walkers walk… but runners fly

One of those days…

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

-Mike Tyson

Maybe it’s because I didn’t sleep well last night, but I had one of those days where I felt so burned out from all the trying and coping I’ve been doing lately.  Then I heard someone use that quote and I couldn’t get it out of my mind.

Most of the time I’m pretty cheerful and optimistic, but the last year and a half kind of felt like being punched in the face over and over again.  Not in a violent way, but in a “didn’t see that coming!” kind of way.

I could list all the things I’m tired of, and all the hopes and plans that came to nothing, but we’ve all been in the pandemic together, so there’s no need.  One thing I’m especially tired of is not being able to run, but luckily there was this:

This picture was from Monday morning, and just looking at it makes me hopeful again.   Yes!  There will be running!  And sunshine!  Life goes on.

I guess it’s time to make some new plans.

Do you feel like the pandemic made you more optimistic, or pessimistic?

Do you get depressed when you can’t run? – Oh yes.

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14 Responses

  1. IAt is easy to get tired and overwhelmed when you are returning from injury. it is so frustrating. Hang with it you will snap back soon. I also think we all go through times of feeling overwhelmed and tired. Do something for yourself this weekend!

  2. Woot for running! I’ve had a lot of “those days” in the past few months when my job imploded. Yes it’s all going to be OK, but I think it’s important to take a moment to have the feels and say “whoa…not cool” to the universe.

    The pandemic was a mixed bag for me. I became happier in my personal life with the extra time at home with my family, and being able to work from home is an excellent improvment in my life. Seeing the state of the world and all of the suffering and inequality…that’s not so good.

  3. I definitely feel more down when I can’t run. I went through a long injury a few years ago that sort of helped me realize that I couldn’t rely on running to make me happy. (not that I was only relying on running, but you know what I mean). I think in a lot of ways the pandemic made me more pessimistic. Even now I’m still feeling like i won’t ever feel back to “normal”.

    1. It’s funny because yesterday I was feeling pessimistic, but today I feel better and want to cheer you up, ha ha. I think it’s going to be ahile before we really start feeling “normal” again.

  4. Luckily I enjoy a variety of fitness. I wasn’t able to (or rather didn’t want to) run this week. It was tiring: sometimes running helps, and sometimes it doesn’t. Then again, I haven’t had to be off running as long as you. Still I’ll probably have to rebuild mileage. Again.

    Normally I am optimistic but yes, even before the pandemic a lot of things beyond my control we’re wearing me down. I do try to believe that this too shall pass, but it’s also important to feel our feelings !

    1. That’s a great point Judy. Sometimes I feel guilty when I get down- so many people have it worse, etc. There are times you just have to let yourself feel bad and then move on.

  5. I’m one of the few who actually came out of the pandemic more optimistic (and I have been shamed for it by a few negative Nellies). No doubt, it was a tough time, and there was so much unknown and constant worry/anxiety/depression and loss. I also think it brought about a lot of positive things, though, like more family time, less indulgences, and appreciation for the “little things” we often take for granted.

      1. Okay, strangest thing Kim but your comments weren’t in my spam but in my trash! I found a few other people’s comments there as well! I don’t understand it. I’ll try to figure out what’s going on, and in the meantime thanks for letting me know (and being persistent!)

    1. Yes, there were definitely good things that came out of the pandemic. Usually I see it that way… every once in a while I just have a weirdly grumpy day.

  6. I definitely get depressed when I can’t run. I know others say just do some other things. But they don’t make me as happy as running.

    I try to be optimistic and focus on the good like I am still alive but it doesn’t always work.

    Fortunately all my injuries have been temporary.

    I’m sure yours will be too.

    1. Thanks Darlene! Yes, I always do other exercise when I can’t run but I agree- it’s just not the same.

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