walkers walk… but runners fly

October Runfessions

WHERE did October go???  And why do the days speed by so alarmingly this time of year?  Slow down, time!  Well… it’s the last Friday of the month, which means we’re joining Marcia for Runfessions!  I’ve got a few things to share…

My biggest runfession is that after dithering vaguely for the last several months, it’s come to my attention that I’m running a 50 MILE RACE in February.  ACK.

Last week Lisa asked me two questions- what shoes am I planning to wear for the race, and what my longest long run will be in training.  Um… great questions, and I didn’t have any great answers.

For the shoe part, I’ve had my Altra FWD’s for a week now and I still love them.  They’re not a trail shoe and my race is a trail race- but Florida trails aren’t that technical.  For my race last year, I remember thinking trail shoes would have been nice, but I was also perfectly fine running that race in road shoes.

I’ve thought about going back to REI and trying on some trail shoes, and I particularly want to try the Altra Lone Peaks- but on the other hand, if everything is going well, do I really want to start messing around with zero drop shoes now?  I don’t know.

So, how long WILL my longest long run be?  Well, I’m not following a specific training plan.  So far I’m doing the same thing I did last year while training for my 50k- three shorter runs a week and one long run.  My long run topped out at 25 miles for that race.

For this one, I’m going back and forth on doing back-to-back long runs.  Some people recommend it, and some say it’s not necessary.  I think it would be easier on my body to do a 20 mile run followed by a 10 mile run the next day, rather than one 30 mile run.  The problem is, I don’t have two days off work in a row.

I’m going to have to do some tricky maneuvering, but I think I can manage two back-to-backs.  New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day will work (boy, I’ll be the life of the party!) and I’ll figure out one other one.  So that’s the plan… such as it is.

Now that we’ve got that figured out (er, somewhat) I have one more runfession to share.  Last week I ran 15 miles on my favorite trail, which is about a 25 minute drive from my house.  This trail happens to be near a Trader Joe’s- and it’s a rule that anytime you’re near a Trader Joe’s, you have to go, especially during pumpkin season (everyone knows that!)

My only complaint about this trail is that there’s no bathroom.  So after my run I just wiped myself down and changed clothes in my car.  I felt a little grubby, but figured I was fine to just pop quickly into Trader Joe’s.  I whipped through the store, grabbing my favorites- almond butter, nuts, sparkling water… but when I got to the checkout and cashier asked if I found everything I needed, I had to tell her that I couldn’t find my soymilk.

This led to a very involved discussion about the Trader Joe’s soymilk, why it’s better than any other soymilk (the only ingredients are organic soybeans and water) and when it might be back in stock.  We ended up going over to the computer at the customer service desk to look it up- and somewhere during this conversation I realized I had no idea what I looked like.  I could have had a huge smear of dirt across my forehead, or a branch stuck in my hair for all I knew.  I got very self-conscious and got out of there as quickly as possible, so I could get in my car to look at myself in the rear-view mirror.

Phew.  No dirt on my face, and although I wasn’t exactly having a great hair day, there were no branches in there.  Note to self: next time, at least take a quick glance in the mirror!

Well, that’s it for this month.

Have you tried the new Altras?  Do you ever wear a zero drop shoe?

Do you ever do errands after a run but before you shower? – I’m not a fan of this, but I’ll do it if I have to!


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32 Responses

  1. Speaking of showers – goodness I need one right now! I didn’t get a chance to shower at all yesterday and waking up I feel so…icky. It was hot and sunny, I exercised and just ugh.

    One happy result of my laser eye surgery is I have to wear sunglasses all the time outside; I feel like I can go out and about looking considerably more disheveled behind the “mask” of sunglasses – haha!

    1. Oh yes, sunglasses help! I can’t really wear them in the store though or I’ll look a little suspicious.
      Hope you got that shower today 🙂

  2. Haha Jenny – I get such a kick out of your Trader Joe’s experience. I have been there! Just standing at the checkout, chatting with the staff member, and then suddenly going cold with How Do I Look dread. 😂 Very relatable.

    I am still blown away that you are going to do a 50 mile race. Your dedication and confidence are so impressive and inspiring!

    1. I do have a strange amount of confidence that I can do this! Not sure where that comes from.
      This Trader Joe’s moment was especially bad. Luckily, all was well.

  3. No training plan?? You are a brave soul! Typically I’ll have my clients do back to back runs, for example a 12 and a 12 or for a 50, peak week might have a 12 and a 32 miler. Once I decided I’d run the few miles to a nearby car rental place to pick up a car. I felt like SUCH a sweaty mess when I walked up to the counter! Haha!

    1. So you’re a proponent of the back to backs! I’m definitely going to try it.
      The thing is… it’s so hot here, you’re always going to be a sweaty mess after a run. So- a shower is definitely preferable.

  4. I just did the math and 50 miles is 80 kilometers. Eeep.
    I feel absolutely sure that the Trader Joe people have seen much worse than a woman who has just finished a run! Mind you, during the pandemic I noticed my eye makeup had a tendency to melt while wearing a mask and I often had raccoon eyes so…

    1. Ha, I like the sound of 50 miles much better than 80 kilometers!
      I don’t know… our area is pretty upscale and people go to the grocery store looking REALLY nice. But not me, obviously.

  5. I’m always such a sweaty mess after a run – I usually clean up first before hitting the errands.

    That’s awesome that you’re taking on a 50-miler! If you’ve got shoes you like I say don’t try anything new. I like the wide toe box of the Altras but my body’s not a fan of zero drop.

