walkers walk… but runners fly

March Coffee Date- Books and More

Hooray!  It’s March.  Even in Florida, February seems like a dull month.  March is more fun because it’s my birthday month, and my son will be home tomorrow for spring break!  But first… I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for our monthly coffee date.  I know there’s some heavy stuff going on in the world, but I’m going to keep it light (mostly) and talk about books, with a quick mention of our favorite subject- Covid- thrown in as well.  Grab your drink and join me!

I’ve been reading some good books lately, and one not-so-good.  Chanel Miller’s book about her experience as a sexual assault survivor is beautifully written.  The story unfolds a lot like you would expect- there weren’t a lot of surprises, but her writing made it a compelling read.

I had high hopes for The Christie Affair, and I did enjoy it.  But I think Nina de Gramont missed a huge opportunity.  Since Agatha Christie is a character in this (fictional) story, I wish it had been written in true Christie style.  The mystery was good, but I think the detective should have called everyone together and revealed the murderer in a stunning and shocking conclusion, a la Christie herself.  That’s what I would have done!

Okay.  Camille Pagan’s book, Don’t Make Me Turn This Life Around, was mentioned favorably on a blog… I’m not saying which one, but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.  I had a huge problem with this book, which is that I HATED the main character.  I get that her life isn’t perfect- welcome to the club- but boy, was she a whiner.

Her main complaint is her sex life.  It seems that, after thirteen years of marriage and twin twelve-year-old daughters, things aren’t as magical and steamy as they were when she and her husband first met.  Oh, really?  How odd.  I wondered if the author actually has any kids, so I looked at her bio.  It does mention a family, but doesn’t specify what that “family” consists of.  I’m guessing a tank of tropical fish.  I will say it was a quick and easy read, and I did finish it because I was mildly curious to know how it ended.  But I read it hating the main character all the way.

Last up, Anthony Horowitz.  I love his books!  He writes fun, intelligent mysteries and I was excited to see this new one.  This is the third one in this particular series, but he has many other books as well, including a couple featuring Sherlock Holmes.  I can always rely on him, and I’m happily reading this one right now.  Life is much more fun when you’re in the middle of a good book!

Okay, let’s talk about Covid.  Now that the CDC has issued new guidelines, masks are now OPTIONAL where I work.  Which means… I can breathe again.

I know everyone views Covid through their own lens.  I have elderly clients who still prefer to wear a mask, and I don’t mind wearing one for their massage.  I also have two co-workers who lost family members to Covid, and they’re still wearing their masks, which I completely understand.  I’ll wear a mask around them whenever possible.  But otherwise I’m taking it off and it feels so good.  It’s nice to see people’s faces again!

How about you- still wearing a mask at work, or not?

Have you read anything great lately?

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30 Responses

  1. I have not read any of those books yet. Thanks for the mini review. I just ordered the new Lucy Foley book “the Paris Apartment” I like a good mystery thriller type. I am so done with masks and not wearing mine anymore unless I go to a Dr office. Seems to be the only place they require them now. I went into Athleta yesterday in DC and was so thrilled not to have to wear it while shopping. They just dropped the mask mandate there this week. It was so “normal”. Thanks for dropping in for coffee

    1. I was at my podiatrist’s office this week and no one was wearing a mask there! That’s the first time that’s happened. Yes, it feels good to take them off.

  2. I still wore a mask at the grocery store a few days ago. It’s a small store and pretty much every one was wearing one. I’m also in and out quickly.

    They just dropped the masks for visitors at my moms, and I will happily not wear a mask there! I wasn’t (often) wearing a mask in the apartment anyway. We are actually having a “large” gathering (about 11 people, including part of my brother’s family who will have just flown in from the West Coast) to celebrate my moms birthday next week. I don’t plan to be wearing a mask for that either, although it is a small apartment.

    I don’t have to work in one though, thankfully!

    1. I’m glad we’re at the point where you can feel comfortable not wearing a mask for your mom’s birthday party. It’s so much nicer to be able to see everyone’s face!

  3. I’m also quite happy for the mask mandates disappearing. Fortunately, in “rural” Iowa (and especially in my immediate area), the Covid numbers have been pretty conservative in comparison to elsewhere, pretty much for the past two years. Believe me when I say I’m quite thankful for that (I guess there are perks to not being in a heavily populated metropolitan area). I agree that we need to honor and respect everyone has their own comfort level. Thanks for the book reviews and recommends 😉

    1. Here in Florida we’ve had some pretty intense waves of Covid- but the good part about that is, most people have probably already had it.

  4. I still am wearing a mask indoors (stores, etc). I work from work so that hasn’t ben an issue. but for the most part I am outside. Luckily my family and friends ae all vaccinated. Otherwise I might wear a mask. People ae still getting COVID – sigh!

    I read all the time. Nothing jumps out as being really memorable.

  5. I’m not masking anymore. If I was around someone who wanted me to, certainly I’d comply but I’m done for now. That’s so interesting you disliked the character in the book so much!

    1. It feels good to take the mask off, right? Like you, I’m willing to wear it if I’m around someone who wants me to- so far that hasn’t come up though.

