Guess what time it is? Time for the Starbucks holiday cups! AND, it’s November, which means I’m joining San and our intrepid crew for NaBloPoMo; AND, it’s the first Friday of the month, which means it’s time to join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Phew! Best Friday ever.
If we were having coffee together, the first thing I’d tell you is that I’m NOT drinking my normal Earl Grey tea. Instead I’m drinking what I like to call a “poor man’s chai tea latte.” The regular chai tea latte from Starbucks is delicious, but so sugary. This is what I do instead: have them make a tea with their chai tea bags, steamed soymilk, and two packets of stevia. Yum!

The next thing I would talk about is the update to my race in February. You might remember I had a hard time choosing a winter race, but finally settled on the Forgotten Florida 50 Mile.. I didn’t originally want a 50 miler- I was looking for a 50k- but this race sounded so incredible I couldn’t resist.

Well, first we found out the date has been changed- then we got an email announcing that this year’s race will be the last one. The race goes through Seminole Ranch and Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Areas, and they have decided not to allow any running on their trails after this race. Wow- I’m SO GLAD I picked this race and didn’t save it for another year, because there will be no “other years.”
It also occurs to me that if I get injured during this training cycle and can’t run, I will never be able to run this race- it’s now or never. The stakes are high this time.
Switching gears! The first week of November has special meaning for our family, as it’s “All-State Results Week.” A couple months ago I mentioned that my daughter was auditioning for the jazz band on guitar, and the concert band on flute. She had the bold notion that she was going to get into the jazz band, even though they only take one guitar FROM THE ENTIRE STATE, and she’s just a freshman. I felt she was making a mistake by prioritizing her practice time on guitar, and not working hard enough on flute (she made the middle school all-state band on flute last year.)
Well… she didn’t make the jazz band. But she did make the concert band on flute!!! Apparently she knew what she was doing all along, and I should just shut up from now on. The first thing she said when we got the results was “I’m so relieved.” She would have been very sad not to make all-state at all. And the second thing she said was “Maybe I can make the jazz band next year.” The dream lives on.
This means we will be going to Tampa again in early January! I had so much fun last year, so I’m very excited about this.
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you like the Starbucks holiday cups?
Does this Forgotten Florida race sound fun to you? Or are you like my husband and can’t imagine running on trails?
If you have kids, do they play a band instrument? Did you play in your high school band?
49 Responses
Can you believe I’ve never had a single drink from Starbucks in my life. Yes, they do have them in Canada, but none near where I live and…I just have never gotten around to it. I’ll admit I feel like drinking a PSL is a bucket list item now because of pop culture, so I suspect I’ll end up having one at some point.
I’m SO glad you picked this race and it is both sad – but also exciting – that you get to be there for the final one!
Congrats to your daughter. I’m in awe of your family’s musical talents. I play…nothing. My brother and mother are both very talented pianists (and my brother can pick up and learn just about any instrument to some degree), but I didn’t inherit/didn’t hone those same skills. I love to sing, but even then it’s just for fun. One of my big life regrets is not learning to play the piano when I was younger. And yes, I know I could take lessons now – and did a few years ago – but it’s just not the right season for life for me. Maybe in retirement?
Thank you Elisabeth! My kids got no athletic talents, so they had to have something!
A couple episodes ago on Happier, Gretchen and Elisabeth decided to try a PSL for the first time- their reactions were pretty funny.
I played the violin so orchestra. But not for long.
Sad about the date change. But it sounds like you made the right choice.
I’m with your hubby. No trail race. My Florida friends love them. One is doing a 100 miler.
I’m going to Tampa in December.
I’ve had my red cup already.
Whoa! What race is your friend doing? Mine has a 100 mile option- wouldn’t it be funny if we were doing the same one?
Yes, it’s a bummer- the date change means I won’t be at your (and my husband’s race) on the 18th. I’ve decided to stay over one more night and drive home that day.
I agree that the chai latte is so sweet. I used to love it but then it really gotten to sugary for me. But it is because the add sirup in – at least here in germany. And then two pumps. I tell them to cut the pumps to half. But I may have to try your version of poor mans chai. And I would also skip the stevia.
