walkers walk… but runners fly

Living With a Seal, But First… An Apology

First things first!  I apologize to anyone visiting Florida right now.  I feel personally responsible for our weather, and it has been COLD!!!  Down to the 40s at night… and that’s here in South Florida.  I can’t imagine what it’s like in northern Florida… they’re probably getting out their parkas.

Last night I thought, “I don’t want to run in 40 degree weather.  I’ll do my run later in the day.” Then I thought about the book I’m reading, Living With a Seal, where Jesse Itzler has a Navy SEAL come live with him for a month to train him. He refers to the SEAL in the book as “SEAL” but we now know it was David Goggins.

I imagined what David Goggins would say if I told him I didn’t want to run when it’s 46 degrees.  He would probably swear at me and tell me to get my shorts on.  So… I ran, and was glad I did it.  But I am reminded why I live in Florida… I don’t like being cold!  Looking at the forecast, it’s going to warm up a little…

But what in the world is that low temperature on Sunday??????  Once again… I apologize to anyone visiting the Sunshine State this week.

I’m about 3/4 of the way through Living With a Seal, and my main takeaway is that I don’t push myself hard enough.  I think that would be anyone’s takeaway from this book.  On the first day “SEAL” came to live with Jesse, they went to the gym and SEAL told Jesse to do pull-ups.  Jesse pushed himself as hard as he could and did seventeen, which is more than he ever thought he could do. Then SEAL told him they weren’t leaving the gym until Jesse completed 100.

Although Jesse believed it was impossible, an hour and a half later he did indeed complete 100 pull-ups.  That’s the lesson on Day #1 and is the theme of the book- your body is capable of much, much more than you think.  When your mind is telling you you’re done, you’re really only about 40% done.

While I believe that most of us could be pushing ourselves harder, I have mixed feelings about this message.  David Goggins is the guy who completed an ultramarathon with broken bones in his feet.  When Jesse complains of being sore, or needing to rest, Goggins says “If you want to be pushed to your limits, you have to train to your limits.  If you get hurt, you will recover.”

Well… true.  However!  I don’t know about him, but I don’t heal instantaneously.  Taking time off for being injured is no fun, and- guess what- you’ll lose fitness while you’re on your forced time off for injury.  So I don’t think I’m quite ready for Navy SEAL training, but I do see that there’s something in between.

He looks mean, doesn’t he?

About seven years ago, I worked with a trainer at my gym.  I had a running injury- what a surprise, and interestingly it was to my right foot, not my left foot which I have now- and I figured I would go all in on strength training while it healed.  My trainer wasn’t quite as strict as a Navy SEAL, but close.  He pushed me way, way farther than I ever would have pushed myself.  I would be shaking by the end of his workouts.

Guess what?  I got so much stronger.  He actually called me one of his greatest success stories because I made so much progress with him.  After seven months though I was back to running, and figured I could continue to strength work on my own.  Honestly we didn’t have the same goals.  He thought I did “too much cardio” and didn’t really get the whole running thing, so it was time for us to part ways.  But I miss those intense workouts, which I’ve never been able to duplicate on my own.

So let’s see.  I won’t be having a Navy SEAL move in with me, but I realize how much harder I could be pushing myself.  Running will always be my love, but I need to stop being a wimp with my strength training.  Yep, I’ve been a wimp, and I have all sorts of excuses.  No more excuses!  It’s time to get stronger.

Do you like strength training?  Do you feel like you’re pushing yourself as hard as you could be?

Have you ever worked with a trainer?  Do you now?  How do you like it?

