walkers walk… but runners fly

March Coffee Date!

It’s the first Friday of the month, and that means it’s time to join Coco and Deborah for our monthly coffee date!  I’ll be drinking my Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey tea, of course.

If we were having coffee (or tea) together, the first thing I would tell you is that my Baylor Bear comes home tomorrow for spring break!!!  That sure went fast- it seems like just yesterday he went back to school after Christmas.  I know the time between spring break and the end of the year goes very fast as well, and then he’ll be home for the summer.

The only problem is, at that point he’ll be done with his sophomore year which means college will be HALF OVER, ack!  You guys, time is going by way too fast.

Moving along.  After my last long run I decided I need a hat to help me deal with the heat.  There are several cooling hats out there, but I decided on this one:

Ha ha, that’s seriously the picture on the Ice Running Website.  I know there’s a lot to look at in this picture, but try to focus on the hat.  You can see there’s a pocket on top and two on the sides for ice.  I’ve ordered it and am excited to try it out- I hope it arrives before my next long run.

Speaking of long runs, I’m experimenting with different fueling options.  I’ve always had good luck with gels, but they get kind of sickening if you’re out there for a really long time.  Recently I tried these from Trader Joe’s:

They are EXTREMELY delicious!  And they’re easy to eat, even in the middle of a run.  Here’s the ingredients:

I strongly suggest that everyone rush to their nearest Trader Joe’s immediately and try these.  You will not regret it.

That’s it for this coffee date!

Can you believe it’s time for spring break already? – Colleges always have spring break early.  My daughter’s is two weeks later.

Do you eat anything during a long run other than gels?  Ever tried Frooze Balls?


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45 Responses

  1. It’s March already omgomgomg. Our spring break is not for three weeks, here. And I’m not sure you can call it “spring.” But whatever!
    We do not have Trader Joe’s here, which is too bad because it seems like there is a lovely variety of yummy things there.
    There’s a hat in that picture? Huh. I’ll have to look again.

    1. Trader Joe’s is great. But honestly, a lot of it is just delicious snack foods that you don’t really need.
      When I was younger, our spring break always coincided with Easter. So really, any time in March seems early to me.

  2. I use Frooze for post run! But of course I use the Chocolate Hazelnut flavor. They’re somewhat inexpensive too!

    For my last half I tried these: https://amzn.to/3SM2AJR (Amazon Affiliate link). I really liked them. I just cut them up into bite side pieces. Of course I could make my own . . .

    I stopped with gels many years ago.

    1. Those date bars sound AMAZING. I’ll get some just to have the option. I’ll probably end up with way too much food, ha ha. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Hah! That photo! I mean, what hat? I don’t see a hat! 🙂

    I definitely did a lot of experimenting with foods for long runs as I do not like gels. I can give you a long list! I like those squeezable apple sauces and/or pudding (yes, pudding) that you can find at Target. Both are shelf stable and the applesauce does not have a lot of calories (maybe 70) but I think the pudding is over 100 and it is so much better than a gel! Also if you can stomach it, the Justin’s nut butter pouches are about 200 and are really good and easy to eat. Many people also use gummy bears instead of clif blocks, but I like the Honey Stinger chews the best; they have a pink lemonade flavor that is my favorite. Another popular one is the Honey Stinger waffle, but you can also just buy a pack of Stroopwaffles and it is the same thing but not as expensive. And if you have not tried putting calories in your water, you may want to try Tailwind, which has multiple flavors and I think packs about 200 calories per 16 oz, but don’t quote me on that! If you want more ideas, I have more, but I don’t want to clog up your comment feed too much!

    1. Okay, these are all great ideas. Except I feel like nut butters might be hard to get down. I have not tried Tailwind and I definitely should! I’m not a fan of chews- too much work when I could just suck down a gel instead (if I’m going to go that route.) Anyway thanks for the tips and I might contact you for further ideas.

  4. What??? It feels like 5 minutes ago that your son was starting college. I’m having feels because I’ve barely accepted that my oldest stepson is starting college this fall, and TIME NEEDS TO SLOW DOWN ALREADY. On the plus side, my two nephews who started college this year are coming home for spring break so we’re going to have a big family bash while they’re both home.

