walkers walk… but runners fly

October Coffee Date

Ooooh!  It’s October, officially fall, and that means all you pumpkin naysayers can just be quiet!  I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, drinking my favorite Earl Grey tea from one of my Halloween mugs (yes, I now have more than one!  Why not?)

If we were having a delicious Earl Grey tea together, the first thing I would tell you is that I have a new book by my favorite author.

Oof!  Good thing I’ve been working out, because this book is over 900 pages and it’s HEAVY.  I don’t know why we continue the pretense that these mysteries are written by “Robert Galbraith” when everyone knows it’s a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling.  I just love this series so much.  In this one, Robin goes undercover to infiltrate a religious cult, and I’m enjoying it immensely.  There’s nothing better than having a great book to read.

The second thing I would talk about is, after my post about wanting a shoe with a wide toe box that’s not zero drop, Susanne sent me this article..  Altra has come out with a non-zero drop shoe!  It was just released a few days ago- I DEFINITELY want to try it out!

The last thing I would talk about over coffee/tea is, I have my TV sports viewing lined up for this weekend, and it’s going to be a good one!  The Baylor game is on Saturday night, and I’m hoping the momentum from our incredible come-from-behind victory last week will carry forward.  Then, Sunday morning is the Chicago marathon!  GOOD LUCK LISA!!  (and Des, and Galen…). I’ll be watching and rooting for all the runners.  Lastly, the Dolphins game is Sunday afternoon.  Ahem.  I have no idea what happened last week, but this week we’re playing the Giants, so barring any major tragedies, we should be able to pull out a win.

So that’s three things I’m excited about; it’s a pretty great week!  What would you tell me over coffee?

I think I’ve asked this question before, but do you have a very favorite author?

Who else is watching the Chicago marathon on Sunday?

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49 Responses

  1. I’m up to the 5th book in the Cormoron Strike series and they are such great stories. I saw that new Altra shoe as well. I wear a pair of Altra’s for walking and I will probably try a small amount of running in them but the zero drop does put me off a bit because I have had an Achilles injury in the past. If they fit like me others I might be keen to try them too. We have a couple of friends running in it but the first wave starts here at 11:30 pm so it’s a late night. Last year my husband ran it and I remember waking up and checking how he was doing in the wee hours of the morning.

    1. Yes the timing of the marathon doesn’t work well for you!
      I think the Cormoran Strike books get better and better- so you have some treats ahead of you.
      I’ll try those Altras soon and report back!

  2. I don’t think I have a favourite author. I tend to love nonfiction – memoirs especially – so by nature those tend to be 1 (or 2) and done. I love just about anything Gretchen Rubin or Laura Vanderkam write. I mean the Harry Potter books are one of my all-time favourite series, so JK Rowling would be up there. This question is stumping me!

    I know Coco runs Chicago this weekend. I won’t be watching but I’m so excited for her. And my sister heads to Kona today in advance of her Ironman there next Sunday!

  3. I don’t really have a favorite author these days. That mystery sounds good but the page count is intimidating.

    I hope you enjoy the games this weekend!

  4. I love a good cup of Earl Grey! I’m so happy you found this Altra news helpful and I hope you’ll get the shoes and that they’ll work for you. I’ve become so aware of foot health after my injury and I don’t use narrow toebox shoes anymore, for the moment I only use Altra or minimalist shoes for everything and I haven’t had the courage to try my old beloved Doc Martens yet! If I don’t find them comfortable anymore (which I suspect), I’ll cry.
    Here we’re all in the middle of the rugby World Cup and on Saturday night, Ireland will meet Scotland. I’ll have to follow that on my phone while we drive to Dublin!

    1. I have a pair of Altra Escalante, which I wear to the gym. I’m really hoping these new ones work for me! Thanks again for the heads up.

  5. I don’t have a favorite author but I have been reading much more. I am excited to read the new John Grisham book coming out next week. Our weather is not so great this weekend but we will have the Eagles game on!

  6. I have read one of the Galbraith books and I liked it, but not as much as Harry Potter! I have not read any others in the series yet. I agree with Elisabeth; it is too hard to pick a favorite author, but I like most of Ann Patchett’s and Taylor Jenkins Reed’s books, although both of them have had a couple of duds in my opinion. However, they are few and far between. When I was younger I read pretty much all of the Stephen King and John Grisham books, but I would not say that they are my favorite, but I would pretty much read anything I could get my hands on and those were plentiful (and I did love the Runaway Jury, Pelican Brief and The Shining).

    I am not watching any sports this weekend but hope to get out and do some hiking, as we are having super warm weather for some reason and I know that once the snow starts to fly, I will wish I got out more. So I am going to get out more.

    1. So you’re “doing” rather than “spectating”- sounds like a good plan.
      No books will ever be as good as Harry Potter! That’s just a sad fact of life.

  7. I have several favourite authors but my VERY favourite, top three are Margaret Atwood, Jane Austen, Alice Munro. Honourable mentions go to Elizabeth Strout and Ann Patchett.
    It’s Thanksgiving weekend up here, and on Sunday we are driving nine hours to visit my parents – we need to make the trip before the snow flies and the roads become treacherous in the mountains. Have a great weekend, Jenny!

