walkers walk… but runners fly

January Goals

Wait- are we already a third of the way through January?  The beginning of this month has been a whirlwind, and with my son still here and my daughter still off of school (she started back yesterday) it feels like the holidays aren’t quite over.  We have one more fun event, which is a short trip to Tampa, and then my son leaves and we settle into the normal January routine (sigh.)

I just can’t wrap my head around yearly goals, so I’m setting monthly goals instead.  I’m a little late sharing my January goals, but here they are!


HOW many times have you heard me say I need to get more sleep???  Well, I just heard something very alarming on a running podcast.  A study shows if you get seven hours of sleep a night as opposed to eight, your risk of injury increases by thirty percent.  ACK!!!  I almost NEVER get eight hours of sleep.  And, if you sleep six hours instead of seven, your injury risk increases another eighteen percent (interesting that the difference between six-seven is less than the difference between seven-eight.)

Well.  This was FINALLY enough to scare me.  I actually struggle to get even seven hours of sleep a night, never mind eight.  So my goal for January is to get seven hours of sleep on a consistent basis, and eight hours one or two nights a week.  Sometimes if I have a weekend day where I’m able to sleep until 7:00, I’ll think “Oh good, I can stay up till midnight!”  WRONG!  If I have a day to sleep in, I’ll aim to get eight hours of sleep that night.

I can report that I’ve been doing this for the past week, and while I haven’t been completely successful, I’ve been getting more sleep than I normally would.  Baby steps!


I’m adding Ben Patrick’s (“Knees Over Toes” guy) exercises to my routine.  The level I’m at right now isn’t very hard, but it’s just a matter of making some extra time for it.  For the month of January I’m aiming to do the exercises three times a week.  So far, so good.


Every year I set a goal to read 50 books, and I consistently come up short.  Everything goes along great until November, when NaBloPoMo really eats into my reading time, and then December is so busy, I can’t seem to get back on track.  SO, this year I’m front-loading my reading a bit in the early months of the year.  My plan is also (this isn’t a January goal- I’m looking ahead) to have a book of essays or short stories, or SOMETHING I can read in November that won’t feel too overwhelming.  And some sort of seasonal book to read in December- something fun that takes place during the holidays.  But for now- the goal for January is to read six books.

So far so good- I’ve read two and have another one started.

And that’s it!  You can see my goals aren’t too grandiose- just three reasonable and manageable things.  Next month I’ll reassess the situation and build on from here.

Do you have any specific goals or plans for January?

Header photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

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Figgy Friday!

It’s time for the FIGs of the week!  A huge thank you to Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG)

47 Responses

  1. Wow on the sleep/injury connection. I have had balance issues over the last year, which have mostly resolved, but I still feel it a bit if I don’t get enough sleep. I have been sleeping better lately, I generally sleep better in winter than in summer, since it’s darker and cooler.

    I think your goals sound good. I don’t make goals around reading, but I’m trying to improve my workout routine a bit. I planned to start in November, then December, but never really got to it, so January it is. So far so good.

    1. Yes, it’s easier for me to sleep when it’s cooler too. It’s hard in Florida.
      I’m not really sure why I set reading goals. I guess it’s fun?

  2. I think it’s not that black and white about the number of hours of sleep. I’ve been using oura for 4 years and I know what I need to feel good and what type of sleep i need. it’s different to have 8 hrs of light sleep vs. sound sleep. So aim for 7+ good quality sleep is good enough for me. I don’t use alarm clock, if I wake up before 4am, I go back to sleep or just rest with eye closed. 80% of the time I get more sleep but if not, I still feel rested.
    Please share what changes you implement to get more and better sleep.

    1. I agree, “eight hours of sleep” doesn’t really specify the quality. For now I’m just getting myself in bed earlier- but there are other tweaks I need to make as time goes on.

  3. Sleep is such an underrated way to improve our health, and it really does make a difference when you get enough! I always prioritize sleep because I think I have higher sleep needs than the average person, so on weeknights that means I’m in bed by 8 (usually asleep by 8:30) and out of bed by 5:30. I sometimes wish I could wake up an hour earlier to get in an extra hour of running since I usually only have time for 4-5 miles but I know I wouldn’t feel my best if I did that so it isn’t worth it to me. On weekends I often get 9-10 hours of sleep!

