a massage therapist and we both do have to wear masks but not a specific kind. Hang in there friend!

    1. Thank you Deborah! I think the end is in sight, after this wave of omicron is over. Maybe you can stop wearing a mask for your massage soon!

  2. Well you know my situation with Christmas decs, LOL. Like you, I do look forward to next year (probably not going to go as all-out as you, though, because they’ll all be coming down “early” again). I LOVE that Harry Potter mug! I knew, instantly, what it was referencing 😉 I really appreciate all those who are required to mask-up, but I’m glad it’s not required of me (at the moment). We had to wear masks/face coverings at the office, last year (for several months), but only when we left our immediate work station. We had such a minimal skeleton crew for so long, there weren’t many people to come in contact with.

    1. That sounds reasonable! We went from masks required everywhere, to masks required in hallways and waiting room, but optional (at the discretion of therapist and client) in the treatment rooms. Now we’re back to even worse than what we started with. SIGH! I’m envying your ability to work remotely right now.

  3. The mug is perfect for you!

    If anything, I think that COVID protocols are getting looser here. There’s no government mask mandate, but a lot of employers require them. The further we get into the pandemic the more common it is to see someone wearing a mask on their chin than on their nose and mouth. I’m not an expert and I don’t pretend to know the answer, but masks do seem a little bit pointless right now.

    1. Yes, especially since they’re saying the cloth ones don’t protect against omicron? I don’t know anymore! I’m thinking we’ll wear the N95s at work for a little while (sigh) (if they ever arrive) but once this wave dies down, we’ll go back to regular masks… or masks optional. I’m ready to be done with this.

  4. While I have had to wear masks for hours at a time while visiting my mom in rehab & in the hospital, I was just sitting there. So I completely sympathize while at the same time am glad I only occasionally have to wear them for a very short time.

    I love watching the figure skating! And inexplicably the skiing too, since I don’t like to ski. Although I did skate — just for fun, mind you — from the time I was a little kid through college — and even skated when we first moved here, before the running took over.

    I hope you get your bigger & better Christmas next year! I am much too lazy to decorate for anything.

    1. I don’t ski or do any winter sports- I never have. But any kind of race is fun to watch, so I’m sure I’ll get into the skiing and speed skating (in addition to figure skating, of course.)
      I admit the decorating (and un-decorating) takes a lot of effort. I wish I put that much effort into cleaning my house on a regular basis!

  5. I think that is so fun to call it “Grinching” the house (I might have to use that language next year; we LOVE the Grinch); I love to anticipate things, especially Christmas and I think it’s a great idea to already be planning. We all need to find rays of joy to cling to in these proverbially (and, where I live, literal) dark days.

    I LOVE the winter Olympics. I live in Canada so winter is kinda our thing, but it’s ironic how much I love the winter Olympics because I really dislike cold/snow. I’m confused about how it’s going to go ahead, though, with things locking down again. I feel so, so bad for all the athletes, especially those at the peak of their careers who have had the unfortunate timing of competing in the middle of a pandemic.

    Love the mug; my daughter is currently sitting behind me watching a Harry Potter movie (for the umpteenth time).

    I don’t have to wear a mask to work because I work from home (a blessing and a curse, I promise). My sister works in dentistry and it sounds like it has been so, so miserable for her. A lot of extra work and discomfort.

    Mask mandates have been in place for us for almost 2 years now; people are remarkably good. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I’ve seen people out and about without masks on; though I have to admit I question how effective they are right now (or have ever been) for the average person because of how much we have to handle our faces with them on; people are constantly adjusting them. They are asking everyone to switch to 3-layers masks and/or N95’s but there are huge supply issues where we live. The kids already had a bunch of 3-layer ones and the school is providing an extra for each child as well, but I feel like it’s like trying to stop a gushing bullet wound with those tiny little round BandAids that do nothing…but I comply and hope for the best. Hospitalizations remain low where I live, and I’m thankful for that.