    1. The wide toe box is sooooo nice. I love it.
      I’m usually a sweaty mess as well- I would much rather shower first, if possible.

  6. Have you thought about finding a 20 mile or 50K race nearby that you could do as a supported training run? I did that with a 30K trail race before my first ultra and it was nice not to have to plan the logistics of water + fuel for a long run, especially in the heat.

    When I started trail running, my first shoes were the Altra King MTs which I don’t think they make anymore. I liked them at first but then they bothered my Achilles so I don’t do zero drops anymore, but most of my shoes are lower drop, around 4 mm, which seems to work for me. But everyone is different!

    Haha your Trader Joe’s story is very relatable! Maybe I’m just a dirtbag but I very often go to the grocery store after my runs on the weekend without showering first!

    1. Well, I know there’s a trail race at the end of January, kind of nearby. I’m not sure of the distance options and it’s very sandy (ugh.) But it might be a fun training run. I”ll look into it.
      The Altra FWDs are 4mm drop, and maybe I shouldn’t try to go any lower than that, for now. The only reason I would try a zero drop is if I wanted an Altra trail shoe- but it’s probably not that important right now.

  7. LOL on the post-run grocery run. I runfess I don’t always change before popping into a store after a run. I never change before popping into Starbucks.

    It sounds like you have a good plan for your race. There is still time to try out new shoes before February — if you find a good pair. I would be worried about the zero drop change too though.

    1. I think it would have been better if it hadn’t been a 15 mile trail run- there was a lot of time out there and plenty of opportunities to get really dirty.

  8. I even sit in cafés after a run – sweaty shirt and all! But at least we always sit outdoors, haha!

    How about doing two runs in one day, the way the elite do it? I’ve never done it, but I would love to try it out in my next training cycle. Like 20 miles in the morning and then another 10 miles in the afternoon (for your 50-miler).

  9. I runfess I did the same thing after my Spooky 10K last weekend. I was in DSM & didn’t think to bring a change of clothes (I’m usually with Barb for these out of town shindigs, so I was out of my element, ha!). I did a quick wipe down & hip up Target before the 45-minute drive back home. I did grab a $1 pair of Halloween socks to swap out for my sweaty running socks, LOL.

    1. Ha, I probably would have bought a shirt as well! I don’t like sitting around in sweaty clothes- but I’m sure you were just fine to run into Target.

  10. Well, I agree that it is probably not the time to go switching shoes especially since you have had foot issues. Zero drop shoes take some getting used to . I tried a few times and nope my feet don’t like them. Doing your 2 long runs split like that sounds like a great plan to me. Excited for you!

    1. Thanks Deborah! I probably won’t end up switching shoes anytime soon, although I might just try on the zero drops. Hopefully the Altras I have now will continue to feel good and be my race shoe.

  11. Oh my goodness, Yes. I will pop into the grocery store or Target after a workout or run. I really don’t care, although I will usually toss a clean shirt in the car, and some deodorant just in case. If I go home and shower first, I lose all forward momentum.

    I love zero drop shoes for just existing, but they don’t work for me for running.

    1. I have the Altra Escalantes, which I wear in the gym and I love- but not for running. They really don’t have much support.

  12. I am often out and about and unshowered. It’s part of my disheveled mom look. I’m like the Mrs. Frazzle of child rearing, a La magic school bus. Sometimes I will wear a baseball hat to disguise my messy hair. I should probably care more than I do!!

    We don’t have a TJs close to us so I haven’t been there for years! I have a day off in mid November. Maybe I will go to one!

    My runfession is that I somehow managed to hurt my back last Sunday when I pushed taco in the stroller for over an hour. I guess I am not conditioned to push 50+ lbs for an hour plus. So I couldn’t run today which is probably for the best since I still have a nasty cough. We are really limping along here in the Segner house!

    1. Ugh, noooo! Yes, this has been quite a month for you guys.
      Every time you post a picture on your blog, you look good! So apparently you pull it together when it really counts. I think anyone with toddlers has a free pass to look “disheveled” every once in a while.

  13. I regularly work out and don’t shower! Am I gross? I’m a morning shower person and unless things are super sweaty, I don’t want to take multiple showers a day. But I do try to change out of my workout clothes before anyone sees me.

    1. If I so a strength workout and I’m not super sweaty I don’t always shower. And I think that’s fine! Running 15 minutes on a trail probably requires a shower though, ha ha.

  14. I do like the new Altras I ran in them again today… I think I will stick to my Topos Specters though for the marathon. Not sure why.

    I prefer low drop 4-5mm. Not zero. I have Lone Peak but they are 0 drop. I wear than to walk the trails but not run. I have some Topos but don’t love them either. But I don’t race on tails.

    Yes on TJs. I went today… and bought a lot of pumpkin stuff plus, meat, fruit. No I don’t shower usually before I shop if it’s on the way home from a run.

    1. The Altras feel SO good on my feet! But you’ve been running in the Topos for a long time, so you’re probably more comfortable with them for the marathon. I like wearing zero drop at the gym (I have an old pair of Altra Escalante) but not for running. But… I still might try out the Lone Peaks.

  15. I am so happy I live close to a Trader Joe’s. 🙂 And yes, I have popped in there after a run before… a little sweaty, but I don’t think I was the worst dressed in the store LOL
    Which soymilk from Trader Joe’s do you refer to – is that the green-white tetra pak one? I think I had that one before, but I prefer the Organic Silk Unsweet Soy Milk.

    1. Yes, that’s it. I just like it because it doesn’t have a lot of weird ingredients. But if I can’t get that, I like the Silk unsweetened as well.

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