walkers walk… but runners fly

New Year’s Runs and Resolutions

Hey, guess what- I DID IT!  Back-to-back long runs on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.  I ran 20 miles the morning of New Year’s Eve, and then 16 miles on New Year’s Day.  The weather was beautiful, and I can’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year!

New Year’s run on a Florida trail.

While I was running I listened to some interesting podcasts.  In this episode of the James Altucher show, James recommends having “quests” rather than “goals” for the New Year.  He describes a quest as something that might sound slightly crazy, and that you might not be able to complete- like becoming a chess grandmaster or running a marathon in every state.

Or, a quest could be a little more realistic- like visiting every lighthouse or Frank Lloyd Wright house in your area (Hi Elisabeth!  Hi Beckett!)  I would even say a quest could be something like reading every book by a certain author.  I guess quests are more fun than goals.

Then, I listened to  this episode of Sally McRae’s podcast, “Overcoming Fear and People Pleasing.”  She said most people fail to pursue their dreams out of fear- fear of what other people will think, and fear that we don’t know enough or we’re not ready.  Well… the older I get, the less I care what other people think; and I’m more and more likely to throw myself into something and figure it out as I go.  It’s always good to have a reminder though.

You might be thinking, “This is all well and good- but what ARE your goals for 2024?”  Okay, okay… I have some.

First, I don’t have a word for 2024- I have the phrase, “Every Day Counts.”  I’ll continue to work on appreciating every day, instead of wishing the day away or wasting it by worrying or ruminating.  I also have some specific goals:

Read 50 books.

I set this goal every year, and always fall short because my reading takes a huge hit in November and December.  I have a good feeling about 2024 though- the year is off to a great start with my “book flood.”

Focus on sleep.

I realize this is too vague.  I need to analyze what’s going on and come up with concrete solutions.  One place to start may be eating dinner earlier, so I can shift my evening activities earlier as well.

Get organized with my strength training.

Again, vague.  I’m toying with the possibility of following a program- possibly the one on Sally McRae’s app. OR, to start with, the program in Ben Patrick’s Knee Ability Zero, which I just got for Christmas.

My running goals are more like quests.  No one is telling me I have any business running a 50 mile race, but I’m doing it anyway!  Possibly two of them!  Those are quests, not goals.

By the way, the top photo is my new planner.  It was literally the first one I picked up in TJ Maxx.  It has everything I need:

Plus about 20 pages of notes in the back.  I was actually kind of disappointed because I had been looking forward to browsing leisurely through planners (I was also going to Barnes and Noble that day) – I was like “Darn!  This first one is perfect.”

I’m linking up this week with Jenn and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics!  Check them out- their theme for this week is “What’s Your Word for 2024?”

Do you have your 2024 planner?

Do you set New Year’s goals?

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Figgy Friday!

It’s time for the FIGs of the week!  A huge thank you to Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG)

45 Responses

  1. Good work on your those long runs. How long is it until your first 50-miler this year? I don’t have a planner and I haven’t set any goals for 2024. I did sign up for the Gold Coast marathon though. Luckily I did, because it sold out last week.

    1. Okay, so that’s your goal! To answer your question, my first 50 miler is coming up next month (eep!) on February 17th.

  2. Ooooh, look at that beautiful new planner! You have inspired me to go to TJ Maxx for sure— never thought of it for planners, but great idea!!

    1. It was pretty cheap, too! Like I said, I was also going to Barnes and Noble and didn’t really think I would find what I was looking for at TJ Maxx… but I did.

  3. We have very similar planners, except mine doesn’t have a cat! I love the fresh start of a new planner.
    Look at that blue sky! Gorgeous! Congrats on your two long runs, Jenny!
    I like your “make every day count” mantra. It’s a good one!

    1. Yes, not only is my planner perfect on the inside but it has a cat and it’s purple! It’s like it was made just for me.

  4. I do have a 2024 planner! I get something called the Wonderland222. This will be my 3rd year using the planner. I kind of gave up on using my planner last year when life got crazy at work… which is kind of odd because you’d think you’d use a planner MORE when you are super busy but I didn’t have time to write out plans for each month or summarize what I did in the previous month. I just blew through each month and tried to stay sane.

    I have decided to shift to quarterly goals for 2024. For Q1 I am going to go on a date with Phil – sitter is already booked! When I texted her she was like, sorry who is this? Kind of goes to show how long it had been since we booked her… And I want to do the Apartment Therapy January Cure which is a series of tasks to get your house more organized. I am feeling the need to declutter BIG TIME.

    The mention of a quest reminds me of the book Paul and I are reading – The Tale of Despereaux. We are at the end of the book where he is going on a quest to save the princess. It’s such a sweet book!

