walkers walk… but runners fly

Midweek Mashup

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  My running week started off yesterday with a four mile run on May the 4th.  No Star Wars costume though- as a matter of fact, even this tank top was too hot for me.  I’ll be switching over entirely to cropped tanks or just a sports bra until October!  Here’s some fun things I’ve come across this week.

1. This Fuel

For some reason, during my last couple long runs I’ve been craving a glass of lemonade.  It’s not that much of a mystery, given that I’m hot and thirsty, but not sure why lemonade specifically popped into my mind   WELL.  Yesterday I was on the Gu website, trying to order some cold brew coffee flavored gels, and I found this:

My dream come true!

On the website it’s described as a more liquid version of their energy gels.  It’s two ounces (as opposed to one ounce for a regular gel) and comes in four flavors- coffee, orange, strawberry banana, and lemonade- obviously, I ordered the lemonade.  I’m kind of mad I didn’t spring for the express shipping, because I want it for my run this weekend.  Oh well… I’ll be eagerly checking the mail and of course I’ll tell you all about it when it comes!  I can’t imagine it won’t be good.

2.This Book

I’m currently reading Just Like You by Nick Hornby.  I picked this up randomly from the library last week, and I’m enjoying it.  It’s a light read, but with a couple smart threads running through it.  It takes place in London during the Brexit referendum, and it’s interesting to see how the people argued over it.  This quote said it all: “Lucy understood it now.  The referendum was giving groups of people who didn’t like each other, or at least failed to comprehend each other, an opportunity to fight.”  Aha!  American politics condensed down to one perfect sentence.

3. This Podcast

Running Rogue episode #232, “The Church of the Long Run” talks about how far, how fast, and how often we should be doing long runs.  Particularly interesting was the brief discussion about why long runs help us become better runners.- they increase aerobic capacity, neuromuscular coordination (in other words, help us to run more efficiently) and help the body practice switching from using glucose to fat for energy.  Nothing earth shattering, but some fun stuff to listen to- I always like Chris McClung.

Hope everyone’s week is going well!  Anyone celebrating Cinco de Mayo? – We moved our “Taco Tuesday” to today for the occasion.


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12 Responses

  1. I’ll be interested in how those liquid gels compare to the regular ones. They sound like they’d have a similar consistency as SiS gels (which are isotonic…not needing additional water to digest/absorb). My tummy shuns regular gels these days LOL

    1. They said the consistency is somewhere between a regular gel and a juicebox so… we will see. I definitely want to try the SIS gels. Luckily my stomach can handle anything (gel-wise, that is) but not having to time it with water would be nice.

  2. Definitely let us know how the new gels turn out. I’m building up quite an aversion to salted carmel Gu’s…and I have quite a few of them so I’m stuck with them for a while. A thinner consistency would definitely help.

  3. You will not believe that I haven’t read a Nick Hornby novel yet.
    I haven’t even seen his film “About a Boy”. I should watch it because I like Hugh Grant.
    Thanks for the reminder, Jenny!

  4. Liquid gel sounds like a perfect solution.

    Your palm tree pic has me missing Fla. I’ve been cold all day today.

    I enjoy my long runs. Glad to hear they’re useful.

    1. Don’t worry Darlene! Soon you’ll have beautiful weather and it will be so uncomfortably hot here! Come back to Florida next winter.

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