Boy, February was a month that really didn’t need an extra day. How do you like my new “dumpster fire” mug? I definitely don’t need any new mugs, but this one was just too perfect to pass up. I’m drinking delicious Earl Grey tea while joining Coco and Deborah for this Ultimate coffee date.
So why was February such a dumpster fire? Glad you asked! Pour yourself a nice, big cup of coffee and I’ll tell you all about it.
Obviously, everyone knows I DNF’d my race. That was bad, but even worse has been hobbling around on an injured ankle. Yes, it’s getting better, but not as quickly as I would like. It’s exhausting and frustrating not to be able to walk properly, and it doesn’t leave me much patience for anything else. SUCH AS…
Our dishwasher broke. This was perfect timing, because spending even more time on my feet, washing every dish by hand, was just what I needed! And then there were the snarky comments from my daughter, like this one: “You’re always hurting yourself! Why don’t you just stop running?”
You know how, when someone has a big goal, people will ask “What’s your ‘why’?” And they’ll say, “I’m doing this for my kids.” Well, I would say I’m doing this in spite of my kids.
Anyway, enough complaining! It’s a new month, and that means a new attitude. Several weeks ago Catrina left this comment on one of my posts: “I love the German word for joyful anticipation: Vorfreude (vor = before, Freude = joy). Many people say it’s the best kind of joy and I tend to agree!”
In the spirit of vorfreude, here are some things I’m looking forward to in March:
My birthday! I’ll be turning 58. The age doesn’t bother me, especially because I thought I already WAS 58. Ha ha… does anyone else do this? For the last couple months I’ve been thinking I’m “almost 58” and then last week, when someone asked how old I was, I told them I’m 58. It wasn’t until a few days later that I thought “Wait a minute? AM I 58? How old am I, anyway?” No, I’m still 57, and on March 21st I’ll ONLY be turning 58. Hooray! I like birthdays.
My daughter’s spring break is the third week of March. I’ll still be working my normal schedule, but with her off of school it will feel like a mini-vacation. I can get up an hour later and I don’t have to make her lunch or get her to school. OR, I could continue to get up at my usual time, and have extra time to myself in the morning. I’m still deciding how I’m going to play this, but I’m definitely looking forward to the week.
Easter! Easter is not usually my favorite holiday, but this year my son will be home. He won’t be coming home for spring break (his trumpet ensemble is going to a national competition that week) so he arranged to come home for Easter instead. I’m very excited about this, and am already planning some fun meals.
So that’s where I’m at: “New Month, New Me.” What would you tell me over coffee? Do you have any vorfreude for the month of March?

Balloon photo by Morgan Lane on Unsplash
44 Responses
That is a pretty fantastic mug!
OMG, teens are the best at snark. I like you “why” — LOL
At the moment, I’m looking forward to another round of shockwave treatments and hoping for some carefree running days before I’m too old to lace my shoes up by myself. .
Ha ha… I think you still have a few good years ahead of you! I hope you get some carefree running this month.
Love the mug! LOL in spite of your kids-love it. I know you are frustrated right now but you are able to laugh at yourself and make the most of it. That always helps!
Oh well- I can’t take these things TOO seriously, or I’ll just be sitting here crying. That’s no fun.
Those Germans have a word for everything! And I love that!
Happy birthday month to you! March is a special month around here too – it’s our anniversary and my son’s birthday AND Rex’ birthday all on the same day. You’d think we could have spread it out a little. Anyway, since our anniversary is our son’s birthday, we celebrate either early or late, and this year we are going to Vegas the weekend before! I’m very excited, Vegas is so fun and we haven’t been since 2015.
That mug is very funny! I love that meme. Sorry about your dishwasher though. Although of all appliances to go, that’s the least painful – for me, at least.
Hmph, if your daughter is going to criticize, she should be the one doing the dishes!
HA! I never thought of that- “you’ve earned yourself another sinkful of dishes, missy!”
You do have an exciting month coming up. I’m especially excited about Rex’s birthday!
Yes, it could be worse- like the washing machine or refrigerator would be WAY worse.
LOL, I love your mug, it’s perfect!
Vorfreude is now my word, I’m stealing it! I love the anticipation of something I’m looking forward to, even little things. Thank you Jenny and Catrina for sharing.
Yes, Catrina really nailed it!
That mug is the best!! Love it. You have the best collection of mugs I’ve ever seen.
Kids keep you “humble” that’s for sure (as I scream into my own void of parenting this morning).