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Somber Coffee Date

It’s the first Friday of the month, so I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!  Sadly, we just received news that my husband’s brother, Charles, died.  I couldn’t just go ahead and write a lighthearted post, but on the other hand I don’t want to make this post too heavy either.  Let me explain… Charles was an eccentric man, and in later years had become reclusive.  My husband visited him occasionally, but the rest of us never saw him.  When she found out he had passed, my daughter said “Oh no- I was hoping to meet him someday!”  All this is to say, the only person greatly affected by his death is my husband. Charles was much older than my husband, and was a father figure to him when they were growing up.  The family dynamics are complicated, but any way you look at it, it’s hard to lose a family member. But life goes on!  While giving my husband all the support he needs, the rest of us are carrying on.  Here’s what I’m looking forward to this weekend: NOT WORKING.  I always work Saturday mornings, but then have the rest of the weekend off.  Two Sundays ago, I went in to work to pick up a few extra hours.  I really didn’t enjoy that, and vowed I wouldn’t do it again.  But then last Sunday someone really wanted me to come to her house and give her and her daughter a massage.  I couldn’t turn down two private massages, so I did it.  But seriously.  This Sunday I am NOT WORKING. FOOTBALL!  So much football!  Starting tonight (Thursday) with KC and Mahomes, then the second Baylor game on Saturday afternoon, and continuing Sunday afternoon with the first Dolphins game of the season.  In honor of the occasion I’m going to get out all my football decorations (why are they not out yet???) and make a fun charcuterie board for the Dolphins game. RUNNING!  I’m continuing with my every third day running schedule, and so far, so good.  Saturday is a running day, woohoo!!! What are you looking forward to this weekend? As you can see, I have not fixed my blog issues yet.  It won’t be this way forever! (OR WILL IT?  Just kidding. I’ll fix it soon.) Top photo by Trishy on Unsplash

Reading and Eating

Well, I’m nearing the end of Winter of the World.  There’s a quote on the cover that says “This book is truly epic… The reader will probably wish there was a thousand more pages.”  Well, yes I do!!!  Luckily there’s one more book in the trilogy, Edge of Eternity.  I’ll be starting that one next. Last week I went to Barnes and Noble to look for some of the books Allison mentioned in her guest post on Engie’s blog. Guess how many they had?  ZERO.  Darn!  Barnes and Noble doesn’t have a very big horror section. I still had fun though.  I sat in the cafe and read this magazine… And I found a planner I love!  Well, I love the cover. The inside might not be quite what I’m looking for, but I love the cat so much (the top of the cat’s head and eyes are peeping up on top of the pages as well) that I might try to make it work.  I decided to think it over a little before I buy it.  (Should you get a planner just because you love the cover?  Probably not.) Now I’m excited because tomorrow (my day off) I’m going to a used bookstore!  I’ve never been there and didn’t even know it existed until recently, but it’s not far from me.  I hope I walk out with an armful of books. Okay, eating.  Remember the grand plan of prepping ingredients on Sunday for a week’s worth of bowl dinners?  Well, the last two Sundays I worked.  Not a lot, but just enough that I didn’t ALSO feel like doing meal prep.  Somehow we got through last week anyway.  And, since this Sunday was the start of Pumpkin Palooza, I made my favorite Pumpkin Baked Ziti (recipe from Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s Veganomicon.)  My sister and I were commenting how the orange and brown color combination looks so pretty now- but once Thanksgiving is over, it looks drab.  When I take down the fall decorations and put up all the sparkly, colorful Christmas things, I can’t believe how dreary orange and brown look.  But for now, I’m loving it! Lastly- pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast!  I just make my regular oatmeal, put in a couple dollops of pumpkin, and all the pumpkin spices (don’t forget cloves- very important!) I’m not quite sure what we’ll have for dinner the rest of the week (leftover ziti will be making an appearance) but we’ll get through it. Do you like used bookstores?  What are you reading now? Top photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Ways in Which I Am Losing It

