walkers walk… but runners fly

Patriotic Eating

In honor of the DNC, I made another batch of Kamala Kookies!!



Yep, several people guessed it- WALZ WAFFLES!  The state muffin of Minnesota is the blueberry muffin, so I added blueberries.  But I’m going to say that between now and November, any waffles can be Walz Waffles!

As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure Tim Walz would not endorse these waffles.  I used this recipe for vegan almond flour waffles.  All things considered, they were pretty good, although not everyone would agree with me.  The website has several other healthy waffle recipes, including  “one ingredient flax waffles.”  I’m intrigued- but also pretty sure those would taste horrible.  I’m going to have to try them at some point though.

In other eating news, I got some great suggestions on last week’s eating post.  Everyone was sympathetic to my plight!  I asked for advice on easy dinner bowls; several people suggested Trader Joe’s items, and Alice suggested veggie sushi bowls.  LOTS of great ideas.

Of course, Sunday rolled around and I didn’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.  I did roast broccoli, squash and cauliflower, marinated tofu, and made Nora’s Buffalo Mac n Cheese for my daughter and husband.  Definitely not a health food, but they love it.  They had that for dinner on Sunday and Monday (while I had baked sweet potatoes with roasted veggies and chickpeas) and then tonight we had bowls!

My husband and I had quinoa, and my daughter had white rice.  We all had roasted vegetables and tofu with a peanut sauce.  Everyone was happy!

Tomorrow I’m going to Trader Joe’s to get more sauce options, and for dinner we’ll have something similar to tonight’s dinner, but with a different sauce (I’m also marinating some tempeh.). Thursday night neither my husband or daughter are eating dinner at home- that always helps- and Friday will be takeout again.  Phew.  I think I can do this!

Does your state have an official muffin? – Ours doesn’t- Florida is so boring.

Top photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash

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25 Responses

  1. According to the interwebs, CA is Poppyseed. Who knew?! I have to admit, I thought your cookies were going to be shaped like something, Kamala’s head maybe? Or maybe frosted with something, like blue frosting?

    Good luck with the dinners! My go tos when I’m feeling lazy is baked potato bar, taco bar, tofu stir fry, or breakfast for dinner.

    1. I know- I have to have a better tie-in to Kamala Harris with those cookies. As it is now, it doesn’t make much sense. I tried to think of a way to describe the cookies that would also describe Harris- ‘healthy and strong…” no, that doesn’t quite work. I’ll have to think about this more.

  2. I had no idea that there was such a thing as state muffins. But I knew you’d be making waffles!
    “One ingredient flax waffle” – if it’s one ingredient, wouldn’t that just be…flax?

    1. Ha ha… yes, it’s ground flax seed and water. I should have linked to the recipe- not that anyone would want to make it! But they come out looking like waffles… so I’m intrigued.

  3. I am here for Kamala cookies and Walz waffles. We don’t have a state muffin, though our go to in my house is banana bread muffins with chocolate chips.

    Yay for you getting to eat what you want for dinner!

    1. So you’re kind of eating the Kamala Kookies, but in muffin form.
      Yes, I’m pretty happy with my own dinners this week!

  4. I love the idea of Walz waffles! The internet doesn’t have a ready answer, but the Michigan state muffin might be blueberry? So we’re Walz wafflers already!
    I’ve known people to put all sorts of things in a waffle iron–I myself have put hash browns and felafels so the kids could carry them as a snack.

    1. Yes, I think the flax waffles were inspired by the keto waffles people make using just eggs. Hmm, falafel in the waffle iron? I’m intrigued!

  5. I did not know we had a state muffin! I don’t think of Minnesota as the heartland for blueberries, though! I would have expected something with rhubarb since that is tough to grow in other climates. I know there are very mixed views on that fruit but it’s quite good in desserts.

    I’m glad you’ve had some wins on the meal prep front. Bowl meals are such a good idea. Our kids don’t really like rice or any other bases but hopefully that changes as they get older!

    1. Consider yourself lucky! Not every state has a muffin.
      i would be completely sunk if my daughter didn’t like rice. Actually I’m really hope she doesn’t get sick of it, because then what will I do? Noodle bowls?

  6. The waffles look really good — I very much prefer waffles over pancakes and the blueberries make it even better!

    Arizona doesn’t have a state muffin either but apparently our state pie is the cactus pie, with the filling made from prickly pear juice. I can’t say I’ve ever seen this served anywhere but I do like prickly pear things!

    1. Hmm, that seems kind of random. LIke someone said “what sounds desert-y?” and they decided, cactus! I would say you have to try it, but it might be very hard to find a vegan cactus pie anywhere.

    1. Okay, that sounds good! I’m pretty sure you could just take a different muffin recipe- like apple- and put in mango instead.

  7. A state muffin?!?! I did not know such a thing existed! I don’t like the one for my state so I will continue to pretend such a thing doesn’t exist. I love your Walz Waffles! How fun!

  8. Kamala cookies and Walz waffles! Yay! One ingredient anything baked is weird to me. I tried one ingredient ice cream (spoiler alert – bananas) and it tasted like…bananas. Good for giving a treat to your dog, though!

  9. Wisco does not have a state muffin, although cranberries are the state fruit. This I learned in a Google search. That will be my new fact for the day. That, and that some states have state muffins, which seems like a silly use of a state’s legislature’s time, but I guess I’m boring by your standards!

  10. You know that Tim Walz is a runner!!

    And I looked it up. NYS has muffin- Apple muffin. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one… soon it will be apple picking season here. I love apple pies and apple crisp.

    Good luck with your meal planning.

  11. LOL on the Walz Waffles!

    I’ve resisted the sheet pan craze but last week I succumbed and did sheet pan cherry tomatoes, chick peas, and feta and served it over pasta and it was amazing!

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