Congrats to your daughter making the band again. What an achievement.
You could do it without the stevia if the taste bothers you- I think it would still be delicious! And thank you- my daughter is very excited.
Huge congratulations to your daughter! That’s fantasitc!
I am sitting in Starbucks right now, sipping my American out of a holiday cup and basking in the glow of the holiday decor. The baristas even have the red aprons on. 😉
I prefer a chai latte your way. Sometimes I order a steamed milk with two chai tea bags — that’s what my Mom likes.
Oh, good thing about the race. Now you have to stay healthy, but I think you’re on the right track with that!
Yes, that’s basically my drink! If you want to sweeten it a little, try the stevia- I promise it’s good.
Funny that you’re sitting in Starbucks drinking from a holiday cup while you read this!
Wow! I am so glad you picked this race! I hope everything goes smoothly so you can do it exactly as you plan to.
I love a chai from Starbucks but they ARE so sugary! Definitely a once in a while treat. For awhile there during the thick of our move I was getting several of them a week. 😳
I don’t blame you one bit. It’s not that the taste is too sugary for me (no, I love that…) I just had to cut myself off from sugar because it was getting way out of control.
Congrats to your daughter! She knows what she’s doing, that girl! (update on her hair, what colour is it these days, does she still like her piercing, what’s she into wearing, inquiring Nicole minds are nosy and want to know!)
I used to love the Starbucks chai and I probably still would like it, but I haven’t had it in forever because it’s so sweet. I don’t have a problem with sugar generally but it’s a lot of sugar. Now that you mention it, I can’t remember the last time I had anything at all from Starbucks. It’s been years!
Yes, that chai has a LOT of sugar (which is why it’s so darn good.)
Okay, so my daughter’s hair is going to change again next weekend- it’s going to be pink, and I’m not sure if that’s pale pink or hot pink. TBD right now!
I used to go to Starbucks more often when a) I was working in an office, and b) I would semi-regularly meet a friend there for coffee and knitting. Now that I work from home and live far from that friend, I only go once in a while. But they sure are handy when the internet at home isn’t working! Coffee and wifi and they make enough noise that my habit of talking to myself as I work isn’t obvious.
Yes, I agree (although I’ve never tried talking to myself in Starbucks…) It’s a great place to work!
Your 50 miler will have an even more special significance after you crush it!
I am with you on Starbucks drinks being way too sugary for me. I am not sure people realize this!
Thanks for joining for coffee!
I realized it when I tried to replicate the chai tea latte at home- wow, that was an eye-opener for sure.
Thanks for hosting!
Wow on your race! I think that just means it’ll be even more special when you finish it! I love trail running/races but after doing my first two 50K-ish distances I’m not sure I’m quite ready to move up to the 50 mile distance, though the one I’m signed up for in May that’s supposed to be 38 miles actually is probably more like 40 after seeing people’s race recaps from last year, so maybe after doing that I’ll be ready for longer distances!
Congrats to your daughter! I actually dabbled in playing several instruments growing up — piano for a couple years, clarinet, tenor sax (that was my favorite, and I played in my middle school jazz band), alto sax and electric guitar (I wish I had stuck with that one because it was fun). Now I haven’t played anything since high school so I’m sure I’d be pretty rusty!
Ooh, the 40 mile race will be a perfect bridge to a 50. Or maybe you’ll decide to just stick with 50ks, who knows. If I think about it too much I get really nervous about doing 50 miles- so I don’t let myself dwell on that part.
Oh, you played in your middle school jazz band- that must have been FUN.
I actually prefer running on trails to running on tracks, treadmills, or sidewalks, so I think it sounds awesome. I’m not sure about that length, though! You’re braver than me to tackle it. I am so glad you chose this one, though, if it’s not going to be offered again!
I played clarinet in band from sixth through twelfth, including marching band in high school. I mostly didn’t like it, but LOVED hanging out with my friends. I also feel like I have a greater appreciation of the arts because of my time in band.