My condolences about the dishwasher; it is perhaps my favourite possession in our house so I feel the pain. I hope it’s fixed ASAP.
Ugh. That poor ankle. It looked so painful and how frustrating to wait for it to heal.
And yes, I can never (never!) remember how old I am. I have to do the math constantly. Or ask my kids. They remember!
Okay, good to hear I’m not the only one! Although I doubt my kids would remember my age (my daughter was actually the one asking when I told her I was 58.)
When you’re used to a dishwasher, it’s VERY hard to lose it!
The only year I could reliably remember my age was 42, because I’m a fan of Douglas Adams (in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, it’s an important number), so it’s been over a dozen years since I could answer that with immediate confidence!
Ha! Okay, so I’m not actually crazy. Good to know.
Love your mug! I hate your ankle is taking longer to heal than you would like. I had people tell me I should just stop running when I kept falling on the trail and busting my left knee! I am sure my son was one of those people.
Yay for a birthday month! I always forget my age and have to ask my husband how old I am. I think I stopped counting at 45, lol. That will be nice to have your son home for Easter. I like the “New Month, New Me.” Hoping March is a much better month for you and that you are back to your normal activities very soon!
Thanks Melodie! Yes, maybe that’s the solution- just stopping counting after 45. Then every year if someone asks you can just say “I’m over 45” and leave it at that!
P.S. Thanks for the Unsplash tip!
Oh yes- all free photos!
Yay! It’s your birthday month!!!!
Man, don’t our kids know how to push on EXACTLY the right buttons?!? It’s so frustrating, because from my perspective, you are being so diligent about your health and staying so active, which is going to pay so many dividends for your body and mobility as you age.
That mug makes me laugh. My best friend from childhood sent me a magnet that says “It’s fine, everything is fine” and I think it’s such a perfect encapsulation of the times we live in.
So sorry to hear your ankle isn’t healing as quickly as you want. I hope the recovery speeds up!
Thanks Suzanne! I think I need to give my ankle some gentle nudges to speed up the healing.
I hope you have that magnet prominently displayed!
I’d be rich if I had $1 for every person who told me to quit running after my latest injury. I responded NO WAY!!
Yes I have vorfreude for March. Racing again… running without pain. Hopefully warmer temps and flowers?
Injuries never heal fast enough! Hope yours will bein the rear view mirror soon.
Thanks Darlene! I was thinking that as I was writing- when do injuries EVER heal as quickly as we want???
OMG that mug is priceless!
As Darlene said, injuries never heal fast enough – I hope your road to recovery is a short one!
Thanks Michelle! I’m hoping the road is a short one too, but the days are slipping by… sigh!
I think March is a great month for a birthday! (Ask me how I know, LOL). I’m gonna steal Vorfreude for an upcoming blog post… I have A LOT going down this month, and that word (and its meaning) are a perfect fit. I hope the ankle is feeling somewhat better (?), but your daughter’s “advice” to quit running is off, ha! Hugs to you <3
THANK YOU KIM! Yes, March is the best month for birthdays : ) I can’t wait to hear about what you have going on this month- hope it’s all good!
What a wonderful word – vorfreude! I will have to use it. I have vorfreude actually for visiting Germany – I’m going there later this month and have never been ( also don’t speak German, but now I know that word!). Sorry about your dishwasher, ugh. Our dryer just broke and it feels like it’s always something. And lol to running in spite of your kids or to spite your kids. When my kids get older I wouldn’t be surprised if they started saying the same things to me!
Arg, having the dryer break would be WORSE! I hope you can get yours fixed soon.
Yes, you will have to find some opportunity to use your new German word. Sounds like an exciting trip!
I love the dumpster fire mug, and it is a NEED not a want.
Since I turned 30 if someone asks me my age, I need a minute to think about it. I have to subtract 1975 from the current year and then figure out whether the current date is before or after my birthday. But it gets worse – neither my husband nor I knows how old he is! I mean of course we know, but we can’t math it. For the record I’m 48 and he’s 55. People live a long time in our families so we consider ourselves to be young in proportion to how old we’re going to get.
If it helps, the boys have made plenty of “you’re always hurting yourself” comments on my husband’s fitness endeavors. Multiple bouts of PF, two stress fractures, and random aches and pains. Some day they will know the pain of not exercising, and until that day comes, the smart mouths will continue.
My Vorfreude for March is month two with the puppy and the return of the Boy Scout camp weekend getaway. I’m sure I’ll come up with some other things as well.
Ooh! I’m wondering if you’re be taking any little trips while the boys are away- but maybe not because you’ll be on puppy duty.