    1. I remember reading that book!
      I think I’m going to set monthly goals. And I’m going to look into this “Apartment Therapy January Cure-” it sounds like something I need.

  5. Yesterday was so exciting because it was my first day in my brand new, one line a day journal AND I set up a new goal tracker journal. It really did feel like a brand new start. I’m doing sort of a bullet journal with my goal tracker in a random notebook someone had given me. We’ll see how it works in January or if I should try to hunt down an actual 2024 journal.

    I also spent a lot of time yesterday nailing down my goals for 2024. Maybe I should start calling them quests? I dunno. That sounds a lot more intense than they are!

    1. No, “quest” sounds fun and adventurous, while goals are always things like “eat more vegetables.” Call them quests!

  6. I do have a new planner and I LOVE it. I find it so exciting to start with a fresh slate. (I use the Sprouted Planner – it’s not cheap, but I really love the features and have used it 3 years so am very used to the layout and system now).

    I LOVE the cover of your planner. How fun.

    Quests sound whimsical and very fun; goals feel a bit stale. I also feel like quest encompasses experiences more – like an intentional adventure?

    I am going goalless in 2024, but it is my Year of Shmita, so I want to do some research into the Biblical concept of Sabbath and how I can apply those principles into my everyday life. I also want to really get back into shape. Exercise tanked for me in 2023 and I can feel the physical and mental impacts of that.

    1. Maybe getting back in shape can be your “quest” for 2024.
      I did look at the Sprouted planners but balked at the price. I don’t use a planner as extensively as some people, so I think a simpler one works better for me.

  7. Your back to back long runs sound amazing! What a way to end 2023 and start 2024!

    Even though I’m signed up for two trail races this year, my goals are more around mindset things I want to work on. Namely, stop comparing myself to others/myself from years past, particularly when it comes to running. And to be more intentional about taking a weekly rest day from running. I feel very antsy taking a full rest day so I think I’ll ease into it by doing a strength training/some kind of cross training workout on those rest days to give my body a break but still stay active. I actually chose to take a running rest day on Jan 1, and just did my strength workout and it did feel a little weird but also good and now I’m ready to run again today!

    1. I used to HATE taking rest days- it always seemed like a good idea but then I would feel so blah and restless as the day went on. Now I like them, I think because I’ve added harder strength training into the mix. As the week goes on I can feel the cumulative fatigue in my legs, and I’m actually excited about having a day off.

  8. Yay for the double run sendoff to 2024/kickoff for 2024! I like the idea of quests over goals. And absolutely yes let’s make each of the 366 days in 2024 count!

    I’m just now getting into the world of planners. I’m starting out with a digital one and it is nice to see everything that I’ve got to do this month lined up in one place.

    1. Oh, you’re a digital planner type of person!!! I like to see it all on paper, but my son would totally be on your side (he can’t see the poit of physically writing something down, ever.).
      AND, I didn’t realize 2024 is a leap year until I read your comment! Yay!

  9. I am having terrible planner FOMO right now! (Even though planners do not work for me.) Your goals sound great, and I love that they are big goals you will figure out as you go along. And what a cool differentiation between a goal and a quest! Love it! Your phrase of the year is fantastic, too. Sounds like your year is going to be really super, Jenny!

    1. Well… you could go somewhere like TJ Maxx and get an inexpensive planner and just mess around with it. If you don’t end up using it, you won’t have wasted too much money. But you might realize that it works for some things… just a thought.

  10. Hooray for back to back LRs with miraculously good weather! Can this cold front stick around forever pleeeeeeease?

    Love that you serendipitously picked up the perfect planner on your first try! It was fate. Or planner magic …

    1. Yes, the weather was a New Year’s miracle for me. I don’t think I can go back to those sweltering long runs after this!

  11. Great job on those two long runs, Jenny!
    I love when you listen to podcasts because you always give such a good summary.
    Quests instead of goals! Fabulous!!

    About the sleep thing: do you wear a Garmin 24/7? That, along with the body battery, was a game changer for me.

    1. I wear my Garmin to bed, but not during the day, other than running- because I can’t wear it while I work. I know it wil give me sleep stats, and it’s always very depressing.

  12. Amazing work with your 2 long runs! You’ve been running really strong lately. It has to be the strength work, am I right?

    I’m not a goal setter, a word picker, or a resolution maker. I just kind of roll with what the year gives me. Last year gave me strength, health, and a lot of fun. I hope for the same this year!

    1. Yes, I hope that for both of us! And yes… it has to be the strength. My runs have definitely felt stronger than ever. Trips to the gym DO pay off!

