walkers walk… but runners fly

NaBloPoMo: Belated Introduction and Colbert Questionert!

I’ve noticed that other bloggers are doing a little NaBloPoMo introduction, and every time I read one I think “What a good idea!  I should have done that!”  Well… better late than never.  Here we go:
I’m Jenny!  I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but 24 years ago I moved to South Florida to escape my very severe SAD.  I’m married and have an almost-21-year-old son and an almost-15-year-old daughter (both my kids have birthdays in December!). My son is a junior at Baylor University and my daughter is a freshman in high school.
I work as a massage therapist.  This is my second career- up until I moved to Florida I was a professional trumpet player.  If you/ve been reading for a while, you may be sensing a theme here.  My husband plays the trumpet, my son plays the trumpet, and my daughter broke the mold by choosing flute.  I don’t play anymore, but music is a big part of our lives.
I love running, reading, and watching football.  And I love blogging and reading other people’s blogs!  Speaking of which…
A couple weeks ago Stephany posted her answers to the Colbert Questionert and I’m stealing the idea from her.

Grab a pen and paper and let’s go!

  1. Best sandwich?—Several years ago I got a tofu banh mi from a vegan restaurant in Tallahassee- this still stands out in my mind as the best sandwich eating experience, ever.
  2. What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out?—The pajamas I’m wearing right now have holes in them, so I should probably choose them!
  3. What is the scariest animal?—Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake- deadliest snake in north America (eek!)
  4. Apples or oranges?— If it’s a honeycrisp, apple for sure.  But if you’re trying to trick me into eating a red delicious, I’ll take the orange.
  5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?—Hmmm.  I think in my youth I got a baseball player’s autograph at Wrigley Field.
  6. What do you think happens when we die?— I believe the basic elements that make up the human body- oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, etc.- are absorbed back into the universe.  Whether our present consciousness survives this experience intact, is transformed into something different, or ceases to exist entirely is beyond my ability to comprehend or imagine.  I also admit the possibility that I could be completely wrong about this.
  7. Favorite action movie?— I know this is a stretch but I’m going to say Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
  8. Favorite smell?—It’s a tie between Christmas trees and candy canes.
  9. Least favorite smell?—Extremely moldy food that’s been in the back of the fridge for months.
  10. Exercise: worth it?—Hell yes!
  11. Flat or sparkling?—Sparkling.
  12. Most used app on your phone?—message, podcast and weather.  I’m pretty boring!
  13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it?— Does Bach B Minor Mass count?  If so, I’ll pick that.
  14. What number am I thinking of?—21.
  15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words?—Don’t waste a single day!

Have you taken the Colbert Questionert?  Pick one question and answer it in the comment section!

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Figgy Friday!

It’s time for the FIGs of the week!  A huge thank you to Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG)

29 Responses

  1. You were a trumpet player! I had no idea! How cool is that?!

    Loved all your answers to these questions. This is a super fun questionnaire!

    Sparkling for wine, flat for water.

  2. Great to learn more about you, Jenny. What suburb in Chicago are you from?

    I would honestly answer the apple question the same. Honeycrisp all the way. Red delicious – what’s delicious about that?

    I’m a flat water drinker, 100%. I dislike bubbles in my drinks, except for pop which I only drink if I”m driving long distance and want to stay awake. I don’t do coffee.

    Also, I am team workout.

  3. I loved learning more about you! A good tofu banh mi sandwich is hard to beat so I’d probably say that, and my mom actually makes an incredible one — she’s not vegan but she’ll often make vegan meals for me when I visit!

    Rattlesnakes are very common here and I do kinda freak out when I come up on one unexpectedly on the trails but I know they pretty much just want to be left alone so I’m not super scared of them. Mountain lions though, that’s a different story! Luckily I haven’t seen one but there are warning signs about them on some of the trails I frequent and I hope I never encounter one…

    1. Yes, I guess a mountain lion is more dangerous than a rattlesnake. Snakes just look super scary when they have their mouths open and fangs showing!