  6. We’re still under a mask mandate here (Eastern Canada), but on March 21st they are being lifted. I am excited to have the choice again; I don’t mind wearing it in our local crowded grocery store, for example, as I think it would likely make people more comfortable but I’m excited for my kids to be able to go out for recess and take off their masks (if they’re on play equipment but not 6 ft apart they’re still masked – though I’m sure this is hit and miss).
    It will feel…weird to not mask. But also so, so good.

    Notes on a Nervous Planet (non-fiction) by Matt Haig is my favourite book of 2022 so far. Other than that, nothing has hit it out of the park for me. Miss Benson’s Beetle was good but definitely NOT what I was expecting.

    Happy Birthday month and enjoy that time with your son!!!!!

    Now it’s supper and, since it’s Friday, that means WAFFLES. Cue jazz hands.

    1. Yay! Enjoy your waffles. Friday night here means takeout- yum.
      Yes, I’m loving not wearing the mask but it does feel a little weird. I think it’ll take a while before it starts to feel normal, and not like I’m forgetting something.

  7. Know my Name was amazing. A-mazing. I’m so glad she put it out there. I do like Camille Pagan’s books–they’re an easy read and what I like to call a palate cleanser. The Christie Affair isn’t on my TBR because people like you are meh on it! Thanks for sharing your reviews. I love it!

    We have to wear masks at work. I’m still wearing my N95 with sick patients. I’ve come this far without Covid… And I’m wearing mine to the grocery store. Because people…

    1. Well, I can see why you would wear the N95 with sick patients. The big difference is, I don’t work around sick people and you do. And describing Pagan’s books as “palate cleansers” is probably accurate!

  8. My head is spinning from Monday’s mask mandate to today’s no mandates, made more confusing by a trip to Dallas this week where I was masked for the 6 hour travel time (Uber/airport/plane/Uber) and then not masked at the hotel check-in — a first for me. I’m fine in my office without a mask, but I’m still going to wear my mask grocery shopping this weekend. I know so many (vaccinated) people getting covid in the past few weeks and I’d still like to avoid it.

    I finished Jodi Picoult’s Wish You Were Here, which is the first book I’ve read that takes place in covid times. I think she messed up the timeline — too much talk about everyday people wearing masks in March 2020 — but it was interesting.

    Now I’m reading a dystopian novel – Parable of the Sower — that is good so far.

    Happy March!

    1. I’ve never read any Jodi Picoult, and I should. That one sounds interesting (although I agree- it seems she messed up the timeline. An editor should have caught that!)

  9. Haha, your comment about the tank of tropical fish made me laugh!!! Haha! It feels refreshing not to wear a mask in my classroom. However, I will mask when I go to the store.

    1. It must be amazing for you and your students to see each other’s faces. My son is in college, and they recently dropped the mask requirements. He said the learning environment has dramatically improved.

    1. Oh, that’s okay. i must have gotten something out of it or I wouldn’t have finished it. You’ve recommended several other excellent books and that makes up for it.

  10. I’m still masking up, but I rarely leave the house, so it’s not a big deal for me to wear one for an hour or two here or there. I’ll be interested to see if the healthcare places in our town maintain the mask rules.

    The Chanel Miller book is on my TBR, but it seems like it will be a dark read and I’m not sure if I’m up for that or when I will be! So many people say it’s good, though, so maybe I should attempt to prioritize it.

    1. Well… overall I would say it was uplifting, if you can say such a thing about a book involving a sexual assault.

  11. I really need to head back to a library at some point — I’ve been meaning to read Know My Name.

    It’s hard for me to finish books where I hate the main character, so major props to you for being able to finish!

  12. Mandates have been dropped here for the most part but there are still some buildings/businesses that request that you wear one. I continue to carry one with me wherever I go, but for the most part, don’t wear one anymore.

    I don’t know how you got through a book when you dislike the main character so much – I just couldn’t do it.

    1. I have a problem with DNF’ing books, and this one was short, so I just figured I would finish it!
      When I went to the airport the other day to pick up my son, I realized I had to wear a mask! Luckily I had one in my purse- it was the first time I’d put one on in a week.

  13. I’m glad you loved Know My Name. A hard book, but so beautifully written!

    I got The Christie Affair as my Book of the Month in February, so I’m bummed that you didn’t love it. We’ll see if it works for me!

    I haven’t been masking as much, only where it’s required or strongly recommended. I’ve somehow escaped getting sick for two years (knock on wood!) and I’m not sure how. I guess it helps that I work from home and don’t have to interact with the public too often!

    1. I’ll be interested to hear how you like The Christie Affair. I did like it- I was just vaguely disappointed that she didn’t go all in on the Christie-style. The story was good though.

  14. I read Chanel Miller’s memoir last year and I thought it was very well written. I think it’s great that she opened up about her case and her experience.

    I am not back at work yet, but mask mandates have been lifted here too, but I continue to wear my mask. I am not ready to drop it yet.

    1. I haven’t worn my mask at work in a month! I always ask clients if they would prefer that I wear it, and every single one has said no.

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