  13. Wow look at you running 2 back to back long runs. Impressive! You sure have come a long way this past year! It does take lots of organization and planning to get runs, strength and quality sleep in. Focusing on sleep has really helped me a lot this year. Good luck with your quests!

  14. Great job on those back-to-back long runs!

    I like your phrase for the year – an important reminder for sure! I am a goal setter and I also like the practice of picking a word – some have been more on point than others…we’ll see how this year’s plays out.

    1. For the last few years I’ve picked a word. Two years ago I forgot my word completely by June, but last year’s work, “nourish” was pretty helpful throughout the year.

  15. Great job on your two back-to-back long runs! I bet you were super pumped at the end of the second one because they’d gone so well.

    “Every Day Counts,” I like that. I didn’t really set any new resolutions or goals, but you know I’m always working toward better sleep.

    1. I was VERY happy at the end of the second one!!! It was New Year’s Day and I just wanted to relax on the couch and watch football for the rest of the day.
      Better sleep is a good goal for all of us.

  16. My blog is my planner. It keeps me accountable.

    I had a few goals. Then I got injured. So how one goal. Heal.

    My word is JOY.

    1. That’s one of my favorite words! It’s always my theme around Christmastime- I need to keep it going through the year.

  17. fantastic job in running back to back so many miles! I love th cover of your planner! I got the same planner as last year as I find it easy to navigate and has enough sections to keep track of things, hobonichi techo, I just set it up yesterday with my goals, which will blog soon.

    1. I’ve heard of that one- I think I looked at it at one point but then decided I didn’t need anything too fancy. It looks pretty cool though.

  18. I still love your phrase for the year. Fantastic!! 🙂

    I have sketched out a few goals but I am notorious at biting off more than I can chew and having a huge list of goals… and then accomplishing practically none of them. (But meanwhile I end up doing other random things that weren’t on my list in the first place…..). My big current goal is to shift my workouts to the morning. I am afraid this is something that sounds good in theory and that I will struggle to implement. But I feel motivated to give it a full, concerted effort for at least 1 full month before I allow any slips. I feel like if I force myself to do it at least a month or two, this may be enough time to realize the benefits to it and then have the energy to stick with it. I think it would naturally solve a bunch of my other logistical life “problems” that accompany trying to go in the evening (working late, kids stuff, the DOG, lacking motivation as day progresses, when to make dinner, to name a few.) If you see on my blog that I start making excuses, yell at me!!!! Hahaha.

    1. Ha, I did see that on your blog and I can’t wait to see how it goes for you. I ONLY work out in the morning (with very rare exceptions) and I love it.

  19. I love your phrase! Life is short and we do not know what may happen so we do have to make each day count. A 50 miler? Wow! I am impressed with your back to back long runs. Great job!

    1. Yes! The older I get the more I appreciate how precious every day is. We have no idea when our last one will be so we have to make the most of them.

  20. I love the concept of a planner, but I am that person who buys them and never uses them. I honestly think it is because of how much I dislike my own handwriting and crossing things out being out of balance with handheld, physical notebooks. I am trying to split the difference this year with a habit tracker and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable when writing in it or marking something off 😉 congrats on the runs!

    1. Lindsay, I have TERRIBLE handwriting! You’ll never see a photo of a page of my planner that I’ve actually written on- it looks like a kid is using it. But I still like the feeling of writing things down.

  21. I am so glad that your back to back long runs went well! I think it is such a good way to see how you will do on tired legs and it sounds like it was not too bad, which is great news for your race self! When do you start to taper? It must be coming up soon!

  22. I did back to back runs on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, too…. just not LONG runs like yours. Haha. Good for you.

    I bought a planner a few weeks ago already (I am usually deciding on this late) and I’ve been patiently waiting to use it. It’s a new planner (my last 4 planners came from Home Goods) and I am excited to use it. I’ll share it on my blog.

  23. Yes! I have a planner! And yes to all your goals! I am on book 2 of the year, and I want to make it to 50 or more! I love reading, and I love books. I need more shelves!

  24. You have to take advantage of this beautiful weather while we have it – so kudos on getting out there!

    I love your planner! I am struggling to find one because I really just want a place to write down my quarterly/monthly/weekly goals, but I think I may have to use an old bullet journal I have and make it work for me.

    We can make sleep a priority in 2024! I believe in us!

  25. No planner for me – I’m all digital, although now I am curious about Beckett’s digital planner. I shall have to ask her about that!
    Your back to back runs sound daunting but challenging – and go, you, for more than meeting that challenge!
    I hope you have a wonderful 2024, Jenny. Can’t wait to read about all you accomplish!

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