Well, it’s almost the end of July- which means it’s time for Marcia to open her runfessional. As always, I’ve got a few things to runfess. Let’s get started!
First, I would runfess that I have YET ANOTHER… issue. Let’s not use the other “I” word quite yet. When I went to visit my sister last week I did some hilly runs and walks. I was being super careful of my shin, which had been bothering me the week prior- I didn’t want to aggravate it on those hills. I guess I was focusing so much on that shin that I failed to notice my hamstring was getting aggravated… until the last day when I had to cut my run short. I took a couple days off, tried to run yesterday, had to abort that mission and well… this is all causing me to be visited by the chicken of depression.
It’s funny- everything else is going so well! I’m enjoying my leisurely summer schedule, work has been good, my son is home, both kids are happy, I’m still doing my other workouts…. it’s just that one thing- not being able to run- that’s really getting me down. Sigh. Go away, chicken!
In other news, I runfess that although I can get a free massage once a month at work, I don’t get them as often as I should. This week, with my sore hamstring and also a sore lower back (left hamstring, right low back) I finally went in for a massage. When the therapist started working on me he asked “Do you have a little scoliosis?” Um… no, actually I don’t. At least not that I know of. He decided it was just that one side of my back was extremely tight.
Ahem. I really don’t think it’s a good sign when your back is so tight, your massage therapist thinks you have scoliosis. On the other hand, maybe I have developed scoliosis at the age of 56. At this point, anything seems possible.
One last runfession, which is actually a “strength-fession.” Once again, I’ve rage-quit my pull-up routine. Three times now I’ve started working on pull-ups, vowing that THIS TIME I’ll keep at it until I can finally do one unassisted. I work at it for months, get discouraged and finally decide that I hate it, and quit. As my son said, I have a bad relationship with pull-ups.

Instead, I’m been doing some much more fun Peloton upper body strength workouts with Matty. Not that every second of these workouts is actually “fun” but I don’t hate it like I hated the pull-ups. The good news is I’m getting a more well-rounded upper body workout with chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. The bad news is, if I’m really being honest with myself, I think working on pull-ups would have given me strong back muscles which would help me more in the long run. Oh well…c’est la vie!
That’s it for now… if you want to hear more about my hamstring, come back on Sunday for the Weekly Rundown (I know how excited you must be!)
Do you get regular massages?
Lately have you been visited more by the Bluebird of Happiness or the Chicken of Depression?
28 Responses
I have not heard that chicken expression before! Boo on the hamstring and back tightness. Yes, I do get massages every 3 weeks for 90 minutes. I really credit them for keeping little things at bay. He really gets in there w the deep pressure. It takes a village to keep me up and running! Ha! I hope your massage helps and that you take advantage of them more often.
Matty’s upper body classes are fantastic! Who needs to do a pullup 🙂
Yes, massage is most successful if you get them on a regular basis. You’re doing it right!
Yes, I like Matty. You’re right- pull-ups are overrated.
Bummer about the hamstring! I hope that the massage helped!! I love love love getting massages but get them very infrequently. My last one was probably in the spring?
My runfession is that running is all I am doing right now. Ideally I would run 3 times/week and do strength training workouts but I haven’t found a beach body program I liked, so I am just running since it’s easy, can be done anywhere, and requires zero planning!
Oh, yes, I had many many years where I just ran- those were the good old days! Running is so easy compared to everything else.
I used to get regular massages pre-COVID. I love getting a massage!
You can develop Scoliosis later in life. My husband has, apparently. I obviously don’t know whether or not you have, but many of my friends who are like a decade older than me seem to be dealing with all sorts of issues lately.
I hope the hamstring is just a temporary thing. I’m so sorry you’ve been sideline from running again!
Seriously???? Great. Now I’m wondering if I have scoliosis!!!
I do not care for strangers touching me and have only ever had one massage outside of PT. It was distinctly unpleasant and I felt terrible for the massage therapist who was probably really frustrated with me tensing up every time he moved his fingers to a new spot. That being said, I have had massage in PT sessions that have alleviated a fair amount of pain, so I think it’s such a powerful tool for pain relief.
My confession is that I took yesterday off from working out even though it wasn’t a scheduled day off and I had time for a workout. I just didn’t want to.
Ha, that’s a good confession!
Massage just isn’t for everyone. It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while I get a client who doesn’t seem to be enjoying it. I try to make everyone comfortable, but no one is successful 100% of the time.