    1. Interesting that you love the Winter Olympics- but it makes sense, where you are. Winter sports must be big. I read a whole article about how they’re going ahead with them- kind of like the summer Olympics, the athletes will be sequestered in a bubble.
      Good luck with the kids in school- we actually think my daughter was the one who brought Covid into our house because it’s rampant in her school. But… it really wasn’t that bad. Unpleasant, but not dangerous. Just know if any of you do get it, you’ll most likely be fine.
      My son and I are in the process of watching all the Harry Potter movies! So good.

  6. We will finally be taking our decorations down tomorrow – it does feel like it takes forever!

    Since I work from home the only time I need a mask is when I go out since mask mandates are in effect here. I actually just ordered a bunch of N95s since my youngest son’s school is now requiring them.

    I like your new mug!

    1. Wow- your son’s school is requiring N95s? Our schools here don’t even require masks, but they’re strongly recommended. I think pretty much everyone wears them- but just regular cloth masks (which they say aren’t effective against omicron.)

  7. We were just required to go from wearing surgical masks all day (changing to N-95 when symptomatic patients came in) to wearing N95s all day long. It’s not a big deal except that my nose gets so dry. I put vaseline in my nostrils, which helps a ton. I’d rather wear my N95 all day than catch Covid. It’s definitely not a dealbreaker for me!

    I took down my decorations on NYD and it wasn’t as awful as in past years. I just did it and it was fine. I do a lot of decorating but clearly nothing like you, lol! You’ll have to post photos next year so we can all see it!

    1. That’s a great tip- I’ll keep the vaseline idea in mind. I’ll definitely post photos next year of our Bigger and Better Christmas!

  8. Aww, heat sensitive mugs are so cool!

    Masks are definitely required where I work (health care, so one would hope so, haha). N95’s aren’t required and I was mainly wearing surgical masks but basically decided this week that I’m going to switch to solely N95’s because a lot of patients have been conveniently leaving out the fact that they’ve tested positive recently and are still symptomatic because they want to be seen in person. I’d definitely rather wear it than catch covid!

    1. Yes, I can see how, in your situation, you would want the very best mask. I’m definitely around people a lot, but not sick people (usually.) We’re still waiting to get our N95s at work, so we’ll see- maybe they’ll be more comfortable than I’m thinking.

  9. That’s a fun mug! Why is packing up Christmas so much less fun than putting it all out?? I left some winter things out, which will remain until spring…or at least Valentine’s Day. Ha! I do wear a mask when I work not at home, which is about 20 hours a week. I’m grateful to work mostly at home. The air is super dry right now!

    1. The whole time I was putting things away I was thinking “Great! I’m making everything look much less pretty!” Oh well- it’s s relief to have it over with.

  10. Canadian girl here – from Calgary no less – so I do like the winter sports. However, true confessions, I never watch the Olympics, winter or summer. My husband watches enough for the both of us.

    1. I probably won’t watch a lot of it- in the summer I stayed up way too late every night watching and I’m on a mission to get more sleep. But I’ll watch parts. Your husband must be getting excited for it!

  11. That mug is really cool. Your approach to Christmas really cracks me up. I don’t like to decorate the whole house, but end up with the family room (main tree, creches, knick-knacks), dining room, and living room (Charlie Brown tree on a table) decorated, as well as lights in the front and backyard. Nothing upstairs!

    I have mixed feeling about the Olympics because of China, but I support the athletes and probably will watch some.

    I was thinking of you all week because I think I had Covid — massive headache, mild sore throat — but I couldn’t get a PCR test until a week after my first symptoms (which also was the day after my booster, 2 days after my known exposure) — so my negative test results just mean I am free to return to society, not that I never had it.

    I agree that wearing an N95 mask at work would be uncomfortable — and hot! I hope the requirement doesn’t last long.

    1. It does sound like you had Covid. A week after your symptoms started you definitely could have tested negative. Well, let’s hope you had it, and got it over with!

  12. That mug is great. As you know, my every day mug is a HP mug and I feel like it adds just the right amount of whimsy to my day.

