walkers walk… but runners fly

July Coffee Date (already???)

Well, I think we can all agree that June was the shortest month ever.  And now I’m linking up once again with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date!  Let’s get to it…

If we were having coffee (or, earl grey tea) together, I would run this scenario past you:

I finished my first six PT sessions, and my hip feels 100% better- except that I haven’t run on it to test it out yet.  I’m hesitating because I still feel the strength imbalances that (we believe) caused the problem in the first place.  My right hip had the injury, but now my left hip is sore and achy from all the PT exercises I’ve been doing.

In the last session, Arvon (my therapist) had me hooked up to a machine that was like a TENS unit, to promote bloodflow to my left glutes throughout the session.  He said he thinks the pain on that side is due to some tendonosis from a previous injury that never healed correctly.

Could be!  And I could continue PT for the left hip now, and while we’re at it, how about the plantar fasciitis in my left foot that I still have?  This could go on and on.  Arvon recommends more therapy so that I continue to strengthen the muscles with a “proper progression.”

The problem is, PT is expensive.  If it were free I would go indefinitely!  However, I’m now faced with the choice of 1) paying for another six sessions, 2) continuing to do the exercises on my own (since I’m pretty sure I understand the meaning of the word “progression”) OR… 3) maybe what I actually need is a strength coach?

Next week we’ll be out of town, so I’m holding off on a decision until I get back, and in the meantime I’ll continue to do the exercises on my own.  What would you do if you were me?

Then there’s this…

I got COMPLETELY ENGROSSED in this book!!!  Maybe it’s because my husband was out of town this week so I had more time to read… but holy crap, it’s been a long time since I was so into a book.  The last day I was reading it, I felt like all my non-reading time was just annoying interruptions until I could get back to it again.

Hope everyone is enjoying their beverage of choice!  

What was the last book you read that you couldn’t put down?

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24 Responses

  1. I feel you on non reading time being an annoying interruption, and PT. Strength training has helped, but I wish I could stay on PT forever since there’s always a new niggle. Enjoy your time away

  2. You know I love my strength coach! I’ve been doing strength training for the past 7 years and it has been a game changer for me. I was always getting injured and dealing with PF. Not so much now!

    1. I know! You’re miles ahead of me on the strength training. That’s a vote for a strength coach for sure.

  3. I’m so happy to hear that your hip is feeling so much better after the PT sessions. I’ve done PT twice for running injuries and after my sessions were over I did the exercises on my own at home and that helped. I rarely (knock on wood) have running injuries now as I incorporate strength training about 3-4x a week. I think it really makes a difference!

    Hope you enjoy your time out of town next week!

    1. Thanks Kim! You do so much strength training and cross training, I’m not surprised you rarely get injuries.

  4. I’m glad to hear the hip is feeling better! While I’ve never worked with a personal strength coach, it might be something for you to consider…at least in terms of helping you with specific moves to assist in further healing and prevent future problems (?).

    1. Yes, and also every time I’m doing strength work on my own I have the nagging feeling that i’m not really doing a great job!

  5. It’s really been a while since I read a book I really couldn’t put down! Glad you found one.

    I’m with you — if I didn’t have to pay for PT, I’d do it all the time. But I do. It’s a really tough decision. Can you ask him if you really need another 6 weeks to work on the various issues, or could it be handled in less time? My guess is you’d do a good job doing the exercises. Although it is definitely so easy to let them slip when you feel better! Good luck with whatever you decide.

    1. Thanks Judy! I figure I have a good week to decide while we’re out of town, and I can see how things are going.

  6. I run into this issue with my sports chiropractor every time I bring him an injury. I get far enough along to ease back into running, he still wants considerably more therapy, but it’s just not realistic to keep paying for it. So I do the rehab on my own. And I’m vigilant with my strength work. I’ve had enough trainers along the way to know what to do on my own.

    1. That’s kind of where I’m at! I’m leaning towards doing it on my own- I can always go back if it doesn’t work.

  7. Ah this is a tough call. There’s no harm in looking around and talking to strength coaches.

    It’s been forever since I’ve gotten a really good book…actually it’s been forever since I read a book! One more week at my crappy job and then I’ll have time for real life again.

    1. Well, there are lot of good books waiting for you when you’re ready! And you’re right, I should just look around for strength coaches and see what’s out there. I don’t even know where to start.

  8. I am currently reading Golden Girl and love it. Hard choice on the PT. I felt like I got to a point that I could do it on my own. I still do many of the hip exercises. I also really think strength training is so important. Which do you think will benefit you more?

    1. The PT is mostly strength training anyway- it’s just that it’s supervised as opposed to me doing it on my own. So it’s kind of like I’m paying for a really expensive strength coach!

  9. I think I could be in PT forever. I am getting bummed about my Achilles, but read an article that it can take 3-6 months to get better. Ugh. If my tennis elbow isn’t better by that will I switch body parts again? (I started with my neck/shoulder/back) I think my insurance covers 75 sessions a year, but I have a $25 co-pay each time, so it’s not free but not too bad.

    Thanks for the book suggestion!

    1. You are lucky! A $25 copay is cheap. Yes, I feel like I could just go forever, switching to a different body part as one gets better.

  10. I blew through Ready Player Two in a few hours (but I was on vacation). I loved Where The Crawdads Sing, too.

    I miss PT. We had to pay out of pocket for my therapy, but I’m with you. I would go forever if it was free.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    1. Thanks Jenn! My PT was also not covered by insurance, and it’s so expensive! Doesn’t seem fair somehow.

  11. I agree that if possible I’d go to PT forever because it helps so much…but given the expense, I would go with doing it on my own. You’ve been so good with your pool running I have no doubt you’d keep up your exercises. I’m glad your hip is feeling better!

  12. That mug is so cute!!

    I’m glad the PT is helping — sorry to hear that your left side is sore and achy now though. I think PT definitely can help but strength training could be a good alternative for a longer-term approach!

    1. Thanks Farrah! I would say the PT was necessary for the short term, but I can probably get by with just normal strength training now. I hope I don’t end up regretting that decision!

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