walkers walk… but runners fly

My Favorite Peloton Classes

I feel like there should be a sub-title: “… For What It’s Worth.”  I’m definitely not the Peloton expert!  You’d have to turn to Kim or Deborah for that.  Those ladies take a LOT of classes, and are full of Peloton knowledge.  I shopped around a bit until I found some favorites, and now I stick with those.  But I always think it’s fun to hear what classes other people like, so I’m sharing mine!


I have a 5 minute go-to core class that I take several times a week:

There’s no warmup and no breaks, and my abs are always burning at the end.  As a matter of fact I’ve taken some longer classes that didn’t give me that same burn, which is why I return over and over to this one.  It’s also easy to convince myself to do it after a run, when I don’t feel like doing core.  It’s only five minutes, so no excuses!  (The only downside is this class has ruined the song “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics for me.  Now if I hear that song anywhere else, my abs reflexively start to clench.)

If I can talk myself into doing a 10 minute core class, I do this one:

Basically the same format as Rebecca’s 5 minute class, but she does give you a little break at the 7 minute mark.


I have two barre classes I rotate between:

Because I frequently use barre for a warmup before I run, I like the standing classes.  In addition to warming up my glutes, I feel like it gives my lower legs and feet a little warmup as well.  The class from 3/4/22 is entirely standing, while the class from 2/22/21 has a couple minutes at the end where you’re lying on the floor.  But in that one she does a variation on a glute bridge that I really like.

Glutes and Leg Strength

My boy, Matty!  I know- he swears (a little), talks about dirty martinis, and instructs you to walk in a straight line “like you just got pulled over.”  You may not want to take his classes if there are small children around.  But I love his strength classes.  My #1 favorite is:

The thing I love about Matty is, he sticks to the basics- squats, deadlifts and lunges.  This class is HARD, especially if you do the plyometrics.  If you don’t want to do the plyos, he offers options.

If I don’t want to do a 30 minute class, I like Matty’s “Lunge-a-Palooza” class:


This class is all lunge variations.  I really love lunges because in addition to glutes and legs strength, they require some balance and foot and lower leg strength as well.  If you like lunges, this is the class for you!

Upper Body

Ho ho.  I really have to force myself to care about upper body, but I’ve gotten better lately.  I like to take Matty’s shorter (15 or 20 minute) classes, and this is a good one:

Once again, Matty sticks to the basics- biceps, triceps, and shoulders.  Good class!


Ah, Denis, how I miss you!  One of these days I’ll do a separate post about my favorite yoga classes, but for now I’m on a yoga hiatus due to a wrist issue.  I really miss it!  I normally take Denis Morton’s classes- don’t worry Denis, I’ll be back.

I do try different classes, but these are the ones I come back to the most.  And obviously there are all sorts of classes I’m not taking- running, cycling, stretching, meditation… I really don’t have an interest in the run classes because I usually listen to podcasts while I run.  But the classes I do take suit my purposely beautifully.

Once again I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics.  Thanks, ladies!

What are some of your favorite Peloton classes?  If you do a program other than Peloton, what is it?



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25 Responses

  1. I’ve never done a barre class! I’m not on Peloton, so I’ll do Marcia’s barre class to find out what it’s all about.
    I get all my strength classes from Pamela Reif. For free, absolutely no talking (!) and all between 10 and 20 minutes long.
    I especially love her booty classes – so great for runners!
    What with your wrist, Jenny?

    1. I remember you mentioned Pamela Reif! I’ll have to check her out- I’m always on the lookout for something new (especially if it’s free.)
      Ugh- I don’t know if it’s from yoga, doing pushups, or work (maybe a combination of all three) but my wrist has been really sore. It’s better now that I’m not doing yoga or pushups, but still not healed up. Sigh.

  2. I haven’t taken any of those classes you mentioned, because I like the cycling classes. I am definitely a “for the music” person, so I like to choose a class based on music themes. As for strength, I like Callie’s 10 minute glutes and legs. I feel like that’s all the strength I want to do at this time in my life! And I like Callie’s vibe. I do like Matty for stretching – sometimes! Sometimes I prefer Ben.

    1. I think I’ve taken a Callie class but can’t remember. I’ve definitely tried Ben. It’s funny how we can all be on Peloton and take completely different classes- I have not taken ONE cycling class.

  3. I am not a Peloton user, but I am super impressed with how much use folks get out of it. It sounds like you have a nice routine going with it and I’m impressed with all your cross-training.

    1. I was kind of late to the Peloton bandwagon, but reading everyone else’s posts finally convinced me to try it. It’s definitely worth the money for me.

    1. Hmmmm! Now I’m intrigued! She’s an ultrarunner? I’m going to check her out just to see what she’s like.

  4. I am going to bookmark this post to reference when I try peloton in Sept. I think San is going to share a 60-day free membership with me. I am planning to do a specific strength training program, but the core and lower body classes sound good, and barre does, too. So i guess it all sounds good. I get least excited about upper body workouts because my FitBit often doesn’t detect that I am working out… so my heart rate clearly isn’t elevated. But just because I don’t get credit on my watch doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it…

    1. Yes, if you can get a free 60 day membership you should definitely try it out! I really got into strength training to help my running, so that’s why it’s hard for me to care about my upper body. I know, everything helps- I just don’t think working my triceps helps as much as working my glutes.

  5. I do also love Rebecca for core and always feel the burn after her classes. She has a few “add a trick” classes that I like the format of. Matty is great for strength classes and always makes me laugh. Yes to barre classes they are my new obsession as well. I know they are making a big difference. Denis will be there when you are ready to go back to him.

    1. Yes, I’m sure Denis is waiting patiently for me! The two classes of Rebecca’s that I mentioned are “add a trick” so I definitely like that format.

  6. I’ve recently gotten on the Barre wagon, they’re a great warm-up for running and just a general “stretch-like” class. I’ll have to check out the two you recommended (lunges are a bit of a nemesis for me, which is why I really need to do more of them). I think I do more strength classes than anything, but I’ll be back to cycling classes when it gets colder outside (I just cannot mount the indoor cycle when the great outdoors are ready and waiting for me, LOL). I have done most of Tunde’s 10-minute classes repeatedly…she’s awesome!!!

    1. I’ve only done a couple of Tunde’s classes! I liked them, not sure why I don’t do more. I know everyone loves her.

  7. I always love others’ recommendations and don’t think you need to be a Pelo pro to have the cred to share them. LOL re: Matty, no comment on his usual walnut line? He’s not kid friendly but I do love him

  8. Well I’m definitely out of the loop here! These classes all sound intriguing. I did do a stretch class with Deborah when we were in Utah. I guess if I didn’t have a coach, I’d be joining you.

    1. I think you’re better off doing what you’re doing. Several years ago I worked regularly with a trainer and that was the strongest I ever was. Someday I’d like to get back to that- but Peloton is good for me right now.

  9. Thank you for considering me a Peloton expert, lol. As you know, I love the platform and I’m glad that you have found your favorite instructors for different types of classes. I think Rebecca and Emma have some of the best core classes on the platform – especially their 5 minute classes!

  10. You do not shy away from tough classes! I have a note card with favorites but haven’t taken those classes in a while. I do have that one 5-min “post-ride” stretch I do almost every day because 1/2 the time is spent on calves.

    1. I never do any stretch classes- I always tell myself I’ll stretch on my own later but rarely do. I’ve been good about foal rolling lately though.

  11. So fun to hear what classes other people like.
    I feel like there is so much great content on the platform that it’s hard to have favorites… I just go by instructors (and for strength that is usually Jess Sims or Adrian Williams) and for yoga it’s Kristin or Denis.

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