    1. Thank you Nicole! Good luck with your trip.
      We have one favorite in common- Jane Austen. And you just reminded me I want to re-read Emma!

  8. I almost ordered those shoes.

    I’m waiting until our fleet feet gets them so I can try them on.

    I think I’m running the marathon in Topos specters.

    That is a long book. I read a lot. But shorter ones.

    1. Yes, I don’t want to just order them- I want to try them on. Maybe I’ll call our Fleet Feet and head over there this week if they have them.

  9. I don’t really have a favorite author – the premise of your book sounds like a good one…but 900 pages? Yikes!

    Good luck with the Altras – keep us posted if they work out for you.

    I didn’t realize the Chicago Marathon will be on nat’l TV – I want to see if Des breaks the masters record!

  10. Oh, thank you for telling me about those new Altras. I will definitely be checking them out!

    My Commanders lost to the Bears last night so there’s that. 🙁 However, my Hokies beat Pitt last weekend. They play FSU tomorrow afternoon..

    1. Sorry, I was rooting for the Bears! My sister and BIL are big fans, and we’re from Chicago.
      Uh oh, I’ll also be rooting for FSU- sorry about that!

    1. Yes, luckily my busy weekend involves a lot of me sitting on the couch and watching other people exert themselves. After I run and then work on Saturday mornings, I’m ready to relax.

    1. Yes, I love watching marathons on TV. My kids think it’s the most boring thing in the world, ha ha, to just watch people run for two-plus hours.

    1. I don’t usually read books this long- I make an exception for this author.
      I also hope these shoes are good! I have to figure out how to get my hands on a pair to try them.

  11. That’s SO interesting Altra came up with a non zero drop shoe! I thought that was their whole premise. Who knew? Have fun watching #allthesports this weekend. I was shocked the Bears actually WON last night. I’m cautiously optimistic for Georgia Tech but I won’t get my hopes up. Sounds like a great read!

    1. Yes, I watched the first half of the Bears game (before I had to go to bed.) They were looking good!
      I know, it is a little surprising about Altra, but I’m here for it! Hopefully I can try them and report back.

  12. Yay! I do not know when I’ll get to the Galbraith book, but I’m so excited to hear that it’s good. Cults! Interesting! Hmm…I have too many library books as it is, but maybe I should go ahead and put a hold on it? Done! I’m number 21 on the list – maybe it will take a long time and I can get through the books I already have.

    1. Oh good! So far I’m liking it better than the last one, and I loved the last one. This subject matter is more interesting to me.

  13. 900 pages!! I would for sure need the ebook version of that book. I am a wimp about holding huge books. My hands get so tired. Ha. It’s hard to pick a favorite but one of my faves is Ann Patchett. I am going to visit her bookstore (hopefully) during a work trip next week! She’s an auto read author for me. I don’t need to know anything about the book. Same story for Taylor Jenkins Reid although she is more plot driven whereas Patchett tends to be more character driven with some plot to move things along.

    I am tracking some people for Chicago, too. Looks like conditions will be pretty ideal!!

    1. The marathoners are having some weather luck this weekend! It’s been so hot in the midwest so this is perfect.
      I have a system for reading such a heavy book, where I have it propped up on two cushions. I also don’t like my hands to get tired while I read.

  14. I really like Earl Grey too!

    I haven’t read anything by J.K. Rowling other than Harry Potter, but this series sounds interesting! :] I don’t think I have a favorite-favorite author but I tend to like reading Lisa See + Jodi Picoult’s books!

    1. I haven’t read any Jodi Picoult, but I probably should. And, this mystery series is so good! Very unlike the HP books, but still some great writing and fascinating story lines.

  15. Thanks for the shout out! Right now (Saturday) I’m laying low in the hotel. Tried to take a nap but didn’t really. Not feeling my greatest – I feel like day 1 of a cold! yikes!! Hopefully all the race day magic will hit tomorrow 🙂
    I didn’t know JK Rowling wrote under that pen name, so you just educated me! I’ll have to look that up.

    1. I had so much fun watching the race! I tried to pick you out of the 50,000 runners but couldn’t for some strange reason 🙂
      I hope it went well and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

  16. I love big, heavy books… they don’t end as fast as other books 😉 and my favorite author is Diana Gabaldon (Outlander). I did not watch the marathon today but I did follow some of the results. Dang, new world records!

  17. Yay for great shoes, I hope those work out for you! I admire you getting out there and running in the heat, too. That humidity wears me out, so I’m glad to live in California where it is dry (though I’m not a runner, I don’t even like to go for my walks when it’s too hot!)

    1. Yes, it’s really the humidity that kills us here. It’s not going to get cold here, but soon we should at least have a drop in the humidity.

  18. I like the idea of pumpkin, but not the taste. What can you do?

    My favorite author is Wally Lamb, I think. I read so much it’s hard to pick just one.

  19. A 900-page book! I don’t remember the last time I read a book that was so long. I just finished a 580-page book and I am so glad to be done with it! LOL. I enjoyed it a lot, but I don’t love spending 2+ weeks on one single book.

    Good win for our Dolphins this Sunday. We gotta keep it up!

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