Yep, it’s getting old. I know.. things could be worse! I’m lucky to have a pool. I also could be blind, or paralyzed. I know I’m one of the lucky ones. Still… I’d like to be running again. On land. Not in the pool. (By the way, shouldn’t pool running be illegal on Global Running Day? Grr….)
Anyway! Moving right along! Today I’m doing something different- a “What I Ate Wednesday” post. Remember those? Except that these are Tuesday’s eats, posted on Wednesday. I’ll be showing my meals and sharing some of my struggles. Let’s get started!

Oatmeal and tea. Steel cut oats with half a banana (already mixed in while cooking,) cinnamon and nutmeg. Since I don’t eat sugar I used a little of my monk fruit-sweetened “maple syrup” for some extra flavor and sweetness. Yum!

I couldn’t get this lunch picture to look appetizing, no matter what I did. It’s a multigrain bagel with hummus and cucumber. AND… this:

This was INSANELY GOOD. Run as quickly as you can to the closest Trader Joes and buy several bags before they’re gone!
I’m stuck in a lunch rut. On days I work I have very little time for lunch, so I bring along a multigrain bagel and either peanut butter or almond butter. On days I don’t work I try to branch out a little with hummus and a vegetable. My body is tired of bagels.

What’s deeper than a rut? Whatever that word is, that’s what I’m in when it comes to dinner. Tuesdays are usually pretty good days because we have tacos.

This is a good dinner that everyone likes, but I’m already exhausted from the prep and cleanup. The thought that I have to cook again tomorrow is overwhelming.
Some nights we have veggie burgers with fries, or roasted vegetables. Some nights my husband will cook for himself and the kids and I’ll just have a salad, or a baked potato, or whatever leftovers I can scrounge up. I have nights where, if the option existed to just take a pill that would give me all the appropriate nutrients, I would gladly take it instead of making dinner.
Those were my meals, except that not pictured is the watermelon I ate after my pool run, before breakfast, while I was making the kids’ breakfasts. Also the pretzels I ate while making dinner because… crunch and salt, yum.
I would love to hear how other people have solved the dinner dilemma! – I’m thinking next year, when my son is gone and there are fewer people to take into consideration, I’ll try batch cooking for the week. Something needs to change!
Anyone have any other food issues to share? – Now that I stopped eating sugar, I’m addicted to salty, crunchy things. I was eating so many corn chips that I had to limit them to one day a week (Fridays, when I get my Chipotle takeout!)
14 Responses
I love your lunch and that popcorn is a must. I try to stay away from TD’s. Too many tempting snacks.
I am definitely in a rut but my hubby is not fussy at all and neither am I.
It’s so easy being at home. I don’t have to decided in the am and bring it all to work.
I am also trying to make dinner in advance. I live to eat before I go out. My hubby likes to eat after. We can just re-heat.
Yes you ar so lucky to have a pool. I have no options so I better stay healthy.
Yes, for some strange reason when I shop at Trader Joe’s my cart is full of treats and snacks. Luckily we don’t have one TOO close to us, so I don’t go often.
I think things will be easier when it’s just my husband and me… but since my daughter is only 12, that’s pretty far away!
I sorta get into a rut with meals sometimes too. I eat the same thing a lot which makes it easier. My husband does not like what I eat so we usually have 2 different meals. This whole thing got a lot easier once the kids we off to college. Pool running counts as running
Yes, not having the kids around probably makes it 100 times easier. Since my son will be gone next year (but my daughter will still be home) things will get 50 times easier… so that’s a plus.
I’m the Queen of Cooking Ruts (didn’t you know?). Like Deborah said, having the kids gone does simplify our meals quite a bit, but for me it’s because I can make a nice-size dinner and we’ll have leftovers for several days. I go through phases where I like cooking (more for the creative aspect), but I’m more of a baker than anything (I love my casseroles and lasagnas, as well as desserts LOL). Yes, pool running is RUNNING, just not the way you’re most happy with at the moment 😉 Stay strong!!
Yes! I like baking too- especially because if I make lasagna, we can have leftovers the next night. I think leftovers for days is the way to go.
I’m laughing because my blog documents how I went from being determined to solve the dinner dilemma to being totally whipped by the dinner dilemma! Right now I’m a phase where I work late but my family needs to eat dinner early, so it’s a total scene. Even when I’m able to cook it’s a house of four people with very different tastes…so I don’t have a solution but I definitely have the problem! A pill for dinner sounds pretty great!
Note to self: I need to go to TJ’s and soon to stock up on pickle popcorn!
If I were in your situation I would use that as the perfect excuse NOT to make dinner- you can’t because you’re working late!
Yes… go soon to get the pickle popcorn. I think it’s a seasonal item so they won’t have it for long.
Seriously I don’t think I would’ve survived having to cook for kids. The husband is bad enough.
I am totally addicted to all the From the Ground Up products, but I’ve realized I definitely have to cut back on those. I’ve cut way back on sugar — and almost never refined — but I’m not sure it’s helped me!
I’m sorry your still in the pool. I would love to have a pool (if someone else took care of it) but not to run in!
Ha, you brought up a good point, Judy! A pool is great except for the upkeep. We do it ourselves and it’s a real chore.
Oooh, I need to try that pickle popcorn! I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s in months! Sorry about the pool running. Being injured sucks! I love cooking dinner, BUT I usually am just cooking for one (sometimes two, but my partner rarely eats what I eat). I can imagine cooking for a family would be a lot more work!
You would love the pickle popcorn, I promise!
I think I would enjoy cooking more if it were just for myself. On the other hand, I might get really lazy and not cook at all- I can picture myself opening up a can of chickpeas, taking a carrot out of the fridge and calling it dinner.
Sometimes I get so bored with making dinner (not to mention lunch, fortunately, with only adults at home we do our own breakfast). Thank goodness for leftovers! Other times I just love to experiment and try new things. It’s no wonder when you think about how many meals we must cook, day after day, year after year.
Yes, I guess it is mind-boggling when you think about how many meals we have to cook. There’s no way to make every single one special! It’s definitely harder with kids at home. When it was just me and my husband i definitely enjoyed cooking more.