walkers walk… but runners fly

National Days in November

Before we get any further into the month, let’s look ahead and see what “National” days are coming up- because there’s nothing worse than realizing you’ve just missed, say, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, RIGHT???  These are from this website, and as there are a lot of them, I’ll just list the highlights.

November 5th- National Doughnut Day

Oops!  We missed it.  (See how sad that is?)  But there’s actually a second National Doughnut Day, which is the first Friday in June.  Mark you calendars now!

November 7th- International Merlot Day

I think we can all get behind this one.

November 12- National Pizza With the Works Except Anchovies Day

Okay, this is getting way too specific.  But I’ll eat pizza on this day!

November 14th- National Spicy Guacamole Day

Sign me up!

November 15th- National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Ha ha… I actually participated in this day last year!  While I don’t enjoy cleaning out the fridge, it was nice to get it done before Thanksgiving.  The problem is… right now, something smells really bad in our fridge.  We keep pulling out different containers of moldy food, triumphantly saying “HERE’S the culprit!” but the smell lingers on.  My husband thinks we should clean the whole thing out, but I keep telling him we have to wait until the 15th.  Not sure we can make it.

November 19th- World Toilet Day

Ahem.  According to the website: “Every year on November 19th, the world celebrates World Toilet Day. It’s not a day to use bathroom humor and is no laughing matter. The goal of this day is to tackle the global sanitation crisis and draw attention to those without sanitation.”

Okay.  It sounds like an important issue, but I’m going to say if they want people to take it seriously, they should change the name.  Also, I’m not really sure exactly how I’m supposed to observe this day.  I’ll have to think about this.

November 21st- National Gingerbread Cookie Day

I have mixed feelings about this.  I don’t think gingerbread cookies are appropriate until AFTER Thanksgiving.  This one is ill-timed.  But I do like gingerbread cookies.

Day Before Thanksgiving- National Tie One On Day

I got excited about this one until I read the description; “The day celebrates the apron as well as the past generations of women who wore them and it was also created as a day to bring joy to the life of someone in need and celebrate the spirit of giving.”

Oh… darn.

November 26th- National Cake Day

I don’t know… isn’t everyone still eating pie at this point?

November 30th- Stay Home Because You’re Well Day

I’m not sure this one was well-thought out.  I mean, it’s a nice idea but what if everyone did this?  This year November 30th falls on the Thursday after Thanksgiving- didn’t we all just stay home a week ago?  How about this: I propose that anyone who DIDN’T get to stay home on Thanksgiving should stay home on November 30th.  That seems fair!

This list just scratches the surface!  Check out the website if you want the full list.

Sorry to any readers outside the U.S.  But Merlot and Toilet Days are international!  We can all enjoy those.

Do you have any days to add to this list?  

Header photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

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31 Responses

  1. I 100% agree with you about National Gingerbread Cookie Day. That needs to be in December! What is it doing hanging out with toilets and merlot?

  2. THIS WAS SUCH A FUN POST! I love the Stay Home Because You’re Well Day. I feel like we all need some of those days. A few years my daughter had a daytimer that had almost daily “national” or “international” day of and it was really fun. We only participated in a few, but it was an easy way to inject some levity into a normal day.

  3. Ha this is fun. I actually frequently check those pages because as a social media manager that can be a good source of content when it fits the brand.
    The spicy guacamole day falls on the same date as World diabetes day. Is that on purpose? I mean cake days are left and right…

    I also like November 17th Reading aloud day.

    I am sitting our Merlot day as I don’t drink red wine.

    1. I think guacamole day goes well with diabetes day, right? Much better than cake or pie day would. Or gingerbread cookies.

  4. Yes, I need more specific instructions on how to best celebrate World Toilet Day and I think that Tie One On Day should be abolished or replaced with the fun kind of tying one on.

    Merlot, pizza, and guac days? I am here for it.

  5. Hahaha, I never really pay attention to these days.
    National Clean out Your Refrigerator Day is once a week before we go shopping in our house LOL (we don’t like surprises).

    I am not opposed to observe National Cake Day and National Spicy Guacamole Day. I like some spicy guacamole.

    A couple of years ago, I blogged about World Kindess Day (which apparently is also in November) and I kinda like that. https://theinbetweenismine.com/2021/11/13/13-world-kindness-day/

    1. I guess if my post wasn’t so snarky I would have included that one! That’s probably the most important one of all.

  6. You could celebrate world toilet day by buying toilet paper from the brand called who gives a crap which donates 50% of profits to building toilets. I have no affiliation with them but do buy toilet paper from them. As a bonus each roll is wrapped in fun colorful paper.

  7. For those wanting to know why tying one on would be fun… here you go:
    Become intoxicated; go on a drinking spree. For example, They went out and really tied one on. The precise allusion here—what it is one ties on—is unclear. [ Slang; mid-1900s]
    (from dictionary.com)

  8. Well we ended up celebrating national donut day on Sunday without knowing it was that day. I wanted to get the boys out of the house to give Phil some peace and quiet to rest. So we walked/scooted to Starbucks which is next to a grocery store and I got donuts for the boys at the grocery store. I did feel kind of bad bringing outside food into starbucks, but their donuts are so dang expensive. They are $1.25 at the grocery store and the boys can get donuts with chocolate and sprinkles. I think a donut at Sbux is like $3 or something ridiculous like that. I figure since i regularly spend $8+ on a latte or special drink there, it was ok to let my boys eat donuts from next door.

    Those are some odd national holidays, though. I should consider celebrating the clean out the fridge one although it does not sound very enticing right now… I need to be in the right mindset to clean out my fridge!

  9. Ahh, this was so much fun and I had to find out what the national days are for my birthday, November 28th. First, it is National French Toast Day, which I can TOTALLY get behind. But the weird one was National Alan Day: “Today is November 28 on the National Day Calendar and we are celebrating the name Alan and the remarkable meaning behind the name. Get ready as we cover some interesting history about the name Alan, discover some new facts, and talk about the possible origin of National Alan Day.” The creepy part about that is that my dad’s middle name is Alan. WEIRD.

  10. On stay at home from work if you’re well day, does that mean all the sick people got to work? Our fridge was foul when we got home from our five weeks away. Lots of mouldy food from our son. I cleaned it out bit it still smelled bad for a while.

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