    I’m trying to figure out what watch the model in the hat picture is wearing so that’s where my mind went;-) It’s not a Garmin so is he even a runner?

    I may not be running anymore but I can always use a snack. With a name like Frooze Balls, it has to be good.

    1. Ha! I think you might be the only person who noticed there was a watch in that photo.
      Seriously, it feels like yesterday I was sobbing in the parking lot of my son’s dorm after saying goodbye to him freshman year. I feel like I’ll just barely be adjusted to college and then it’ll be over. Do you know where your stepson is going yet? It’s definitely a big transition for all of you.

  5. Ah spring break already! I am sorry was there a hat in that photo? Whatever that guy is selling, I will take one LOL. I have not seen those PNB balls but glad you found something that works for you. Are they just snacks or do they have any electrolytes etc? I could not see the nutrition label. I am liking those new Maurten bars that I got. And will do a review soon. Thanks for linking!

    1. They’re really just snacks, not necessarily meant for running. I forgot about the Maurten bars- I might have to check them out. I know people love their gels.

  6. Just gels. I have tried chews. I don’t like peanut butter!! So these don’t appeal to me.

    I always run with a baseball cap to keep the sun off my face and my hair out of the way.

    1. If you don’t like peanut butter you wouldn’t like these (although they do have a chocolate hazelnut flavor as well.)
      I’ve tried chews and am not crazy about them- they’re like a gel but harder to eat.
      I’ve never run with a cap because I was worried it would make my head even hotter. So this one might be the solution- we’ll see.

  7. There is a lot to like about that hat ad! I hope you get it soon!

    I’m a fan of applesauce packs for easy fueling on the bike — should work for runs too?

    Time really flies — my baby turns 29 next week. How can that BE?

    1. Applesauce would probably work great. Maybe I’ll try it out.
      My son turned 20 this year. That seemed old, but I know how these next ten years will fly by (nooooo!)

  8. So much good info in your post!!! I’ve been looking for fueling options for my upcoming trail race as well–those Frooze Balls sound perfect! Off to TJs I go! And that ice hat–well, I need it STAT after looking at the photo–JK. Seriously, that would be great for Leadville. Anxious to hear how you like it.

    Enjoy your baby when he comes home! My Badger is going to Portugal with the rugby team for his Spring Break. Plus, I know he wouldn’t come home anyways–we see him so often, it’s ok!

    1. Yes, I’m envious that you get to see your sons so often. Mine is so far away, we only see him on vacations.
      I’ll let you know how the hat works out! And I’ll be interested to hear if you like the Frooze Balls. I also want to know if the Uncrustables work for you- I have some in my freezer but haven’t tried them yet.

  9. Those Fooze Bals look tasty! My body does not like gels these days (except for SiS brand), but I have thought of trying more “food” options …I just haven’t needed fuel on the run in a long time because I haven’t had any especially long runs or races in a few years. And that dude-I mean that hat-looks like a winner!

    1. Funny how our bodies change. Things can work for years and then suddenly stop working. The gels still digest well for me (and of course, they’re the easiest things to eat) but now they leave a weird and unpleasant taste in my mouth. Why??? Who knows.

  10. I’m so glad your son will be home soon! What a special time; I imagine the anticipation is palpable on both ends! I’m so happy for you, Jenny!

    I don’t do long runs, but those Frooze balls look amazing for everyday life. Sign me up for any and all things PB related! I’ve heard my sister talk about using gummy bears for her long events. When I was visiting this summer one of the cupboards in her kitchen was filled with all sorts of special stuff; it’s this whole other form of nutrition for endurance athletes but it’s amazing what a different the right energy sources or equipment. I think she also hates and avoids gels?

    1. You would like the Frooze Balls. Yes, I have a special hiding place for all my running fuel. I doubt anyone would want my gels and chews, but I could picture anyone in my family ripping open that bag of Frooze Balls and demolishing them.
      Yes, I’m excited to see my son!!!