Gee. I hope you don’t have another injury. Hope you are feeling better soon!!!!
Have no idea about your back.
Believe it or not, I’ve never gotten a massage. I do love my chiro (when I am hurting).
You should try a massage sometime- you might love it! It really helped my tight back.
I really should treat myself to a massage once in awhile. They feel so good and work such wonders on the cranky muscles…but I just don’t make the time for it. My bad. UGH on the hamstring!!!!! I hope it feels better soon (and the same for you back).
Thank you Kim! The massage helped my back a lot. I’m still working on the hamstring.
I haven’t had a massage in many many years. The last one I got was in Puerto Rico and let’s just say the (male) masseuse was…inappropriate…and I got the heck out of there and have no desire to ever have another.
Sorry about the hamstring! When I train seriously that is the ailment that always seems to come to roost.
Oh, I’m VERY sorry to hear that about your massage! I hate hearing stories like that. All the male therapists I know are excellent and very professional- but some women will only go to a woman therapist, and I can understand that.
before the pandemic, I used to get regular massages. Then I canceled and poof! she wouldn’t respond to my texts. Um, who does that? She was a little odd but her massages were epic. Sigh
I hope the chicken clucks away from you soon. But I do feel you on the injury front. It seems to be always something these days.
That is odd! I hate to say it, but massage therapists can be kind of flaky. I think you should try to find a new therapist- with all your workouts, you probably need regular massages.
Well boo on that chicken!! It’s always something, right? I think my hamstring issue has finally gone away, but I have noticed tight glutes after my runs lately. Which prompts me to tell myself I’m “for sure” going to do some strengthening or stretching when I finish my run… and then I don’t. It’s my own fault, I’ve been slacking! I don’t get regular massages – or any massages for that matter. I don’t enjoy them!
Oh yeah… I forgot you had a hamstring issue. It’s good to be reminded that they do go away.
I’ve never heard the chicken of depression before, but it’s helpful imagery.
I’m kinda struggling this summer for various reasons and sometimes it feels like a full coop and petting zoo has set up shop in my life. But really, I know it’s all going to work out and settle down in the end.
I had a great run yesterday that I ended by jumping in the lake (I wore my bathing suit under my running shorts). But my runs have been few and far between this summer.
I LOVE massages. We have no private coverage right now so I don’t go very often (I hate spending money and we’re also doing so many big repairs with the house ). If I got one wish from a magic genie I would be very tempted to ask for a full-time masseuse. I would gladly have a massage every day! That said, 2-3 times a week my husband does a pretty thorough massage of my neck or feet, so I shouldn’t complain. But it never feels long enough!!!
WHAT? You have the best husband in the world!!! And ha ha… sorry about your full coop. Yes- things will settle down.
Glad you had a great run! And I’m so glad your foot is better.
So sorry about your hamstring. Honestly, I am feeling one twinge after another these days and pretty much over it!
If you enjoy working out with Marty and don’t enjoy the pull ups, you are making the right decision. Life is too short to be miserable doing things you don’t have to!
So sorry about your hamstring. Honestly, I am feeling one twinge after another these days and pretty much over it!
If you enjoy working out with Marty and don’t enjoy the pull ups, you are making the right decision. Life is too short to be miserable doing things you don’t have to!
You’re right Coco- and it’s not like I’m a professional bodybuilder. I can do whatever workouts I want! Matty’s workouts are definitely more fun.
I used to get a massage every two weeks. That was two years ago and haven’t had one since. I know, I know. I should. Definitely take advantage of the one at work. I hope it is just a tight back and nothing else. Good to know you are enjoying your workouts with Matty. Even if it isn’t pull ups, at least you are doing an upper body workout.
Luckily the massage fixed the back issue, so hopefully we can eliminate scoliosis. I want to go back and have him really focus on my hips and hamstrings. When you are deep into ultra training you should definitely get a massage!
Jenny, I’m just catching up on my blogs (I’m on vacation) and I wanted to say how sorry I am about your hammy. That is no joke, and I know how hard it is to be injured and JUST want to do something you love to do, but can’t. So, I’m really sorry. That just plain sucks and I hope you heal quickly.
Thank you so much Nicole! It is hard and I appreciate the support. I hope you’re enjoying your vacation!
Ugh, I am sorry when this happens… when things are going well, but there is always this one thing or another that has to spoil the fun. How’s your hamstring?