walkers walk… but runners fly

Movies, a Book and Uitwaaien

Well, I’m emotionally exhausted once again, because my son and I just finished re-watching all the Harry Potter movies, and then we watched the 20th anniversary special on HBO Max, where the cast members returned to talk about filming the movies.  What is it about Harry Potter?  Just like when I finished the books, at the end of the last movie I felt like there’s nothing left to say or do, or experience, or learn, ever again in life.  It’s all been done… that was the official end.

Luckily, I finally recovered from that after reading the books (although it took a month) and just finished reading Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher.  This book has been on my TBR list for years, because it takes place in Scotland during Christmas.  I kind of wish I had read this a month earlier, because the story leads up to December 25th, and it would have been fun to read it before Christmas. But I enjoyed it now.

One thing I liked about it was the detailed descriptions- when a character went to buy Christmas presents, we’re told exactly what she got for each person.  And instead of saying merely “they bought food for the party” we know exactly what they bought, including how many bottles of wine and whiskey.  I love details like that in a book.  Overall the writing was beautiful, and the story tied up neatly and happily.

Towards the end my eyes were tempted to roll slightly upward at just HOW neatly everything tied up.  The story ends very happily, and even though the characters experienced some adversity, everyone behaved admirably and kindly throughout.  I would describe this as a kind, gentle book- which was soothing to read.  I’m a little scared to start my next one- I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh.  I have a feeling it’s going to be the polar opposite of “kind and gentle.”  But I’m ready for a page-turner.

I’m also ready for some uitwaaien!  What in the world, you may be asking, is that?  Well, this article explains that “uitwaaien” is a Dutch word that means “to walk in the wind.”   It describes the act of undertaking some sort of outdoor physical activity in windy conditions. “Wind, as local wisdom goes, refreshes and recalibrates you.”

The article describes our relationship to the wind and the health benefits it provides.  Wim Hof, who developed a breathing program designed to bring the wind into our bodies, says the wind  “is inextricably linked to how we connect with our physiology and achieve optimal health.”

Well!  I never thought much about the wind except as an annoyance- most of us don’t like running on windy days.  But now I have a whole new way of thinking about it, and I’m kind of looking forward to the next windy run.  I’m ready to be refreshed and recalibrated!

Did anyone else watch the Harry Potter 20th anniversary special?

Have you ever heard of “uitwaaien?”  –I’m going to change my attitude towards the wind after reading this!


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Another FIG-y Friday!

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25 Responses

  1. UGH…WIND! I feel like it’s almost a daily battle for me, year-round. I may have told you, recently I heard someone (a meteorologist, I think) say that Iowa is the windiest state. No argument from me, LOL. I do feel refreshed after a windy run or bike ride, but I often feel exhausted as well due to the extra work involved. I have not yet seen the Harry Potter 20th anniversary special. Sigh…I totally loved the books!!!

    1. I did think of you Kim, because you’ve written about the wind many times! When you’re back in Iowa just think of the tremendous health benefits you’re getting, ha ha.

  2. Lol, my vocabulary just got bigger. I like the concept of embracing the wind but the execution is a whole different story. I swear that the only winds that we have here are head winds and it’s just exhausting.

    Don’t be scared of I Let You Go! Yes it’s suspense and yes I skimmed a few places for content (2nd half of the book) BUT I couldn’t put it down. About halfway there is A Twist that made me stop and go all the way back to the beginning to reread the first two chapters and then continue on with the book. This was really hard to do on a Kindle so having the hard copy book will make that a lot easier.

  3. I haven’t watched the special yet, but want to!

    I loved the books more than the movies (many of the movies I only watched for the first time this year, so I don’t have a deep sentimental attachment to the movies), but I ALWAYS get sad when I finish reading through the books. It was so fun to read these in order as they were being released; there was just so much hype and excitement and it feels like nothing will ever match it again (mostly because I’ll never be 13 reading the first book again). But it does bring me immense joy to see my children enjoying them so much.

    1. The one thing I’m sad about is that I didn’t get to read them as they were being released! I was vaguely aware of the later books being released, but I hadn’t started reading them yet at that point. I can just imagine the excitement as each new book came out. Yes, I definitely feel like I missed out by not being a part of that. Luckily I have kids or might not have read them at all!

  4. Hmm. It was windy walking Scooby tonight. Instead of making me look forward to a cold, windy run tomorrow, it left me picking Peloton treadmill workouts …. 20 minutes was enough uitwaiien I guess.

  5. Hmm. It was windy walking Scooby tonight. Instead of making me look forward to a cold, windy run tomorrow, it left me picking Peloton treadmill workouts …. 20 minutes was enough uitwaiien I guess.

  6. I live in a place where we regularly get extreme wind, so I’m surprised I’ve never heard of that! I will tell you though, I never get “active minutes” on my garmin watch when I normally walk, but if it’s extremely windy, I do! So I guess that’s the upside, even though I don’t like extreme wind. I find it agitating and it can be dangerous. Maybe I’d feel differently if I wasn’t in such a cold climate!!

    That book sounds perfect for me, I love detailed descriptions like that too.

    1. After I wrote that post, I did reflect on the fact that I live in FLORIDA. The wind, at most, is extremely annoying. But it’s not cold and dangerous. So I guess it depends what kind of wind we’re talking about (although I’m pretty sire Wim Hof would say the colder, the better)

      1. Ha ha! I was JUST thinking that. I, too, enjoy a nice wind if it’s 70 degrees out. Right now, in the dead of winter, I do not care for wind. I guess it’s all in your perspective!

  7. I have not heard of “uitwaaien”, but I’ll think about it next time it gets windy here 😉 I do not enjoy running when it’s windy (unless the wind comes from behind! Hehe.)

    I love descriptive books. Maybe I will bookmark Rosamunde Pilcher’s book for December this year!

  8. I caught a bit of the HP programme, I didn’t watch all the films so it wasn’t as resonant for me as for some people, but it’s always interesting to see the actors all these years on.

    1. Yes, it was definitely interesting to see them! I agree that you would enjoy the program more if you had seen all the films.

  9. Uitwaaien is such a neat concept – I’ve never heard of it! I haaaate windy days and will do whatever I can to stay inside when it gets real windy, but this is a new perspective to keep in mind.

    I haven’t watched the Harry Potter HBO special, but I want to! I think I want to do what you did, though – read all the books, watch all the movies, and then watch the special. It’s about time for another HP reread, too. 🙂

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