I didn’t know that!!! That’s so cool! I don’t think my daughter loves the marching part, but she does like the concert part and of course hanging out with friends. That’s one of the best parts of high school band.
Congrats to your daughter and yay for the Tampa trip!
The race sounds fun to me in that I will enjoy reading about it and I love following your training, but honestly at this point I can’t imagine…running. I made some noise on my blog last night that I was going to increase my running intervals to 90 seconds but this morning when I did my workout my body was just like “nah”. To be fair, that might have something to do with the Death By Bulgarian Lunges workout that I did before.
I was never musical as a kid but studied as an adult. The boys both dabbled in jr high band and it was fun to go to their concerts.
WHAT??? Death by Bulgarian Lunges??? Ha ha… I’d rather run 50 miles.
Congrats to your daughter!!!! I played flute all through HS and regret not continuing on in college (the UofI Alumni marching band is the bomb at Homecoming).. The kids all were in band through MS, but the son stated in through HS. That race sounds fantastic! Great timing 🙂
Oh you played flute!!! Just like my daughter. Yes, college band is fun but it is a big time commitment.
Wow congrats to your daughter – that’s awesome!
It’s a good thing you decided to run the 50 miler – Now no more talk of potential injury!
I know- I shouldn’t even let my mind go there.
Gotta love that you can customize your Starbucks drinks! 😉 I am not big into their holiday drinks but I recently figured out that I can basically get a café au lait for the same price as a regular coffee by asking for steamed milk in my drip coffee. Ha!
OMG, how lucky that you signed up for the race now that it’s being discontinued! Now, to stay healthy…!
Congrats to your daughter for getting into concert band again. Yay.
Thanks San! Oh yes, people customize their Starbucks drinks to the extreme. Mine is nothing compared to what some people do.
That’s such a great idea about the chai! The coffee place near me also makes their own chai and I like that it isn’t too sweet. The sweetness is why I started making my own chai concentrate this year, and even then I had to half the sugar in all the recipes I found.
My 11 year old took up flute for a hot second in 4th grade, but she didn’t like practicing so she just… stopped going to band class. We didn’t find out until the teacher emailed us asking why she wasn’t in class.
Your daughter seems so self aware- I’m sure she she is more multitudes and layers than can come across on any blog, but I’m always so impressed when I read about her, even the hard teenage bits that you are so honest about.
Thanks Diane. I definitely leave a lot of stuff out! But yes- in spite of all my complaints she does have some strong points.
That’s funny about your daughter… she figured out how to get out of practicing (and out of band altogether!)
Forgotten Florida sounds AMAZING! You know I love my trails. I’m glad you signed up before this one went away forever.
Congrats to your daughter! I agree Starbucks drinks are way too sweet but I have to say those holiday cups are groovy! Haha!
Thanks Marcia. I know you know all about the world of flute playing!
I can’t wait to run this race and I will share all the details!
Yay for state band! That’s amazing. And she’s just a first-year, right? I mean, wow. She must have serious skillz.
I like the sound of your chai! Starbucks is always too sweet for me (I only get plain coffee when there, then add my own milk/sweetener… and not much, at that.)
My daughter has some skills, due to the fact that she practices daily. Sometimes she’ll complain that “so and so sounds better than me and shenever practices…” One of my favorite sayings is “hard work beats talent that doesn’t work hard.”
My son also agrees that Starbucks is too sweet- he tried to get their new gingerbread chai latte and he said it was “sickeningly sweet.”
I almost passed out thinking about running for 50 miles, but wow, what an accomplishment that will be, and it sure looks like a beautiful place to do it.
I don’t think i could run 50 miles on the roads… but a beautiful trail is a different story. It should be an adventure!
I like Starbucks chia tea too! I should just get the tea bag and make it at home but somehow it’s never as spicy.
I am having a latte now, and I’d take you that I’m tired of baking… I made muffins, coconut cake, and making two loaf of bread, and shepherd pie. meal prep for real but a bit tired now.
50 miler!!!! my first reaction is lower back pain. I’ve been dealing with some discomfort since the marathon and not sure what to do next to fix it. currently under chiropractor adjustment process.
