walkers walk… but runners fly

May Coffee Date!!!

Here’s some exciting (?) news- I finally found a coffee drink I like!  An iced oatmilk latte!  It’s not sweet, but the oatmilk makes it creamy enough to remind me of coffee ice cream (yum.) I won’t be drinking it often- my favorite is still Earl Grey tea- but for once I’m drinking coffee for our monthly coffee date.  Thanks as always to Coco and Deborah for hosting!

The first thing I would talk about if we were having coffee is J.K. Rowling.  I recently finished this book:

I think I’ve mentioned a few (hundred) times about how I re-read all the Harry Potter books over the summer, and how much I love them.  The Casual Vacancy was published in 2012, but it took me a long time to get around to reading it, because to be honest, the plot sounds really boring.

It’s almost like, after writing the most incredible series of books ever, J.K. Rowling set herself a challenge: pick the dullest topic imaginable (local politics in a small English village) and still manage to write a great book.  And… she succeeded.

It took me a few chapters to get into it, but then I was completely absorbed in the characters and their village issues.  This is probably my least favorite book by Rowling, but the bar is set very, very high.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Next up:

This is the fifth book in the Cormoran Strike mystery series, once again written by J.K. Rowling under a pseudonym.  I LOVE these books!  Troubled Blood is 900 pages long, and I would be happier if it were 9000 pages.  I could read this book forever.

So… I’ve mentioned J.K. Rowling quite a bit on this blog, and it’s time to face the “trans-phobia” issue.  Rowling has been widely criticized for some anti-trans statements she made on twitter, and many people are grappling with their love for her art vs. their dislike of her views.  I say…

I think we expect too much from celebrities.  In addition to being masters at their craft, we expect them to have impeccable morals and say the right thing at the right time, 100% of the time.  Rowling is not a Buddhist nun; she’s not a spiritual guru of any kind- she’s just a writer.

In case anyone is interested, Rowling lays out her reasons for speaking as she did in this article.

I’m not saying she’s right.  I’m not saying I agree with her.  But it’s worth reading to hear her point of view.  I don’t think she meant to cause harm to the trans community, and unless she does something to purposely cause harm to any group of people, I’m going to keep enjoying her books.

Onto a lighter topic.  Darlene has informed me that she’s registered for this race:

It’s Sunday, February 19, 2023, and there’s a half, a full marathon and also a 5k option.  I told Darlene that- barring any unforeseen problems- I’ll run it with her (and really, what could possibly go wrong between now and then?  Hahahahahaha…)

Who wants to join us for a race-cation/fun blogger meetup???  Think it over!  Put it on your calendar!  Florida in February.

That’s it for this month.  I hope you enjoyed your own beverage while listening to my ramblings!

Do you like J.K. Rowling’s books?  Would you not read her books if you disagreed with her views on twitter?

Are you interested in a Florida race next February?

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34 Responses

  1. Oh, you are really tempting the universe! I have a hard time planning that far ahead, but it sure is tempting. It would be so fun to meet you and Darlene in person.

    I have not followed the JKR controversy. In general, I think you’re right that it is sort of unfair to hold artists to perfect standards, but on the other hand if they make it a point to support something I feel strongly against, it does make me think twice about supporting them by buying their works. (I’m not saying this is the case here, just in general.)

    Enjoy that oat milk latte!

    1. Well, I have to admit I haven’t actually registered for the race yet- that would be getting a little TOO cocky. There’s plenty of time- it won’t sell out (at least not anytime soon.)

  2. That is so much fun that you will be running with Darlene. I just registered to run the Maine race that she is doing in October. Now, you and I just need to meet one of these days.
    Have a happy mother’s day!

    1. Thank you Deborah! I have a feeling I’ll have to come up north if we’re going to meet! I’m sure a Florida race (even in February) would not be your thing- it’ll probably be pretty warm.

  3. Yes to Blogger reunion. Cari has run it. I ran it too.

    They allow you to defer so that’s good but I hope I won’t have to.

    I like that Starbucks drink too!! Coffee is my favorite ice cream flavor.

    1. Yes, I was thinking maybe Cari will run it with us! It would be really fun to get a group of people.

  4. The Casual Vacancy was a long-ago DNF for me and I never got in to the Harry Potter books but I’d still be interested in trying her other books. I’m not a fan of cancel culture either.

    That’s exciting about your race!

    1. If you like mysteries, you might like the Cormoran Strike books! The Casual Vacancy was a bit of a project to get into, I’ll admit. I never would have read it if I didn’t love her other books so much.

  5. It’s weird, I do like fantasy but never got around to reading any of the Harry Potter books. Saw the first movie & it didn’t impress me. Sometimes it has to be at the right time, I guess, I have plenty of friends (and family) who love her.

    The problem with celebrities — they’re a public figure. And in general you do hold a public figure to a higher standard. Now that said, she’s also a writer who I assume never really aspired to be a public figure. I hadn’t really heard about what she said, and yes, any one of us could say something, at the wrong moment of time, or just taken out of context.

    Unfortunately I’m still at a point where I can’t plan stuff too far ahead of time. I’m sure you guys will have a great time!

    1. Weirdly, I don’t really like fantasy but (obviously) love Harry Potter. I doubt I would have read them if it hadn’t been for my son, though. The movies are definitely not as good as the books!