    I’m glad this is something you’re working on and it seems to be improving for you!

    1. WOW. You’re a sleep expert! That is a lot of sleep- I’ll bet you feel really good. By 8 pm on weeknights I’m barely finishing dinner, which is one of my problems- I’m trying to push dinnertime earlier.

  4. I’m not surprised at all by that sleep/ injury statistic. Sleep is so important and I’m glad you’re prioritizing it! I was just thinking of writing a whole post on sleep and my bedtime routine, PERHAPS I SHALL. I typically wake up around 4, but I go to bed between 8:30 and 9, and according to my watch I get an average of 7 1/2 hours during the week. On the weekend I try to sleep more – often I can coax myself back to sleep for a couple of hours. I can really tell the difference in my whole body if I get less than 7 hours. Also my face. I can REALLY tell in my undereye circles!
    Front loading your books is a smart thing to do, knowing what your year looks like! My reading was fine this year but less than the last couple of years, due to the move and guests, etc.

  5. Sleep is just wild, right? I have alarm anxiety, so my sleep has become so messed up since I’ve been trying to go into the office a few days a week in preparation for when I have to. My brain is so freaked out about missing the alarm that I wake up every couple of hours in a panic. I’m hoping that will wear off soon, haha! I love your goals – so smart to frontload reading now knowing how things get at the end of the year!

    1. Yes, I have a little bit of alarm anxiety as well. For me, it’s more that I’m just anxious knowing that I HAVE to get up at a certain time. On weekends if I’m sleeping later, i’m much more relaxed. I don’t know what to do about that.

  6. Hi! I’ve been reading for a while but never comment–but I want to make a recommendation that ticks two of your boxes here: a book called Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. I read it last year and it scared me deeply about the general effects of too-little sleep (it’s more than just injury: it’s a whole raft of negative risks!). It’s a quick and informative read, and will definitely make you want to get the full 8 hours!

  7. This is an ironic read since I had a horrible sleep last night. I think I average about 7-7.5, but I think my body really could use at least 8. Sigh. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. I also really crave time to “unwind” so I struggle to not stay up later to compensate for a busy day or a late evening running the kids to activities etc.

    All that to say, I am HERE for your plan to increase sleep and I really hope you come up with some great ideas and tips.

    I should read Why We Sleep Again. I remember reading it a few years ago and loving it!

    1. I know, I also feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. But I just need to prioritize sleep, and that’s that. I also like to “unwind” at night, but it usually involves staying up too late.

  8. I am with Elisabeth here. I should probably get 8-8.5 hours of sleep, but I mostly get 7-7.5 hours. When I don’t have an alarm (most Saturday mornings), I do sleep in an extra 1-1.5 hours, so I am obviously not getting enough sleep on an average weekday. I don’t know how to fix this, though. I can’t sleep in anymore in the mornings if I want to get to work on time. I can’t really get to bed earlier because generally we can’t cook and eat dinner until 6:30 or 7 and I can’t really go to bed earlier or I’ll have reflux. So…this is where I’m at. But you’re right. I’m probably putting myself at risk for injuries and other potential health issues by not sleeping enough. *sigh*

    Anyway, that’s is to say that I hope you update us on the steps you’re taking to improve your sleep so I can get some tips.

    1. I will do that, and one of my problems is the same as yours- I eat dinner too late. In my case, it’s fixable, so I’m going to focus on that.

  9. Front loading is a great idea— I need to do this with just about every single goal because life!

    I am not getting enough sleep either. I think I need to work backwards from when I have to get up and set a bedtime alarm. I am reluctant to do this because I think I will end up just not spending as much time with Ben, but I think we’ll adjust???

  10. Ah we’re twins! I am usually right in the “trying to get 7 but it’s probably a little less than that most of the time” camp. 8 is basically unheard of for me. I really struggle to just up and go to bed when my household is all still very much awake at 9 pm. Like last night the boys said, at I think 9:25, Hey mom, want to watch a Modern Family? And of course, I DID want to… I’m trying to at the very least be very rigid about my 10-10:30 bedtime. Historically I’ve let that slide into starting to get READY for bed at 10:20-10:30. meaning by the time contacts are out, face washed, teeth brushed, yada yada it’s more like 10:45 before I’m tucked into my bed, head on pillow.