  11. My husband doesn’t have spring break until the last week in March and I hear about all these early breaks and I’m jealous! I hope you son enjoy his time at home and that you can convince him to go to the gym with you!

    I love a good date ball. They used to sell these delicious ones at the co-op in Minneapolis when I lived there and the last time I was there, I went and took a photo of the ingredients and tried to replicate them at home and have not be able to. I think part of it is that we don’t have a food processor, just a blender, so I can’t really get the date pieces small enough. Anyway, I hope the date balls continue to work for you!

    1. I did have the thought that I could make something like this. I’ll have to think about it- I’m not sure if I could make them as delicious as the Frooze Balls.
      You’ll be happy at the end of March when everyone else is back at school and your husband is off!

  12. The hat sounds great, although I didn’t notice it due to the Major Distraction.

    Yay for spring break! I hope you have so much fun together!

    1. Yes, we’ll definitely have fun. Although I’ll be working and my son will probably be sleeping a lot. Still, we’ll have time together!

  13. Yay for college spring break and seeing your son soon! Yep, those college years certainly fly by!

    I hope those Frooze Balls work for you. I’ve never been a fan of peanut butter and jelly (I know, I’m weird) so I probably wouldn’t like them.

    1. They do have another flavor- I think it’s chocolate hazelnut. I’m sure those are ridiculously good.

  14. Dang, I feel like Paul JUST went back to college after Christmas break! Time is a-flying! I thought of you and your family when we drove by his college town on the way to Dallas from Austin! The Baylor football stadium is MASSIVE!! I mean we only saw it from the freeway but dang it looks huge! Anyways, I am glad it’s March as that means we are one month closer to our very long winter being over. But I feel like I won’t see the grass until mid-April since we have SO MUCH SNOW on the ground here.

    I always used gels on long runs but when I did my last marathon back in 2015, I started to use some chia-seed based gels. They were not so sickeningly sweet. A local running store recommended them to me and they worked really well. I knew of a very very fast marathon runner that would put cooked oatmeal w/ salt in a ziplock bag and would sort of suck oatmeal out of the bag along a run. That sounded very messy and unappealing? But she ran like a 3:10 marathon so I guess it worked for her!

    That is an interesting marketing photo to use for the hat! I hope it works for you!

    1. Yep, Waco is right in between Dallas and Austin. Of course the stadium is huge- everything is bigger in Texas.
      The thought of sucking oatmeal out of a ziploc bag while running makes me queasy. BUT, a 3:10 marathon is incredible, so it obviously worked for her. Are the gels you’re talking about Huma? I’ve heard of them but never tried them.

    1. Ha ha. Yes, I’m laughing at the fact that they put that picture of the “hat” on their website. Oooookay.

  15. My college daughter’s spring break is still 3 weeks away and she’s going to Jamaica. But she will be home for a few days after so this mama is happy. My 17 yt old has her spring break the last week of March, but yes it’s all sneaking up SO fast! Love the hat! Does it come with a 6-pack? Haha! The balls look like perfect fuel!

  16. I’m sorry I had a hard time focusing on the hat LOL – I hope it works for you!

    Those Froze Balls look like a good option – can’t wait to hear how you do with them.

    Enjoy your time with your son home! My college boy comes home next weekend and I can’t wait to see him.

  17. I use Medjool dates for fuel. I slice the pip out, sprinkle some sea salt in the gap, shut it up again, and then wrap each one in foil. Two dates are about the equivalent of a gel. You could also spread some peanut butter. I forgot to pick up some dates at the bulk shop last time I was there; they have the best ones, nice and soft and not too fibery.

    1. That sounds amazing. Yes, dates would work as well as gels, and I like the added salt. The Frooze Balls have dates, but just buying dates would be cheaper.

  18. Peanut Butter and Jelly are not my favorite combinations, but these froze balls looks delicious. I am a big fan of “real fuel”… I cannot do gels.

    1. You might like these then- and they have another flavor which I think is chocolate hazelnut. You would probably like those better than the pB&J!

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