walkers walk… but runners fly

July Runfessions!

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time for Marcia’s runfessions!  This time I don’t have any fun stories about mishaps on the run, or complaints about injuries… I just have one big runfession.

I’ve heard talk of this thing called a “running slump” but I never really understood it.  As a matter of fact I would get slightly annoyed when people talked about not being motivated to run- how can that be???  If you’re healthy and not injured, why would you NOT want to be out there running?

I also couldn’t really grasp why people complained about running in the heat.  It’s SUMMER.  Did you not know it was going to be hot?  Wear a tank top!  Run early in the morning!  What’s the big deal?

Well.  This summer I’ve been experiencing an odd situation.  I’m really not excited about running.  I don’t want to NOT run, but I’m not enjoying it.  I’m just not motivated to seek out fun routes, so I keep running the same boring loop.  The heat is also intense.  The moment I walk out the door at 7 am, it feels like the sun is trying to kill me.

Now, wait a minute! (you might be thinking.) If it’s so hot, why are you running at 7:00???  You could be running at 6, or even 5:30!  Well, yes- that would help.  But I can’t get up that early, because I go to bed too late.

Here’s the problem:  at the beginning of summer, I decided my priority would be strength, and one day a week of speed work.  Other than that, I would run shorter distances 3-4 times a week, until September when I’ll start to ramp up training for my race.  Strength and speed work (which I do on the treadmill) occur in the GYM, where it’s nice and cool.  I don’t need to go at 5:30 am.  With both kids home, I’ve been going to bed later in order to spend more time with them.  Ergo, on the days I run, I’m really feeling the heat.  I also don’t have the time to seek out an interesting route- I have to just run straight from my house, which means the same loop almost every time.

So, what’s the solution?  There is none- other than just waiting it out.  Next week my son goes back to school (sob!) and on August 10th my daughter starts high school (with a 7:30 am start time) so we’ll be forced into an earlier schedule.  And then, before you know it, it’ll be September and I’ll be able to shift my focus back to running.

I guess this is one of those situations where you can’t have it all.  I can’t stay up late with my kids, prioritize going to the gym, AND have amazing runs.  I just have to embrace the running I’m doing (and be thankful for podcasts, which are keeping me sane and at least somewhat happy to get out the door) and know that everything will change again soon.

Do you have any summer runfessions?  Are you enjoying the heat, or taking your workouts indoors?


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45 Responses

  1. So far our intense heat has been accompanied by wicked thunderstorms so I have opted for the treadmill.
    I like to tell the athletes I coach to observe the pros. They’re not always in training or in peak condition. They run ONE marathon per year. They might run mega miles when they’re in training but they also recover like bosses. Running and peak running fitness are (or should be) seasonal. That’s how injuries are prevented. I blame social media for the notion that we need to be running all the races, back to back, all the time. The body doesn’t work that way especially as we age. I kind of love that you’re staying up late enjoying your kids while they’re home. Running will be there when you’re ready. I’ll get off my soapbox now. 😛

    1. I have a similar issue every summer! Yes, I could go to bed early and get up and run at 5:30 but that never fit my lifestyle either. It all seems to work it self out come fall. Hoping that happens for you as well!

    2. Thank you Marcia! Or, I should call you Coach Marcia. You’re right- there might be some people who can run back to back races and keep up high mileage, but I’m not one of them. Acceptance! And I won’t look back and regret spending “too much” time with my kids.

  2. I’m sitting here laughing “Jenny had a running slump once just to see what it was like”. Yes if only you would get up at 5AM everyday and ignore your family you wouldn’t have these problems;-)

    Nah seriously, like you say, running will naturally ramp back up once the kiddos are tucked away in school and the weather cools off. Having a “down” cycle in and focusing on other things is a part of your training plan that will get you from 50k to 50 miles. Enjoy every second of your “training plan” and your summer!

    1. Thank you! Next time I have an issue I’ll just run it past you so I know how to think about it. It does all seem obvious when you put it like that.

  3. LOLOLOLOL at Birchy’s comment!!!
    Meh, life is full of ups and downs, I think it’s important to honour where you are at, at any given time. Different times of life require different things, right?
    I haven’t gone for a run for months, and I don’t miss it. I’m a little curious if I’ll ever miss it, but so far I have not. I do so much Peloton, and I walk so much with Rex, that I just haven’t had the itch to run. And you know what, maybe that’s just the season I’m in right now, and I might feel differently later.

    1. Yes, I think Birchy should write an advice column. It would be hilarious (and very wise!)
      You might feel differently later, or maybe not. Maybe you’ll be happy continuing with the activities you’re already doing (walking Rex would be fun enough!) There’s no law that you have to run.

  4. Well, for us nice summers are supposed to be the reward for enduring winter. Except it ain’t been a nice summer at all.