    Also, I always set a goal of reading 50 books and have hit that number… I think never. HAHA. This was my worst year ever, for some odd reason. I ended up with (whispering quietly…) 13 books. YEESH. I have been debating doing a 2023 book recap and was like, welp, at least that’d be a short and sweet post! lol. I usually have more time in the front part of the year, too. Summer can be hit or miss. This last summer was really bad due to my extended family in town for so long. Then the fall… well, the fall is the fall. Holidays, bathroom reno, more family… It just didn’t happen much. I am taking some steps though to bump up my reading time because I really do love to read!!!

    1. Oh, that’s funny- we are twins. And, it’s VERY hard to go to bed and feel like you’re missing out on family time. It should be easier for me when my son goes back to school. My daughter actually goes to bed pretty early.
      We’ll check in with each other and see how our “50 books” goal is going!

  11. I really prioritize sleep and sometimes I feel some shame around this? Or like it makes me seem like a week or lazy person? I try to stop reading at 9:30 and get up at 6, unless I’m woken by one of the kids which seems like a 50/50 thing lately… So I am in bed for 8.5 hours but I probably am actually sleeping for 7.5ish? I’m always up at least twice to use the bathroom, annoyingly. I think my shame around it is linked to feeling like I should be doing something else rather than sleeping. Like I think/wonder if people read about my challenge to fit in workouts and think – well geez, just get up at 5am. But I would be so very tired if I did that. I know part of my need for sleep is related to my RA. I have found that I absolutely have to get enough sleep or I will get a flare and I will do whatever it takes to avoid a flare!

    I set quarterly goals this year. One is to go on a date with Phil and barring somethign happening, we should be going on a date on 2/3. Fingers and toes crossed that happens! My other goal was to work through the January Cure. I’ve only done 1 of the 6 tasks assigned, but that 1 thing I did was to clean out a drawer but I ended up cleaning out 5 drawers instead. So overall I’m happy w/ what I have done and plan to do the other tasks that make sense to do. I didn’t set this as a goal but I would also like to finish the CG Epic Heat program. I did workout 34 this morning. I’ve done 8 in the first 10 days of January, and that is entirely because I’m WFH while my office goes through some renovations. So I want to jam as many in as I can while I have this flexibility to work out nearly daily. Because come 1/23, I’ll be back to leaving the house at 7am and those are the days I really cannot manage to get a workout in.

    1. I think there are lots of people who would say getting enough sleep will make you healthier than getting up early to work out. AND, you do have a special health concern. But even without a health challenge, there’s no excuse for not getting enough. At least I don’t have a valid one.
      Wow you’re really killing it with the CG! Those are hard workouts. To bad you can’t work from home more often.

  12. This is a good, doable list. I like the idea of reading more – summer is the time when I tend to be able to read more. I’m almost done with The Covenant of Water, a 700 page book. Yikes. I’m a slow reader and I usually read at bedtime, which means I might only get thru a page or two before I fall asleep.

    Sleep, ugh. Don’t get me started. When I feel good, I can sleep 8 hours and I completely notice the difference. I’m still trying to get my gut issue under control. The biggest issue that my SIBO causes is sleep. I can deal with any gut problem during the waking hours, bring it. But, dang – I hate the way it deprives me of sleep. I’m trying a new round of antibiotics, so fingers crossed.

    I don’t do yearly goals either. I’m hoping to get in a better housework routine, which includes delegating or following up with my people to make sure they do their part. Since I am home all day (babysitting the masses), I tend to just do more of it, but that isn’t really fair. There are other things I can do, if everyone else pitches in.

    1. Oh, I need a better housework routine as well! Maybe I’ll add something like that to my February goals.
      The SIBO sleep problem sounds AWFUL. I hope this round of antibiotics works.

  13. Getting enough sleep is a constant struggle. I am a night owl and even though I fall and stay asleep easily I am just not tired at a reasonable time when the alarm goes off at 6am in the morning. I know I can do better and I should finally listen to my gut feeling and just force myself to go to bed earlier. So I feel you on that one.
    I am not a big goal setter but I have to plan a birthday (it’s going to be pretty low key what makes it easier) and I have re-arranging the loving room on my list. We will see when I can convince the rest of the family to actually do it.