Wow.  I’ve really been, shall we say, “absent-minded” lately.  Leaving my car keys sitting on the treadmill at the gym, going to work without my lunch… (in the first instance, a good samaritan turned them in at the front desk; in the second, I was hungry all afternoon.)  Let’s look at a couple other recent examples. Several weeks ago, Elisabeth talked about Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks on her blog, and included some quotes from the book.  It sounded really good, so I immediately requested it from my library (a copy had to be transferred from a different branch.) When it was available, I went to pick it up!  As soon as I held it in my hand, I realized… I have already read this book.   Yep!  I read it about a year ago, and had completely forgotten all about it.  SIGH.  I brought it home anyway, thinking that maybe I would re-read it, but never did.  I returned it to the library, unread… or at least, unread this time… or whatever. Moving on.  As we all know by now, Sunday was the first day of Pumpkin Palooza!  I made pumpkin waffles to celebrate.  Here’s the photo: Hmm, you might be thinking.  Nice can of pumpkin there!  The REASON I included that in the photo is… that was the pumpkin that was supposed to go in the waffles. Yep!  I made my “pumpkin waffles,” and when I took my breakfast over to the table, there was the can of pumpkin, unopened.  I FORGOT TO PUT THE PUMPKIN IN MY PUMPKIN WAFFLES.   HOW could this happen?  I’m supposed to be the Crazy Pumpkin Lady!  This was an epic fail.  Although- the waffles were okay.  Not great, but okay.  I still put in all the pumpkin spices so that kind of counts… right? You can see the problem.  Possible solutions include: Pay more attention to what’s actually going on instead of thinking about the book I’m reading all the time, Have myself committed, and/or Start getting more sleep. I’m thinking I should start with a combination of 1 and 3.  These points are actually related, because I keep staying up too late reading.  But my book is so good!  I look forward to reading it all day, and once I start, it’s hard to put it down.  Well, we all know sleep is important, so I’ll try.  It would be nice to get through a few days without doing anything stupid. How is your sleep these days? Have you made any glaring errors lately? Top photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash    

Weekly Rundown- IT’S TIME!

Hey, guess what- it’s pumpkin time!  September 1st is the official start of Pumpkin Palooza, a festival celebrated by… well, very few.  But those of us who celebrate, do it very enthusiastically.  Light your pumpkin-scented candle and let’s get into the Weekly Rundown!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Monday I started the week with an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app, and followed that with Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout. After work I went to my sports chiropractor for the second treatment on my calf.  He did some scraping, and ART.  He suggested waiting a couple days to let the soreness from the treatment subside, then run on Thursday.  Okay! Tuesday 45 minute pool run!  I think this might have been my least favorite pool run ever.  It rained, and also with about 20 minutes to go my flotation belt broke.  I finished the workout awkwardly holding the belt under my arms. Later in the day I did my hip stability exercises. Wednesday Gym day!  I did 20 minutes on the Stairmaster, then did a hard leg day, plus bench press and abs.  I was definitely feeling down before this workout but felt MUCH better afterwards. Thursday Running day, finally!  I walked one mile and ran two.  No pain in my calf, but that doesn’t mean anything.  I usually have no pain the first run back.  But I’ll take a pain-free run any day! Friday Full body strength- hip stability, upper body (Sally McRae app) and core (Caroline Girvan.) After work I had another ART treatment on my calf.  It was painful but productive!  He suggested that, for now, I run every third day- okay, fine.  Any running is better than no running. Saturday Off- except that, at my daughter’s request, I got out our pull up bar and did some dead hangs.  Funny how hard those are now!  Am I going to once again start doing dead hangs and negatives, pretending that I’m working my way up to an actual pull up?  We’ll see. At night, WOO HOO!  The first Baylor game! We have an exciting new quarterback, and won 45-3.  Perfect way to start the season! Sunday On tap for today- well, it’s the third day so I get to RUN!!!  After that, the first pumpkin waffles of the season, and taking out my fall decor.  Don’t try to rain on my parade by telling me it’s too early- school has started, football is in full swing, and it’s September.  Pumpkin time! I’m still working on my blog issue- please scroll waaaay down to leave a comment (I don’t know why this happened, grr!) Do you follow college football? Too early for fall, or are you ready? Top photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash

24 Responses

  1. I do not as you know do any strength training. I don’t own anything. I used pre-pandemic go to the gym on occasion. I loved the machines.

    Never worked with a trainer. But I think they are very helpful ad I would if I could afford it and had the time to put into strength training.

