walkers walk… but runners fly

June Coffee Date

Hello there!  I’m linking up for the first time with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date!  Because who doesn’t like coffee?  Actually, I don’t.  My beverage of choice is Starbucks Earl Grey tea.  I hope everyone is getting comfortable with their own hot (or cold!) beverage because I have THINGS TO SAY!

First things first.

My son had his graduation rehearsal today and got his cap and gown.  Graduation is next Tuesday, and I already know I’m going to be a ridiculous mess.  How do I know this?  Well, there was the incident where I wept uncontrollably through my sister’s entire wedding.  Then, there’s the fact that every time I imagine the melody of “Pomp and Circumstance” my eyes well up with tears.

He’s my baby!  Well, I actually have another “baby,” my twelve-year-old daughter.  My son and I spent a lot of time together in the early days.  He didn’t like other kids, and I had trouble finding moms to be friends with at that time.  My husband worked crazy hours, so it was just my son and me, most of the time.  Over the years he’s developed excellent social skills (phew) but we still have a special relationship.  It will be hard to see him go.

And speaking of that…

We’re taking a trip to Texas in July!  I’m so excited, because we’ll spend most of the time in Austin, a city I’ve always wanted to visit.  We’ll also spend a day at Baylor University in Waco, where my son will be a freshman in the fall.  Because of Covid he couldn’t visit any of the schools he applied to last year, so we just want to check it out before he goes in August.

I’ve spent the last several evenings googling “Best places to hike in Austin,” “Best vegan restaurants in Austin,” and of course, “Best places to run in Austin.”  The only thing I wish is that we weren’t going in July… it’s going to be hot.  But we live in Florida, so we know all about heat.

So how’s that running thing going, anyway?

Arg.  My hip is healing up… very, very slowly.  Instead of my daily pool run, I went for a walk today!  I could feel my hip, which was upsetting.  Then I reminded myself how much worse it was two weeks ago, which made me feel slightly better.  I’m tired of baby steps- I want one giant leap back into running!

At least I was dry!

The plantar fasciitis is still there in my left foot, which confirms my suspicions- taking a break from running is not helping it.  Looking on the bright side, everything OTHER THAN my right hip and left foot feel great.  How’s that for optimism?

Who’s planning a vacation this summer?

Those with kids in college…. how did you cope with them leaving? – I have a feeling I’ll be revisiting this subject in August!

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22 Responses

  1. I totally cry at graduations and weddings. I had a really hard time when my first went to college. It’s an adjustment for sure. It is good for them-hard for us. Enjoy your trip. I’ve never been to Austin either

  2. I’m glad the hip is getting better. Soon you’ll be out of that pool!

    I don’t think TX heat is all the different from FL heat, although I don’t think I’ve ever actually been in FL in summer. I lived in Austin though — have also been gone for 12 years now, and things have massively changed from what I hear.

    Definitely run around “Ladybird” lake. It’s not a lake. And when I lived there it was called Town Lake & I still refer to it that way. I wasn’t a runner when I lived in Austin, but I spent hours walking around there — walking the dogs, once we had them — and also did do a half in Austin.

    There’s the greenbelt, too. Austin’s a pretty big city, actually, so not so much hiking in some ways. It’s kind of like LA in that while the downtown itself is walkable, otherwise you have to drive.

    Check out Barton Springs to get a break from the heat. Or travel out to the Hill Country if you have time!

    1. Thanks Judy! We’ll definitely run around the lake. Since we’ll be renting a car we’ll probably travel out to Hill Country as well. I can’t wait!

  3. I did great with our first daughter (well, I probably sniffled through the graduation ceremony)…until we pulled away after getting her moved into her dorm. Then, the lump in my throat exploded and the tears flowed like geysers. Even the hubby was rubbing his eyes as we drove home. It did get easier with each subsequent kid, though. Ugh…sorry to hear the hip is still having attitude. ((hugs))

    1. Okay, I’m getting myself prepared for lots of crying! One of my friends said that after her son went to college, she would start to cry in the grocery store, because she was looking at all the food she normally bought for him! I guess it’s tough for everyone.

  4. I was never a crier until I had kids. Now I cry all the time, even over my patients. Heck, I cried when I did that pullup. lol Best of luck to your son (and you!) When my sister and I visited Austin, we rented kayaks and traveled the Colorado river to the cold springs. It was so much fun!

    1. Wow, that sounds amazing! I’m wondering about the skill level required for that kayak trip. My kids are un-athletic (how did that happen) and while I’m going to try to get them out of their comfort zones, I don’t want to go TOO far out! It is supposed to be a vacation after all.

  5. I’m so glad you joined us for coffee — or tet! I had a real hard time when my youngest went to college — at first. Then I got used to my empty nest, although I always looked forward to him coming home. I think you have a right to be emotional. 😉 Ugh on your hip. Hopefully it will just take a bit longer. My Achilles seems to be improving ….. I do love Starbucks coffee, but I also like their tea lattes (made with tea bags, not syrup).

    1. My old favorite drink was a Starbucks chai tea latte (made with soy milk.). Sadly, I had to stop drinking them when I stopped sugar. I’ve tried to re-create that drink at home using alternate sweeteners, but it’s never the same.

  6. Such an exciting time for you and your family! Congrats to your son! I thought I’d be a mess at graduation, but other than welling up a bit, I kept it under control. It was a joyful day for sure. College dropoff on the other hand was a mess. Caveman and I went to Starbucks the morning before we headed home and literally sobbed together in our coffees. When it was actually time for us to leave her in her dorm, she was tired and crabby and I managed to get out of there without another tear. It’s been such a treat having her at home this summer!

    1. Thanks Marcia! I have to say, I laughed a little at the thought of you and your husband sobbing in your coffee. I hope I can do that and not cry when I leave my son in the dorm- I don’t want to embarrass him!

  7. Congratulations to your son on his graduation! What an exciting time. Your upcoming trip to Austin sounds great. We visited Austin for the first time in the summer too. It was hot, but we moved slowly and drank a lot of water. So much good food and fun things to do in Austin. Lots of wonderful running/walking trails along the lake. I hope your hip and foot allow feel better soon. I did pool running for a while 2 years ago. It isn’t easy to NOT run, I know!

    1. Thanks Laurie! Good to know that you went to Austin in the summer and still had fun. Lots of water will be a must.

  8. It takes so much patience to heal an injury! At least you have the alternative of pool running and warm weather, which is a great combo.
    Can you ride a bike?

    And I don’t like coffee either – I prefer chai with a lot of foam (either milk or soy milk).

    That trip to Texas sounds exciting! There’s a German blogger runner who lives in Austin and posts a lot about her trail runs there. It must be awesome!

    1. Catrina, I do have a bike- originally my doctor said to be careful biking because of the degree of hip flexion- but now it should be fine. Yes, it would be a nice alternative to the pool running!

  9. Yay! Welcome! I also don’t drink coffee and my beverage of choice is tea too! :]

    Congrats to your son + I hope you have fun on your Texas trip! I’ve heard great things about Austin but haven’t ever been there.

  10. Boo on your foot, but glad the hip is inching better.
    Congratulations to your son. I have a dear friend in Waco who teaches at Baylor – let me know if you ever need an intro. Enjoy Austin!

    1. Wow that’s cool! If you have any inside info about Waco let me know. I guess we’ll find out a lot more about it soon enough.

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