    1. Yes, I think I’m naturally a night owl. But now I’m trying to be a night owl and a morning person at the same time, and it’s not working well.
      Ooh, a birthday party! That sounds like a fun reason to work on the house.

  14. I generally get 7 hrs on weekdays but a little more on weekends – I recently saw something about that not being as bad as we thought! Honestly I cannot do the things I truly want to do and sleep 8 hrs/day on weekdays so I’ll accept it. I also wonder about confounders in that study – not something you can really do a randomized controlled trial on! We need Emily Oster on this stat!

    1. Ha. I think I would be doing great if I got 7 hours on weekdays and 8 on weekends. That’s pretty much what I’m aiming for.

  15. I also struggle with sleep, but I have been doing better this week – in bed at 10:30pm and up at 6:30am, which is a full 8 hours but I’d be curious how much of that is QUALITY sleep. That’s what I want to track.

    I love the idea of front-loading your books to try to hit that 50-book number. You got this!

    1. You are doing well with sleep! Yes, we should probably be tracking what percentage is deep sleep- but I’m afraid to do that because I think it’ll be discouraging, ha ha.

  16. Those sound like really excellent goals, and I am rooting for you when it comes to sleep! Sleep has been a HUGE struggle for me lately, so I will be eager to hear any tips. you have.

    How nice that you’ve had such a long visit with your son! I’m glad you get a special trip to round out your time together.

  17. Monthly goals are a great idea! I find yearly goals very hard, too. I set mine every three months, which also works quite well.

    Looking at the comments, you’ve hit a nerve with your thoughts on sleep. It seems like many struggle with this. I used to struggle, too. Now that I work less I have more time, my sleep has improved a lot (my 7-day average is 9h 32 minutes). With marathon training, I feel my body needs a lot more sleep than usual.

    1. Wow, that is an amazing amount of sleep! I wish I could say I would sleep more if I worked less, but I’m not sure if I really would.

  18. I think sleep is individual. My hubby needs a lot of sleep. He naps.

    I rarely get 8 hours and even if I go to bed early enough my sleep may be restless. No matter I am an earlier riser and I can’t nap.

    My goal this month is to be patient. And let my ankle heal.

  19. Do you think your lack of sleep is a time management thing, or do you have problems sleeping? I have been staying up too late recently so I could spend time with my daughter and wow, I sure notice it!
    I have finished a couple of books already this year, but only because they were almost finished as Jan 1st arrived 🙂

  20. Interesting on sleep. I’m trying to sleep more because I figure it’s got to help my hamstring, but I struggle to get even 6 hours of sleep — with that 4:40 alarm (although I haven’t set that one yet in 2024!). If I go to be at 10 and get up at 5 that’s 7 hours, so I’m trying to do that, but it’s really hard when I’m at my computer until 7.

  21. I hear you on the sleep.
    Although I didn’t know about the risk rate. That is amazing. specially the six-seven and seven-eight difference. I never get eight hours. Even if I have the time of am in bed for 8, 9 or even 10 hours you can count I lie awake for a couple of those and read a book. Which helps in getting reading goals done but honestly I’d rather have better sleep. So if you find the holy grail here feel free to share.

    PS and you are not late posting your January goals. I haven’t posted mine and am debating if it makes any sense now…

  22. That is interesting about sleep and injury, but it makes sense in some ways.
    I am stubborn and set my reading goal at 100. I haven’t seen that since 2018? I think. But I always set it at 90 or 100, not that i”ve hit that either. Hoping audio helps.
    I’m with you on the essays

  23. I think I average about 7 hours of sleep and I do fine with 7, but I’d prefer 8 or 9… so it’s something I want to work on. But I am like you, if I have a later start to my day, I always think that means I can stay up longer the night before LOL (silly of us to think that way).

    Haha, I had to chuckle that NaBloPoMo was interfering with your reading time… well, it was reading time, just not book-reading 😉

  24. Oh, man. Sleep. With waking up and restless sleep, I probably average 6? Maybe a little less? I know it’s not good for me. I cannot remember the last time I slept, undisturbed, as long as I wanted. It’s been a while. I’d love to figure out how I could get better quality sleep, for sure. Please do share any tips you can find!

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