I have low back pain on and off as well- I think it comes from my job. I have a stretch sequence that I’ll post soon- but hopefully the chiro will help you.
Congrats to your daughter! I was so nervous reading the paragraphs about the results. I wanted to skip ahead and see that she got in so was relieved that she did! And it’s great that she still wants to try for both next year and wasn’t defeated by not getting into jazz band. You’ve got some talented musicians for kids!
Paul and I went to Starbucks yesterday after the boys’ vaccines and I was thrilled that my neighborhood Starbucks has holiday cups this year! You may recall that they didn’t have them last year and I was told it was because they aren’t recycleable. So I asked why they had them now and the staff member said something about how they aren’t compostable but the compostable cups they had been using were leaking so they were giving up on the compostables for now. They were busy so I didn’t inquire further. I don’t want a festive cup to hurt Mother Earth but it really does improve the coffee drinking experience for me. And I thought of you when I was drinking out of the festive glass!! I would have texted you if I had your phone number. 😉
As you know, I played trumpet in my HS band. I also played piano. We will definitely have our kids try an instrument. I think I will put Paul in piano lessons next year. And then we will see what he decides for his instrument when he’s old enough. My nephews have all played instruments but they stopped playing by around 10th grade or sooner often because of the band teacher? At least that was the case for 2 of my nephews. Another nephew stopped because he said it wasn’t ‘cool’ to be in the band. I hope my kids stick with it. Phil also played the trumpet. I think that is what all of you play/played except your daughter! I know Paul and your husband play that instrument and I am almost positive it was your instrument, too. How did she end up playing the flute?
Yes, my husband and son play the trumpet and that was my instrument as well. My son tried to talk my daughter into playing trumpet, but she definitely likes to do her own thing. Oh, and it’s still not cool to be in band, but luckily my kids are kind of nerdy so it all works out.
I wish you had my phone number- getting a text from you with a photo of your Starbucks holiday cup would have MADE MY DAY. I definitely remember how they didn’t have them in your town last year. I agree, I’m kind of torn between being happy that you have them now and a little worried that they’ve given up on the composting??? Oh well. You might as well enjoy it.
1. I would tell you that I only drink instant coffee. Starbucks is wayyyy too strong for me LOL
2. I would tell you that I wish I could get into running.
3. My kids are still small… 3 and 5. But whe they are older I want to encourage them to play an instrument.
4. I teach at the high school and love to go see our bands perform. Those young people are so talented!! Congratulations to your daughter!!
Thank you Daria! Yes, high school band concerts are great. It’s nice that you go hear them!
I don’t get any of the coffee drinks from Starbucks- I just don’t like coffee. I’ve tried the fancy ones (they always sound so good) but after one sip I’m like “Nope- still coffee!”
We do have some Starbucks in Melbourne but I’m a typical Melbourne coffee snob so don’t go there, although I’m completely off coffee at the moment because of migraines which is very sad.
Congratulations to your daughter, that is great news.
Well… I don’t actually drink coffee because I don’t like the taste! But I do like caffeinated tea. I hope laying off of coffee is helping you.
I was so happy to see the holiday cups out at Starbucks when I went yesterday! I got a delicious peppermint mocha and it was everything I could have wanted.
I am so happy to hear that your daughter made concert band! Whew. And let me know about Tampa! I am totally happy to pop over to a Starbucks near where you’re staying for a visit. <3
Yes I was thinking maybe we could get together this time! I’ll let you know.
It is summer by us but I love coffee all year round 🙂 I haven’t ever tried holiday drinks but they sound so good!
Good luck with your trail race!
That’d be such a great way to explore nearby state parks/forests — I’m glad you get to do it before the stop allowing it!
Props to your daughter for making concert band + also on not giving up! I used to play the flute too (I wasn’t that great at that or the violin though — my instrument of choice = piano).
Congrats to your daughter!
That’s SUCH a good strabucks hack. I might do a post about this and crowd source everyone’s faves. My PSL replacement (too sweet!!) is an Americano with a splash of oatmilk and 2 pumps pumpkin sauce.