    We had -6 Sat am so Florida seems balmy. But I know what you meant. When I go to Florida in the winter I am pissed if I cannot go to the beach. I want at last 70 degrees and sunshine. It’s hit or miss. I’m praying for hit when I go this year.

    1. Yes, anyone who doesn’t believe it gets cold in Florida should read Kim’s last race recap! I know it’s now cold compared to up north- but people down here are expecting to wear shorts and go to the beach. 45 is a little too cold!
      I’m only doing strength because I feel like I have to! If you told me I could run as much as I wanted, never do any strength training, and never be injured again, I would do it! But… no one’s telling me that and as a matter of fact my body is telling me the exact opposite, so… sigh.

  2. It took me a long time to dip my foot in the strength pool (how’s that for a metaphor, LOL), but I am SO GLAD I made that venture. My intro to strength training was the P90X series. The first 10 days or so, my entire body was so sore and I couldn’t lift either arm to brush my teeth (truth!), but after those 90 days I was hooked. I don’t consider myself a slave to the weights, but I do find a way to get in at least one (usually 2 or 3) strength workouts a week. My workouts are fairly short (20-30 minutes) because those fit my schedule best, and their short length allows for me to do multiple ones (thus working different muscles) without needing an excess amount of time to recover. The key is finding what works for YOU 😉 Good luck!!!!

    1. Thanks Kim! It’s actually encouraging that you were a reluctant strength trainer and now you like it. It gives me hope!

  3. Oh, I like strength training way more than cardio, but I don’t push myself as hard as I could because I’m nervous about hurting myself. I could probably do a little bit more…

    (Also, I’m so jealous of your temps. We’ll be luck to get above zero today. At least it’s sunny, I guess.)

    1. Ah, you’re one of “those” people! I’m definitely more of a cardio person. As a matter of fact I could run every single day and never do any strength again, and I would be ecstatic. But… I force myself to do strength. When I worked with that trainer, I actually did have some workouts that gave me endorphins, and I got a little glimmer of understanding why people like it.

  4. I did not know that David Goggins was the SEAL. I’ve never read any of his stuff, but I certainly know the name and have been turned off by a few stories about him (like the running on broken bones). There is no doubt that I would be in better shape if I trained harder, and also no doubt that I would be less likely to bother if I was getting injured, so I’m definitely on Team Inbetween.

    1. Yes, in the epilogue he reveals that “SEAL” is David Goggins. But I already knew that because I heard Jesse talking about this book on a podcast years ago. Yes, there are some questionable stories- but I’m still going to push myself harder (while staying on this side of sanity.)

  5. In the past, when I was in the Navy, I met many members of S.Marco (Italian Seal) and we made many runs together but, of course, they followed a different training.
    And always in the past I worked with a trainer and I made strength training in a boxing gym but now I am too old to push myself. My only goal is “running as I can”.

    1. From what I understand, the Navy SEAL training is insanely hard!
      I agre that age is a factor- but even taking that into consideration, I think I’m too easy on myself. I’m going to try and step it up a little!

  6. For a few months, I went to a Crossfit box in Florida and I LOVED it! Every time I see Wendy’s photos from her strength training classes I’m always slightly envious. I would love to attend Crossfit regularly.
    I tend to push myself too much – past the point of exhaustion. Twice, it got to the point that I fainted in a race. While I’m a big fan of Goggins’ advice, I know I have to be careful that I don’t overdo it. But then again maybe he would say that I didn’t train hard enough! 😉

    1. Actually I have a feeling Goggins would be proud of you! He probably approves of pushing so hard that you faint.
      Yes- Wendy’s strength training is always an inspiration to me. I know I would be so much stronger if I had a coach, and went to a class like that. She’s a badass!

  7. I feel like David’s mentality can be applied incorrectly in some aspects but I definitely agree that our minds will give up before our bodies actually will. During my last training cycle, I would be battling myself mentally in some workouts. I push myself (wisely) and love to see improvement!

