walkers walk… but runners fly

My One-Word Theme for 2023!

I chose my word for 2023 easily, about a month ago- it literally just jumped out at me.  I was waiting to reveal it but on Wednesday Gretchen and Elizabeth revealed their words for 2023 on the Happier podcast, so I figured it’s time!

First of all, last year’s word was “Start.”  That turned out to be… pretty dumb.  It sounded good in January, when I hit rock bottom (I had been battling a foot issue for months and then had Covid over Christmas) but by June I had forgotten all about it.  This time, I have a word that I think will stay with me through the whole year, and that word is…


I’m really asking a lot from my body, and not treating it very well in return.  No wonder my body seems like it hates me.  I have some big goals coming up in 2023, and I’ll never reach them if I don’t take my eating and sleeping more seriously.

Several weeks ago, I decided to drink a protein shake after hard workouts, and I noticed immediately that I was much less sore the next day.  I used a random protein powder that my son left behind, and the brand is “UpNourish.”  It struck me how little thought I’ve put into actually nourishing my body.

I’ve always viewed “healthy” eating in terms of what I can take away- eliminating “bad” foods like gluten and sugar (well… sugar really is bad, but let’s not get into that right now.) I’m trying to shift my mindset from “What can I take away?” to “What am I nourishing my body with?”

In addition to eating, I’m going to focus on nourishing my body with enough sleep, so that I can recover from workouts and build stronger muscles.  My sleep has not been good lately for many reasons- but to start with, I’m going to make little changes like going to bed earlier (duh!) and eliminating caffeine later in the day.

I’ll be doing a deeper dive into both these subjects next month, but the changes I’ve made already seem to be having a positive impact.  2023 is going to be a good one!

Do you pick a theme for the year?  Do you have one yet?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

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24 Responses

  1. I don’t always pick a theme. Last year – spurred on by your post – I chose Be Kind. I’d love to say that I reflected on this regularly, but I did not. I think I do better with specific goals vs. nebulous words for the year? But I do love the premise and LOVE reading what other’s choose.

    Nourish is a fantastic idea.

    If I had to choose (and I don’t think I will pick one specifically this year) – I like Less (less stress, less screen time, less pressure on myself) or Open (open to change, open to other opinions).

    Though, as I’m typing this, maybe I prefer multi-word options? So perhaps: (As far as is within my control) “There is only love” Or “Look for the fun.”

    1. Actually, your words “less” and “open” remind me of Gretchen and Elizabeth’s words- they like to pick words with multiple meanings. multi-word themes are good too though.

  2. Nourish is a wonderful word of the year! And it can mean so many things – not only treating your physical body well but also mentally, spiritually.
    I chose calm for 2022, because 2021 was a horrible chaos with anxiety, stress and health problems because of it. I’ve come a long way during 2022! To begin with, it was mostly about changing my thinking, and quitting energy-consuming projects, but life took an interesting turn when I started my strength training and became more interested in fitness, and saw how much that affected my experience of calm, and also my overall self-confidence.
    For 2023 I first wanted to choose something around accountability, challenging myself (in fitness, but not only), but then instead decided to choose something around music. I’m an avid musician-wannabe but after the summer I’ve mostly neglected my music practice/progress, and I really want to come back to it. But I may also choose something around reaching goals, that can include both fitness and music. Perhaps accountability isn’t a bad word to choose after all.

  3. I think that’s a really smart word to choose for yourself this year. You DO have big plans and need to make sure your body can sustain all you’re going to demand of it. I can’t wait to hear all about how you incorporate this theme into your life beyond diet and sleep, though. Like Susanne said, it could apply to other aspects of your life, too – nourishing relationships, time off, etc.

    I have never chosen a theme for the year, but I really like reading about how other people choose theirs. It’s such an interesting exercise in setting priorities.

    1. Yes, “nourish” could apply to all aspects of my life. I just decided to start with eating and sleeping since those were areas where I’m glaringly deficient.

  4. Ooooh this is a great word and I love your explanation of why you chose it and how you plan to implement it.

    I have chosen a theme/word of the year/focus word for the past couple of years, but haven’t come up with mine for 2023 yet. I’ve been meditating about it for a few weeks, but it hasn’t revealed itself yet. I don’t know how great I am at implementing the word, but I still like having a guidestar.

    Not sure if this is part of what you plan on discussing in future posts, but I would love to know more about your process of choosing a word and how you weave it into your day-to-day life.

    1. I’ll definitely talk about it in future posts. I’m excited about this particular word, but in previous years I haven’t come up with a great one.

  5. 2023 already…

    I forgot my word… it may be intentional but not sure I ever was… maybe I should forget the whole word thing…

    1. Yes, I definitely forgot all about mine last year. I think the key (if you’re going to do it at all) is to have a good word that will work all year long.

  6. Nourish is the perfect word for you. I think – and I say this lovingly! – that you are maybe sometimes a bit hard on yourself, and I think Nourish is what you need to do.

    I don’t choose a word, but I like hearing about others’.

  7. That is a great word! You are asking a lot of our body so it’s good to be kind to it and focus on nourishment! You have a big year ahead of your with your 50k!!

    I think I am going to choose the same word for 2023 as this past year – connection! I went off social media in Dec 2021 so focused on connection in 2022 since I needed to be more intentional about it without being able to check in with people on social media. So I want to continue to focus on that in the coming year.

  8. Great word choice and I love your thought process behind it. I haven’t begun to think about my word for 2023 – hopefully, once I start my time off from work I’ll be able to focus on it.

  9. I love the idea of nourish for you! I especially love the practice of deciding what to add to your life rather than what to take away. I tend to do the same – thinking of what I can remove, rather than the things I can add, and that simple mindset shift can really make a difference. Excited to see how you implement this word throughout the year!

  10. What a wonderful wonderful word. I can see how it will accompany you throughout the year. Especially with the April event (?!) that is coming up. And sleep ‘*sigh* that is something I also need to work on.

    Wishing you all the best and wonderful nourished 2023.

    1. Thank you Tobia! I feel like I’ve been embracing “nourish” for my eating- I’m still working on sleep though too.

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