    Most of the time I’m out there with you at 7 (but even on the hot days, it’s still mostly cooler, but still, winter!) — Bandit needs his morning meds and what can I say? I like to do a few things before rushing out the door — and am not a fan of fasted runs at all.

    Sometimes it really is just about getting it done & doing your best to make it “fun”.

    1. For us it’s the opposite- winters are the reward for enduring summer! But you’re right- it’s all about getting it done and making the best of it.

  5. I think it’s probably good to have cycles of more or less running— especially when it’s not due to injury.

    The time with your kids is priceless!

    Getting out earlier can beat the sun but it can also be more humid.

  6. I TOTALLY get the “not being able to get up as early as you’d maybe like” thing. I struggle with this too. I think sometimes people with littler kids might not see yet how complicated this can get. My boys also no longer go to bed at 8 p.m., lol. In order for me to get up as early as ideal (to fit in workouts or other things before starting my work day), it would mean I’d need to go to bed before them many times. They don’t stay up *that* late or anything, but still- easily 10:30 in the summertime. And yes, I could just say goodnight and go off to bed, leaving them awake with my husband- and sometimes I do. But they often turn on “chatty mode” later at night. Sometimes they want to actually hang out with me, or go in our hot tub (when it’s not 95 degrees outside like it is this week), or they still like for me to come in their rooms and chit chat before bed… it’s just hard to pass on all of that! So I get it. And I think…there will be other times for getting up at the @$$-crack of dawn, like when they are gone and out of the house. 🙂 I feel like you made some solid choices to focus on strength this summer (smart, I think! And will likely pay off for you later) and you’re being realistic about the limitations with running + family + weather constraints. Looks like you’re doing as well as you can! So that’s great. 🙂

    1. Yes! Why do kids love to turn on “chatty mode” later at night??? There are plenty of hours in the day, but they always seem to choose that time to start talking. And… yes. I’m painfully aware that I have FOUR MORE YEARS until my daughter goes to college. Then I’ll be able to go to bed and wake up whenever I want- but I’ll miss these days so much.

  7. No. I never take it indoors. I too can’t get up that early.

    So I suffer.

    The biggest help is if I have someone to run with. We chat and I can’t bail.

    Are there local running clubs nearby?

    1. Honestly, I think if I had to coordinate my runs with someone else it would take even more time. Plus they would have to be willing to meet me at my house- I don’t want to take the time to drive anywhere. That’s okay- I have my podcasts!

  8. Ha – I love how Birchie put it. 🙂 Like others, it just sounds like a totally normal ebb that will ramp back up to normal eventually. And how special that you are getting to spend this extra time with the kids before school starts! Totally worth a little bit later run, although I understand that the heat SUCKS.

    1. Yes, I think we should all just run our problems past Birchie, and she’ll tell us the correct way to think about them! It’s true- spending more time with the kids is more important that getting up early.

  9. Ha ha! My whole life is an exercise slump. I think you are doing the right thing – your kids won’t be there forever and you should take the time to enjoy it. The trails will be there when they’re back in school.

    1. Ha, well I’m always impressed by how much you exercise, considering YOU DON’T REALLY LIKE IT. It’s hard to stay committed under those circumstances, but you do a good job.

  10. I can’t imagine the heat in Florida – I am melting up here in MA with the humidity and 90* temps! I am much more of an indoor exerciser and do my strength and treadmill and Peloton in my basement. I have it on my hopes for the fall to get outside more – bike rides, hikes, walks, etc. – and to use this YMCA membership I have as I need heavier weights for the strength program I’m doing!

    1. Yes, I had to start going to the gym because I just wasn’t set up at home to lift heavy weights. It was hard to go at first, but now I’m liking it! For you, it makes sense to exercise inside when it’s hot. Here, it’s hot pretty much year-round (just a little less hot in the winter) so I figure I might as well embrace it.

  11. I basically never run in the summer anymore. It’s hot, my schedule is crazy, the kids are up late, I’m driving people hither and yon, we’re traveling. These are all excuses, but after years of forcing myself to keep summer exercise routines up – I am accepting I’m not a summer exerciser. October – June is when I will walk regularly and run occasionally and this is okay.
    My husband has been KILLING it with all sorts of miles and this is making me feel slightly guilty, but he is more of a morning person and sometimes is out of the house running BEFORE 6 AM and I would rather gouge out my own eyes than put my feet into a pair of sneakers before 7:30 am. 6 AM is a time for sleep and bed. End of story.

    I also stay up waaayyyy too late in the summer. I want to be with people or we’re doing things and then I must have about an hour to unwind. I simply can’t fall asleep without that time to myself, but it means I’m up soooo late.

    1. Yes, me too. I’ll definitely be able to get on a better schedule once school starts. In your situation, you would have to be a running fanatic to keep running all summer, and I’m pretty sure you don’t describe yourself that way. Running will be there for you in October!