  4. This is so fun. I LOVE Q&A’s and it’s beyond delightful to learn more about one of my absolute favourite bloggers!!!

    I am still so amazed you were a professional trumpet player (I knew this already, but still – the reminder of it just fascinates and wows me).

    Here are a few answers…

    Best sandwich: a breakfast croissant I enjoyed by a huge cathedral in Paris. Simple but delicious and one of the most memorable eating experiences of my life.
    After death: I believe souls like on for eternity in either Heaven or Hell. A very old-school belief system, admittedly, but I’ve spent my whole life reading about other religions and beliefs and it’s the only one that makes sense. Could I be wrong? Yes. But if I’m right I believe this choice is of ultimate importance!
    Apples over oranges FOR SURE.
    Favourite smell: this Christmas figurine that was handed down to me by my mother.
    Number: 12

  5. I’m glad you posted it because I had a note to “do the Colbert questionnaire” but forgot to write down whose blog I saw it on. I will give you and Stephany a wave from my blog when I eventually do it!
    My favourite apple is McIntosh, and I have a whole bag of fresh-from-the-farm Macs in my pantry right this second. I also really like mandarin oranges though, but I’d take the Mac over it for sure.

    1. Hmm, offhand I can’t really remember what a Mcintosh tastes like, but now I want to get one. I’m sure I’ve had it before. As long as it’s crispy and sweet I know I would like it.

  6. I am loving all these introductions, even from bloggers I think I know pretty well! It’s so fun. And this questionnaire is a fun way of doing an introduction.

    I am really struggling over here with best sandwich. I want one of these sandwiches you are all still thinking about years later! Now I definitely have something for my bucket list.

  7. It’s nice to re-meet you Jenny!

    I’m Team Pink Lady for apples and very anti-red delicious. It seems to me if it’s possible to create new apple varieties then it should also be possible to eliminate red delicious.

  8. I think I will do this questionnaire at some point on my blog. it’s quite an assortment of questions! The sandwich one is tough because gluten free bed is pretty awful, so that kind of colors sandwiches. But I would say a toasted cheese sandwich!

  9. Yay, so glad to read your re-introduction (although I am happy to say that I knew all of this already – and yes, the professional trumpet player part – and that you lived in Germany for a while! – still gets me!).

    I love that you answered the Colbert Questionert (it’s on my to-blog lists, too) because it’s such a random assortment of questions. I am with you re: the apples, although I woudn’t mind a Granny smith or Cosmic Crip either.

    Is exercise worth it? Hell yes!! (100%!)

  10. I love this intro! How rebellious of your daughter to choose the flute – were you shocked? My favorite smell is a tie between freshly baked bread, the top of Lil Momma’s head when she hugs me, and right before it rains on a cool night.

  11. Great introduction! I also like the Colbert questionnaire, and Stephen Colbert himself, even if he does spell Steven the wrong way :-). I’ll probably steal that to answer as well, since they’re an interestingly random assortment of questions.

  12. Thanks for the re-introduction. I keep wondering if our daughters would get along since they are the same age and are both “band kids”.
    I would also say that exercise is 100% worth it – even though I really have to work on myself to fit it into my day. I always feel better when I actually do.

  13. Um, I’ll eat all the Red Delicious apples that everyone has dissed? 🙂 (I dislike Granny Smiths…other than in pies/crisps… they are too tart to eat in hand, imo)
    Best sandwich is one I would no longer eat – an amazing ham on baguette with butter (I know, what the what, Anne…) the summer I was a student in France. It was… divine. It is also something I’d no longer eat, other than the baguette. 🙂

  14. Yay! I’m so glad you did the Colbert Questionert! The questions are so unique and some of them really made me think! I spent a long time on that last one, lol. It was hard to distill my life motto in 5 words!

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