  6. Is February in Florida better than January? (asking for a friend, LOL) I could be persuaded to join you. It’s too far out, right now, to make any plans or promises, but let’s keep in touch on the matter! Like you, I have read and re-read the Harry Potter books many times. I have not read any of her other work, though. I agree, she set the standard pretty high!

    1. Kim, the weather is always amazing in the winter here- UNLESS someone comes to visit, and then it suddenly gets extremely cold, or rainy, or something else weird happens. That said… I think January is our “coldest” month. So February might be a little more pleasant. I’ll remind you (and everyone else) many times about this race before next winter!

  7. Saying a book could have been 9,000 pages instead of 900 is about as good of an endorsement as a person can give!! I haven’t read either of these books. I read the first Cormorant Strike book and felt a little meh about it so didn’t continue, but that’s also not a genre I read much of so it was probably an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ situation in me not loving it! You had commented on me reading 8 books in April on top of having 2 kids and a job! It is kind of stunning even to me that I get so much reading done in this stage of life, but on the nights I don’t do bedtime, I go up to bed at 8:30 to read for an hour before bed and then when I do bedtime, I am sitting in a rocking chair for upwards of 60+ minutes, waiting for our son to fall asleep! But the average length of my April reads was about 350, so I am not reading super long books typically! But I am a HUGE reader so even after having kids, I’ve made sure I make time for reading. I mean we had a book-themed wedding so I was determined to make time for reading and have been surprised to find I actually am reading more now that I am a mom – I think because it’s something I can do anywhere since I always have an ebook so can read on the kindle ap on my phone.

    That is so fun that you will get to meet up with a friend for a race! Before I had kids, I would meet up with other blog friends once a year for a marathon, half, or trail race. Then we all had kids and that put the kibosh on meet-ups. But I hope that when our kids are a bit older, we’ll bring that tradition back! A Florida race in Feb sounds delightful!

    1. Yes, getting in a solid hour of reading a night would definitely help. I loved the Cormoran Strike books from the very beginning, but I do think they got better and better. But if the genre’s not your thing, then they’re definitely not for you. Some of them get pretty gruesome, which I normally don’t like but for some reason it doesn’t bother me in these.

  8. Oh yes, I like iced oatmilk lattes! Great choice!

    How fun – a race meetup with Darlene! I love that. I have yet to put any official races on my calendar again.

    1. Well, Darlene definitely signed up for this one well in advance. That’s the only reason I’m planning so far ahead.

  9. Oh, that race sounds fun! I haven’t done a marathon in Florida. I wish there was a a full 🙂 I hope you stay healthy and can race it!

  10. I could be tempted…but that’s a ways away! Keep reminding me and let’s see… Florida in February sounds great…heck it sounds great right now!

  11. Oh how I love oatmilk! I use it daily.

    You know my feelings about Harry Potter; I haven’t read anything else by J.K. Rowling, though (I’m too busy re-reading Harry Potter regularly!)

    I frequently read books/articles by people that have opposing views on a range of topics. I think it’s important to keep an open dialogue and find the phenomenon of “cancel-culture” very unsettling.

    1. Yes, honestly it was nice to read the article JK wrote and get another, unexpected view of the issue.

  12. Oooh Ft Lauderdale in February would be divine. To answer Kim’s question above, Feb s WAY better than January in FL! Haha!
    I’m just tired of every one judging every one and every thing else. I’m sure JKR had no ill intentions. I’d read her books as well.

    1. Yes, I’m positive JK meant no harm. It’s a complicated issue and most people are only getting a superficial view of it.
      Okay, so I guess you’ll be joining us for the race, right? ; )

    1. Yes, you should try the Harry Potter books! I just recently got my sister to read them and she loved them.

  13. Wow well that’s definitely planning in advance 😉 Though I will say Florida in February sounds appealing.

    I haven’t followed the JK Rowling situation…in general I would agree that we expect too much from “celebrities” and are very quick to criticize and judge.

    1. I should point out that I haven’t signed up for the race yet- Darlene is the one doing advanced planning!

    1. Yes, escaping from Chicago to Florida in February would be amazing. Come join us! Although it would probably be hard to fit it into your school schedule.

  14. I think about all of JKR’s philanthropic works and I really struggle with how viciously mean she’s been to the trans community (even in the article you linked to, she makes trans people into villains, which is not a good look). It’s really hard to reconcile the author of “a mother’s love will protect you even when she’s no longer around” with the “I have listened to, but refuse to acknowledge the lived experience of people who are different from me” person. *sigh* But, I, too, enjoyed Casual Vacancy and the Cormoran Strike books and don’t know how to handle this issue in my own life. People are complicated is my takeaway, I guess.

    1. Yes, I think you summed it up beautifully- “people are complicated.” I have to say I’m loving the Cormoran Strike book so much!

  15. An iced oatmilk latte! sounds really good! I don’t usually drink iced coffee drinks but I would totally try this one.
    I haven’t really followed the drama with JK Rowling but I know she’s said some pretty hurtful things over the past few years.

    1. I agree that some things she’s said sound pretty bad, but I do think this article at least partially explains it.
      Yes, this oatmilk latte is good! i don’t usually like coffee at all, but I like this one.

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