  12. I was enjoying the heat (for the most part, LOL), until this week. Ugh…we’ve been in the high 80’s and 90’s all week, with killer humidity. Having all these consecutive days of the extreme heat is not typical for Iowa. I can handle it, obviously, and I will gladly sweat it out than freeze my tush in the sub-ZERO winter cold…but still. I think your strategy to just keep on keeping on until the schedule changes is your best option 😉

    1. Yes, as much as I complain about the heat, I’ll still take it over the freezing cold. I have to remind myself of that all summer!

  13. This summer has been so tough for us runners in AZ and FL! I’m questioning why I signed up for a fall race when I had to start ramping up training this month just as we started having excessive heat warnings every day. I know it will make me mentally and physically stronger on race day but it’s so hard to not get into a slump during this season!

    I also start my weekday runs around 7 am. I had one day a couple weeks ago when I started before 6 am for what I think was the first time ever and it was slightly cooler and not as sunny, but the humidity was higher so not sure if it really made a difference. And the only way I can get out for a run that early is by waking up before 5 am since it seems to take me at least an hour to get going, so it’s probably not happening often!

    1. Oh, you’re doing a fall race… that’s brave. : ) I agree, it’s more humid earlier in the morning- I’m surprised humidity is a factor for you though. I always imagine it being nice and dry there! Looking on the bright side, your race should feel easy after all this hot running.

  14. I like how you say “waiting it out” is a solution – I think sometimes I feel like I need to actively fix something that feels off, but sometimes just letting this phase/stage/moment pass is all I need to do.
    It is hot hot hot here this week. And the air is so damp all the time. I’ve managed to run after camp drop off a few times. The kids’ summer camp is near a very shady trail/path which makes the heat manageable. I have so much admiration for you and all the people I hear running in the super hot climates.

    1. Also – I’ve been thinking of your post… and you aren’t in fact doing nothing with your slump… you are still managing to do something, just on a different scale, and I think that’s actually pretty huge to still fit in the small something even when it doesn’t feel like what you are used to or the scale that is your ideal.

      1. Yes, that’s true. I think if I didn’t run at all I would get depressed- so that’s motivation to keep doing something, at least.

    2. Yes, shade makes a HUGE difference! Shade is hard to come by in South Florida. i enjoyed being up in Northern and Central Florida- they have more trees!

  15. I’m melting here so I cannot even imagine running in the Florida heat! On the flip side this summer is flying by and September will be here before you know it. Hang in there!

    1. Yes, except the problem is, it’s still REALLY hot here in September… and October… and possibly November! But yes- at least I’ll be on an earlier schedule.

  16. At least now you can add “running slump” to your running experience résumé haha! I mean, anyway, it’s temporary. You’ll get that mojo back!

  17. It is really hard to fit everything into a 24-hour window – haha. I also run a lot of the same loops and sometimes that gets boring, but I also don’t want to venture out too far (I feel safe where I run) and I don’t want to run earlier (when it’s still dark – I don’t feel THAT safe). So yeah, summers can be full of compromises, but at least you know things are going to change again.

  18. I think you are making the right call by staying up late to get more time with your son v being strict about your schedule and going to bed early so you can run earlier. You are prioritizing the right thing! Running will be there for you when your schedule shifts! And running in the Florida heat would be brutal!

    My running has been fine overall and I have a couple of low key 10ks in mind but I haven’t registered for any yet. I am not feeling super motivated about running but I am getting 2-3 3-4mi runs in each week which I figure is good enough!!

    1. When my kids were little, I pretty much ran every other day, and it was usually 3-4 miles. And I did NO strength training (which I now regret, but that’s another story.) So you’re doing well.
      You’re right- I’ll never look back and regret spending time with my kids.

  19. Hugs. This summer is just draining. I go to bed early and I still don’t want to get up.

    I miss early school starts. Our middle school started at 7:30 but high school is 9:30. Of course, that gives me all morning to do my thing.

    1. Our is opposite! Middle school was 9:30 and high school is 7:30. I wasn’t looking forward to the change, but i think i have a good schedule figured out.

  20. I’m with everyone else – to everything there is a season, and summer (and this summer, especially) is NOT the season for long, arduous training runs in Florida. Maybe up here, in WI, but not there. You’ll be that much more motivated to get back to it when the kids are settled (which I think is happening soon/just happened?) and the weather (hopefully) cools down. (One question, though – would cross-training at the gym be appealing at ALL? Or would that not work with your schedule?)

  21. Running during a Florida summer feels so intense. I usually go for a walk around 7am just to beat the heat but even so, the humidity at that time is insane! I think you are doing the best you can and that’s all you can ask for yourself! We all have seasons when things that used to feel like second nature just feel naturally harder. You’ll be back to your old tricks in no time!

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