    Hear me out. I think KN95 masks are infinitely more comfortable than any other mask. I never found a cloth mask that fit my (small for an adult) face and I hate breathing in the cloth. As a person who wears glasses, the cloth masks never had a good fit, no matter how well I tried to fit them and they always fogged up my glasses. The KN95s fit my face really well and they’re adjustable enough that I can wear my glasses with no problems. I exclusively wear KN95s at this point. I think they’re easier to breathe in. (My husband wears N95s and I have to say that those ones are INTENSE and also gap for me around the chin area. Play around with both of them – they really ARE better than cloth mask!) (Also, I’m always surprised at how strong of opinions I have on these things, so I’m so so sorry if you didn’t want this mask pep talk.)

    1. No, no, I need the mask talk! I have to admit I’m confused about the difference between all the different masks- the ones we’re getting are 3M N95. So maybe if I hate those I could get myself the KN95 instead. Thanks for the advice!

  13. I love your mug! Two days to take down all of the decorations? Wow! We had none here. My mother made a comment about it so my mother took out her tree ornament that she got from the bank. We are encouraged to wear a KN95 and/or an N95 mask during the school day at all times. I will but only if they provide it for us. We’ll see how it goes this week.

    1. Someone left a comment that the KN95s are more comfortable than the N95s… something to keep in mind I guess! Good luck, Zenaida- you’re in a position to be exposed for sure. The KN95 mask is probably a great idea for you.

  14. I didn’t even decorate (again) this year. We’ve met up with my parents at the beach the last two years, so I drag a teeny tree and stockings there and call it good. I may never pull our big tree out again…

    I work from home, so I’ve not had to wear a mask a whole lot, but I’m asking my kid to wear an N95 for the next week. We’ll see how that goes… At this point, I pretty much expect everyone to get Omicron, no matter how careful you are. Hope it goes ok for you.

    1. Yes- I think just about everyone is going to get omicron. And then we’ll be done with it! That’s what I’m hoping anyway. Good luck with your N95 mask-wearing kid! I hope all goes well.

  15. I decorated less this year and still it was an unwelcome project putting it all away.

    I work from home so don’t wear a mask. I only wear one when I go shopping.

    I plan to go to nyc on the train and fly to Florida. And yes it’s annoying to wear a mask for so many hours. But I’m just sitting.

    I just wear the regular free cloth mask. Fingers crossed I don’t get sick.

    1. Yes, my fingers are crossed that you don’t get sick! But even if you do… I really believe it won’t be serious. You’ve been vaccinated. Still better not to get it at all though!

  16. I don’t decorate the bedrooms and baths as extensively as you (I do decorate the fireplace mantel in our bedroom with garland and stockings) and it still took me about 12 hours to take everything down. My husband did all of the outdoor stuff.

    I haven’t been required to wear a mask when I’m training or teaching at the 55+ gym and of course I call the shots at my home gym. If my client is more comfortable with me wearing a mask, I will gladly do so.

    1. Yes, I read your post about how long it to you to un-decorate! It sounds like there were a lot of stairs involved- luckily for me we have a one-story house.

  17. I always feel so bad for people who have to wear a mask at work! I am so thankful I work from home and don’t have to worry about that (or dealing with the public!) I will cross my fingers for a delay on the masks. 🙂

    I keep forgetting that the Winter Olympics are next month! AHH. That’s so crazy! I think it’s because we JUST had the Summer Olympics and we’re in this weird Covid world. I’m excited, though! I much prefer Summer but there are some good sports in Winter that I’m looking forward to, like snowboarding, figure skating, and downhill skiing!

  18. We just took down Christmas decorations today and I was so sad (but am also looking forward to next Christmas again – you’re not alone!).

    Ugh, I am so sorry about the mask protocol at your work. I mean, I am actually all for mask mandates, but if I had a physical job like yours, I’d not look forward to wearing one of these masks all day. I feel very lucky that I only have to wear a mask when I leave the house for short periods of time.

    1. Ha ha… there was a funny twist of fate. The N95s came in and the only person who wore one all the time was my boss, and at the end of the week she got Covid (she was only slightly sick, and has not recovered- otherwise I wouldn’t consider this a “funny” story.) So now no one trusts the N95s and they’ve made them optional. Phew!

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