    1. Yes, there are situations where pushing past our limits just won’t work. But for most of us, we aren’t coming anywhere near our true limits, and I think that’s the point he’s trying to make.

  8. You’re wearing shorts, so it would probably feel like the middle of summer to me. We were in full winter mode here with temperatures below -15 Celcius most of the week. Sigh.
    I do love our summers/fall here, though, so I guess it can’t all be sunshine and roses.
    I really do feel like I want to push myself harder physically but my health challenges have made that basically impossible lately and I’m trying to be content with eating healthfully and staying active. I don’t know if I could even do a single pushup right now, but I walk every day, could run a 5K if I had to…and I’m trying to embrace that though I’m driven, I really have to give myself a break sometimes. But that’s hard.
    I also have a sister who regularly does Ironman competitions, so I feel like a COMPLETE slacker compared to her…she texts me she’s done a brisk 20 km run to work through snowdrifts while I’m still nursing my first cup of tea in a bathrobe.

    1. Well, you make another good point. A lot of it is mental, but there still is a physical component which can be limiting. Like, if I tried to tough it out mentally and run 50 miles, I would really hurt my foot. That’s what frustrates me sometimes with books, and advice, like this. There are things you just can’t push through by willpower alone.
      I have a rule- I live in Florida, so I ALWAYS wear shorts for running. It will never be too cold. For the rest of the day I was in cozy sweatpants though!

  9. This totally cracked me up. Last weekend we had a freakishly warm day, it was about 8 degrees C, which is 46 degrees F, and my sons were on the trampoline with no socks or coats, and my older son also had no shirt and was wearing only shorts. If it is above zero here, there are people walking around in shorts. Then again, we would probably all melt and die in your summers, so it evens out, I guess.

    I do strength training and it has helped me a lot. I’m doing upper body work now as well and I haaaaaaaaaaate it. But I do it because I think it’s important. The strength/ core/ lower body work has made me stronger and helped keep injuries at bay, I think. It’s also made my ass a lot peachier. Which is good?

    1. Ha ha… I’ve given up on my ass, at least the way it looks. But I want it to be strong! Yes, strength training is important for us as we get older, especially.
      Yes, your freakishly warm day is our freakishly cold day! It’s all what you’re used to. But! I did grow up near Chicago so I know what REAL cold is like! I’ve just forgotten over the years.

  10. I have listened to some of Goggins book (not the book you’re reading). I don’t know, he really turns me off.

    Many years ago I worked with a trainer. I loved that! Just like working with a running coach! Or taking group classes. You always work out harder in a group or with someone to push you.

    I think that’s great up until about your 50s or so. Then I think most (not all) of us don’t react so well to pushing so hard. Which of course doesn’t mean turning into a couch potato either!

    1. My husband read Goggins’ book a few years ago and really liked it. I had no interest, but I did enjoy Jesse Itzler’s book. There’s definitely something in between Navy SEAL training and what I’ve been doing!

  11. I enjoy strength training and have definitely experienced the benefits of it in regards to my running. I’d have never thought it made that much of a difference. I have only briefly worked with a trainer. I have a degree in P.E. and usually feel like I can be my own trainer, but I do see benefits of having an “outsider” tell you things and make you work harder… not necessarily Navy Seal-like (I feel like that should be reserved for combat situations, where you don’t have a choice LOL) .

    1. There’s no denying the benefits of strength training- I just wish I enjoyed it more! I think with your P.E. degree you know what to do, but I still think it helps having someone else push you. Maybe the Peloton classes achieve that, to a certain degree.

  12. I love strength-training more than cardio, but I know cardio is better for my heart so I do more cardio than strength. Wah. I mainly cycle through full-body routines on the Peloton app. I’ve worked with trainers before and I just do not work well with trainers who try to eek everything out of you and yell at you to do more. It’s not my style! I need encouragement (#typicalmillenial)! But I’m also not training to become a Navy SEAL, hahaha.

    1. I agree you need cardio, but strength training is also good for you so if you enjoy it, I say do more of it! I wish I enjoyed it- I feel like I should be doing more.

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