walkers walk… but runners fly

NaBloPoMo Journey

I’m SO SAD NaBloPoMo is ending!  I truly love this project, and it’s one of the reasons November is my favorite month.  I always start out the month full of ambition, but by the end I’m barely hanging on.  I try to have a meaningful theme, and end up with way too many photos of pie.

NaBloPoMo is a spinoff of NaNoWriMo, where the challenge is to complete the first draft of a novel in the 30 days of November.  After failing at NaNoWriMo (I WONDER WHY) Erin Kennedy launched NaBloPoMo in 2006.  Several times during this month, I tried to imagine what it would be like if I were TRYING TO WRITE A NOVEL.  I can picture my readers now: “This was pretty good, but I didn’t understand the ending.  Why were they eating so much pie?”

It feels like November flew by, but when I stop to think about everything that happened, it was quite an adventure.  We started fresh from Halloween- then there was the election- lots of crying- I ran a race!- sustained a bizarre rib injury- our high school football team won the regional championship- our weather changed- my son came home!- we got our Christmas tree- and had an amazing Thanksgiving.  Phew!  I didn’t write a novel, but I feel like I lived one.

I loved reading everyone’s posts!  I wish NaBloPoMo could go on and on, but, well- we’d probably all go insane.  December will be busy enough.  A huge thank you, once again, to our fearless leader San. I wouldn’t be part of this amazing blogging community if it weren’t for her.  And thank you to everyone who read along and supported us this month!  Lastly, congratulations to all who participated.

It’s a wrap!

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24 Responses

  1. You did it! Congrats! It was fun to read along. November was quite the wild ride for you! I hope your rib is feeling better!

    I can’t believe December is tomorrow. I do not like having Thanksgiving so late!! I have done most of our shopping so it’s not a matter of not being ready. I just want a longer season to savor!

    1. Yes, my son had to remind me that his birthday is in ONE WEEK, WHAT??? There should be a longer time between Thanksgiving and December 8th.

  2. Congrats on another NaBloPo! It is hard, and I personally am most likely a “one and done” but it’s so rewarding.

    Yes, a lot happened in November lol. Onward!

  3. I love it too! I fell off the commetning train, but I have been reading faithfully, and it has been so fun to stay so caught up with everyone.

    1. Yes, I like being so involved in everyone’s lives. I guess we can only feasibly do it once a year, but I’m already looking forward to next November.

  4. I actually can’t believe today is the last day of November and, by virtue of the challenge, NaBloPoMo.
    I’m most excited that I can now write NaBloPoMo from memory. For the last two years I had to look it up every single time. I’m not sure why it confused me so much, but I’d be like NaPoMoBlo or NaPoBloMo. Third time was a charm 😉

    Reading your posts is one of my favourite things to do any day, so having a whole month of daily posts was such a treat, Jenny.

  5. Lolololol: “This was pretty good, but I didn’t understand the ending. Why were they eating so much pie?”
    For what it’s worth, I love food photos and it didn’t seem to me that it was too much pie! And I don’t even eat pie!
    Congrats on finishing, Jenny! It was fun riding along with you. I don’t think I’ll ever do it myself but I’m happy for everyone who’s done it. Maybe because I missed the first week, but I didn’t find it as hard to keep up as I often do. Oh, well, I also cut myself some slack on commenting and reading and decided I would only comment on posts that I felt I had something to actually contribute to. Lol, maybe that’s why it wasn’t so hard!

    1. That would make it easier! I did read a lot of posts that I enjoyed but couldn’t think of any helpful or interesting comment- there were a lot of artists this year and I could only smile and nod along.

  6. Your imaginary novel leaving readers wondering about the ending and Why so much Pie? Killed me. Well played, Jenny.

    I guess my novel would trick readers into being about a series of funny oops issues but quickly go dark side with a hard to believe true tale of cell phone service switching.

    Thanks for sharing great posts this month.

  7. I was so excited to have a new post from you to read every day this month! I really can’t believe November is over and December starts tomorrow, how is it almost the end of the year?!

  8. Aww, Jenny, you’re one of the biggest NaBloPoMo cheerleaders and I love how much you love it. I cannot believe we’ve already made it through the month again. I am hellbend on catching up with all the posts today before I hit publish on my own last blog post for the month! Kudos for sticking with it. It’s been such a delight to read and comment and connect with so many bloggers this month! Until next year!

  9. Congrats… I’ve enjoyed following your journey.
    I have trouble finding things to say 3 x a week.

  10. November really did fly by and I still have some catching up to do on last weeks posts. I realized traveling with extended family is way more time consuming. But I do agree it was a lot of fun -again.

  11. November is one of my least favourite months, purely because I struggle mentally and emotionally then and in January. But NaBloPoMo always helps immensely, even more than I expect. Those little dopamine hits from posting and reading and getting comments really help.

  12. Jenny, clearly your recurring theme is PIE! I say own it. Heck – share pie the whole month! 🙂
    Also, yes, November went by in a blink and now December is almost over. Egads. Time has no meaning…

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