Ah, these youngsters- someday they’ll understand and realize how mean they’ve been to us (maybe?)
That’s an amazing mug! It sums up how I’ve felt most of this year so far haha.
In March I’m looking forward to a couple of long weekends. Even though I work for a school district I don’t have spring break off since I’m not a teacher (unfair!) but I decided to take off the Monday of that week, and I’m hoping to be able to WFH a few of those days to make it an easier week. And I have off the last Friday of March for Easter, and right now I’m planning an overnight trip to Sedona to do a fun long training run/adventure. And I’m excited for all the wildflowers that are starting to bloom on the trails here!
I’m sorry your ankle isn’t healing as quickly as you’d like, I hope it starts getting better soon!
WOW, that Sedona adventure sounds amazing- I want to come!!! You do have some great things to look forward to this month. Hope the rest of the year is NOT a dumpster fire for you.
OMG I love that mug SO much! Especially the “everything’s fine” part. That’s been my refrain when anyone asks me about my mom, anything really. It’s all fine. Haha! Yeah right. I too am hopeful for a much brighter March. There is spring break coming up after all and I’ve got some vacay time off work, That’s always fun! Hope that ankle heals for you quickly!
Ooh, vacation time! You’ve been working super hard, you need some time off. And yes… i love “everything’s fine,” hee hee.
Vorfreude is such a great word and it’s true – anticipation is almost as good as the event itself. My Vorfreude for March is traveling home to see my family AND going on a skiing trip in the Alps. I cannot wait.
I am also a March baby, so we’ll be both celebrating birthdays, hooray!
I understand your frustration with your injury and it not healing fast enough.. .one of the worst things for us runners is not being able to run because of injury. Ugh. Hang in there.
Thank you San! You have an exciting month ahead- all that travel and a birthday!
Yeah, I’m impatient for this to heal… sigh.
Yay for Vorfreude!!
I’m sure you will be back to running before we reach mid-March!
I’ll be turning 56 this year – closer to 60 than to 50 and it’s a bit scary. I was telling someone yesterday that I would like to PR my marathon in London and they said “isn’t 56 a bit old for that”? No, it isn’t!
WHAT? Unfriend that person immediately!!! But yes… my husband would say I’m now in my “extremely late 50s” and it is a little scary.
I also love that mug! I am sorry to hear that your ankle isn’t healing the way you want it to. Maybe it is a sign for you to just relax and take it easy. I know sometimes it isn’t easy. Yay, March is your birthday month! Sometimes I have to think about my age too.
Well… I have reasons from trying to push the recovery along (a possible redemption race at the end of April???)
Anyway… yes, March is a good month!
I love that mug! It kind of feels like it describes my life at times these days! Screaming kids, intense work schedule, etc. But I am kind of white knuckling it and pretending everything is fine. Ha.
You have some exciting things to look forward to! I am glad Paul will be home for Easter! That will make it extra special and fun.
March started off great with Paul’s birthday. We had an awesome day together! He had his family party last night and will have his friend party in 2 weeks. And then we have Easter at the end of the month which will be quiet – just our family and my MIL. But it’s nice to not have to travel!
That is the BEST mug! I love it!
I tell my brother frequently that he really has to have thick skin to handle being a parent. Kids are BRUTAL. I don’t remember being mean like that to my parents, though!
hahaah, I loveee that mug! I do not need more mugs either but I’d absolutely make an exception for that one!
I’m sorry to hear about your ankle + I hope this new month treats you way better! (Happy birthday!)
My daughter’s birthday is in March too, the week after yours. I love that mug!
I don’t really have anything I’m looking forward to, other than a joint birthday party for my daughter and her cousin in March, and a birthday party for my great Aunt’s 100th birthday in April.
My husband’s birthday is in May, and mine in December…he turned 58 in May, and I did in December, so I have all of those months to get used to the idea. Often I forget how old I am, but I remember his age, so yeah, I’ve sort of thought I was 58 since last May.
Your daughter’s comment – LOL. I get the attitude too when I have my yearly fall, although it is tempered now they’re in their twenties. March sounds like it’s going to be a good one for you. March is one of my favourite months in the year.
That mug is everything, Jenny! And, oh, teens. There was an article in the Post about how teens’ brains are just wracked by hormones and they often are (in hindsight) not thrilled with what they say or how they react. Whether that’s true for all, I do not know, but… hormones. Man, they mess you up. I am amazed by your patience in the face of, well, continued teen-ness. Hang in there! And you have some awesome things coming up in March! YAY!